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January Wrasslin' |OT| Big Month John


Parts of it work but the cracks show when it's obvious they're just giving company responses

Maybe it's on the host for bringing stuff like that up, but I have to imagine that someone's just feeding him shit to get people to tune in (and be disappointed)

I'd also appreciate if they abstained from the Brock Lesnar storyline shit, it's dumb to have Heyman in promo mode for one question but then the rest is casual radio talk

It actually seems like a show I'd want to watch if they cut the bullshit, so we'll see I guess. Give them a few weeks to attempt to figure their shit out and see where it goes. A show just talking about rumors/speculation/whatever could even be cool if it was more positive than "rabble rabble fans just complain"

I'm guessing it's like everything else, they have to work it till they figure out what works. Like you, I can see the format being fun.

When I watched sports, I used to be a big fan of PTI.


we should have a list of all the people paying for the network in this thread, that way we can collectively disregard their complaints

And we can call it the list of imbask
since we disregard everything you say anyway

Kenny shoot

Sometimes I feel like there is no hope,” continued Omega. “There are guys that will get good real quick, and then they’ll stay that way—they’re happy to have a job and they’re scared to lose that job on top of it. Everyone is afraid to stand out, everyone is afraid to make history. They just want to be a normal motherf----- in wrestling, being a wrestler, collecting a paycheck, then telling their friends, ‘I’m a ‘WWE Superstar.’ For me, that’s the worst s--- ever


Bring it to the Table sounds like a thing Vince quickly thought up of because he was pissed at everyone calling out how shit his product is
Sounds more like a Triple H or Stephanie idea tbh. I don't remember a time Vince ever dissed the Internet so much, rather through plot hole thinned storylines and expecting his dumb audience to buy it.


I would be against wrestlers showing contempt if "smark"fans today weren't as entitled,bitter, and product-ruining as they have ever been in the company's history.
Wow was RAW bad. And that Network show after was unreal, two guests ripping the host for 45 min, and calling the fans stupid.

Awesome stuff.

Im also getting tired of the advocate line, I cant wait to never hear it again.
I enjoy the idea for that show after Raw, but bah gawd is this really what they think of their fans? Do they just sit there going LOL THE STUPID NERDS COMPLAINING ON THE INTERNET ARE ALWAYS GONNA COMPLAIN LOL WAH WAH WAH.

If you're a fan of their company but above like the age of like, 7 you're basically an idiot Internet person who just likes to criticize everything automatically. "We're not wrong no, you guys just love to complain, even if we changed you'd just complain about that too!" etc.


Ditch the 'edgy' corporate shill guests who think they aren't corporate shills (but are) and just have the discussion with legit people. But I guess that would never be on a WWE sanctioned thing.

Heyman shouting at the host and being sarcastic with every answer is not interesting.
Omega vs. Okada, Naito vs. Tanahashi, and Shibata vs. Goto should be great. KUSHIDA vs. Takahashi should be very good, if they limit the Los Ingobernables interference. The NEVER tag gauntlet should be pretty fun.


I haven't seen a new Luncha underground gif in forever,has is been that bad?

There have been a couple of high points. Mil/Puma had a good Grave Consequences match, there was a good episode where Pentagon fought the Black Lotus Triad, and I thought this seasons Aztec Warfare was pretty fun. Apart from that though... the quality has definitely dropped by quite a bit. This season doesn't really feel like it's going anywhere.
Del Rio in the past year has been so wild that it's almost admirable.

So was the nightclub thing with him fighting his brother true or was it a work like some people were saying it was?
Meltzer said he and his brother beat someone up at a nightclub, got arrested, and then del rio knocked out his brother at the police station.
The definitive lista of imbasks aka jabronie marks without a life that don't know it a work when you work a work and work yourself into a shoot 2017 edition


Fes up boyz.


Decided I'm going to do my first WK live. It's 5 hours right? So I'll probably just get no sleep tonight.

Better be at least four 4+ star classics.

Ah shit I forgot how long it was.
It starts at three and I have to leave for work at 5:30.... 6 at the latest.
So it is not worth staying up for, I will have to go dark tonight and catch it tomorrow night.
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