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January Wrasslin' |OT| Big Month John


It gets better every time. Almost brings a tear to a man's eye.

It was in okc where the guy on the right helped me and my buddy sneak backstage after the show and we got to wait for the wrestlers going to their cars. It was before he was a ninja and He was a truck driver for them. Basically Kenny Powers helped me see Luger yell at the road crew in the way to his rental vehicle.


After seeing those awful screenshots of the PS4 Tekken 7, I'm not hyped at all for it. It's like we're back in the 90's when arcade versions were vastly superior to home console ports.
The ending of Raw was so fucking terrible. Owens was made to look like a total chump, all still trying to get Reigns over.

The people who hate Reigns and know the push isn't organic are the people who know who Goldberg is.


In case you missed WWE outright saying they hate their fans for saying 3 hours is too long, they officially uploaded it to Youtube for free https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uBhtn5uMYQ

The still before you click play is all three of the panelists smiling, one outright laughing

JBL's not wrong in that it makes them a ton of money but it ignores the long-term damage to the brand they are doing. He's also right that it's not like they can change that mid-contract.


In case you missed WWE outright saying they hate their fans for saying 3 hours is too long, they officially uploaded it to Youtube for free https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uBhtn5uMYQ

The still before you click play is all three of the panelists smiling, one outright laughing
I can barely make it through the video.

Its almost impossible to recommend to people not already into wrestling to start watching raw.

Plus JBL saying that the cruiserweight has segments now?

Yeah the TV contracts pay money right now but what prevents NBC from paying less like they did the last time negotiations because 3 hours just isn't viable to grow the product?

Even HHH admitted that 3 hours was fucking tough to write for in that Austin interview.

It really is amazing how much contempt WWE has for their fans especially the ones willing to pay extra to watch their product AND watch a 4th hour of wrestling in one night.

Fans wouldn't give a shit about the length if the product was hot but with the way they make guys work 2 to 3 matches or segments every night and a commentary team that isn't credibly over with the majority of their fans it drags.


I need to rewatch Nakamura vs Ibushi before WK11 tomorrow.

Shit, there's a lot of matches I need to re-experience. And watch for the first time. I dropped the ball hard on New Japan in 2016. Screw it, that's my resolution this year: watch a lot more New Japan.


Yeah the TV contracts pay money right now but what prevents NBC from paying less like they did the last time negotiations because 3 hours just isn't viable to grow the product?

I expect NBC to fuck them over hardcore on the contacts next time no matter what the Raw rating is. It's not like they have anywhere else to go.


I can barely make it through the video.

Its almost impossible to recommend to people not already into wrestling to start watching raw.

Plus JBL saying that the cruiserweight has segments now?

Yeah the TV contracts pay money right now but what prevents NBC from paying less like they did the last time negotiations because 3 hours just isn't viable to grow the product?

Even HHH admitted that 3 hours was fucking tough to write for in that Austin interview.

It really is amazing how much contempt WWE has for their fans especially the ones willing to pay extra to watch their product AND watch a 4th hour of wrestling in one night.

Fans wouldn't give a shit about the length if the product was hot but with the way they make guys work 2 to 3 matches or segments every night and a commentary team that isn't credibly over with the majority of their fans it drags.

jbl and heyman played company mouth piece #1 and #2 in that shit. it was gross.

at one point one of them shits on UFC for having their big stars fight each other over and over again to the point where the fans didn't care anymore... unlike goldberg vs brock, which is apparently a GENIUS program because it is being spread across multiple ppvs.

www. shitting on the idea of big names burning out by having too many fights in quick succession. i can't even.
Becky is in my fave 10 (she would be in my 5 if her promos were better)


Jesus, Heyman is fucking insufferable in that video

That was him the entire 45 min show lol. At least Heyman doesn't qualify himself by saying INTERNET WRESTLING FANS. He just says WWE Fans everyone has internet now and talks about stuff online using social media n such. Its really dumb when that term is used considering WWE tells people to go on social media to discuss stuff. STUPID!


jbl and heyman played company mouth piece #1 and #2 in that shit. it was gross.

at one point one of them shits on UFC for having their big stars fight each other over and over again to the point where the fans didn't care anymore... unlike goldberg vs brock, which is apparently a GENIUS program because it is being spread across multiple ppvs.

www. shitting on the idea of big names burning out by having too many fights in quick succession. i can't even.
Goldberg was brought in because of fucking 2k.

For years he wanted to wrestle again and Vince and HHH were still bitter that in 2003 he wanted more money after fufilling his contracted dates.

They UFC is coming off a record year where they made a shit ton of money on PPV (which Vince was convinced was dead) and they sold the company for fucking 4 billion dollars. They created and promoted mega stars that ventured into pop culture to a point where WWE is trying to hire them like a Mile Tyson or Pamela Anderson.

WWE has control of their booking unlike the UFC and they haven't been able to get over anyone except Cena (and that was mostly Rocks feud) since 2004.


Becky is in my fave 5


That was him the entire 45 min show lol. At least Heyman doesn't qualify himself by saying INTERNET WRESTLING FANS. He just says WWE Fans everyone has internet now and talks about stuff online using social media n such. Its really dumb when that term is used considering WWE tells people to go on social media to discuss stuff. STUPID!

I definitely agree on that point.



This was their respond when somebody showed off their love of the product by wearing clothing they sell to adults.

We may mock it here but these are the people the WWE should be going over backwards to love. Hell this is a pre show which the majority of people are watching on a service they pay extra for with him talking about his love for their reality spin off show on E!

But this is how they feel about everyone buying a ticket to the show. "Look at these fucking marks paying for this shit, don't they know it's fucking fake?" , "How dare these marks have an opinion on the product, how's their promotion going?"

This is why Austin's podcasts were great. You can't say that shit while looking at a man who was the biggest draw of all time and somebody who had to claw his fucking way to get their.


Ha, Undertaker AND HBK on RAW next week, Vince must have been really pissed off about the ratings last time.
They are going up against a big college football game.

In the middle of Rumble season they have to do something to at least stay competitive.


You might know the answer to this: when did wrestlers first start publicly showing contempt like this? Previously guys would need to maintain Kayefabe . I can't see Dusty Rhodes, Verne Gagne, or even Flair doing this.

Is this a Russo after affect? Something Livewire or the magazine started. An attitude era thing or something that just happened with the death of wrestlers maintaing Kayefabe?

I mean people always knew wrestling was fixed even if they didn't understand shoot holds.

You might know the answer to this: when did wrestlers first start publicly showing contempt like this? Previously guys would need to maintain Kayefabe . I can't see Dusty Rhodes, Verne Gagne, or even Flair doing this.

Is this a Russo after affect? Something Livewire or the magazine started. An attitude era thing or something that just happened with the death of wrestlers maintaing Kayefabe?

I mean people always knew wrestling was fixed even if they didn't understand shoot holds.


Maybe all the people/critics thinking they know how to run a business combined with them being the only act in town are making the WWE clap back.


JBL's not wrong in that it makes them a ton of money but it ignores the long-term damage to the brand they are doing. He's also right that it's not like they can change that mid-contract.
I still don't understand why the contract insists on 3 hours of shitty RAW programming when they could easily intersplice some off-arena content, interviews and promo packages into their RAW show (i.e. storytelling / character building) and make it a far more cohesive package.

I mean, they split off half the roster and brought in a bunch of unknown cruiserweight jobbers to fly around between purple ropes while still calling the show RAW so I think it's a load of BS that they can't reinvigorate the weekly product with more compelling programming without violating their contract.


Maybe all the people/critics thinking they know how to run a business combined with them being the only act in town are making the WWE clap back.

Most of the concern has been over creative decisions.

From a fan perspective the Network switch was a great move as it saves fans money but from a business move it was dumb and the fact that they can't get to 2 million nevermind the 4 million subscriber goal is proof.

Most of the issues people have with the product is the personal taste of the people who run it that is either irrelvant to the bottom line or in some cases hurting it.

The production camera style, corparateized language, a commentary team nobody trusts or likes, interviewers reading scripts and being afraid to look into the camera, 50 50 booking leading to a roster of Dolph Zigglers, Vinces personal bias towards height and muscles, an unwillingness to give Roman a heel turn even for a bit.

I was never a huge fan of Romans but he's improved light years since his failed Rumble and Mania main event and in comparison to Rollins and Ambrose he's the only one that didn't decline in the past 2 years with his performances.

That's what most of the complaints are. I've been to events with fucks chanting for Benoit or people wearing Hogan shit but that type of wrestling fan isn't the majority yet. Maybe if the popularity dwindles even more it will be but for now there is plenty of valid criticism that shouldn't be wiped of as "wow you fucking mark you pays us for this shit"


They are going up against a big college football game.

In the middle of Rumble season they have to do something to at least stay competitive.
The truth is these arrogant pieces of shit care more about how they are perceived personally than they'd ever do about ratings, because if they cared about ratings they'd get their heads out of their asses, recognize the problems, and would actually start working on getting those numbers and sustaining them, instead of these lazy, stupid and ineffective decisions of bringing a bunch of old guys for a 5 minute segment every time they are in risk of scoring an all time low

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I don't know, I have to be impressed by the sheer level of balls Vince is showing in continuing to push Roman despite the fact he's been pushing Roman for longer than Stone Cold's entire reign as the top guy and Roman still isn't over. Like, there's nobody left to raise Roman's hand and declare him the best at wrestling unless Vince is willing to pay Stone Cold enough money to come out out retirement to put Roman over.


I don't know, I have to be impressed by the sheer level of balls Vince is showing in continuing to push Roman despite the fact he's been pushing Roman for longer than Stone Cold's entire reign as the top guy and Roman still isn't over. Like, there's nobody left to raise Roman's hand and declare him the best at wrestling.

Dave Batista post GotG
Bill Goldberg (Spear vs Spear is right up Vinces alley for booking)

There are still plenty of people he can feed to Roman if he pays them enough.


The truth is these arrogant pieces of shit care more about how they are perceived personally than they'd ever do about ratings, because if they cared about ratings they'd get their heads out of their asses, recognize the problems, and would actually start working on getting those numbers and sustaining them, instead of these lazy, stupid and ineffective decisions of bringing a bunch of old guys for a 5 minute segment every time they are in risk of scoring an all time low

I watched this a few weeks ago, seemed relevant. I know, Max Landis, but as he is a consultant writer for these shows, it was especially interesting.

I actually think at the end of the vid, Max thinks he was right, but was too much of a fan of Seth to argue.



Dave Batista post GotG
Bill Goldberg (Spear vs Spear is right up Vinces alley for booking)

There are still plenty of people he can feed to Roman if he pays them enough.
Problem is... the heavy-handed forced-feeding is what ultimately undercuts any Roman build no matter who puts him over. That and the fact that he's overly scripted, terribly inorganic and they refuse to turn him heel or do anything more than the forced Cena booking that John was able to overcome because of his in-ring ability, charisma and showmanship. Natural gifts that even an improved Roman Reigns lacks.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Dave Batista post GotG
Bill Goldberg (Spear vs Spear is right up Vinces alley for booking)

There are still plenty of people he can feed to Roman if he pays them enough.

Like, the Cena comparisons don't even make sense. Cena is still a top draw at house shows and a top merch seller. Roman's never been the top merch seller or a big house show draw. And that's completely separated from the fact that Roman isn't anywhere near as good as Cena at anything to do with wrestling.

Roman can put on a good match, but it's not like Cena can't, because AJ Styles consistently put on great matches with both guys.


Like, the Cena comparisons don't even make sense. Cena is still a top draw at house shows and a top merch seller. Roman's never been the top merch seller or a big house show draw. That's considering that separated from the fact that Roman isn't anywhere near as good as Cena at anything to do with wrestling.
The comparisons to Cena stem from the kind of push WWE gives Roman (always face, battling back against the odds, wisecracks, sterling win-loss record in an era where everyone gets 50/50 booked to hell and back).

It certainly doesn't stem from anywhere else. They're trying to fit the square peg Cena booking into the round hole that is Roman Reigns. It doesn't work for him. Just like it wouldn't work for anyone not named John Cena.

You can't force inorganic pushes. That's what the WWE has been doing a lot of lately ("this worked for Daniel Bryan so it MUST also work for Sami Zayn") and it's undermined the build for a lot of guys who don't have the freedom to inject themselves into their own creative development.

Roman can put on a good match, but it's not like Cena can't, because AJ Styles consistently put on great matches with both guys.
Roman can be carried to a good match. But he can't lead. That's another thing Cena has over him... of course, it would be impossible to miss Cena leading thanks to his vocal spot calling in the ring now that he's in his part-time phase.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I mean, I think they'd be wasting an opportunity to have AJ Styles in a huge spot at WrestleMania, but I'd love to see the dude taking on Sami Zayn or Finn Balor if it was possible. But then again, it's Vince so he's probably in a 7 man ladder match for bragging rights.
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