That schoolboy powerbomb has to go.
He looks like he's going to blow out his back every time he does it.
That schoolboy powerbomb has to go.
That'll definitely be great for business. Anyone in particular?More like he'd be the guy to allow more people other than his group of bozos to help.
Roman needs to stop trying to pick people up for that powerbomb, leave it to Strong Cara.
He's no Cesaro or Brock.Roman needs to stop trying to pick people up for that powerbomb, leave it to Strong Cara.
More like he'd be the guy to allow more people other than his group of bozos to help.
That schoolboy powerbomb has to go.
Heyman definitely needs to be in there.That'll definitely be great for business. Anyone in particular?
It's sad that Hunico could pull off that move on Tyler Breeze literally 3-4 times as fast as Roman Reigns and yet we have to watch at Roman laughably struggle while Cole chirps "WHAT POWER" into the mic as if he's fooling anybody.Just give it back to Hunico/Sin Cara Negro
Yeah Regal and Rhodes were the guys who really put in majority of the work. It sucks that Virgil is dead.Isn't that the exact thing that Triple H is praised for doing with NXT? He delegates responsibilities and trusts the opinions of guys other than himself.
I almost think it's some kind of rib at this point. Why make him continue to use a move he clearly cannot do well? It's practically sabotage of everyone's favorite "Roman is Strong" narrative.That schoolboy powerbomb has to go.
Heyman definitely needs to be in there.
Bring JR back.
Bring back Cornette.
Bring back Russo but filter him and keep him and Jim C separated.
Ask Bill Watts for pointers on what could work nowadays since business is flat as it once was.
Get rid of these soap writers
Get rid of Dunn.
Just a few things I have in mind right now.
Brock took everyone to suplex city.Shit I fell asleep at the Owens/Reigns bit.
What happened at the end?
Part of the reason NXT and WWE are so different is because HHH wants to get rid of Dunn and company, and Dunn is holding on for dear life in terms of power. Once Vince goes; I think Steph goes full scale corporate job and HHH brings in his booking team (the NXT team) to move forward.
My only problem with Hunter is the fact that he has to have himself in the middle of everything and the grudges that he holds. They claim to know what's best for business but they do a lot of terrible business.Part of the reason NXT and WWE are so different is because HHH wants to get rid of Dunn and company, and Dunn is holding on for dear life in terms of power. Once Vince goes; I think Steph goes full scale corporate job and HHH brings in his booking team (the NXT team) to move forward.
how was raw?
100% trueEven the commercials were great. Watch the whole three hours.
My only problem with Hunter is the fact that he has to have himself in the middle of everything and the grudges that he holds. They claim to know what's best for business but they do a lot of terrible business.
We'll see.If he has the same role on Raw once he's in charge that he does on NXT now, I'd be totally fine with that.
My only problem with Hunter is the fact that he has to have himself in the middle of everything and the grudges that he holds. They claim to know what's best for business but they do a lot of terrible business.
You know Hunter won't miss a moment to have someone get him over. I didn't know who Mojo was until I googled him. He looks like a waste.I love how he takes pictures with everyone in NXT that's over like he trained these guys for 10 plus years and is responsible for their entire careers. Take a picture with Mojo Rawley and post that shit.
I love how he takes pictures with everyone in NXT that's over like he trained these guys for 10 plus years and is responsible for their entire careers. Take a picture with Mojo Rawley and post that shit.
Apparently they want to be taken as seriously as the product they're writing about.Forbes needs to stop writing about wrestling. They're horrible at this shit. 5 wrestlers who could be opponents for Lesnar at WM, the first guy is Austin.
Why are people yearning for a shane comeback when his last one wasn't even that good? He couldn't even do the coast to coast drop kick anymore.
They're doing a great job thenApparently they want to be taken as seriously as the product they're writing about.
I knew this was coming.Best pure striker in the McMahon family.
I like how Becky didn't even remember her own match and said she made Charlotte tap out when in fact both of their matches ended in roll ups off a Ric Flair distraction.
Wait, I thought Smackdown was non-canonDid you watch the SD match? Charlotte tapped but Flair put Charlotte's foot on the ropes. So yeah, she did make her tap.
Oh yeah I forgot that happened because it's SmackDown and SD is non canonDid you watch the SD match? Charlotte tapped but Flair put Charlotte's foot on the ropes. So yeah, she did make her tap.
Can't decide who has the best kicks in Stardom wrestling in Japan.
The Reigns smile at the end, the same as WM, is a punch drunk "god damn he beat my ass bad, feels like I got hit by a truck, but hey I ain't dead yet" sadistic sort of emotion. It was great then and is great now.Morphing into Smiling Cena. No Sell Everything