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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon

At this point I fully believe that the divas division exists exclusively so that the office can hand-pick super hot chicks for the boys/privileged executives to get with.

There's a good bit of people from the company from the 2000s who have actually said this. They said Laurinaitis started hiring models to wrestle so the boys could have some fun time with them. According to Balls Mahoney's latest shoot interview, Layla started banging people as soon as she got there.
WWE signs former male athletes, models, and body builders. People get used to it.

WWE signs former female athletes, models, and body builders. People think they're personnel fuck toys.

Kinda kinda kinda weird.

it's almost as if there is a long documented history of women in pro-wrestling being used to keep the boys entertained on the road. almost...

There's a good bit of people from the company from the 2000s who have actually said this. They said Laurinaitis started hiring models to wrestle so the boys could have some fun time with them. According to Balls Mahoney's latest shoot interview, Layla started banging people as soon as she got there.

Layla came in at the same time as Kelly, right?


So not worth it
Luckily times have changed and almost every woman in WWE is in a committed relationship nowadays so we don't have to be sexist fucks and call them glorified fuck toys anymore, amirite guys?

I haven't laughed this hard in a long time.

Thanks and good morning


Luckily times have changed and almost every woman in WWE is in a committed relationship nowadays so we don't have to be sexist fucks and call them glorified fuck toys anymore, amirite guys?

Yeah. Now you can just call them glorified punching bags.
One of these days he'll snap like Ken Shamrock.

hope so.

punching someone while they're on fetal position crying and calling for his mommy, what a rush. maybe you've shouldn't start rumours about me stealing school supplies, you fuckin cunt.
by cunt i don't mean you, bean, but the other guy.


I only got into one fight as a kid. I slapped the kid because I was afraid that I'd look like a bitch if I punched him and it didn't hurt. But the slap made him cry. I also did some SHOOT STOs and a SHOOT camel clutch on the kid.


that's just a normal beard, dude

Kinda obvious ones, Frank is Vince, Mac is Triple H, Sweet Dee is Steph. She has the bird look down and everything! I dunno who would be Charlie or Dennis :(
That's why it's not obvious! Need the whole gang! Would Trips be Dennis or Mac? Would Vince be Mac because they're both secretly gay?

when I was a little kid I applied a crippler crossface to my cousin's buddy who was like 25 at the time. made him cry lol
it's almost as if there is a long documented history of women in pro-wrestling being used to keep the boys entertained on the road. almost...

Layla came in at the same time as Kelly, right?

Pro wrestling has a long documented history of all kinds of shit. Like, awful, terrible, legitimately bad shit. Dudes aren't jumping in the back of pickup trucks to whoop on marks after a bar fight anymore.

You know what has an even longer history in pro wrestling? Bullshit rumors coming straight from the mouths of wrestlers. It's 2014 and the vast majority of that is gone within WWE. You know, the massive, publicly traded entity that had the owner's wife run for federal office in a highly publicized race.

The girls being hired by WWE are ex athletes, models, and body builders. They're all hot as shit.

The men being hired by WWE are ex athletes, models, and body builders. They're all hot as shit.

Both groups are generally in their early to mid 20s. A little younger sometimes. Little older other times. You got a bunch of hot, competitive, young, bored people traveling on the road 90% of their lives. What the fuck do you think they're going to do? It's not rocket science here.

I sincerely doubt that women in todays 2014 ass WWE are sex props anymore than women in the Olympic Village are sex props. It's just a bunch of hot young people boning. And most of them are boning within relationships! Hell, I wouldn't even say most.


At this point I fully believe that the divas division exists exclusively so that the office can hand-pick super hot chicks for the boys/privileged executives to get with.
that's the point. banging fans on the road can lead to lawsuits and all sorts of legal problem. that way they fix the issue.
I "get" that and all. But why do fans have to be subjected to the awfulness that is the Divas division (terrible negative star matches, garbage booking, terrible selling, no rope running, roll-up pins, etc.) in order for that concept to work? Can't they just hire these "models" to be part of the ring crew or part of the makeup department or something? Why waste TV and pay-per-view segments on them when they're just glorified prostitutes?

Or is that the hook? You get hotter chicks because they'll think they'll springboard some kind of career after wrestling when the only ones that have made it work are like Keibler and Stratus?


They hire good-looking people to put them on television, not just because they have an arbitrary goal to employ good-looking people.


Cause they're not supposed to be "glorified prostitutes" little girls are supposed to look up to face divas the way a little boy would Cena. Not saying anyone is that over or talented as Cena, but that's their purpose.

Seen soo many little girls get hype for the Bellas at a house show.


So not worth it
You can have women's wrestling and hot women at the same time.

The wresting models all fail. Have the models come in as valets or something like the Nitro Girls that do some cheerleading stuff.

How it is now is the models are generally hated and boo'd because they're not any good at wrestling and people will only get behind girls that are actually performing in the ring. Besides, if they actually have the division full of workers they can actually book matches without being afraid of exposing how fucking awful the likes of Kelly Kelly are.

But in 2014, I think people are much less into the blonde bimbo type anyways, they're much more into girl next door types like AJ, Paige, Emma or Naomi. People who are hot and passionate about what they do are far more appealing.
Besides when my friends and I used to beat each other up for fun in high school during the attitude era I've been in two "fights". Once my Dad tried to double leg takedown me and I put him in a full nelson while my mom screamed she was going to call the cops on us and another time when my best friend was in an argument with my then girlfriend/now wife and he said some shit I didn't like and I just stepped inbetween them and uppercutted him in the gut.
But why do fans have to be subjected to the awfulness that is the Divas division (terrible negative star matches, garbage booking, terrible selling, no rope running, roll-up pins, etc.) in order for that concept to work?

no idea, i guess there's always one that they can get some merch sales out from.


The wresting models all fail. Have the models come in as valets or something like the Nitro Girls that do some cheerleading stuff.
Having them come in as valets is fine. Especially if they develop some semblance of a personality and DON'T wrestle unless they get trained for it and actually develop an affinity for it. Trish went that route, for instance. Summer Rae is being used perfectly in her current role... as one example.


Flips upon flips into a move on the ring apron?

He takes: A reverse rana, followed by a Yakuza kick, followed by another reverse rana, followed by a dropkick in the corner, followed by a brainbuster. He kicked out at 2. About 30 seconds later, he was running around the ring full clip throwing kicks and elbows and showboating to the crowd. I have a gif of it, don't worry.


He takes: A reverse rana, followed by a Yakuza kick, followed by another reverse rana, followed by a dropkick in the corner, followed by a brainbuster. He kicked out at 2. About 30 seconds later, he was running around the ring full clip throwing kicks and elbows and showboating to the crowd. I have a gif of it, don't worry.

Please post this. I want to mark out.


GOD DAMN IT! He has Bret Hart's jacket! Why does no one call the police? They have footage of him stealing it, for god's sake!



So not worth it
wait what

I need to get a house on your street.

If the girls on your street went to WWE and had their daily workout routines and those make-up artists doing their magic, you'd have girls like that too.

They're pretty girls, they're not models and that's a good thing.
If I met any of you jabronis in real life, this is what I would do to you:


And that's a shoot, brother!

I'd do something worse to you.

I'd bury you backstage to one of the higher ups, tell them you were shitting on Triple H's legacy. Say goodbye to your career!


Neo Member
If the girls on your street went to WWE and had their daily workout routines and those make-up artists doing their magic, you'd have girls like that too.

They're pretty girls, they're not models and that's a good thing.

I guess I'll let that slide for AJ, Emma and Paige but not Naomi, that woman has a body like a cartoon.
Better than Rock vs Cena.

Only match I don't get is Bray Wyatt vs Cena. Like does nobody realize Bray Wyatt is pretty terrible inside the ring?

Bray isn`t awful in the ring, but you wouldn`t know that from watching him on the main roster. My guess would be that the Royal Rumble is his make or break moment and that if D Brine can`t pull a good match out of him then he`ll be tossed down the Wade Barrett hole.
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