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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon


"...they must also remember that the non-wrestling athletes and models from the agencies in L.A. almost have a better chance at getting an NXT offer. This is actually beyond a proven fact as the most recent hires are Eva and JoJo, and the whole divas camp in L.A. last January was models with no wrestling experience..."

Great, more Kelly Kellys on the way. If the best the company can do when looking for talent outside the wrestling scene is Eva and JoJo, it's worth wondering why they hire these women to wrestle at all when they could just as easily remake the Nitro Girls. It'd be garbage TV, but it wouldn't put people to sleep like watching five minute hairpullfests and botched spots with a quick rollup pin ending every week.
Great, more Kelly Kellys on the way. If the best the company can do when looking for talent outside the wrestling scene is Eva and JoJo, it's worth wondering why they hire these women to wrestle at all when they could just as easily remake the Nitro Girls. It'd be garbage TV, but it wouldn't put people to sleep like watching five minute hairpullfests and botched spots with a quick rollup pin ending every week.

And you can also imagine the morale killer it must be to see talented workers like Paige and Emma still stuck in NXT while total greenhorn shitshows like Eva Marie and JoJo were immediately put on TV and PPV...


Bad News Barrett was redeemed on SD. Anytime you can bury Miz is not a bad thing, but a good thing.

And lol Naomi went for a cover in a post match fight

And Cody's wife is already a better announcer than Justin Roberts


Also, I somehow missed this:

As noted, the WWE Network will show Chris Benoit footage but an advisory message will be shown before he appears. In an update, word is that any show that features Benoit will have the advisory message that plays at the beginning, stating that all characters on this show are purely fictional.

That's an interesting loophole. I'm guessing that avoids them incurring royalties on any plays or sales to Benoit's estate.
There's still no word on whether or not Over The Edge 1999 (the PPV Owen died at) will be available or not. I would hope it would be with all the Owen stuff edited out, but I can understand if it wouldn't be.


That's an interesting loophole. I'm guessing that avoids them incurring royalties on any plays or sales to Benoit's estate.

That seems like it would be a bad idea; considering a portion of Benoit's estate was the victim of his murder spree, refusing to pay the remaining people (all victims by relation) royalties on his appearances might lead to them filing a lawsuit and dragging all of Benoit's past into the news again. I'm pretty sure the notices are just to keep people from thinking they're glorifying anything beyond a fictional account of a horrible person.
Speaking of.. whats the current deal with footage of Owen?

I know his widow was suing for them using footage without permission so I wonder if that got sorted out


The original Sin Cara appeared on the new edition of Mexican wrestling show "Tercera Caída". I watched the show and translated the interview from Spanish to English.
The hosts asked him why there is a new Sin Cara wrestling and he responded that he wasn’t sure. He said that he was still under contract with WWE when they started using the new Sin Cara.

Cara stated that he owns the character of Sin Cara and that perhaps his lawyers would be taking a look into it, since he has proof he owns Sin Cara.

Cara then stated that he doesn’t have anything against the new Sin Cara, Alberto Del Rio or anyone in WWE.

While talking about his run in the company, Cara said that WWE told him he couldn't wrestle the way he did in Mexico. He said that psychologically that had an effect his work since he was limited in what he could do in the ring.

Cara said that he never understood it because they brought him from Mexico knowing the style of wrestling he did, but then told him he couldn't do it in WWE.

He said that led to him not working as hard, gained weight, etc. but now he's once again focused and looking forward to wrestling again in Mexico.

Sin Cara is batshit delusional


Why the fuck did they wait to do the locker room clearing brawl on SD

The show wasnt spectacular but it was a way better lead up to the rumble than raw





Look at this neckbeard!


I don't know why people thought Goldberg vs. Ryback was ever going to happen. Goldberg would obviously not come back to fight a goober like Ryback, especially since they've buried the guy for a year now. Goldberg vs. Cena, Orton, Punk, Bryan, Reigns etc. would all be much bigger matches.

Maybe Goldberg can come back and fight Sting though after Sting breaks the streak.


I don't know why people thought Goldberg vs. Ryback was ever going to happen. Goldberg would obviously not come back to fight a goober like Ryback, especially since they've buried the guy for a year now. Goldberg vs. Cena, Orton, Punk, Bryan, Reigns etc. would all be much bigger matches.

Maybe Goldberg can come back and fight Sting though after Sting breaks the streak.
I'd like to see hom spear amd jackhammer Ryback, but I was never interested in a fued or big match.


YEAHHH AVATAR RUMBLE DAY,,,, Even though I;ve had 2 hours sleep and will probably be acting like I have alzheimers at that point.



Sin Cara is batshit delusional
Kind of funny though. They bring in a guy to work a style he outright tells them he isn't comfortable doing. Moveset becomes limited. Moveset becomes less exciting. Matches become more predictable. Profit?

There's still no word on whether or not Over The Edge 1999 (the PPV Owen died at) will be available or not. I would hope it would be with all the Owen stuff edited out, but I can understand if it wouldn't be.
The card afterwards was distraught and the matches quiet frankly weren't very good, but you can understand why. It's probably best for them to skip it.


this is amazing, especially brodus getting pinned by the fucking ddt of all things

Miz's DDT sucks though.
Kind of funny though. They bring in a guy to work a style he outright tells them he isn't comfortable doing. Moveset becomes limited. Moveset becomes less exciting. Matches become more predictable. Profit?

They should have brought Averno in with him and had them feud with each other - the whole idea of taking a luchador and making them work the WWE style is frankly ridiculous, because the two are so incompatible*. WWE basically want a normal WWE wrestler who can do a single impressive flip. That's it. That's all they need. Not the biggest star in luchalibre.

*Rey notwithstanding, but he's a special case.

I miss WCW - at least they weren't afraid to showcase different wrestling styles, whereas in WWE everything's so damn homogenised.


Neo Member
I wonder if they'll look back on these pictures one day and think "we ruined our wedding photos because of Vince's shitty gimmick for Bryan"

nope, his personal grooming and hemp, organic, free range, bespoke, artisan, brown coloured wardrobe are all him baby. plus Brie is big into the beard, I would allow a woman of that caliber to alter almost anything about my physical appearance.
The next series or whatever of Total Divas needs an episode where Batista keeps stealthily crashing the set and trying to bed one of the numerous divas on the show, it can be recurring over multiple episodes leading up to Big Dave's greatest challenge, stealing Cena's Bella.
Spoilers: Batista always gets what he wants, series ends with Batista and his diva harem.



Welcome to the first ever episode of The Punk Rock show!

In this show the storyline is… Punk and the Rock are brothers. And Daniel Bryan is Punks son. Random people will appear in the show. I may not be able to post this show everyday so it will be randomly. Enjoy! :D

Calling it now. Batista is going to fuck Daniel Bryan's wife. Also, TNA announced their tapings onward from March are still going to be in Orlando, so they live on!!!
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