The attorney from Impact is actually Panda Energy's real attorney lol
Why is portia related stuff hey g-fex when I talked about her for months? And so did Bronson?
G-Fex is the resident creep.
If you pretend Aiii doesn't exist, maybe.
G-Fex is the resident creep.
G-Fex is the International Creep, he creeps on all. Aii just is the deadly creep and creeps on AJ. It's up to you to decide which is worse.
Hey guys, remember a year ago when everyone thought the Shield was working for Punk, the WWE champion? Now Punk half asses his matches, and the Shield are one of two good things going on on Raw (DBrine being the other)
Those were the good ol' days.
It started the Heyman v Punk angle didn't it? They were working for Paul, not PunkYeah, wtf happened to that angle? Just got completely dropped and had no resolution one way or the other.
Yeah, wtf happened to that angle? Just got completely dropped and had no resolution one way or the other.
You're missing the point.WWE signs former male athletes, models, and body builders. People get used to it.
WWE signs former female athletes, models, and body builders. People think they're personnel fuck toys.
Kinda kinda kinda weird.
Yeah, wtf happened to that angle? Just got completely dropped and had no resolution one way or the other.
You're missing the point.
The point is that with the way the women's division has been handled for the past, like, 10 years, I don't see why they still have a women's division at all. They just have a 2-minute match every week to justify keeping the shit around, it seems.
Saying that I'm "fully convinced" was and embellishment, but the point of having a women's division at all with the way it's been treated for so long is completely beyond me. "They keep it a thing so the men can fuck hot chicks" is just one of the most obvious answers.
Yeah, wtf happened to that angle? Just got completely dropped and had no resolution one way or the other.
I said it was "one" of the most obvious answers. That is another one, yes. Along with the chance of catching the attention of horny channel surfing dudes.The most obvious answer is that having a women's division allows them to market towards women in a way better than not having a women's division would, regardless of the quality or attention paid to it.
If they really wanted to market to women instead of trotting a bunch of phony models with shit acting skills out there each week to give each other roll-up pins, they'd get their male talent to pose in an erotic calendar like all of those firemen and Chippendale's.The most obvious answer is that having a women's division allows them to market towards women in a way better than not having a women's division would, regardless of the quality or attention paid to it.
If they really wanted to market to women instead of trotting a bunch of phony models with shit acting skills out there each week to give each other roll-up pins, they'd get their male talent to pose in an erotic calendar like all of those firemen and Chippendale's.
And if that's too racy for a PG crowd then just donate a portion of the proceeds to Susan G. Komen's breast cancer charity.
They revealed that Heyman was paying them off, Heyman was about to be fired, Brock came out and beat the shit out of him, setting up Lesnar vs HHH
Really? I don't remember that at all. The only thing I remember was Shield helping Punk at EC and it not working, then Punk went right into the Taker feud after that match with Cena. Then he took some time off, came back and got sick of Paul a bit after, starting the feud with Bork.
That's so weird. I remember the firing angle and Bork attacking Vince, but I have zero recollection that Paul was about to get fired because of his involvement with Shield.
How does that even.....
UFC a work confirmed. That shit is embarrassing. Let's take time to fix your hair and taunt instead of fighting off/trying to finish.
So now trying to engage the crowd is a bad thing?
In the middle of a fight instead of trying to finish when you could and while your opponent is fixing his hair, yes.