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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon


It's cuz he want to rejoin The E and get rid of his cellulite.

He wants his job back. Burnin' fat on the indies.

it does kinda kinda seem that way...

Taker should come out as venom at wrestlemania


What is this from?


From JR's Blog.

Submitted 01/05/2014 - 11:53am in WWE
Keir@manutd88 Asks: When do u think vince Mchmahon will retire and who should take over I personally think Shane OMac

J.R.'s Answer:

Vince will never retire and I see HHH taking over upon VKM's passing.


Those people keep on bringing up Shane McMahon. He hasn't worked for the company since 2009 and they still think he's just going to swoop in and become chairman after Vince dies.
I'm gonna need a source on that.

-WWE Diva and co-star of the Total Divas reality show, Brie Bella, is said to have impressed WWE officials with the improvement of her in-ring work as of late. Many are crediting her real-life fiancee’ Daniel Bryan for her improvement, as Bryan and Bella reportedly spend two hours before each show in the ring working on various things together.


I'm picturing Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella doing colourful collages with gluesticks and crayoned-on captions for photographs of their closest friends for two hours before every show.

"This is Aksana. Her music is a saxophone, which is almost like a trumpet but it's shaped like an S."
I'm picturing Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella doing colourful collages with gluesticks and crayoned-on captions for photographs of their closest friends for two hours before every show.

"This is Aksana. Her music is a saxophone, which is almost like a trumpet but it's shaped like an S."

fuck this made me laugh so hard.
I'm picturing Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella doing colourful collages with gluesticks and crayoned-on captions for photographs of their closest friends for two hours before every show.

"This is Aksana. Her music is a saxophone, which is almost like a trumpet but it's shaped like an S."



Tomodachi wa Mahou
People just want Shane back because he was awesome. Some ridiculously great, entertaining matches from Shane. But he's fat and old now so I really don't get the clamoring going on for his return.

Still I'd rather have him than Steph on TV so I guess I get it.
Seems TAKA Michinoku's leaving New Japan - he tweeted that today was his last match and alluded to All Japan, which could use him and some of his K-Dojo wrestlers in their junior division. Also, BUSHI could be leaving for W-1. Speaking of W-1, they released a teaser video about a new wrestler coming over from the states;


From the Observer, an update on Roderick Strong after the botched Styles Clash at ROH last night;

--Roderick Strong has a stiff neck from taking the Styles clash wrong in his match with A.J. Styles at the ROH tapings in Nashville. He's getting it looked at tomorrow. Deadspin even covered the injury. The belief is it is a very bad strain but nobody will know anything for sure until tomorrow. He temporarily lost feeling is one arm after the match.

Also, some NXT wrestlers are touring with the main crews;

--Emma, Bo Dallas (Punk crew) and Alexander Rusev (Cena crew) from NXT are on the road with WWE this weekend. Emma is working face as a tag team with Natalya. Dallas is working heel, as he does in NXT. He'd been working as a face when in WWE previously. Rusev is working heel.
Seems TAKA Michinoku's leaving New Japan - he tweeted that today was his last match and alluded to All Japan, which could use him and some of his K-Dojo wrestlers in their junior division. Also, BUSHI could be leaving for W-1. Speaking of W-1, they released a teaser video about a new wrestler coming over from the states;

Taka could be really good in the Liger role for All Japan; training and booking the juniors while helping them in the ring. I will miss his as the moutpiece for KES though.

Just going by the 'million dollar baby' line in the video, I'm guessing its Ted DiBiase Jr.going to W1



Best of Memphis in the 80s Part 9

Fabulous Ones vs. The Moondogs (1/9/84)

If there is a plus to this match, it is that this is the last Moondogs match on the whole set. I don't even see a ref in the ring. All four men are just brawling with crutches and bones. It's just a brawl. Not a match at all.

Jimmy Valiant vs. The Assassin Hair vs. Mask (4/2/84)

Jimmy Valiant's WAAAAAAAAAAAAR...isn't going on here. King is at ringside, handcuffed to Cornette to make sure there is no interference. Jimmy beats on Assassin all over the ringside area and in the ring. He misses an elbow and gets placed in a bear hug. Loaded headbutt from the Assassin. Running powerslam. Jimmy kicks out. Assassin misses a top rope splash. Jimmy drops down during an Irish whip, which makes Assassin run chest first into the ropes for some reason. Jimmy wins with an elbow drop. Assassin must unmask. It might have been Hercules Hernandez, but I'm not positive.


Jerry Lawler vs. Randy Savage (4/9/84)

This appears to be from some kind of comp or retrospective as King is talking about the match and giving a little background on it. This took place in ICW territory, but it sounds like Savage was getting a heel reaction. Savage starts early by throwing King by his hair. He does it again. King does one of his own. Savage bails. Back in the ring, he continues the cheap shots and hair pulling. King starts some arm work. Savage gets out of it and works over King's arm himself. King turns it into a head scissors. Savage tries to kick out and then head stand out, which King turns into a mini piledriver and reapplies the hold. Savage is able to take it to the floor and throws King into the ring post. King has no problem taking a posting face first without getting his hands up to block it. Savage suplexes him back in. Ax handle to the floor. He brings King back in the ring only to knock him over the top and drop another ax handle. A double punch sends both men down back in the ring. King is able to recover first and starts throwing punches. He misses a fist drop. Savage misses the elbow. They trade punches and Savage gets the advantage with some elbows. He then hits a punch combo that puts King on his back. He took too long to cover and sent King to the floor. As he goes for another ax handle to the floor, King punches him in the gut. Savage goes into the post! Back drop on the floor. King low blows his way out of a piledriver and the straps are down. Flying fist drop. Jimmy Hart distracts the ref and Savage hits a piledriver. King would roll Savage up and win when the CWA ref counted the fall.




Eddie Gilbert/Tommy Rich vs. Pretty Young Things (4/12/84)

The PYTs are Koko B. Ware and Norvell Austin. Norvell was part of the original Midnight Express. Gilbert and Rich were also known as Fargo's Fabulous Ones. I'm not sure if this is actually a CWA match or not, unless they were really running a full on face rip off of the Fabs in their own territory. There is no commentary for the match so I'm not sure. It looks like it is probably an ICW match based on the lighting and ring mat. Koko and Gilbert start out. Eddie knocks Koko out of the ring and does the Fargo Strut. Lots of stalling. Tags are made. The PYTs have some miscommunications, but make up with some hugs. Rich is sent over the top rope from missing a punch. He may have had a little help going over, but it wasn't a DQ. Rich is FIP in a while and throws a low blow to Austin. Koko cuts him off before he can make the hot tag. He finally makes the tag to Eddie. Fargo's Fabs win with a cross body.

Randy Savage vs. Austin Idol (5/7/84)

This is definitely CWA. Savage does a ton of stalling at the start. He spits at Austin, who then chases him around the ring. it was all part of the plan and Savage stomped Idol coming back in. He hits the elbow already. Idol kicks out, but it was a slow ass count and it took the ref a long time to even count it. Dude is like a lucha ref. Idol gets a punch to counter the ax handle to the floor. Savage goes into the ring post and announce table. Idol throws Savage all around the ring and the floor. Savage uses the ring bell while the ref is distracted. It busted Idol open. Savage goes after the head and tries a number of pins. A lot of body slams. Idol gets pissed and starts no selling. He's fired up! He hits a second rope elbow, but lifts Savage up to continue the fight. Savage misses a knee drop and Idol goes right for the knee. Angelo Poffo, Randy's dad, distracts the ref and Idol. While doing so, he throws an international object to Randy, who gets the win after using it.


Randy Savage vs. Austin Idol (5/14/84)

Savage attacks with one of Poffo's crutches before the bell. That son of a bitch! Ax handle to the floor. Another one in the ring. Macho is going to town on Idol. Idol has just not been able to recover from the crutch attack. Savage uses the crutch again and does the rope neck whip. Another ax handle. Mid ring collision. Idol fires up. 10 count punch in the corner. Savage does the Flair Flip, which I've never seen him do at any stage of his career. Grounded punches. Both men block atomic drops. Idol turns it into a figure four. Savage gives up! New champion! These two mesh much better than King and Savage.


Tommy Rich/Eddie Gilbert vs. Pretty Young Things Falls Count Anywhere (5/18/84)

Eddie and Koko start out. Tag to Rich. It quickly heads to the floor. Rich and Austin are in the ring as Eddie and Koko fight around the arena for a bit. Weirdly, despite the legal men being on the floor, the other partners stay in their respective corners. Double back elbow to Koko. Eddie gets double teamed. He and Koko collide. Eddie sticks with being FIP for a bit. Hot tag to Rich. They're into the crowd. There is an actual picket fence as a guard rail. There is some kind of big stage that Rich and Austin are fighting on. The ref is eventually hit and the match was thrown off. The fight continued, though.


The Fabulous Ones vs. Pretty Young Things (6/25/84)

The real Fabs. Skinner and Koko start the match. PYTs aren't very good as a team as they always run into each other. Koko is double teamed with some leg work. The PYTs finally get back into it with cheap shots and back rakes. Big back drop to Skinner. High knee. Stan gets choked with the guard rope. Then he's thrown over the top rope. Wait, it was Skinner. I think. Sometimes it is really hard to tell which is which on both sides. Stan gets fucking clocked. Stan finally fires up and makes a hot tag, which the ref doesn't see. The tag is finally made for real. The Fabs win with a double DDT.


Tommy Rich/Eddie Gilbert vs. Phil Hickerson/The Spoiler Tennessee Street Fight (6/25/84)

I don't believe this is the well known Spoiler (the guy who taught Taker Old School). Phil and Spoiler are just two fat guys. And it is a brawl instead of any kind of match. There's not really much to call. Rich hits a top rope headbutt with I guess Spoiler's loaded mask. New Fabs win.

Rock N Roll Express vs. Lanny Poffo/Randy Savage (6/25/84)

Gibson and Savage start out with a very fast exchange. Tag to Morton. Lanny comes in and is quickly disposed of. Lanny is tagged in, tries to show off, and is shown up. Actually, RNR are better team mates than brothers. They do the roll through punch to Randy. They try it again a few seconds later and Randy jumps off the apron, then poses. Then he gets punched. The Poffos get a little bit of offense, but the RNR are just a better team. Savage drops a series of punches on Morton and then misses the elbow. Lanny is able to slow Morton back down. Ax handle to the floor. Lanny does a top rope flipping senton which technically misses, but actually still hit Morton. Hot tag to Gibson. Angelo Poffo low bridges him, sending Robert flying to the floor. A brawl erupts on the floor. Savage piledrives Ricky through the announce table. Crazy spot for 1984. Even crazier because the announce table was very similar to the Japanese style of announce tables. Just a big thick piece of wood, basically. The RNR won by DQ from Gibson being sent over the top rope.





Still to come: A RNR/Poffos rematch, King Kong Bundy, and Rick Rude.
El Desperado's debut match!!

Kota Ibushi & BUSHI vs Jushin 'Thunder' Liger & El Desperado - (NJPW 01/05/14)

Goddamn, his finisher looks brutal. Also, that tope he takes into the crowd...JEEZUS! Glad that lady was ok.

Taka could be really good in the Liger role for All Japan; training and booking the juniors while helping them in the ring. I will miss his as the moutpiece for KES though.

Just going by the 'million dollar baby' line in the video, I'm guessing its Ted DiBiase Jr.going to W1

TAKA could probably get a jr. title run in All Japan as well, considering how light their roster is at the moment. I doubt he would have got a run with the New Japan jr's belt. Wonder what this means for Taichi, though.

Ted Jr in W-1 would be interesting, he seemed to do well in NOAH before he signed with WWE, so I'd like to see him give it another shot in Japan.


The best part of Memphis is how many guys threw killer punches. But I also can't wait until I get to the bonus discs, which are mostly promos and angles.
Yeah, New Japan's definitely on the up and it's good to see Bushiroad really pushing the promotion, they spent a ton on advertising this past year, for the G1 and Wrestle Kingdom in particular. Also, they don't have national TV any more, but are on Samurai TV, which is a premium cable channel. The iPPV business has really helped them, though, and Meltzer noted that the domestic buys for the iPPVs have been very high - no numbers for this year's show, but WK7 had over 100,000 buys.

Don't they still do 1 or 2 specials on TV Asahi a year?

Also, watched WK8. Fucking spectacular. NJPW is is the best company in the industry today and anyone who disagrees isn't watching, period.

I was surprised by some of the booking. I guess the Bucks will be in New Japan for the long haul. I thought after that incredible fucking entrance the Time Splitters were taking it but nope. Looks like after the Korakuen show we're getting a Time Splitters/Bucks match which should be fucking amazing. I swear to God there has never been a better team of two guys who should have never been able to work together than Shelley and KUSHIDA.

The tag title win for Anderson and Gallows was a surprise too. I would assume that Archer and Smith want to head back stateside after that, but they are super popular in Japan so who knows.

The rest of the matches were as expected. Goto/Shibata was probably my favorite match, as it looks like New Japan is finally looking to give Goto a title run. He's going to get a shot in Hiroshima in February, but I don't think he'll win there...I think NJPW sees way too much money in a Nakamura/Okada feud to give Goto a run juuuust yet. I think Goto wins the G1, and wins the title at WK9.

As for Naito, it's pretty clear NJPW fans aren't going to get behind him. Ishii will probably beat him for the NEVER title, which will probably take over as a low-card belt. I still like Naito but he's going to need a lot more time before he can be bought as a main event player again.
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