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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon


I'm giving WWE until Mania to fix this or they lose me as a fan. I'm giving them two months. So should you.
I gave two months a long time ago. Nothing got fixed. Nothing changed.
After Mania, you'll get a new "wait for" date put forward by the sheets on the take.

If D.Brine gets another run it'll be next year during football season so they can use the same sorry "he didn't pop the ratings" argument as an excuse when it's really just the seasonal drain from the NFL.

You'll be far happier divorcing yourself from the product now. I know I'm a lot happier not watching RAW on Mondays.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I wonder how Reigns' babyface attire will be.

It'll probably go all out Samoan, but his ring name is far from it.

Hey man, if the NAO can be tag champs in 2014, Sting can still give horrible Sharpshooters to the younger talent!

I hope he keeps his current look because it works for him. He's been seen in lil trunks and it's just not the same. He needs long pants and wrist attire at the least.
I am a former lapsed fan. I only started rewatching in 2011. I can easily stop watching and focus on football (soccer) or NJPW instead.

Same here. I came back in 2011 after Summerslam and enjoyed what I saw. I got obsessed with everything and finally went to my first Raw show (when The Rock came back in Boston) and had fun. I really enjoyed everything going on with Punk and Bryan at the time. Fast forward to Rumble 2013 and The Rock wins the belt. I enjoy the Rock, but I really wanted Punk vs Taker with the title and I really didn't want Cena vs The Rock 2.0. Then I go to my first WM and it was shit except for the Taker match. I should have let that be a sign. Fast forward later that year and I had unfortunately attended Survivor Series.

Ever since then, my enjoyment of this shit has slowly been declining. Of course I bought WM30 tickets thinking it'll be a stacked card with a bunch of matches everyone's wanted because it's fucking WM30. Lol nope. Instead it's WM: HHH edition. I may or may not stop viewing the programming later this year. Who knows? All I know is that I value my time and if they think I'm going to waste my time watching something that I don't enjoy, think again.
WWE didn't lose all my good will last night thanks to how they handled Jesus Reigns. Great showing last night and I'm glad the crowd took time out from throwing feces to let him know it.

Hopefully he doesn't job to Botista tonight.

Reigns is no different from what they usually do, they're pushing the big ex-footballer who can't talk or work a singles match. Reigns has some amazing impact moves but I've soured on him since the Shield stopped being booked as a strong unit and started being booked as Reigns constantly needs to save the 2 indie darlings as they fuck up. To be honest I'm just feeling this way as I don't have much hope for Ambrose and Seth after last nights bullshit.

Wasted spots last night,

El Torito
Kane(Yes I said wasted spot. He was worthless..)

Shoulda been <insert name>

I enjoyed El Torito's performance.


Tonight would be a good time to bring back Brotista.

They accidentally wrote themselves a compelling story if they were to go with Daniel Bryan as the everyman wrestler up against the douchebag movie star. Shame that they won't actually use it.

They could still put the title on D-Bry via the Elimination Chamber....I mean, he has to be in that match..right?

Believe in the Dragon.


I wonder how Reigns' babyface attire will be.

It'll probably go all out Samoan, but his ring name is far from it.

Hey man, if the NAO can be tag champs in 2014, Sting can still give horrible Sharpshooters to the younger talent!

I best RR wears the same shit he wears now for a while after his babtface run starts. MAYBE he doesn't wear a shirt.

- Rollins will start dressing like he's in a Pop Punk band/a member of The Flock.
- Ambrose will wear...bum clothes and it'll be true to life for him.


I wonder how Reigns' babyface attire will be.

It'll probably go all out Samoan, but his ring name is far from it.

Hey man, if the NAO can be tag champs in 2014, Sting can still give horrible Sharpshooters to the younger talent!

He should wrestle in what American Badass Undertaker wrestled in.


That's not at all what Meltzer said. He said WWE thinks they gave Bryan a chance and he didn't pan out, when in actuality they never gave him a chance, they gave him a half-assed push and then used confirmation bias to adhere to their idea that he "can't be a top guy" because he doesn't look like what they want. He definitely criticized this mentality as a load of nonsense, but it's unfortunately what WWE thinks.

Meltzer said Bryan should have won the title at HIAC, and should have been booked as a proper top contender, none of this "B+, troll, not worthy" garbage. Then he would have been build into a draw and a top star. He has the talent, he has the support from the audience, all he needs is the proper push.

But he's apparently supposed to start popping huge ratings, selling out house shows, outselling Cena's merch, all BEFORE he gets that top contender push that would cause him to do said things, before they will consider pushing him like that. It's chicken or the egg bullshit.

Calm. Down. Do you know what the word paraphrased means?

Meltzer also touched upon Summer Slam's low buyrate.

To remind everyone, here is a related article from Wrestlezone.
WWE has released its key performance indicators for August 2013, and the report notes that this year's SummerSlam PPV, which featured a main event of John Cena vs Daniel Bryan for the WWE Title, took in an average of 298,000 worldwide buys, which is down significantly from last year's average of 350,000 buys for an event headlined by Brock Lesnar vs Triple H.
I did think it was really stupid that The Shield were supposed to be a cohesive unit and working together to dominate the Rumble yet didn't want to reveal to each other their numbers and make a plan etc. :|

"You can't have two numbers, no body has two"

"I do. I got all the numbers"

Was amazing banter though lol.
Was the botched spear Botchtista's fault or was reigns out of position?

Reigns probably still has a little to learn about selling. Ziggler made Reigns spear look really good last night. But Batista looked like he completely whiffed and gave Reigns nothing to work with.


They could still put the title on D-Bry via the Elimination Chamber....I mean, he has to be in that match..right?
You're going to get Cena & D.Brine vs. The Wyatts... and LIKE IT. Damn it!
Chant "YES YES YES" for Cena as he saves that loser Bryan from getting triple teamed.
Watch D.Brine screw up and take the pin so Bray looks even stronger heading into Mania.

Can't wait until the Wyatts kidnap the Bella Twins and hold 'em for ransom.


I did think it was really stupid that The Shield were supposed to be a cohesive unit and working together to dominate the Rumble yet didn't want to reveal to each other their numbers and make a plan etc. :|

"You can't have two numbers, no body has two"

"I do. I got all the numbers"

Was amazing banter though lol.

Well the idea is that they say they're a cohesive unit, but Ambrose is a complete snake in reality and he and Reigns are starting to come to blows. They used to be unified, but it's cracking apart.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
The only reason I got back into WWE were people like Bryan and Punk. And they're continuously shat on. And you guys think I - a former lapsed fan - will stay in it for the long haul? Lol.

Punk had the belt for over a year and is going into Mania facing HHH, I think he is doing ok. I just wish he wasn't on autopilot.
The only reason I got back into WWE were people like Bryan and Punk. And they're continuously shat on. And you guys think I - a former lapsed fan - will stay in it for the long haul? Lol.

They're just projecting themselves onto you. They know they can't stop watching. But you can and you did.

It's not as hard to quit as everyone says it is. I took a break in 2012. It's not hard people.


The only reason I got back into WWE were people like Bryan and Punk. And they're continuously shat on. And you guys think I - a former lapsed fan - will stay in it for the long haul? Lol.

I think I'm unhitching my hope wagon from Brian Danielson, it's clear he has absolutely no pull backstage and will never sniff another title reign. I honestly don't know why I gravitate to wrasslers who only manage to achieve ridiculously short WWE Championship reigns. At least Kane's lasted nearly 24 hours.

Maybe Bray can do better.

Holy shit mainstream exposure: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/25911039

Oh my.

WOW I didn't know about this

Retired professional wrestler Mick Foley later tweeted: "Does @WWE actually hate their own audience? I've never been so disgusted with a PPV."

He later added in a statement: "Like many of you out there, I just don't get it. This Daniel Bryan thing is a phenomenon.

"I wanted so badly to hear 75,000 WWE fans chanting 'yes' - and seeing fans walk away absolutely ecstatic about the outcome of a PPV. But when given the chance to make it happen (unless they've got something major up their sleeve) WWE's answer tonight was a resounding 'no, no, no'


Reigns is no different from what they usually do, they're pushing the big ex-footballer who can't talk or work a singles match. Reigns has some amazing impact moves but I've soured on him since the Shield stopped being booked as a strong unit and started being booked as Reigns constantly needs to save the 2 indie darlings as they fuck up. To be honest I'm just feeling this way as I don't have much hope for Ambrose and Seth after last nights bullshit.

I enjoyed El Torito's performance.

Gotta disagree. Roman falls into the archetype of the typical Vince man crush, true. But he's got atypical charisma and ability compared to most guys who've gotten the meat head push.


Barring watching Wrestlemania without paying, I took a break from 2006 until the first season of NXT because I liked the content. Then Nexus and CM Punk pipe bomb kept me in.

I'm giving it until Wrestlemania. It's not just Bryan, they don't bother booking low and mid-carders into any sort of program so if you don't like the main event, there's not point to most of the PPVs.

Bring back Russo, dammit.
Roman Reigns is the only recent example of WWE borrowing the Paul Heyman mantra of "Emphasize a guys strengths and hide his weaknesses". The reason he stands out is because no one else is booked that way. Without being a part of Shield for the past year Roman would have fizzled out like so many Rybacks past.


Reigns is no different from what they usually do, they're pushing the big ex-footballer who can't talk or work a singles match. Reigns has some amazing impact moves but I've soured on him since the Shield stopped being booked as a strong unit and started being booked as Reigns constantly needs to save the 2 indie darlings as they fuck up. To be honest I'm just feeling this way as I don't have much hope for Ambrose and Seth after last nights bullshit.

I enjoyed El Torito's performance.

I like Reigns, I think he will be a star, but I definitely do not like these vibes of Ambrose and Rollins being thrown under the bus for his push. All three ought to be pushed, not just Reigns.


Well in the sense that he is always playing second fiddle to some returning has been.
Ziggler is getting shat on, or Zack Ryder. Ziggler, if he's on TV, is just jobbing consistently and gets nowhere in feuds or title reigns. He hasn't gotten any proper chances for years. Ryder got over by his own Youtube channel and they finally gave interest to it on TV, but put him in a ridiculous angle with a returning Kane and Cena, and looked like a total goof. Despite fans cheering to see him and wanting him on, they ignored it. Punk and Bryan are both in great positions compared to 99% of the rest of the roster.
I can't fault them for going with Reigns. He's tall, muscular, handsome. Just the type of person you'd like as the face of your company.

Obviously, he's unproven in delivering promos and working single matches. He does need some more experience, which hopefully this single's run will deliver.

But then again, WCW put a rocket on Goldberg's back.

My only gripe with everything is the WWE doesn't embrace organic movements; it really is mechanical like a machine.
I'm tempted to stay up for a bit of RAW tonight just to see what WWE do with it.

I kind of hope this is a new storyline revolving around HHH becoming obsessed with trolling/playing pranks on people and him needing to be stopped by Kevin Nash.


Well in the sense that he is always playing second fiddle to some returning has been.

He's about to be the guy that beats The Authority at WM30. That isn't being shat on, that's getting the spot Bryan should've had already.

The reason why he isn't in the title picture is easy: His contract is up in a few months, and his current story is he doesn't know if he'll resign but has said over the previous three years he wouldn't. You don't book a guy people want to see as Champion in title programs if he isn't guaranteed to be around too long after WrestleMania.

Isn't that the outline of Mr. Anderson?

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
I can't wait for Impact. It was good for a couple weeks in a row not too long ago! I would rather it implode gloriously under the former WCW champ Russo than slowly bleed out.


Regarding Bryan, I'm sure Vince is seeing all of these twitter feeds, news outlets, etc. regarding Bryan continuing to be snuffed out, and is loving it.

He's thinking he's creating controversy after seeing Cena shoved down the fans throats, yet continuing to watch and attend live events. He feels he has the complete opposite in Bryan, in that while Cena continues to win, he'll just bury Bryan to create more "controversy".


And handsome. Tall too.

The Machine did everything to bury stars like Punk or Bryan. But if Rollins and Ambrose have "it", they'll still manage to get over with the fans (like Punk, Cesaro, Ziggler, Bryan, etc).

Ambrose and Rollins are handsome too, mind (Ambrose is also taller than Reigns), and Ambrose has a big female following. They're being foolish if they don't push all three guys.
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