Keyser Soze
Shouldn't this match be ending now? There's only 3 minutes left.!
Shouldn't this match be ending now? There's only 3 minutes left.!
And when that fails they'll turn him heel and feud him with Cena where all that work goes out the window.The big danger is when he goes face, they give him the WWE Top Face Template character, which is just Cena-Lite. Then he's ruined.
That's nothing new. Is Bryan doing something different tonight?Using Bryan to get Cena cheers without heat..
No. Was the tone of my voice affected by Vince's Evil Soundboard?
That's nothing new. Is Bryan doing something different tonight?
I think the writer's more afraid they're going to handle it like they did Fandango last year, which is to say in the worst, most hamfisted, inept ways imaginable.
This is super off-topic, but this match is boring ATM anyway: anyone else hate the red crowd lighting (and blue during Smackdown)? I think it looks terrible, always have.
Why did Cena jump and take that spear knees first?