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January Wrasslin' |OT|

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Which Police Academy movie was it that hurt you?
That's a good kind of hurt. Also I was old enough when I saw those movies it was more of "Look at this dumb fucking shit. Fuck yes."

I definitely have not seen all of the Police Academy movies. That sounds like a chore. Although maybe I can do a review of all of them. I think I would need to be high.


I saw Mission to Moscow on a plane. Think about that, the worst Police Acadamy with some of the suggestive parts even cut.


Nothing dumb about Callahan in the pool, friend.
WWE Smackdown Spoiler:

Well Dean took his ambulance ride to the main event of Smackdown teaming with Reigns to go against Big Show and Rollins

Haha no way.
That's like the quickest they could possibly pretend that match never even happened. That can't be true.


Watch your fucking elbows, Cena.

God no wonder no one gets over in this industry.

Yup Heel as fuck >_<

No way would I play against him. Damn bully would threaten to beat me up for trying to uphold the laws of the game :(

SD spoiler

Barrett can't even beat Sin Cara. Title curse continues on my boy, smdh :[

What the fuck. Is Smackdown no longer canon or something?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Fell down the wormhole of watching my old claymation VHS tapes of shows I had recorded and stuff I had tried to do myself with stop motion. There was a brief period where I thought that I would make a career out of it.

As I am not homeless, you can assume that I did not go through with that pursuit.


Fell down the wormhole of watching my old claymation VHS tapes of shows I had recorded and stuff I had tried to do myself with stop motion. There was a brief period where I thought that I would make a career out of it.

As I am not homeless, you can assume that I did not go through with that pursuit.

Awww... but surely there has to be some beauties in there for the thread?

Here's Gromit reading last night's Smackdown spoilers:

What's the point of Seth of being in the championship match when he has the money in the bank briefcase?

Obviously so they can have Cesaro win the belt then have Seth hit him with the 5000lb stair set and cash in. Then bury Cesaro for having the shortest title reign ever.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I was more into Will Vinton's stuff than Aardman. Aarman's stuff is incredible and much better done, but Will Vinton's stuff was my childhood. As far as I was concerned, Vinton Claymation was the 80s and 90s.


Which retired championship would you like to see brought back?

22% Cruiserweight Championship
49% Hardcore Championship
10% European Championship
4% Light Heavyweight Championship
10% Women's Championship
4% Other (Insert your choice in the comments below)

Total votes: 41261

Other is mostly votes for the big gold championship.

At least give us back the Cruiserweight belt. Maybe the Hardcore one if they aren't going to squash any halfway decent hardcore ideas.

No chance in hell they will rename the Diva belt back to Womens Championship. I've come to accept that but at least treat it with some damn respect.
WWE is mad at Dolph for booking this without asking permission:


So that's part of the reason they took the title off of him, besides for the storyline firing according to Bryan Alvarez.

That can't be right! Vince told him to reach for the brass rings!

Dolph doing stand up, written or improved, sounds brutal. I imagine a lot of hand movements, that weird earnest voice he's been doing lately, nods, tight jeans with a blazer and tank top, perhaps with a hipster toboggan and white belt. I feel like he'd come off more as a sleazy self help guru type than a comedian.
That can be his new gimmick! Get DDP on as his mentor, pimp everybody's shit!
Which was the Die Hard with Samuel Jackson? That one wasn't intended to be a Die Hard movie at all.

The Die Hard series has a hilarious history.

The original movie was a sequel to a 1968 Sinatra movie and Sinatra was actually offered the John McClane role at 78 years old due to a contractual obligation!
They then tried to spin it into a sequel to Commando for Arnie but he said nope so they eventually settled on Willis and the current script.

Die Hard 2 was actually retooled into a sequel for John McClane from a novel called 58 minutes! I assume they were scrambling to capitalise on the success of the first movie and someone had that novel lying around and quickly bought the rights to it.

You guys already said about Simon Says turning into DH3.

DH4 was actually from a script called WW3.com which was retooled into yet another Die Hard.

DH5 was just shit made for money, even more so that DH4. It was even shittier.

DH1&2 rock. Not a huge fan of DH3 tbh.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages...

Bullet Club proudly presents to you, the next IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Champions of the World! The IndyTaker, Nick Jackson, Mr. Instant Replay, Matt Jackson, The Young Bucks!

Also, Sad Okada was on the front cover of Weekly Pro-Wrestling;




So not worth it
Dixie is really into this TMZ 24/7 thing TNA is going to do, thinks it will help to make people more invested in the wrestlers.
Dixie is a fucking idiot, as she's proven a dozen times over already. The only obstacle to me being more invested in their wrestlers is the creative staff and the terrible job they do, jumping from one half-baked storyline to the next in a desperate attempt to bolster ratings. I'm a fan of guys like The Wolves, or Aries, EC3, Spud, Bobby Roode, Kenny King, Samoa Joe, Low Ki, and so on, but have little reason to care when the promotion they're mired in can't seem to ever keep its feet on the ground and get a good run going for even a month or two.


Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages...

Bullet Club proudly presents to you, the next IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Champions of the World! The IndyTaker, Nick Jackson, Mr. Instant Replay, Matt Jackson, The Young Bucks!

Oh yes. I hope the Bucks really go through with it.

Dixie is really into this TMZ 24/7 thing TNA is going to do, thinks it will help to make people more invested in the wrestlers.

So dumb.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Onita always looks like the most fashion forward bum in all of Japan

Also, Suzuki-gun sweats are kind of on point.

New DDT Ironman champion



James Bond: FAVE FIVES

The categories are:

Some of my choices might surprise you. Some might not. Music was especially tough to narrow down, as what movie would get into the 5th spot for favorite movies. Also hard was top villains because really, most of the villains actually suck. Same for the women. The hottest women in Bond movies are usually locals on location. It has video, music, songs, and gifs. I'm now done with the Bond series. I've watched them all over the past month. Now I'm lost.

Awesome. I'm gonna check this out later.

So after rewatching Wrestle Kingdom for the 2nd time I can honestly say I am in love with the NJPW product and it's rekindled my interest in all things puroresu. That being said for those of you into that sorta thing what would you say the best shows in Japan were last year? Planning on dropping some money and want a little bit of everything so AJPW, NOAH, Dragon Gate, DDT, Stardom, random fun indy recommendations are appreciated and I think I'm gonna get NJPW World because I wanna watch the G1 from 2014. Anyway thanks all

I'm in the same boat, but I'm not so up on other Japanese promotions. There was a DG show a lot of GAFFERS hyped earlier in the year. I think it was called Dead or Alive.

I think it's great these guys have other places they can go where they can make a good living and not feel like the WWE is the only thing out there.


New DDT Ironman champion

I got my money on that microphone winning the belt next.

On another note. I'm quite surprised Aja weights about the same as she did in the mid-90's. Pretty impressive when you consider other monster wrestlers have either gained even more weight, or have died since then(knock on wood).


This JR/Dixie interview is already off to fine form.

JR: "How many times a week can we expect to watch Impact on Destination America?"

Dixie: "You know, I don't even know that answer."



This JR/Dixie interview is already off to fine form.

JR: "How many times a week can we expect to watch Impact on Destination America?"

Dixie: "You know, I don't even know that answer."



I'm sure there's a pictorial response for every amazing crock of shite that comes out of Dixie's mouth in that pod. Line them up, and we'll see what we can do.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I try not to give that moron any attention because her getting attention is what sunk the company in the first place. But that's me.

Just let the company die.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Irene Bedard is in this movie


If this movie was made today it would star ScarJo, Jeremy Renner, and Jared Leto as Thomas Builds-the-Fire


The story that New Japan is telling with Okada right now is fantastic. He came out with taped ribs and a taped leg, and sold both well the day after WK9. I felt nothing but sympathy for him after he lost to Fale, and Fale got something from it too. Okada got rolled out of the ring slowly and had to be helped to the back by Gedo and a trainer. It's so damn SIMPLE, but it's super effective in generating fan interest and making you feel bad for the guy.

Okada-san. :(


So not worth it
I don't think we'll ever see Kaitlyn return, guys...
"Today marks one year that I asked for my release from the WWE. The beginning of 2014 began on a very bitter sweet note for me. I made a life changing decision to leave the WWE and completely change my path in life. Needless to say, 2014 turned out to be the greatest year of my life personally and professionally.

While I had a wild ride with WWE and did some really cool shit, I was very unhappy the last 6 months that I was there. After having a phenomenal year with the company, I was on a downward slope. I was mostly unhappy with myself physically and it began to affect my emotional state. I had health and weight issues which in turn negatively affected my career.

I reached a breaking point and decided that I wanted to be happy and take control of my life. It was the hardest decision that I have ever faced. But if you never take risks you will Never know what could've been.

I am incredibly thankful for my time and experiences with WWE. WWE is a part of my story and part of who I am.

While I do miss it from time to time, I'm making strides in the shoot game of life :) 2014 marks the year that I said goodbye to my WWE family, married my soul mate, launched my own business and found myself again.

2015 has some big ass shoes to fill."
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