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January Wrasslin' |OT|

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is that the last we see of Austin's abs? Also, I love how long it takes for them to realize that 3:16 promo was actually a thing, yet they always act like they knew it was something special whenever they talk about it these days.

Nah. He has abs for years, breh. Dude was JACKED once he got the title. As for the 3:16 stuff, they did kind of let him flounder for a couple of months, but by fall of 1996, they realized he was going to be huge for them. The shit talking of Bret started in September or October and it was clear from that point on that there were big plans for him. You had Bret on screen saying that Austin was the best wrestler in the WWF, Vince and JR constantly talking about how popular he was despite his attitude and so on. I'll cover it more in my upcoming reviews. I have them banked up to KOTR 1997, so I have the full rise of Real Ass Stone Cold upcoming. Trying to space them out to once a week. They definitely didn't capitalize on it for about 2 months after KOTR, but once Bret said he wanted to come back to work with him, they started pushing him hard. When you get into 1997, he wins the Rumble, is in the main event of the the Feb PPV, puts on the match of the night at WM, main events with Bret over the title match the next month, main events in the title match the next month, has the match of the night and most important match in general the next month with HBK (FAR better than their WM match), is the most important member of the US team in the main event the next month. THEN he gets hurt and shit somehow gets even BIGGER for him.

Vince didn't capitalize immediately on Austin after KOTR 1996, but he did pretty soon after. It was impossible to ignore. And the second Russo got on the writing team, Austin's stock went higher and higher.


Another Nitro '95 impression I was reminded of while watching Starrcade. The commentators are insanely racist throughout the back half of the year -- Heenan is racist and BONUS super sexist when the women came over from Japan for one Nitro and WW3 as well.

Heenan is in the corner of the Japanese contingent, yet he's like, super duper racist in every sense (including on this PPV). Bischoff is the face commentator, and he's super racist too -- only he's the one I assume helped put this together so it makes even less sense he'd be this clueless.


I'm gonna keep spamming here. Another Starrcade '95 impression:

Eddie Guerrero clearly goes through the same development as Chuck Barkley as it relates to how he evolves on the mic.

When Chuck first got in to broadcasting, he spoke in the sweetest, nicest little boy voice. It's hilarious when you hear it compared to how he speaks/acts on TV now, but he clearly just didn't want to step on any toes and just spoke in such a prim and proper way.

Eddie Guerrero, same deal. He speaks in this sweet, tiny little voice and acts super humble. He doesn't really slip over his words, but he doesn't want to step out of line in any way and sounds nothing like he'll end up sounding when he actually gets in to cutting good promos.

Awesome, I look forward to it. I didn't really start becoming an avid fan till around when Hardyz and Edge and Christian first started out, I'm 23 so that should give you a bit of a time frame for my wrestling knowledge, but I did have a lot of VHS tapes around the house of wrestling and with the advent of the internet soaked in a ton of stuff. I was a casual fan as a kid and I've heard stories from different family members that I was a huge Macho mark when I was a toddler and would mimic "ohhhhhh yeeeeaaaahhh" and loved the Slim Jim commercials. So I always attribute the start of my rassle love to Macho. I took it really fucking hard when he passed. Him and Benoit are probably the only two celeb deaths that really hurt.

I really wish they didn't fuck up the Network so bad in America Lite so that I could go back rather than read people's reviews or watch clips. I want to fill in the gaps. But yeah, looking forward to hearing what you have to say about it because like I said earlier, I seem to have a pretty similar taste so I know what to look forward to watching and dreading whenever I get around to it.

This went on longer than I thought it would.


Oh man, going to watch Starrcade '95 tonight (Dusty debut on PPV commentary! sans WW3 Main Event), but can't wait to see more Hulk being a POS in '96.

Do you know what the Hogan probation thing was about? Was he filming some garbage? I'm pretty sure he's not on Starrcade either. Also stro, why was it the Three Horsemen for like all these '95 Nitros? Where the hell was Benoit? Japan? If so, why the hell add him in the first place? Weird ass WCW.

Benoit was still full time with NJPW. When I did the 1995/1996 reviews, I was also really confused as to why Benoit was never there and it was the 3 Horsemen for months. The reason was because Benoit wasn't full time with WCW until sometime in early 1996. By the time he was full time with WCW, Pillman was gone, so the Horsemen was weird for a long time. Pillman left and then Mongo didn't join until June of 1996, so it was in flux for 4 or 5 months. I feel like Bootaaay was the one to fill me in on Benoit being in NJPW for most of that period, because I was confused as fuck as to why he was made a member of the Horsemen and the wasn't around for like 3 months.

I found someone lower on the 'I don't remember you at all' meter in WCW than Chris Candido. And I was a huge WCW mark. I remember these Thunders, these Raws, I remember guys who weren't there that much like Blitzkrieg, I remember Lizmark Jr, I remember when Alex Wright was Berlyn... Barry Windham. Barry Windham is like a huge blank spot in my brain. Every time I watch these Thudners that I KNOW I watched, I keep thinking Barry Windham was digitally added to them later like he was some wrestling Hayden Christensen.

Breh, Barry's 1999 run was the best he had been since 1992. It was a miracle run, especially if you had seen any of his Stalker/New Blackjack's run. He looked and moved like he had suddenly de-aged 10 years. Barry Windham's run in the first 6 months or so in 1999 was solid as fuck.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
UWF booking events outside of Nickelodeon Studios.

Weird seeing footage of face Paul Orndorff as there's not a ton of it outside of his early WWF stuff. Captain Lou is on commentary, and he's pretty entertaining to listen to. No idea who the other guy is or, to better phrase it, don't really care.
UWF booking events outside of Nickelodeon Studios.
Weird seeing footage of face Paul Orndorff as there's not a ton of it outside of his early WWF stuff. Captain Lou is on commentary, and he's pretty entertaining to listen to. No idea who the other guy is or, to better phrase it, don't really care.

Outside of Nickelodeon? I guess Lawler wasn't able to appear, huh?


Idk, Captain Lou on commentary sounds....exhausting. He stressed me the fuck out on a 2 minute promo. A whole show of him seems like it would be brutal.
what is wwe's plans with nxt for mania? perhaps a high profile match?

I don't think they would. They want to keep them hungry for the Mania spot, I think. I DO hope that we see some debuts on RAW following Mania. We usually do and it's a great place to do so because of the amazing international crowd that is up for anything unless you give them an obviously shit match. I think they got Orton Big Show last year..?

Kenta is putting that contract to good use


Conquering the west and stealing our women. Something must be done..


So FnP just means bewbs or John Cena in his undies being gawked at by Teddy Long? I mean I'm okay with this, just looking for confirmation.


Mornin' WrassleGAF, happy new year and all that. Nice to be able to shed my Arquette and roll with some Cesaro
until he leaves the day after the Rumble

When's the Avatar rumble?


Lot of people probably have been wondering where Gonzalez heads at right now. You know I thought about it. Maybe I come out here, and apologize for what I did to Kharma, and I did to all my dear WrassleGAFers. I don't think so. You see last night when I went to bed I was wondering if I would be able to get some sleep. For the first time in a year I slept like a baby! When I woke up this morning, and looked in the mirror, you know what I saw? A SMILE ON MY FACE. It's the first time I smiled in a year. As I saw myself, not some corporate puppet that you decided to create GAF! YOU MISSED THE BALL ON THIS ONE BABY! YOU MISSED THE BALL!

After I came here to GAF, 24 hours later I'm up in GAF towers, with the GAF suits... "Hey Gonzalez we need you to smile a little, we need you to be more politically correct, we need you to be more corporate." Well baby what you saw last night was the tip of the iceberg. Big Dady Gonzalez is back! That same guy you saw at DVDVR a couple of years ago.

*Puts on shades*

The only thing that matters to me right now is my family, my friends. I'm not saying I'm not going to smack hands. But it better have a black glove on it baby, because I know you're with me. Whether you like me, love me, or hate me, it's the way it's going to be.

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