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January Wrasslin' |OT|

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Y'know I'll actually agree with you about the D-Bry bit I'd forgotten about that. Russev's Promo did put him over as the heel but I always imagine those kind of promo's being done in front of a British audience.

"You are all lazy and stupid"
"Yeah probably but y'know, fuck it"

USA chants are silly (not the country, just the chants folks let's not get nuts).

Please, someone from a non-English speaking country is a heel here in the current climate.
Crap not about wrestling

I had a look in the 'Mental Health OT'
to see if that was a place I might gain a bit of perspective and help with how I'm feeling. I left feeling more confused and not entirely sure how such a thread could ever help anyone. I understand it's a place to vent, but some of the stories in there and the way they're posted back-to-back are so... depressing. I know that's an obvious statement, but it just feels like if they're all reading the posts, doesn't that make them feel worse? It made me feel worse.

I felt like a hypocrite reading the stuff and thinking 'get some perspective' but then I realised I'm exactly the same. I flip out over dropping stuff, or spilling stuff at times. It isn't even the fact I've dropped something, it's the feeling that I'm not in control of my own movements.

It's probably best I talk to a Doctor about this, as it's not getting any better and I'm just not enjoying general life.

I don't mean to unload in this thread, but this is the only real community I feel part of. You sweaty facial hair tramps.
Who was it in here yesterday that said they shouldn't ignore Benoit because they still talk about Angle & Nash, and they're not good human beings.

The fuck was that about.


Mental Health thread is a lot of circle jerking of "Oh you're depressed? Me too. *One upper story* and the same advice on a loop to the point where it feels trite.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The Mental Health OT is a tough thing. It's good that it's there but is noooooo replacement for real therapy. I don't think anyone who helps drive the Mental Health OT is blind to that either. I just hope a lot of people that use it realize it will not truly help them like therapy can.


The Mental Health OT is a tough thing. It's good that it's there but is noooooo replacement for real therapy. I don't think anyone who helps drive the Mental Health OT is blind to that either. I just hope a lot of people that use it realize it will not truly help them like therapy can.

It can suck my dick, is what I'm trying to say.
It's a circle jerk where they allow themselves to gather and relish in wallowing in their depression and mental illnesses instead of trying to help each other.

That's honestly how it felt. After the OP, it was just waves and waves of posts of people unloading their stuff. It didn't feel very helpful all to be reading it. OP was good though. I don't know, man. Maybe that's the only place they feel like they can talk and get it out in the open, I bit like I've abused the WrassleGAF OT the past week or two.

I don't know.
I don't think a space for venting is really a place to bone up on some readin' 8)

gaf talking about people sucks. They don't know shit. Was just in this 'make up for guys' topic that was full of sooooo many bullshit macho masculinity affirming crapola.

The only masculinity I need is bedazzling my sweet abs.


¡HarlequinPanic!;147292910 said:
I don't think a space for venting is really a place to bone up on some readin' 8)

gaf talking about people sucks. They don't know shit. Was just in this 'make up for guys' topic that was full of sooooo many bullshit macho masculinity affirming crapola.

The only masculinity I need is bedazzling my sweet abs.

I'd love if dudes could wear make up. I'll get a zit and it will heal, but then I'll have a red blotch in that spot for the next 3 months. I want to feel pretty.
I went to school with a boy who wore eyeliner all the time. This was back in 98/99 before the whole Emo/Goth thing really kicked in big time in the UK. He'd always bring cigarettes to school, and openly smoke them too. Didn't give a fuck.

Last I heard he was a 'Bitcoin Farmer', no idea what he's doing now. Probably stinking rich with all his Bitcoins.


Friends, Romans, and WrassleGaf-men.

I just discovered that No Holds Barred is on Hulu Plus. Should I watch this movie?

On a scale of one to ten, one being Hornswaggle as the anonymous GM and ten being Daniel Bryan winning the Rumble, how bad is this movie?

Or is it like The Authority angle where it enters the so bad it's good territory?


Friends, Romans, and WrassleGaf-men.

I just discovered that No Holds Barred is on Hulu Plus. Should I watch this movie?

On a scale of one to ten, one being Hornswaggle as the anonymous GM and ten being Daniel Bryan winning the Rumble, how bad is this movie?

Or is it like The Authority angle where it enters the so bad it's good territory?

Absolutely absolutely positively absolutely watch it.
Friends, Romans, and WrassleGaf-men.

I just discovered that No Holds Barred is on Hulu Plus. Should I watch this movie?

On a scale of one to ten, one being Hornswaggle as the anonymous GM and ten being Daniel Bryan winning the Rumble, how bad is this movie?

Or is it like The Authority angle where it enters the so bad it's good territory?

It's good, watch it... you know for what it is.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The crowd is chanting 'U-S-A' at Tatanka to cheer him on... I feel like there is something tragic about chanting U-S-A at a Native American wrestler.
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