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January Wrasslin' |OT|

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Vince wants the sponsor money they get when they're PG. It took them years and years after going PG and starting all those PR inititives, to get the sponsors they have now.

They're not giving those up. It's not like they like being hamstrung by the PG rating, but then again, they don't actually like having RAW be 3 hours, they just want the extra money for it.
What sponsoers do they even have now? Hell the used to have slacker 2 ads all of the time and now we get the same ads with guys like hulu(NBC) and Mattel(who they already have a toy deal with). Where is the ad money coming in? WCW was able to get western union to sponsor the shit show that was Nitro and Slamboree 2000. How is it in 2015 they can't get any sponsor?

Have you seen 2002 to before they become pg stuff. It was much worse. Necrophilia, storyline line of someone going to bust Molly Holly's hymen, Vince and the divas.

It was them trying to relive the attitude era days when the viewer moved on from it. The big thing was the attitude era while great killed them with sponsors and money from that. It still affects them today and you saw Impact with tv-14 and it sucked.

Plus I bet some just want it back to get a bra and pantie match with Paige and Naomi.

I was watching during that time. I just feel there is a balance between Russo/Dunn shit and an angle that makes you want to tune in.


DVRd and quickly ran through Smackdown in Canada tonight.

Spoilered my thoughts in case anyone cares...

-Really strong Daniel Bryan promo to start. Very natural on the mic, and he gave a solid message. He wants to do it all over again like last year. Good look for him too with his hair tied back.

-Okay match against Kane...did a kick through the ropes instead of a suicide dive, and a cross body instead of a missile drop kick off the top...sadly, I don't think the reaction was as strong for Bryan as in the past. Noticed this on his Raw segment too, but heard that crowd was dead for most of the night anyway. But yeah, this was a DQ win for D-Bry, and he was backed up by Reigns and Ambrose.

-Skipped through the Mizdown/Usos match

-Reigns had a backstage segment with Rene...who now has chin-length hair...Reigns didn't say too much, but he was unnatural as fuck

-Skipped through the Divas match

-Wyatt, Big Show, Kane, and Ambrose all entered the Rumble....Ambrose's backstage promo was really good

-Seth Rollins had a segment with Paul Heyman that was quite good. Lots of passion from both guys, and Rollins came off super convincing and on fire...also pretty uncomfortable as he was an inch away from Heyman's face while having him cornered in the ring and looking like he was gonna hump him while straddling the second turnbuckle

-Rollins teased a cash-in and wanted Brock right then and there on Smackdown...where Brock wasn't

-Main event was...okay. Nothing stood out. Typical WWE six-man match. These things just feel like they're on auto pilot with how these guys are trained/asked to work

-Triple H came out to end the show on the ramp. Kane and Bryan is happening again next week. If Bryan loses, he's out of the Royal Rumble.

So yeah, pretty eventful show. Promos and news items coming out of this show were more interesting than the matches, though.


What was your take on Vince McMahon’s interview a couple of months back on the WWE Network where he encouraged talent to reach for the brass ring?

(Laughs) You know it’s funny, because one of the things that he had mentioned was, he said something about the Millennials not having any ambition, right. It’s funny, because the WWE does this personality test with some of their more successful superstars, where they rank you on all of these scores, like your desire for power, and your personality, and all that kind of stuff. One of the things they ranked was ambition, and it’s funny, because in this personality assessment, I got the lowest score for ambition that the lady had ever seen. So they do it on a percentile basis, so from 0 to 100, I was in the bottom 1 percentile of ambition.


Best way to have Rusev still be over after his loss is to turn him face during the match or immediately after it.

Plus doesn't it speak poorly for wrestling in 2015 that a xenophobic angle will be a feature match at Mania?

Then again it would help if Rusev cheated to win and was an actual heel instead of a dude who toughs out a match through an injury in tears and celebrates with passion when he wins the US title.



Well, disagreeing on a wrestler based on ones person is equivlent to a loser, well, that would be 80% of the internet. Sorry if this is a sore subject for you.

It's not a sore subject for me. It's a sore subject for you. Because he berried your favorite wrestlers or something, or other internet stories with no accreditation that become "fact" and then people get worked up over them and take it personally. Those are the kind of people that create videos of themselves ranting about shit with toys on their walls.

Stro, I know you can't believe anything Buff says but he had a shoot where he said that JR told him to take the weekend off then told everyone that that was Buff's mom calling to get him out of working.

Which weighs more, Buff's liar status or JR's cuntiness?

I would tend to believe JR's story in this case. He seems like he was always a straight shooter when it came to business and there were similar stories about Buff and his mom in WCW.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
он получил весь мир в своих руках

Your economy isn't worth enough for me to bother learning your language
I just find both of them annoying. He doesn't have a single lengthy match and they are both just real campy and belonging in a previous time of cable television. rusev just doesn't have a long term place on the roster with his dumb gimmick.
I just find both of them annoying. He doesn't have a single lengthy match and they are both just real campy and belonging in a previous time of cable television. rusev just doesn't have a long term place on the roster with his dumb gimmick.

Him and Lana are great characters, and he works a good style of match for his character. Bray Wyatt is a shitty character and nothing he does in a match matters.
It's not a sore subject for me. It's a sore subject for you. Because he berried your favorite wrestlers or something, or other internet stories with no accreditation that become "fact" and then people get worked up over them and take it personally. Those are the kind of people that create videos of themselves ranting about shit with toys on their walls.

Well, you maybe shocked at this, but I never make video rants. I can see why you hate on that guy who does this. If it makes you feel any better, I'll start referring him to H or Haitch. However, my stance on him won't change.

I won't make any references to H regarding his connections to the company.


Hm. It appears Hulu/Xfinity has some WWE Films up for free. Including The Chaperone, starting Paul Levesque, the lady who does the voice for Lisa Simpson, and the younger sister on Modern Family.
My daughter's six now, and she walks up to me with this big grin on her face.

Gets on her tiptoes to whisper in my ear.

"Look at me. I'm the captain now."

Because she has gotten to this phase where she wants us to see her doing things, so she says "Look at me, look at me." So I started saying "You're the captain now." And that would make her so indignant. "No, no, I'm not the captain! Stop saying that!" But I wouldn't stop. Then one day she decided to own it. And now we get this.

Awesome parent? Awesome parent :)


Hm. It appears Hulu/Xfinity has some WWE Films up for free. Including The Chaperone, starting Paul Levesque, the lady who does the voice for Lisa Simpson, and the younger sister on Modern Family.
If you're looking for another shitty movie to review once you're done with The Chaperone and you want to keep the Yeardley Smith theme going, might I suggest the following...


That's right. It's Maximum Overdrive.
If you thought the Bret Hart vs. Box feud was riveting, just wait until you witness a vending machine kill some kids.





My daughter is really picky about it, which is probably our fault for taking her to a live show, where the pyro scared the crap out of her. She loves watching stuff she knows, probably because she knows it isn't going to make loud booms. So she ends up watching the 40 man Royal Rumble and WWE Countdown: Biggest Blunders once every couple of weeks.

But she's just got better things to do during Raw, like go watch hour long videos of some YouTube channel that is nothing but the Finger Family song with different copyright infringing characters animated poorly sung by people with thick Indian accents.
We can lure her to come watch for a few minutes if Rusev or Stardust is on, but she really doesn't care to watch a match. Unless it's the 40-man Royal Rumble. Who knows why. Tried to get her to watch other Royal Rumbles, but she just refuses.

LOL! My son watches those too.

He also found this gem while looking for Father Finger videos.


It's only two minutes long, but it feels like it goes on for an eternity. lol
"Daniel is the crossover of so many of those factors that make a superstar... He's got charisma. He's got personality. He's different...There's a truth to what he says." —Triple H on Daniel Bryan

I'm incredibly conflicted about how I feel about Marc Mero overall. I have no real problem with is body of work and the storyline with sable was actually pretty good.

but every other wrassler seems to slag him pretty hard.

It keeps me up at night, man.

augh this does make me want to call my folks. dat hand written stinger at the end. spielbergian levels of emotional manipulation~


Izod Center was actually the first place I ever saw wrestling live when it was still the Brendan Byrne arena so it's kinda sad to see it go but it doesn't really have much reason to exist with no sports teams and the Prudential Center so close.

Here's the card from that show.

WWF @ East Rutherford, NJ - Meadowlands - January 9, 1993 (matinee) (8,700)
Virgil pinned the Brooklyn Brawler
WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels fought Marty Jannetty to a no contest when Jannetty attacked Michaels before the bell and hit him with the belt; the match was held off for later in the show
Rick & Scott Steiner defeated the Executioners when Scott got the pin
Tatanka pinned Damien Demento
Bob Backlund pinned the Berzerker
WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels pinned Marty Jannetty with his feet on the ropes
The Headshrinkers defeated Owen Hart & Koko B. Ware when Fatu pinned Ware
Yokozuna pinned the Big Bossman with the Bonzai Drop at around the 4-minute mark
Mr. Perfect defeated Razor Ramon via count-out

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Brian Clark told a story about how Luger was picking up Owen for a gorilla press and Owen wiggled around on purpose to make it look like he couldn't do it. So he drops Owen then Owen lets Davey Boy press him like 10 times and makes it look easy to fuck with Lex
Izod Center was actually the first place I ever saw wrestling live when it was still the Brendan Byrne arena so it's kinda sad to see it go but it doesn't really have much reason to exist with no sports teams and the Prudential Center so close.

Here's the card from that show.


My first house show from the nassau colleseum (I think, I remember the ladder match so I think this is right).

WWF @ Long Island, NY - Nassau Coliseum - June 9, 1995 (6,500)
Jean Pierre Lafitte pinned Aldo Montoya at 8:47 with the Cannonball following a DDT
The Smoking Gunns fought Jacob & Eli Blu to a double count-out at 8:28 when all four men began brawling on the floor; after the bout, the Gunns cleared the ring with a pair of double dropkicks
Hunter Hearst Helmsley pinned Doink the Clown
Shawn Michaels won a 20-man battle royal by last eliminating King Kong Bundy at 12:47; other participants included: Duke Drose, Men on a Mission, Aldo Montoya, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Jean Pierre Lafitte, Man Mountain Rock, Adam Bomb, the Smoking Gunns, Jacob & Eli Blu, Tatanka, Henry Godwinn, Bob Backlund, Doink the Clown, WWF Tag Team Champions Owen Hart & Yokozuna; order of elimination: Yoko by Michaels, Mabel, & several others following several running axehandles from Michaels (1:46); Billy & a Blu twin by Mo (2:05); a Blu twin by Bart via a backdrop (2:08); Bart by Mabel (2:10); Bomb by Tatanka & Bundy (2:22); Mabel by Michaels following a running axehandle (2:45); Aldo by Mo (3:06); Lafitte by Rock (5:05); Doink by Tatanka (6:10); Hemsley by Michaels (6:36); Backlund by Mo (6:44); Rock by Bundy (7:09); Mo by Michaels (7:40); Drose by Tatanka (7:44); Hart by Michaels via a clothesline (11:09); Tatanka elimited himself via a clothesline over the top to Michaels, with Michaels hanging onto the ropes (12:40); Bundy by Michaels via a dropkick from behind as Bundy thought he had won the match
Skip pinned Duke Drose at 9:35 by reversing the Trash Compactor into a roll up
WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett defeated Razor Ramon in a ladder match at 12:45 after shoving the challenger off the top of the ladder; during the bout, Razor sustained a rib injury that would force him out of the King of the Ring tournament
Adam Bomb & Man Mountain Rock defeated Tatanka & King Kong Bundy at 12:54 when Bomb pinned Bundy following a clothesline off the top
Bam Bam Bigelow (sub. for WWF World Champion Diesel) pinned Psycho Sid with a roll up at 9:05 as Sid was distracted by Shawn Michaels on the ring apron; after the bout, Michaels and Bigelow posed together in the ring


I found my first house show as well

WWF @ Anaheim, CA - Arrowhead Pond - March 12, 1995 (7,000)
Kwang pinned Gary Key with a spin wheel kick at 4:18

Hakushi pinned the 1-2-3 Kid at 6:15 after turning an attempted spin wheel kick into a powerbomb and a running senton; Kid sustained a concussion in the match

WWF Women's Champion Bull Nakano pinned Alundra Blayze with a powerbomb and putting her feet on the ropes at 8:04; Bob Holly disputed the call after the match but the decision stood

Bob Backlund defeated Bob Holly at 8:43 via submission with the Crossface Chicken Wing after Holly thought he had scored the pinfall

WWF World Champion Diesel & Razor Ramon defeated Shawn Michaels & WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett via disqualification at 14:19 when Psycho Sid interfered and attacked Diesel; the match came down to Michaels vs. Diesel after Razor was injured and helped backstage by officials while the Roadie helped a stunned Jarrett backstage minutes later; the Undertaker eventually came to Diesel's aid against Sid and Michaels

Jacob & Eli Blu defeated the New Headshrinkers at 8:08 after Fatu was clotheslined by the illegal Blu

The Undertaker defeated Bam Bam Bigelow via disqualification at 11:08 when Bob Backlund interfered, attempted to apply the Crossface Chicken Wing on the Undertaker, but was quickly thrown to the floor

Bret Hart defeated Owen Hart via submission to the Sharpshooter in a No Holds Barred match at 5:47; after the bout, Bret kept the hold applied for several moments before letting go

Savio Vega was there and I didn't know it! :O
My first house show November 1991 in St. Louis Missouri at the Arena.

Singles Match

Van Hammer defeats Zan Panzer

Singles Match

PN News defeats Axl Rotten

Singles Match

Johnny B. Badd defeats Ron Powers

Tag Team Match

Richard Morton & Terrance Taylor defeat Mike Graham & Tracy Smothers

Singles Match

Bobby Eaton defeats Richard Morton

Tag Team Match

Big Josh & Dustin Rhodes defeat Oz & Steve Austin

WCW World Tag Team Title Match

The Enforcers (Arn Anderson & Larry Zbyszko) (c) defeat The Screaming Eagles (Jimmy Garvin & Michael Hayes)

Singles Match

Rick Steiner defeats Abdullah The Butcher by DQ

WCW United States Heavyweight Title Match

Sting (c) defeats Cactus Jack

Tag Team Match

Barry Windham & Ron Simmons defeat Lex Luger & Mr. Hughes


I see we're playing the My First House Show game again. Here's mine...

WWF @ Kitchener, Ontario - December 26, 1993 (matinee) (2,100)

Owen Hart defeated Adam Bomb
The Smoking Gunns defeated the Red & Black Knights (Steve Lombardi & Barry Horowitz)
Shawn Michaels defeated the 1-2-3 Kid
The Undertaker defeated WWF World Champion Yokozuna via disqualification
WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon defeated IRS
Rick & Scott Steiner defeated WWF Tag Team Champions the Quebecers via count-out
Randy Savage defeated Crush

All hail the Red & Black Knights!

Since I lived in an area that never got wrestling close by, my first event was in 2013.

May 24, 2013
WWE Raw Live Event
Maverik Center, Salt Lake City, UT USA

Antonio Cesaro vs. Kofi Kingston

WWE Divas Title: Kaitlyn (c) vs. Tamina Snuka

WWE United States Title: Dean Ambrose (c) vs. R-Truth

Sheamus & Team Hell No (Daniel Bryan & Kane) vs. The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins)

Team Rhodes Scholars (Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow) vs. The New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn & Road Dogg)

Shawn Michaels Appreciation Night with Jim Ross

Bray Wyatt vs. Zack Ryder

No DQ: Chris Jericho vs. Ryback
I like how they kept blaming the big WCW stars for not coming to WWE for less than half of what their guaranteed WCW contracts were giving them.

Booker T even says during the doc that he gave up a lot of money to come to WWE.

Yeah DDP has said he gave up a ton of cash too so he could come over early to WWE, based around the idea of having a cool feud with the Undertaker.


I like that Heyman buried the angle itself rather than the wrestlers that didn't turn up. Was never going to work, they should have put it on the back burner until they had a solid lineup to invade.

You gotta look out for the Dutch. They're killers.
Can't hate on the Dutch, they got great taste and was boss enough for Arnie to use the name to take down the ultimate enemy.
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