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January Wrasslin' |OT|

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AKI....I miss you.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I just realized.

I've never, ever, EVER seen or even listened to a review podcast/OSW of Survivor Series 1992. I think after I finish 1993 WWF I'll go back and do that.


I generally don't care for Kickstarter but if there was ever a good purpose for it, AKI/Syn Sophia making another wrestling game would be it.

Roman has spoken. They are no longer GIFs, or JIFs, or JIFFs....they are now "Those Little Short Films".

How old is he? Even fucking SCSA would know what a Vine is >_<

You'd think WWE would be in everyone's ear talking about hashtag/tweet/vine/gif trending and how they are doing. I fucking bet they are.

Can somebody explain the appeal of Total Divas?

It looks like bad reality tv.

It's bad reality TV staring the people you see for 2 minutes on Raw. It's longer than 2 minutes so you really get an insight into what makes them tick.

Or more accurately; 'what if those 2 minute matches on Raw were an 80's soap opera?'

I wonder if anyone did a MNW style thing on General Hospital & Young & Restless during the late 80's lol


Just got back from a White Elephant Party and I have something to tell you all:

Look at me.

Look at me.

I'm the head of this family now.
Did notice that on both Raw and Smackdown, JBL screamed "It's a mistake!" at Daniel Bryan being in the Royal Rumble. Is he referring to the booking decision of putting Bryan in and not having him win?

I'm giving them too much credit.
Foley posted another Facebook blog, this time about Cesaro and Kidd. He didn't schill his dates at the end of it, though, so he must not think they're that much of a draw.


Wrestle Kingdom question for those who are better at Japanese than me: Could somebody please explain the "Oh My & Garfunkel" thing regarding Taguchi? I always read it as Omae & Garfunkel, but that didn't help it make anymore sense.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Kasai is the shit, but I can not watch these FREEDOMS Gusset Board matches. Fuck me it just goes from grimace to JESUS FUCK STOP in a split second. There's no buildup like the 90s death match. It's just straight up into it.

Now the FMW/IWA Japan Bathhouse Deathmatch is something I can get into. That's FnP. And has nudity so I can't link it, but you can find it on youtube.
Did notice that on both Raw and Smackdown, JBL screamed "It's a mistake!" at Daniel Bryan being in the Royal Rumble. Is he referring to the booking decision of putting Bryan in and not having him win?

I'm giving them too much credit.

Is Bryan advertised for next week? Cause with the Authority coming back; I'm sensing an angle.

And that angle is Kane.
Just caught up with NXT and holy shit the way Alex Riley was shitting all over Balor and Itami was insufferable. I mean Jesus Christ, his comments were just nonsense.

EDIT: Ah shit, that Q&A's started.

Renee sounded like she was getting pretty shitty with him at points. He really was rude as fuck for the majority of the show.

Stark contrast to Graves who has been great these last few weeks. Fuck Riley off to Raw/Smackdown dark matches and let the NXT fans win.

Yes, as in the Observer, it was planned to be long enough to not be fluke, but not long enough to be a dynasty. A "get it out of the fans system" thing, as though the fans would be ready to "follow their lead" or whatever by Summerslam.

If that was the plan I expect they would have turned Bryan into a cocky heel telling the fans YES YES YES YOU SUCK and wiping his ass with the belt and spending all his time talking about how better he is than everyone by living his vegan, natural therapy bullshit life.

Woulda turned the fans no problem.

I was sober in Vegas.

I could see it being an incredibly interesting environment to see function. You'd feel like David Attenborough studying the majesty of humans resplendent in all their vices turned to 11.

I do it sometimes at a big casino down here, I could imagine Vegas would be an experience that never ends in that regard.

Punk is probably not straight edge anymore from breathing in the fumes coming from this crowd.

Had to end at some point!

I really do wonder how his shot at MMA has changed his diet/fitness/etc.

007 Dr. No (1962)

The first Bond movie. It's very subdued except for Dr. No's plot, which makes no sense to me but involves ruining a space launch with nuclear powered radio waves for...some reason. Bond does some real spy shit and is a cold blooded killer. Sean Connery is as SUAVE AS RICO SUAVE GOD DAMN. It's a shame that the movie takes a nose dive once it actually gets to Dr. No. The hidden lair and monologue scenes are usually some of the best. I should note he's actually referred to as a detective, not a spy, which makes a lot more sense to me. I would recommend it, but it is missing a lot of traditional Bond tropes. No gadgets, only a tiny chase scene, I think only one explosion and it wasn't even an explosion, just fire, no real big bad henchman or big fight scene.



Dr No is awesome, established a lot of the gimmicks of the series and Connery made a star out of himself in that role. He was boss as fuck (even though he wore a toupee).
Movie looks pretty good too considering how old it is and they had a tiny budget, only a million bucks back then. It was so tight when they left someones name out of the credits the producer gave them a gold pen rather than spend the money to redo them lol.


15 Superstars to watch in 2015


Spoiler: Cesaro Not Found

Included Balor but not Itami too which kinda sucks. I hope this means KO is going to run rampant in NXT too, being so far up the list.

Isn't Child of Light multiplat?

Yup, plays great on Vita. Plays great on pretty much anything so I'd expect it'd be great on WiiU too! Make sure to grab Captain Toad while you're at it. First WiiU game I've taken a shine too as everything else 1st party has been more of the same.

This is fucking great. Now I'm hyped for a wrassle game and the only one I currently have a console in the house for is WWE 2K15 o_O

Need to grab the 64 next time I'm at my parents place without a doubt now.
TBF Connery thinks the same way

True and Connery turned into a real dismissive prick as he got older and older before saying fuck it and waving bye bye to the carny acting life. No more pretending to stomach being in the same room as Michael Bay for him!

Connery was more focused on money more than anything back then, he knew how to fuck Eon around just enough to max out his asking figure for the last few movies.

It's free* free* free* this month so hopefully everyone gives it a shot. Really hope Swery gets to continue the series.

I bet that asshole misses the PG era now.

If an 8 year old during Q&A asked to play Rock Paper Scissor, it's cute as hell.

If a 35 year old grown ass man holding a beer can asks you that shit...

I bet he feels pretty damn good about himself though, that he didn't turn into that 35 year old trainwreck. Also nice thinking how that 35 year old moron is paying his salary for the fight lol.
I think it's safe to say not to expect Hideo to show up on the main roster for about another year or so. Just to help him get comfortable with cutting promos in English and working on his English in general.
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