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January Wrasslin' |OT2| Big Month Meltz

Oh wow. Now I remember waking up my uncle to tell him they brought out the Wyatts to get buried by the two sports entertainers he hates most.
Of course they did. Vince is back into pushing Roman hard. The return if the ridiculous blue contacts was an early sign.
They sell it like he was polarizing when it was just unanimous booing.


I just want some more Edge & Christian. I'm amazed that the show ended up being good.
Apparently Edge did a lot of the work himself. There's not a second season because he was overwhelmed with the workload of the first season.

You'd think WWE would fork out some cash for a team of assistant producers for a Network show that was actually good. I wonder if they offered him anything.
Shit, if I would have been going at 5 or 6, that's classic Jim Crockett promotions and NWA days.

Turning 36 in June.

I'm turning 38 in June, so if the ageing ever gets you down remember i'll always have a couple of laps on you. [cries out in pain]

The only time I watched the WWF live was Flair Vs Bret at a London show. Undertaker also no-sold Papa Shango's firework-loaded spooky voodoo wand and Max Moon tore the house down against R-R-R-Repo Man on the same show.
Apparently Edge did a lot of the work himself. There's not a second season because he was overwhelmed with the workload of the first season.

You'd think WWE would fork out some cash for a team of assistant producers for a Network show that was actually good. I wonder if they offered him anything.
Woah brother, they said they're working on season 2 a few months back, I thought.


WrestleMania 32 is pretty much the most "Vince" WrestleMania ever

-- Have the Wyatts put over The Rock and Cena
-- The tag team of black wrestlers [New Day] loses to the lighter skinned wrestlers [League of Nations]
-- A bunch of old white guys [Foley/Austin/HBK] then beat up those lighter skinned wrestlers
-- Lesnar beats a guy who's over despite constantly losing feuds
-- AJ loses to Jericho for no fucking reason besides AJ isn't a WWE guy
-- Shane nearly killing himself for dad again
-- No pesky Daniel Bryan in sight to ruin everything
-- Vince's pet project Roman Reigns vs Vince's son-in-law HHH in the main event
-- Stephanie in tight leather again


Cena's Mania opponent is apparently not going to be something to be excited about lol

It's either Orton or Corbin.

Probably Corbin.


Dead silence



WrestleMania 32 is pretty much the most "Vince" WrestleMania ever

-- Have the Wyatts put over The Rock and Cena
-- The tag team of black wrestlers [New Day] loses to the lighter skinned wrestlers [League of Nations]
-- A bunch of old white guys [Foley/Austin/HBK] then beat up those lighter skinned wrestlers
-- Lesnar beats a guy who's over despite constantly losing feuds
-- Shane nearly killing himself for dad again
-- No pesky Daniel Bryan in sight to ruin everything
-- Vince's pet project Roman Reigns vs Vince's son-in-law HHH in the main event
-- Stephanie in tight leather again
The only decent thing that happened at WM32 was the IC title ladder match.
The Rock and Cena segment was just the most unnecessary thing. What could have easily been a fifteen minute segment was pushed to about double that. And on top of that they had to send out the Wyatt Family to them and get jobbed out.


I barely remember it. Maybe I'll have to rewatch

I remember that the camera work for that match was awful.

Cole: "If you notice Sasha's attire tonight, it's a tribute to her idol Eddie Guerrero"

*Camera never pans down to notice her Eddie tights*

Not to mention Sasha diving in from off screen to frog splash Charlotte and Becky while they were in the Figure Four


I remember that the camera work for that match was awful.

Cole: "If you notice Sasha's attire tonight, it's a tribute to her idol Eddie Guerrero"

*Camera never pans down to notice her Eddie tights*

Not to mention Sasha diving in from off screen to frog splash Charlotte and Becky while they were in the Figure Four
OK yes this is jogging my memory.
I remember that the camera work for that match was awful.

Cole: "If you notice Sasha's attire tonight, it's a tribute to her idol Eddie Guerrero"

*Camera never pans down to notice her Eddie tights*

Not to mention Sasha diving in from off screen to frog splash Charlotte and Becky while they were in the Figure Four
The Eddie tribute was cute there. But of course WWE had to run it into the ground.
Yeah, Bailey works as a better foil for Charlotte than Sasha did. She's a more clear cut face and easier to root for. I also feel like their matches have a better structure since no one is busting out MOVEZ they really can't control.
I was on about the women's match at Wrestlemania (my fault for not elaborating) but I still agree on the rumble match. Charlotte and Bayley had a good enough match, and I'm alright with the feud continuing even though I think it could be done better then Bayley pinning Charlotte during a tag match the night after she got pinned clean.
This is sad

Apollo def Ziggler Ziggler & Apollo looked horribly frustrated the entire match as people kept cheering Zig and booing Apollo. The match itself was really good, they're both solid workers. After the match Ziggler walked around and people kept trying to interact with him and he made a face, shook his head and mouthed "I'm the bad guy" and walked off.
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