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Japan GAF |OT| I'm not planning a trip; I live here!


This conversation seems a lot more black and white than real life.

I wouldn't get into finance or law for the money, but I would take law or finance translation jobs. They wouldn't be fun, but they'd help me grow in a way I would like to.

I wouldn't do an HR job for a munitions or tobacco company, but I would for a government job. The work wouldn't change, and the ethics of all are debatable.

Work/life balance gets thrown around a lot as well, but there's deciding to work hard 50 hours a week, and travel on weekends as balance, and there's working 9-5 but always thinking about the weekend, or after work.

I hope everyone is happy with their life decisions, and if not, I hope they can feel the courage to change their situation.

Anyways. I'll be at Loft looking at the new awesome Mother 2 手帳. I was thinking of going to the Shibuya one, but I'm tired, so I'll go to my local one.


That's a fucking expensive planner, but man does it look cool.


I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
I've read the whole thing before you edited it, but no worries, we don't have to discuss it. Yes, it was simply explained but the core remains the same. It's a very flat view on life either way. But then again, if what you wrote works for you, more power to you.

Too many people are too worried about their financial status. And by that I don't mean to "sell yourself for any price".

Lol, I don't understand how my view on life is "flat" or what that means. I've lived and worked on 3 continents, had tons of relationships, tons of experiences. I could stop working tomorrow and be fine for the rest of my life. I could buy my wife a mansion, send my kids to ivy league schools, go fishing Monday, hunting Tuesday, play FF14 Wednesday, visit Venice Thursday, buy a hooker Friday.. and do something completely different the next week. All because I stayed till 1am a few nights a year when I was 24 instead of watching the clock tick down to 5pm every day and running for the door so I could "enjoy" life. If I didn't want to stay till 1am, I wouldn't have. But I did. And now I can not go in at all if I want.

My view on life is called "realistic."

no, I'm not under 25
@ the rest, see below

that's the problem with your bizarre world view. You seem completely unable to understand that prioritizing a well rounded work-live balance over earning as much money as possible has nothing to do with being unambitious. It's quite the opposite. Looking for a job you actually enjoy doing takes a lot more effort than looking for one with just a nice pay check.

also let me assure you, you're 100% American ;)

Work life balance is a phrase very commonly used in my field. It's sort of an inside joke. Why do you need to balance work and life as if they're two separate things? If you enjoy your work, it should simply be a part of your life. You shouldn't have to segregate them or set clear boundaries for them. My work is not just a place where I go to make money, it's where I have friends that my family and I go to dinner with, it's where I take part in events like rebuilding Sandy homes, it's where I go to unwind if I had a rough day at home. It should integrate itself seamlessly if you actually do enjoy your work.

I didn't say do a job you hate for money. I said don't make your job your passion, because you can achieve much more of your passions outside the boundaries of a single job.

Also, I was born and grew up in central, post-communism Europe. Didn't come to America until I was 10. My parents barely survived here until I got into college. America to me was just a way for us to bounce back on our feet. And now, again, I'm using it to my advantage to help my life. America is an awesome country, but it's such a small fraction of me.

How many kids do you have? Do you feel like your job leaves you with ample time to spend with your wife and kids?

I have two kids. The field I work in has things called busy seasons that usually last 3-4 months at a time. So I have 3-4 on months and then 3-4 more relaxed months. My wife takes our kids to our Europe home or our Japan home depending on the season. They're still small enough where missing school isn't a big thing. When we go back to Japan for good next summer my oldest will be ready to start shou so it works out perfectly. I spend plenty of time with my family, but I'm far enough in my career where the last ~5 years (since having kids basically) has been much less intensive than the period when I was 22-24ish. I'm holding my son as I type this lol.


Awh. I'm glad that you get to spend time with your family. That would be the worst to me, if I weren't able to at your age.


Wow. There are tons of great films on here: Godfather, Goodfellas, A Beautiful Mind, American History X, 2001, Man on the Moon, etc.
I'm not surprised that most of the Japanese films I like aren't on here, since it's surely harder to get the rights for lots of Beat Takeshi and Kurosawa stuff.

Somebody recommend some good Japanese TV shows to me that are on here. I really only know Downtown's stuff, like one talk show with Matsuko, and Gamecenter CX.
Lol, I don't understand how my view on life is "flat" or what that means. I've lived and worked on 3 continents, had tons of relationships, tons of experiences. I could stop working tomorrow and be fine for the rest of my life. I could buy my wife a mansion, send my kids to ivy league schools, go fishing Monday, hunting Tuesday, play FF14 Wednesday, visit Venice Thursday, buy a hooker Friday.. and do something completely different the next week. All because I stayed till 1am a few nights a year when I was 24 instead of watching the clock tick down to 5pm every day and running for the door so I could "enjoy" life. If I didn't want to stay till 1am, I wouldn't have. But I did. And now I can not go in at all if I want.

My view on life is called "realistic."
Listen, I've been on the net since the early 90's, moderated the whole DALnet, which was full of Rambo's like you are. Now you see, it's nobody's fault that you have that insecirity going on in your life and just because you seem not to be happy, please don't try to drag people down to the same level you are stuck at. Please, work until 10:27 p.m., enjoy your money you earned with your real job and just keep hustlin'. I could discuss this with you until next year but you still wouldn't understand what I'm talking about. If you consider yourself smart, don't try to impress the smart people here, because it's laughable at best. As I said, if it works for you, more power to you. I'm still sad that you don't see the important things in life. You will eventually someday.


It must suck being so miserable you have to waste all your time trying to act like you're some hot shot online.

I feel bad for Expert. He claims he has all these things, and yet seems to be one of the most miserable users I've seen on GAF. If only he spent more time with his family instead, working on his real issues.


The only thing he's an expert at is derailing threads. I find it very hard to believe someone as successful as he claims to be finds so much joy in insulting people on a video game forum.

I know people more successful than he could ever dream of being, and somehow they still manage to find it in their hearts to be kind to people and not belittle them for their life choices. It doesn't cost anything to not be an asshole, but that's something I don't think expert is capable of understanding. So until the mods step in, I guess everyone living in Japan in here will have to put up with him telling us how lazy we are and how our lives are being wasted because we aren't living exactly how he is. It's a shame, because this thread was promising.


Lol people catching feelings about experts posts.

I'm saying this cause it's true : dude is legit. He doesn't owe people like myself anything, yet he will gladly spend the time writing a massive essay PM to me if I ask him a simple question. I guarantee if anybody here asked him for advice he would give it. Now if you don't like it (the advice), that's on you. I'll say though, his advice is rare although not unique, but the ppl who say the same shit he does are all very similar: they understood that their career was a game and they owned it.

On the other side, if you CBF doing it or don't believe in it that's cool too, but don't call it "flat"; it's anything but. It's on point and it's realistic. Isn't advice better that way? Something something sugarcoated dream..

Yea this is basically an expert thread now, shiet. Gromph pls don't punish us
Great, he's got cronies now. Calling people's life choices lazy is not advice, that's simply being an asshole.
Matt, I think most of us are all on the same page. Let's respect his life choice and just hope that other people will be smart enough not to listen to his "advice". Just let it go. Not worth the time to teach internet heroes.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Lol.. I am literally the happiest and least insecure person in this thread. I wish I knew how people deduce that I am unhappy or troubled. An asshole, sure, but I stay fly, no lie, you know this.

Ayumi you've had a hard on for me ever since I called you out your bullshit posting. Mail, you can try to drop some sort of internet street cred on me but I think I'm older and more vetted than you lol. Matt, you're just an alt lifer, I'll pass. I'm in Taiwan in October, I'll fly over to see Ayumi or Mail and we can put the internet bullshit aside. Just real life. Pm me and we can work out a when and where. Let's see how insecure and unhappy we are lol.

Sorry I should clarify, of course dinner/drinks will be on me. :)

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Great, he's got cronies now. Calling people's life choices lazy is not advice, that's simply being an asshole.

This thread is not about me nor am I derailing it. It's been very on topic, you just disagree because I think your job is a fuckfest. Being an alt in Japan is not a life choice lol, it's a last choice. Its a desperate hail mary because the rest of your life doesn't work. Unless of course you are a real teacher, with real training and real credentials. Then of course it's a real job and a life choice. Do you fit that criteria Matt? You're a trained and licensed educator who happened to choose ESL as their calling? If so, you aren't even who I'm talking about when I discuss the shitty ESL industry.

People obviously do want to have this discussion btw. If this conversation wasn't happening what would the thread be about? Ohh I can now stream movies!! Oh I bought an amiibo!! Oh where can I go for some anime posters!! Do I ever insert myself in those convos? No, I stay the fuck out. But if people engage me over this topic then I'm an asshole, miserable, flat, short-sighted, blah blah.

I'm not sure what you want a mod to do. Ban me because you don't like me? Ok, go ahead. Gromph, people don't like me, please ban me. I'll take it on the chin. Mail and Ayumi though the invite stands, I'll take you guys out no expenses spared. You can bring your SOs too.

Actually nevermind, you guys will say no. I'll just crash the next meet up. Who's the go to meet up setter upper person. Set it up. I might as well take you all out.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Great, he's got cronies now. Calling people's life choices lazy is not advice, that's simply being an asshole.

This kind of post really pisses me off. Agreeing with certain points of a person's view/argument does not make one a crony.

The only thing he's an expert at is derailing threads. I find it very hard to believe someone as successful as he claims to be finds so much joy in insulting people on a video game forum.

I know people more successful than he could ever dream of being, and somehow they still manage to find it in their hearts to be kind to people and not belittle them for their life choices. It doesn't cost anything to not be an asshole, but that's something I don't think expert is capable of understanding. So until the mods step in, I guess everyone living in Japan in here will have to put up with him telling us how lazy we are and how our lives are being wasted because we aren't living exactly how he is. It's a shame, because this thread was promising.

What a bunch of nonsense. Is everyone in this thread an ALT? I think not. Isn't there a "teach English in Asia" thread dedicated for that crowd?

Just because his words have somehow hurt your feelings does not mean his points are any less valid.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Zefah how do we involve you in the get togethers. I need to treat you for being such a good crony. Also I'm sick of this Tokyo jerkfest. Tokyo is where people who can't speak real Japanese go. The meetups need to be in Kansai, aka real Japan. I'd like to point out I've never once offered to do anything in real life on this forum so here's your chance to call me out on all my bullshit. Throw it in my face, literally.

Also, yes, go through the alt thread here on GAF. I've never posted in it once. I dont insert myself into shit and try to cause a ruckus. I have an opinion and I discussed it here, a non-alt thread, cordially. Some of you just want to be internet police and think everyone has to hold hands.


Great, he's got cronies now. Calling people's life choices lazy is not advice, that's simply being an asshole.

How butthurt. I said if you'd don't like the advice, then it's fine, but don't call it flat if some people find it helpful. I think this thread is better for it, because it becomes less of an echo chamber. Because of what his career exp, he has given me helpful advice on how to achieve what I want in Japan. Is that flat?

But I guess I'm a crony. Im not gonna shit on whatever it is you do, so keep doing it and I hope it works out. IMO I don't think expert goes out to make people feel like shit on purpose.


How butthurt. I said if you'd don't like the advice, then it's fine, but don't call it flat if some people find it helpful. I think this thread is better for it, because it becomes less of an echo chamber. Because of what his career exp, he has given me helpful advice on how to achieve what I want in Japan. Is that flat?

But I guess I'm a crony. Im not gonna shit on whatever it is you do, so keep doing it and I hope it works out. IMO I don't think expert goes out to make people feel like shit on purpose.

He gives good advice, and acts like a dick. I can understand that some people take offense when people act like dicks.

I'm fairly certain no one is taking offense due to the content (and all would agree a lot is very helpful), it's the dickishness, which is called "keeping it real".

Thread seems to be getting emotional, with sides being defined and insults being hurled. Really a shame.


How butthurt. I said if you'd don't like the advice, then it's fine, but don't call it flat if some people find it helpful. I think this thread is better for it, because it becomes less of an echo chamber. Because of what his career exp, he has given me helpful advice on how to achieve what I want in Japan. Is that flat?

But I guess I'm a crony. Im not gonna shit on whatever it is you do, so keep doing it and I hope it works out. IMO I don't think expert goes out to make people feel like shit on purpose.

I never said flat. That wasn't me. My problem is not so much the message but rather how it's presented. I think that's everyone's problem with expert. His bedside manner leaves a lot to be desired. And there's no denying he gets trollish in his insults at times.


He gives good advice, and acts like a dick. I can understand that some people take offense when people act like dicks.

I'm fairly certain no one is taking offense due to the content (and all would agree a lot is very helpful), it's the dickishness, which is called "keeping it real".

Thread seems to be getting emotional, with sides being defined and insults being hurled. Really a shame.

I think people dislike when their life choices get criticises (by anybody), and so they find it highly offensive. People are different tho so if I don't mind if somebody does that to me. I can also see why some posters get a little offended by it in here when the posts aren't aimed directly at them, but that's probably unjustified (getting upset for somebody else).

and yeah it's a shame. I probably started this derail when I asked what work everybody was doing in Japan!

this post paid for by i'm an expert


I don't think it is necessarily. I was approved for a credit card (only 100,000 Yen maximum) as an international student back in 2006 (after having my gaijin card for only 3 months) when I only held a part time job and had some scholarship money coming in every month.

Honestly, it's a bit strange that you're getting denied with that in mind. You don't have any other significant debt (either in or outside of Japan) do you?

None at all - none of the companies give a reason either, which is great. What card did you get? 10man ain't the best but it's a start


Heh. This post is surreal.

Yeah that's what happens when you type As you're going to sleep. Sorry Aizo 😓

What I tried to say was, few ppl give advice like he does because not everyone responds to it well. Majority would rather give something that people receive well, and most times that's usually sugar coated.

That's why it's rare. But, it's not unique - I've heard people break down life choices and paths like he has before. And the other people I've heard it from have the same ... "Air" about them that expert gives off.


Yeah that's what happens when you type As you're going to sleep. Sorry Aizo 😓

What I tried to say was, few ppl give advice like he does because not everyone responds to it well. Majority would rather give something that people receive well, and most times that's usually sugar coated.

That's why it's rare. But, it's not unique - I've heard people break down life choices and paths like he has before. And the other people I've heard it from have the same ... "Air" about them that expert gives off.

How about some advice without coming across as a condescending dick then? How hard can that possibly be? He seems capable of doing that in PM conversations, so why not here as well? Different opinions and approaches to life are valued. Condescension is not. Expert needs to learn that there is more than one way to live a meaningful and successful life.


How about some advice without coming across as a condescending dick then? How hard can that possibly be? He seems capable of doing that in PM conversations, so why not here as well? Different opinions and approaches to life are valued. Condescension is not. Expert needs to learn that there is more than one way to live a meaningful and successful life.

Cause then it wouldn't be advice from him, it'd be advice tailored to what you wanted to hear. Me personally, I ask for advice to hear what that person thinks, and if that person wants to be what you say is rude/condescending, then so be it, it's his advice. I don't think you should be asking him to tone it down - if he is insulting your way of life, best thing you can do is hit the ignore button, rather than calling people cronys/trolls.

The worst thing i ever read that he posted was that he banged a JET in a Don Quijote. It's entertainment.


This tag is currently undergoing scheduled maintenance...
Staff Member
This thread is not about me nor am I derailing it. It's been very on topic, you just disagree because I think your job is a fuckfest. Being an alt in Japan is not a life choice lol, it's a last choice. Its a desperate hail mary because the rest of your life doesn't work. Unless of course you are a real teacher, with real training and real credentials. Then of course it's a real job and a life choice. Do you fit that criteria Matt? You're a trained and licensed educator who happened to choose ESL as their calling? If so, you aren't even who I'm talking about when I discuss the shitty ESL industry.

People obviously do want to have this discussion btw. If this conversation wasn't happening what would the thread be about? Ohh I can now stream movies!! Oh I bought an amiibo!! Oh where can I go for some anime posters!! Do I ever insert myself in those convos? No, I stay the fuck out. But if people engage me over this topic then I'm an asshole, miserable, flat, short-sighted, blah blah.

I'm not sure what you want a mod to do. Ban me because you don't like me? Ok, go ahead. Gromph, people don't like me, please ban me. I'll take it on the chin. Mail and Ayumi though the invite stands, I'll take you guys out no expenses spared. You can bring your SOs too.

Actually nevermind, you guys will say no. I'll just crash the next meet up. Who's the go to meet up setter upper person. Set it up. I might as well take you all out.

I will not ban you.

Count with me for a meet-up next time you are in Japan.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
How about some advice without coming across as a condescending dick then? How hard can that possibly be? He seems capable of doing that in PM conversations, so why not here as well? Different opinions and approaches to life are valued. Condescension is not. Expert needs to learn that there is more than one way to live a meaningful and successful life.

I really don't understand where you got the impression that he thinks his way is the only right way to approach life. I think he's outright stated the opposite on multiple occasions in fact.

What gives you the right to dictate how someone conveys their message? You talk about thread derailing, but in my eyes it's your self-righteous tone policing that is really getting us off topic and making the discussion all about Expert's character rather than the content of his posts. What's the point?
That's a fucking expensive planner, but man does it look cool.

Yeah, it does and I'm sure if I bought that, it would provide some fun times for every meeting lol. I planned on only buying the planner for 2016, because I don't feel like there's a cover I'd really want to use from this year's batch. Guess I need to check them out in person and see from there.

[quote="Ayumi, post: 177217970"]Try clicking the middle button on the remote while the movie is playing?[/QUOTE]
That just stops the playback and brings you back to the movie summary. I tried to change settings on the website version of Netflix, but that didn't really help either. Kind of surprised that Netflix kicks off with an half-baked Apple TV app. Bummer :(. (I hope I'm wrong tho)


Cause then it wouldn't be advice from him, it'd be advice tailored to what you wanted to hear. Me personally, I ask for advice to hear what that person thinks, and if that person wants to be what you say is rude/condescending, then so be it, it's his advice. I don't think you should be asking him to tone it down - if he is insulting your way of life, best thing you can do is hit the ignore button, rather than calling people cronys/trolls.

The worst thing i ever read that he posted was that he banged a JET in a Don Quijote. It's entertainment.

Fair enough then.

I really don't understand where you got the impression that he thinks his way is the only right way to approach life. I think he's outright stated the opposite on multiple occasions in fact.

What gives you the right to dictate how someone conveys their message? You talk about thread derailing, but in my eyes it's your self-righteous tone policing that is really getting us off topic and making the discussion all about Expert's character rather than the content of his posts. What's the point?

I find it kind of funny that it's my tone you find self-righteous, but your point is taken. I let expert hit a nerve and that's on me.


That just stops the playback and brings you back to the movie summary. I tried to change settings on the website version of Netflix, but that didn't really help either. Kind of surprised that Netflix kicks off with an half-baked Apple TV app. Bummer :(. (I hope I'm wrong tho)
That probably means whatever you're watching doesn't have subtitles. Is it Japanese movies or TV shows? Remember that Netflix Japan is meant for Japanese customers so not everything will have English subtitles. If you've ever used a VPN or Hola, it's the same in a lot of countries. Spanish only for Mexico/Brazil/etc (unless the movies already exist on US Netflix because then they would transfer as is, with subtitles etc).
That probably means whatever you're watching doesn't have subtitles. Is it Japanese movies or TV shows? Remember that Netflix Japan is meant for Japanese customers so not everything will have English subtitles. If you've ever used a VPN or Hola, it's the same in a lot of countries. Spanish only for Mexico/Brazil/etc (unless the movies already exist on US Netflix because then they would transfer as is, with subtitles etc).
Well, it's pretty messed up tbh. "Friends" for example is japanese dub without any subtitles and movies like "Training Day" are english dub without any subs. My wife wants to watch stuff in English but with japanese subtitles enabled. That's basically the reason I'm asking. The Hulu Apple TV app let's you choose "English with japanese sub" (being the default) or "Japanese dub" in many cases, so that is really useful.


My friend's wife is actually one of the people working on subtitles for Netflix Japan. She's been at it for months now and she's basically doing it full time. I can only imagine that the subtitle situation will get better over time.
My friend's wife is actually one of the people working on subtitles for Netflix Japan. She's been at it for months now and she's basically doing it full time. I can only imagine that the subtitle situation will get better over time.
Oh, the subtitles are there, but I don't know how to turn them on/off or change the language within the Apple TV app. It's more of an application problem lol.

Edit: It seems like you have to HOLD DOWN the button on the remote LOL. I didn't try it yet, but I will later tonight and report back.

Here are the instructions if anybody was just as blind heh..

Enabling subtitles and Closed Captions + SDH on Apple TVs will require that you have Software Version 5.0 or later installed on the device.

To adjust subtitles and alternate audio while streaming on your Apple TV:

Hold down the center button on your Apple TV remote.
Select your preferred audio or subtitle language options.
To adjust Closed Captions + SDH while streaming on your Apple TV:

Hold down the center button on your Apple TV remote.
Select your preferred Closed Caption + SDH options.
Adjust and customize subtitles and closed captions:

Closed Captions + SDH must be adjusted from the Apple TV menu under Settings > General > Accessibility > Closed Captions + SDH before they can be adjusted in the Netflix app.

You can then customize the appearance of subtitles and closed captions on the Apple TV under Settings > General > Accessibility > Subtitles and Captioning > Style.


Well, it's pretty messed up tbh. "Friends" for example is japanese dub without any subtitles
It has Japanese subtitles, but they're summaries of what is being said on screen. I don't want summary subtitles. Just write the same thing that the characters say. Pretty weird.


Glad it's possible. Japanese dubs are as bad as English dubs imo! I also like English subtitles for everything (except Japanese movies where inaccurate subs become an eyesore. Hi Hulu, I'm looking at you).

Great English practice. :3 Also less chance to miss important stuff when you can't hear what they say.


I'm loving Netflix Japan so far. I actually really enjoy Japanese dubbed and subbed content, so huzzah?

Also, I missed the job discussion a bit, but one thing that I like to tell people who have 3 years they can spare and some Japanese skills is that there is a craaaaazy need for foreign attorneys in Japan. My colleagues and I get multiple calls from recruiters every week. Plus, they'll 1) pay you great expat benefits, and 2) not work you as hard as other large markets.


I'm loving Netflix Japan so far. I actually really enjoy Japanese dubbed and subbed content, so huzzah?

Also, I missed the job discussion a bit, but one thing that I like to tell people who have 3 years they can spare and some Japanese skills is that there is a craaaaazy need for foreign attorneys in Japan. My colleagues and I get multiple calls from recruiters every week. Plus, they'll 1) pay you great expat benefits, and 2) not work you as hard as other large markets.

I assume you need to be trained in the Japanese legal system though lol

I gotta go home and do the grind in a language I understand first if I wanna try...


I assume you need to be trained in the Japanese legal system though lol

I gotta go home and do the grind in a language I understand first if I wanna try...

Nope! You'd be doing solely foreign law, so you'd just need to become a lawyer in your home jurisdiction. The most popular seem to be NY-trained, CA-trained, English-trained, and Australian-trained lawyers.


And even i am moderately surprised
Tokyo is where people who can't speak real Japanese go.

lol - not you as well - i just got that from the GG goon squad telling me my Japanese is shit.

I mean - it is


its good enough to hold down a job involving Japanese - and i am still baffled how everyone with any level of Japanese -immediately- wants to get into a dick waving contest over it. I honestly dont care - my clients don't have an issue with my japanese, my boss doesn't, and my job is not affected by "your japanese is shit". Ultimately anyone whose opinion matters is fine

That said - i am still horrifically embarrased that my level isn't much higher - but that's because i want to ensure i am getting better rather than it being some disfunctional broken shitfest.

Also - the Kansai/Tokyo thing is a bit weird - i like both, i have no strong opinion as i haven't spent much beyond 3-4 months total in Kansai (Which I LOVE).

Count with me for a meet-up next time you are in Japan.

yup - give me a shout next time you are in town, Expert, and i'll swing by and say hi.
Given your comments on your work patterns - i have a good idea what industry you work in and what you are doing


The Kansai/Tokyo thing was funny and I'm assuming a joke, or over-exaggeration of character? Was just on a business trip in Kansai, and while it was great fun, I didn't notice any change in the quality of Japanese foreigners spoke. (Well, the one guy I talked to was especially bad, especially after being here 7 years.)

Job talk is honestly really fun. There's so many paths to take, so many popular paths, and unpopular paths (with less resistance).

Japanese ability dick measuring I have honestly felt goes away with having to use Japanese. Passive learners sometimes like to talk about knowing 1200 kanji vs 1300, but when you have to use it, it's just a matter of being able to function. Most people I know have not been able to think of a proper word or phrase doing a meeting/presentation, or talking to a customer, and knows how much it sucks. I used to have a big complex about speaking Japanese in front of other foreign Japanese speakers who were noticeably better than me. I'm glad it's gone. Perhaps I'm just not at that level of elitism though.


This thread is not about me nor am I derailing it. It's been very on topic, you just disagree because I think your job is a fuckfest. Being an alt in Japan is not a life choice lol, it's a last choice. Its a desperate hail mary because the rest of your life doesn't work. Unless of course you are a real teacher, with real training and real credentials. Then of course it's a real job and a life choice. Do you fit that criteria Matt? You're a trained and licensed educator who happened to choose ESL as their calling? If so, you aren't even who I'm talking about when I discuss the shitty ESL industry.

Sorry, I somehow missed this post earlier. For clarification, no, I'm not an ALT. I am a qualified teacher and am currently working as a 常勤講師 at a prefectural high school. I'll be taking the 採用試験 next year in hopes of becoming a full time teacher. I love doing it and I'm very good at it. I came to Japan knowing there was a good possibility that it was a one-way trip, professionally speaking. It's what I've wanted to do since I was a sophomore in college.

While we obviously have a difference in certain philosophies, I'll cop to being a bit of a dick earlier.


force push the doodoo rock
Kansai is where people go if they cant take Tokyo life and wanna talk like owarai geinin.

Saitama is for real survivors. Come at me bro. :p

Also picked up the Mr. Saturn weekly hobonichi today its nice! Lets see if i actually use it.
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