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Japan GAF |OT| I'm not planning a trip; I live here!


What is the deal w the Robot Restaurant? Is it really as awesome as the brief videos online look? (And worth the rather high ticket price?) I'm going to Japan next year and am looking for a few things to do in Tokyo. I'm half-Japanese and spend my vacations there with my family and close friends, all of whom are pretty traditional. Will they think it's weird if I tell them I want to go to the Robot Restaurant? It'll be my husband's first visit to Japan, so I'm thinking we'll probably get a hotel for a couple of nights in Tokyo and include that as part of our "alone time" on the trip. The rest of the time we'll be with my family visiting temples, etc and stuffing our faces with delicious Japanese food.


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but the meaning is not. Depending on how you read the title, it could either imply that we are not planing "a trip TO Japan" because we are already here or that we aren't planing a trip at all.
You can live in Japan and still plan a trip within the country. And I'd argue that those kinds of trips you undertake as a resident somewhat differ from the usual sightseeing/going to japan -"pure" touristy stuff

So yeah, it's vague. And the outdated OT doesn't exactly help either.

What part of "I live here" is vague? Just curious.


but the meaning is not. Depending on how you read the title, it could either imply that we are not planing "a trip TO Japan" because we are already here or that we aren't planing a trip at all.
You can live in Japan and still plan a trip within the country. And I'd argue that those kinds of trips you undertake as a resident somewhat differ from the usual sightseeing/going to japan -"pure" touristy stuff

So yeah, it's vague. And the outdated OT doesn't exactly help either.

Uhm, dunno. I thought it was pretty clear:

You live in Japan? (or wanna ask anything about living in the country or similar) > Post here.
Are you planning on visiting Japan? > Post on the other thread.


What part of "I live here" is vague? Just curious.
Uhm, dunno. I thought it was pretty clear:

You live in Japan? (or wanna ask anything about living in the country or similar) > Post here.
Are you planning on visiting Japan? > Post on the other thread.

mostly if it's ok to talk about holidays (as in people living in japan spending a week or a weekend somewhere in japan).... some might call it "planing a trip", but I'd argue that going on holidays is part of life too - even in Japan. Therefore it's hard to know where to draw the line, at least for me it is.

I'm ofc not talking about the usual "I'm going to Japan for 2 weeks, what's there to see?" stuff, and more about the "next week is golden week, where are you guys going"-kind.


We'll give different recommendations for people who live here or have experience living here, I think. I wouldn't tell some random person to go check out my favorite concert venues in Tokyo, but if someone lives here and knows something about Japan, I might.

We don't need to "draw the line," because it's pretty obvious when people who live here are asking questions. Also, I don't think most people give a shit about most of the random questions from people who don't live here, as long as they're not "How do I charge my pasmo?" "Is Akihabara cool?" or "Where do I go in Shibuya?" over and over again. That's why that other thread exists. If someone from over there pops in here and asks "Hey, those who live in Tokyo, where's the best Indian restaurant?" I don't see a problem with them posting in here.

Also, it's not always just about living here. If expert finally gets to move to China but still wants to post here about Japanese things, there's no problem with that. Posts just need to be relevant, you know?

The best Indian food is in Kasai, by the way.
Went to Nikko today! Damn it's pretty ;D
Some random pics I took






Well worth a trip if you wanna see 紅葉, though be warned you need to pay a bit to get into temples etc (I didn't go to the lake side)


What part of "I live here" is vague? Just curious.
I think the non-clarity of the title is indicated by the amount of people who post in here with questions not related to the intended purpose of the thread. Personally, I find the title unclear; it insinuates that the posters in the thread are likely to be residents of Japan but not that the purpose of the thread is specifically to discuss Japanese diaspora. It's vague, for sure, and it depends on posters knowing that there is a travel OT to discern its exact meaning. If they don't, they'll just assume that this is the place to ask people knowledgeable about Japan questions on what they should do on their trip.

A title that outlines the purpose of the thread in absolute terms, like Living in Japan OT, would solve this problem pretty neatly.


This is some serious hair splitting.
I've always treated this thread as a thread of people living in Japan. I don't even live in Japan but it's a good place to talk about stuff related without being annoying with the travel questions. Not that it's annoying if anybody asks.


Amazon.jp is accepting preorders for 3 of the Fire Emblem amiibo now if anyone is interested.

I got マルス and am contemplating ルフレ. Shame no ルキナ anymore.


Got my My Number notification in the mail yesterday. My wife and kids all got their My Numbers as well. Not sure if I want to get the smart card version though.


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Got my My Number notification in the mail yesterday. My wife and kids all got their My Numbers as well. Not sure if I want to get the smart card version though.

You can always do the "mynampa" with "my number" :D

I will laugh so much with すみませんあなたのマイナンバー ...
So are there any big sale days/seasonal events at the various major stores (nation wide not counting regional ones) I should be aware of. The black friday deals got me wondering about this. And I wanted to buy some furniture but I'm a super cheapass.


So are there any big sale days/seasonal events at the various major stores (nation wide not counting regional ones) I should be aware of. The black friday deals got me wondering about this. And I wanted to buy some furniture but I'm a super cheapass.

There's usually a new years sales that includes the crazy lucky bags in most stores (a bag containing items from the store that greatly surpass the price at which the bag is sold). Most stores don't tell what the bag contains, but there are a few that actually have a sample bag in front with all the content in display.

Other than that, nothing big really. Apparel stores have the typical summer sales and whatnot, but nothing (afaik) as big as black friday in the US from what I've heard (I'm not from the US).


How long should it reasonably take to find an apartment in Tokyo? I'm hoping to have something sorted before I arrive (likely last week in January).


How long should it reasonably take to find an apartment in Tokyo? I'm hoping to have something sorted before I arrive (likely last week in January).

Too many variables to say with any certainty. Are you going over for school? Work? Holiday? How long are you staying? Are you white? Black? East Asian? How long are you planning on staying? What is your budget for rent, etc.
Totally forgot to share my news here:
Moving finally from a 1K apartment to a 5SLDK house this winter. So excited to have some space again lol.

What surprised me the most was getting approved in less than 24 hours.


How long should it reasonably take to find an apartment in Tokyo? I'm hoping to have something sorted before I arrive (likely last week in January).
It took me 2 visits to a real estate agent to find mine when I came here a few years ago, but I guess I was lucky.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Totally forgot to share my news here:
Moving finally from a 1K apartment to a 5SLDK house this winter. So excited to have some space again lol.

What surprised me the most was getting approved in less than 24 hours.

Why was it surprising?


Too many variables to say with any certainty. Are you going over for school? Work? Holiday? How long are you staying? Are you white? Black? East Asian? How long are you planning on staying? What is your budget for rent, etc.

Have a job as a Software Engineer, I'm white, 2+ years (tentative, could end up hating it). I'd probably be looking to spend at the very max 130k a month, less is better.


Looks like I'll be moving to Kanto soon! I have 2 offers, one that's definite in Tokyo itself, and the other (for Yokohama) is like 90% (the person I interviewed wants to hire me, but is waiting for the final OK on the contract she has with this Japanese company).

Are there any good housing options (outside of Sakura House, etc) that have less expensive deposits/no reikin to deal with?

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Have a job as a Software Engineer, I'm white, 2+ years (tentative, could end up hating it). I'd probably be looking to spend at the very max 130k a month, less is better.

And your job is not helping you secure a place..? I don't understand, is this your first time going? You won't have any of your basic paperwork, bank account, hanko.. are they putting you in a hotel or something for the first few days? I mean there are foreigner specific places like Sakura that you could arrange yourself before arriving, but those aren't meant for people who actually plan to stay and work for an extended period of time like you. They're overpriced and in less than ideal locations. Although your price range is extremely low if you want to live anywhere decent anyway.

Looks like I'll be moving to Kanto soon! I have 2 offers, one that's definite in Tokyo itself, and the other (for Yokohama) is like 90% (the person I interviewed wants to hire me, but is waiting for the final OK on the contract she has with this Japanese company).

Are there any good housing options (outside of Sakura House, etc) that have less expensive deposits/no reikin to deal with?

On the flip side, wtf. Haven't you lived and worked in Japan for a while? Why on earth would you even think of Sakura..? Just jump on any Chintai-like site and pop in double zero for rei/shiki and there ya go. Alternatively any fudousan's site you can browse, give them a call, and be ready to be shown something as soon as you arrive. Sakura. Wtf.


Anyone going to the Fat Wreck show Monday?

Hi-standard will be great, but can't wait to see Good Riddance. Glad I live in Chiba during these times.
If anyone is in the Nagoya area I'm gonna be going to 明治村 to attempt the 大逆転裁判 "escape game" on Sunday. I should warn you that I'll have a few other ALTs along for the ride whose reading ability is probably not sufficient, though a Gifu CIR who is quite capable will also be coming along to help herd the group around. If this sounds like fun, and not like a horrible fever dream then you're welcome to join us. Send me a PM if you want details.


goddamnit sporky

if i hadn't done all this goddamn booking i could spend two days playing fallout and one day doing fun things with new people

god damnit


Anyone going to the Fat Wreck show Monday?

Hi-standard will be great, but can't wait to see Good Riddance. Glad I live in Chiba during these times.

>.< I don't arrive until February. Otherwise I would have been all over that. Have fun!
So the &#22823;&#36870;&#36578;&#35009;&#21028; thing at Meiji Mura was really fun. I'd strongly recommend anyone who is able to and has any interest at all in the franchise or just trying their hand at a murder mystery adventure game in a giant outdoor museum/park. The Japanese is not especially difficult, using fairly straightforward grammar written nearly entirely as dialogue, but it's definitely not easy either. There's no furigana except for names, and there are disclaimers that while children may participate, it's really designed for adults. If you're mid to upper intermediate you can probably do fine. Lower and you'll probably be relying pretty heavily on a dictionary.

You get a set of booklets that frame the story, with dialogues between the characters which are pretty well written, in that they fit with the characters established in the games and all their quirks and tics. The story leads you around the park to a bunch of different locations, searching for evidence and witnesses (who appear in the book as written characters, not in the park). When it's time to disprove a witness testimony or something you're presented with several numbered statements. You add the number of the statement with the number of the piece of evidence that disproves it, and then look up the result in an additional book, which will give you a script indicating whether you were correct or not. It's possible to brute force it pretty easily, but of course that would ruin the fun.

When you come to the end of the book there's a big puzzle, which when solved acts as a cipher, giving you the name of the next location; go there and you find a new book with a new chapter, usually tucked in a hidden room or out-of-the-way area. These might be possible to brute force, but it would be quite difficult. You repeat this several times, and some of the puzzles are quite good. One had a real &#36870;&#36578; moment, which had the whole group giddy with how clever it was.

The case is actually really good, with very colorful witnesses and interesting twists. The puzzles were of varying quality, but some were really excellent and the conclusion was brilliant.

Going through as a group with varying skill levels of Japanese, we stopped to read through each of the dialogues aloud, assigning parts to different people. I played Naruhodo and our most capable group member did a fantastic job as Susato. We helped the others with difficult kanji readings, and recapped each scene to make sure everyone was on the same page. It was super fun doing it as a group. I could have done it alone and I would have enjoyed it, but doing it like this was just really great.

It runs through the 6th of December, which is in exactly two weeks. Not a ton of time, but if you're within a day-trip's distance, it's definitely worth your time.


Hi-Standard was amazing. Holy shit do they have tons of fans. I blew all my energy during Good Riddance and NOFX though.

More turned out for Fat Wrecked than did for Ozzfest apparently.
Hi-Standard was amazing. Holy shit do they have tons of fans. I blew all my energy during Good Riddance and NOFX though.

More turned out for Fat Wrecked than did for Ozzfest apparently.
I got really hyped for this in June when they had it on billboards at Shibuya station and then completely neglected to secure tickets. Ah well, glad it was good.


Anyone buy glasses in Japan? Any reason why I shouldn't go with Zoff? Another question -- it seems like the vast majority of glasses go for 5000 - 9000 yen. Is that just the frames, or does that include the prescription as well? I don't need any fancy functions like transition lenses or any of that nonsense.

Honestly I'm pretty happy either way. Glasses in Canada are often 3-4 times more expensive. My current pair are broken and held together with copious amounts of super glue. I just need to survive two more months!


Anyone buy glasses in Japan? Any reason why I shouldn't go with Zoff? Another question -- it seems like the vast majority of glasses go for 5000 - 9000 yen. Is that just the frames, or does that include the prescription as well? I don't need any fancy functions like transition lenses or any of that nonsense.

Honestly I'm pretty happy either way. Glasses in Canada are often 3-4 times more expensive. My current pair are broken and held together with copious amounts of super glue. I just need to survive two more months!
I bought mine at Jins because they have tons of shops around and I think the whole thing cost me 10-12k.


Anyone buy glasses in Japan? Any reason why I shouldn't go with Zoff? Another question -- it seems like the vast majority of glasses go for 5000 - 9000 yen. Is that just the frames, or does that include the prescription as well? I don't need any fancy functions like transition lenses or any of that nonsense.

Honestly I'm pretty happy either way. Glasses in Canada are often 3-4 times more expensive. My current pair are broken and held together with copious amounts of super glue. I just need to survive two more months!
I used Zoff to update my prescription last week. It cost me about ¥3000 (+tax). The glasses were ¥7000 (+tax), and the price included the glasses themselves.

Had to take another eye test, and that was only like a few minutes long, then my glasses were ready 30 minutes later! I've used Alook too, I like them too. But I went to Zoff now since that's where my frames were from.

They also store your info in the database so you can go to any Zoff store and just give your name.


Hi-Standard was amazing. Holy shit do they have tons of fans. I blew all my energy during Good Riddance and NOFX though.

More turned out for Fat Wrecked than did for Ozzfest apparently.

my &#38738;&#26149;&#12398;1&#12506;&#12540;&#12472;&#12290; &#26132;&#12289;&#12521;&#12452;&#12502;&#12495;&#12454;&#12473;&#36890;&#12356;&#12414;&#12367;&#12387;&#12390;&#12383;&#12371;&#12429;&#12495;&#12452;&#12473;&#12479;&#12377;&#12370;&#12540;&#27969;&#34892;&#12387;&#12390;&#12383;&#12424;d(`&#12539;&#969;&#12539;´)b&#65374;&#9834;


I need to unlock an old DoCoMo phone and they were unable to do it at a regular DoCoMo shop. Can somebody point out a good place in Tokyo to do so?


I bought mine at Jins because they have tons of shops around and I think the whole thing cost me 10-12k.

I used Zoff to update my prescription last week. It cost me about ¥3000 (+tax). The glasses were ¥7000 (+tax), and the price included the glasses themselves.

Had to take another eye test, and that was only like a few minutes long, then my glasses were ready 30 minutes later! I've used Alook too, I like them too. But I went to Zoff now since that's where my frames were from.

They also store your info in the database so you can go to any Zoff store and just give your name.

Sounds convenient and cheap! Awesome. Thanks! ^_^


I'm freezing at Kinshicho waiting for my train. Toque is not keeping the cold or, should've taken my winter coat, suit jacket not doing it, wind fucking cold, fine drinking with colleagues but wish I didn't live in the boonies, typing doesn't keep the cold away.


my &#38738;&#26149;&#12398;1&#12506;&#12540;&#12472;&#12290; &#26132;&#12289;&#12521;&#12452;&#12502;&#12495;&#12454;&#12473;&#36890;&#12356;&#12414;&#12367;&#12387;&#12390;&#12383;&#12371;&#12429;&#12495;&#12452;&#12473;&#12479;&#12377;&#12370;&#12540;&#27969;&#34892;&#12387;&#12390;&#12383;&#12424;d(`&#12539;&#969;&#12539;´)b&#65374;&#9834;

They were fairly big in the states!

Favorite Japanese band is prob eastern youth.



Well, big for a Japanese punk band in the 90s. Fat was a fairly major indie label.

I had no idea they were that huge in Japan.


Well, big for a Japanese punk band in the 90s. Fat was a fairly major indie label.

I had no idea they were that huge in Japan.



While you're talking about NOFX and Fat Records, I feel compelled to mention that Fat Mike's cover band (Me First and the Gimme Gimmes) have an EP called "Sing in Japanese" where they cover six famous Japanese songs :p Pretty good actually.


Gacha-pin, you should post in the Japanese music thread.
I think maybe we post about a huge variety of music, including Punk.
Hey Japan-Gaf :) Hoping you might be able to help me with something. I'm going to Japan on holiday again in February, but I'll also be stopping by the Japanese subsidiary of the company I work for, to see how they work and get a tour of the place. I want to get them a gift of sorts (I'm thinking something food-related that Japanese people might associate with the UK) but I'm not really sure what to get, or whether a gift like this is okay or not.

Figured I'd have a better chance of someone knowing in this thread than the travel thread :) Thanks, any suggestions are welcome!

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
My wife is self-employed and I moved to Japan just two years ago, even tho I've been working the whole time at the same company. I thought they will pull some shit because of that. The estate agent was also surprised that things were done the next morning.

Glad it worked out. I'm assuming this is actually purchasing a home, in which case it probably depends on what market you're in with how willing they are to make it easy.
I currently work in the pastry field and was contemplating going to Japan in maybe a year or so. My experience is in fine dining btw.

Anyone have idea as to whether or not finding a job in the field would be extremely difficult?

I'd love to start researching my options and figuring this whole thing out.
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