The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom | Review Thread


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
So having a female lead means being woke now?
Yeah, that's silly. I actually wouldn't mind seeing translink, Linkle, show up as a character in a future game. Currently they are non-canon because they were part of that fighting game but there was talk about making her canon at some point. She's kind of cute and I think it would work.
Yeah, that's silly. I actually wouldn't mind seeing translink, Linkle, show up as a character in a future game. Currently they are non-canon because they were part of that fighting game but there was talk about making her canon at some point. She's kind of cute and I think it would work.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I guess I should be clear that it's not like Link is getting HRT or anything like that. But just as a side character or additional character to a game. Or maybe some weird alternate universe. I know they mentioned that she was popular enough that they were considering putting her in a mainstream game at some point.
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A Sheep
Nah it is always The Legend of Zelda because the Legend is retold by the Royal family across Generations and all traces back to the Goddess Hylia. Hyrule and Hylians are all descended from Hylia when she chose Mortality.

Prior to Skyward Sword the name was chosen because it sounds better and in 90% of all Zelda games, Princess Zelda, usually plays a pivotal role whther as a deutergonist, damsel in distress or is important to seal evil away as a direct descendant from the bloodline of Hylia(per Skyward Sword origins).
How about. The Legend of Ta & Tas ….


Suffers with mild autism
Metacritic comparison for anyone interested:

11. Phantom Hourglass (90)
14. Spirit Tracks (87)
I would expect a score around here, since it feels like a Phantom Hourglass / Spirit Tracks kind of spinoff. Maybe even not as inventive as those, so a bit lower.


Metacritic comparison for anyone interested:

1. Ocarina of Time (99)
2. Breath of the Wild (97)
3. Windwaker (96)
3. Tears of the Kingdom (96)
4. Twilight Princess (95)
4. Majora's Mask (95)
4. A Link to the Past + Four Swords -GBA- (95)
7. Skyward Sword (93)
7. A Link to the Past -SNES- (93)
9. Oracle of Seasons/Ages
10. A Link Between Worlds (91)
11. Link's Awakening (90)
11. Phantom Hourglass (90)
11. Windwaker Remaster (90)
13. The Minish Cap (89)
14. Spirit Tracks (87)
14. Link’s Awakening Remake (87)
15. Four Swords Adventures (86)
15. Twilight Princess Remaster (86)
16. The Legend of Zelda (84)
17. Skyward Sword Remaster (81)
18. The Adventure of Link (78)
19. Triforce Heroes (73)
You missed Ocarina of Time 3DS (94)


So not even Nintendo is immune from the woke mind virus. Kidding.

This game is a delight. Had some frustration with the echo menus, and to be fair, I still hate it…but I’ve gotten used to it enough to really enjoy the game. Truly a great classic style Zelda game with a fresh gameplay twist. So far the dungeons have been really enjoyable and while there are far too many useless echoes, there are some really unique and fun ones. Honestly, it’s not perfect but I really enjoy the echo system far more than crafting in TotK. In fact I think this is a better Zelda game than TotK. Shots fired.

Also Zelda’s little chibi character model is too adorable. Yas queen!


Coincidentally, I finally beat this game last night. Took a long break partway through as I lost interest. As a Zelda fan since the NES, this was one of the weaker entries in the series IMO. It's rare that I don't revisit a Zelda game every now and again (do a yearly ALttP, OoT, and MM run, for example), but Echoes of Wisdom is a game I certainly don't see myself re-playing ever again.
Coincidentally, I finally beat this game last night. Took a long break partway through as I lost interest. As a Zelda fan since the NES, this was one of the weaker entries in the series IMO. It's rare that I don't revisit a Zelda game every now and again (do a yearly ALttP, OoT, and MM run, for example), but Echoes of Wisdom is a game I certainly don't see myself re-playing ever again.

I'm 3 dungeons in and am still keeping an open mind, but have many of the same criticisms I'm seeing in this thread. The echoes are cumbersome and the solutions to most puzzles seem one note. I have faith it improves but not sure if the dungeons will reach any of the heights of Link's Awakening.
I'm 3 dungeons in and am still keeping an open mind, but have many of the same criticisms I'm seeing in this thread. The echoes are cumbersome and the solutions to most puzzles seem one note. I have faith it improves but not sure if the dungeons will reach any of the heights of Link's Awakening.
maybe if i was a child i'd find it more fun, but, as is, it's a pretty awful game. regret buying it...


I am kind of surprised Nintendo let such a clumsy menu system for choosing echoes out the door. Somewhat mitigated by filtering last used/most used, but by the end of the game the string of echoes to choose from is out of control.
Made somewhat worse that most echoes are sets of 3 with a color swap.
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Both this and Mario Wonder came and went for me. I completed them, but have no plans to ever go back to them, which is disappointing considering I'd happily replay things like a Link between worlds or Mario 3


Gold Member
I am kind of surprised Nintendo let such a clumsy menu system for choosing echoes out the door. Somewhat mitigated by filtering last used/most used, but by the end of the game the string of echoes to choose from is out of control.
Made somewhat worse that most echoes are sets of 3 with a color swap.
Agreed. That’s definitely one of the biggest issues.

The menu system is extremely copy/paste from BotW/TotK. But it works decently in those games since you don’t have to use the menus all the time. It really isn’t a good solution when you have to enter the menus every 5 seconds.

Needs way more streamlining and sorting options.
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Still no update on the framerate issues? Stopped playing after about 2-3 hours, and waiting for the game to be playable.


Gold Member
Still no update on the framerate issues? Stopped playing after about 2-3 hours, and waiting for the game to be playable.
Won’t happen. It’s the same thing with the Link’s Awakening remake that runs on the same engine - and that game never got an update either.

I guess our best hope is that Switch 2 runs the game better by sheer brute force.
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