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Japanese Music (Pop, rock and all 'dat) |OT|


Pretty great album. More mellow than Yankee so it can take some time to really get into it but otherwise it's another amazing release by Yonezu.


I love Yankee.

Still waiting on stump, kansoku, and Slowdive to say their favorite releases lately.


QOOLAND announced the release of their second new album called COME TOGETHER. Out December 9, yaaaay.

Trailer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YnsFeiZVSE
Still waiting on stump, kansoku, and Slowdive to say their favorite releases lately.

last two months or so? let's see

僕とジョルジュ - 僕とジョルジュ
cattle - Somehow Hear Songs
Maison Book Girl - Bath Room
なの小夕子 - きみと一緒なら地獄でもいいよ。
パスピエ - 娑婆ラバ
おやすみホログラム - おやすみホログラム


I love Yankee.

Still waiting on stump, kansoku, and Slowdive to say their favorite releases lately.

Recently? Hmm.
chouchou merged syrups. - yesterday, 12 films later. is great,
アルカラ - ちぎれろ is amazing.
パスピエ - 娑婆ラバ as well.
The new plenty is actually surprisingly nice, but not that amazing.

Also, not recent, but I only listened to ESNO - Release, daoko - DAOKO and 印象派 - AQ recently, and they're all amazing.
印象派 - AQ

I will voice my approval every time someone praises this album. god, it's so good. top 3 of the year I think?

and while it's been a year of some god-awful post-production on really good albums (I'm looking at you, パスピエ - 娑婆ラバ), the mix and master on this are absolutely flawless. something actually worth using my good headphones on


Random, but I always forget that Hama Okamoto, of OKAMOTO'S, is the son of Hamada Masatoshi. So weird.


Random, but I always forget that Hama Okamoto, of OKAMOTO'S, is the son of Hamada Masatoshi. So weird.

Pretty sure that explains why he's often appearing on TV and stuff even though the band isn't that famous. Not that it bothers me, he's a cool dude (and an amazing bassist who's often solicited to be a support member).


So i went to MY FIRST STORY concert, it was the worst out of 3 i've been to so far.
Hiro's vocal is pretty bad, by the end it got pretty decent but till the middle it was really bad. Other guys were great. It really was short, like an hour(8 songs?) i was like wtf.

From 3 concerts which i went to I-rabbits concert was the best. Everything was perfect. MWAM concert was good too, but they need to work on vocals as well.

Hello Sleepwalkers concert next week and then Ling Tosite Sigure's concert. Also i won tickets for The Oral Cigarettes and GT2016 concerts yay.
Ricky Wilson (NECRONOMIDOL's manager) did an interview with Cracked about j-idols


bonus points for "idol kayfabe"


a well shot live Koutei Camera Girl video, first time I've seen them with the new members.

only one month til the new album...

hah it sounds like the new girl with black hair can sing in tune, a solid addition :p


huh, stumbled on Pinky (Dempagumi) performing with Maison Book Girl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCWbWLbtTyA


So i went to MY FIRST STORY concert, it was the worst out of 3 i've been to so far.
Hiro's vocal is pretty bad, by the end it got pretty decent but till the middle it was really bad. Other guys were great. It really was short, like an hour(8 songs?) i was like wtf.

From 3 concerts which i went to I-rabbits concert was the best. Everything was perfect. MWAM concert was good too, but they need to work on vocals as well.

Hello Sleepwalkers concert next week and then Ling Tosite Sigure's concert. Also i won tickets for The Oral Cigarettes and GT2016 concerts yay.

From the few videos I've seen Hiro's vocals are pretty weak live yeah, which is a shame since their songs are quite good on CD. Weird.
The other band was Kyuso Nekokami (キュウソネコカミ) right? Super jelly, one of the best bands in Japan right now, their live shows are amazing. I'd love to see them someday.


I love Yankee.

Still waiting on stump, kansoku, and Slowdive to say their favorite releases lately.


僕とジョルジュ - 僕とジョルジュ
Maison Book Girl - Bath Room
なの小夕子 - きみと一緒なら地獄でもいいよ。
パスピエ - 娑婆ラバ
おやすみホログラム - おやすみホログラム


浜田マロン - 成熟のマーブル
ESNO - Release
吉澤嘉代子 - 秘密公園


From the few videos I've seen Hiro's vocals are pretty weak live yeah, which is a shame since their songs are quite good on CD. Weird.
The other band was Kyuso Nekokami (キュウソネコカミ) right? Super jelly, one of the best bands in Japan right now, their live shows are amazing. I'd love to see them someday.
Yea, Hiro's voice sounds so powerful on records.

No Kyuso Nekokami unfortunately :( here's the full list of artists http://gt.livemasters.jp/artists/
i like 9 out of 11 bands so it's going to be amazing.


So, last week when I had a day off, I searched for Yonezu Kenshi's "Bremen," and it was sold out at my local music store. I ess that's a good sign, but lame for me. I shall search once again today! Anything else recent I should be sure to pick up while I'm at the music shop?
Not recent but I think this albums are must listen if you haven't already. Bands are not very popular but they are really good.
All albums by I-rabbits
All albums by NIKIIE
POT-Arco iris
Yonige-coming spring
Halo at yojohan - apogee
Hello folks. I don't visit this thread often, and missed most of the YouTube business this week. So uh, if you're like me and really disappointed about the YouTube Redpocalypse, but still want a place to find new(ish) music outside of something like jpopsuki, I'm a big fan of just listening to the radio. You don't need Radiko to listen to JCBA members on http://simulradio.jp/. Now, there's a lot of talk radio in there, but 86.9 BAN-BANラジオ plays an alright amount of music, and there's plenty of Japanese listening practice in-between. They also run JP TOP20 every weekend, but I believe it'll be late Saturday night/early Sunday morning for United States-ians.
If you're the phone listener, you can hear them on Tune-In Radio (I don't recommend if you hate ads), or FM聴 for Community for Android users. I think iPhone users will be forced to use TuneIn as コミュニティFM for iPhone looks Japan-only.
Anyway, good luck. I hope all this gets sorted out, but I'm sure it'll be a while before the Japanese record companies accept Google's new "our way or the highway" contract, if ever. At least avex isn't affected, or already accepted.


Am I the first posting about the new Momokuro albums?
I'm not even really a fan (huge fan of the song Gounn, though). Why is this happening?
Am I the first posting about the new Momokuro albums?
I'm not even really a fan (huge fan of the song Gounn, though). Why is this happening?

nah, I mentioned it back when it was announced. desperation?

I don't think their management has any idea what to do with them anymore. Their concerts make a buttload of money so they just do those and occasionally put out a lackluster single.

my only hope is that by putting out two albums at the same time that they'll maybe release a full album's worth of decent songs between the two.

regardless of anything, going from being one of the most interesting high-profile groups out there to being aggressively mediocre is kind of an amazing turn. they put out GOUNN and immediately fell off a cliff. impressively, that Teddyloid remix album is the best thing their name has been on in two years.

Not going to lie.
It's fucking dull.

it really is


Am I the first posting about the new Momokuro albums?
I'm not even really a fan (huge fan of the song Gounn, though). Why is this happening?

I thought you'd heard the new albums at first. I'm very curious how this will sound. They've had a solid break now so plenty of time to recoup and stake a new course.

Their problem isn't so much that they made bad decisions as the natural confusion in strategy they've experienced when they going from being that one big weird hyper idol group to seeing tens of similarly crazed groups hit the charts. What could they possibly do to make an impression? The result has been a lack of direction.

I hope now that they're back the answer is just 'focus on quality'. Play with their natural characters instead of increasingly epic concepts. They're some of the best performers in Japanese pop and that wild energy has been a little less apparent in later singles. Though I think the more recent singles, like the Dragon Ball one, have been solid to good, if lacking a certain je ne sais quoi.

Two albums is one ridic idea though and if it's not great it'll be ugly.


nah, I mentioned it back when it was announced. desperation?

I thought you'd heard the new albums at first. I'm very curious how this will sound. They've had a solid break now so plenty of time to recoup and stake a new course.
Oops. I just saw a video on my youtube subs feed, and it seemed like the first announcement, but I'm actually far behind. haha.
They haven't impressed me in a while, so I'm really agreeing with what you to have to say about them. I wish they could keep the same back-up band for every song. Gounn is a masterpiece instrumentally.
like the Dragon Ball one, have been solid to good, if lacking a certain je ne sais quoi.

which is a sad state of affairs considering that it's a NARASAKI song, though to be fair the last time he collaborated with Yuyoyuppe, it resulted in the similarly "good, not great" Birth 0 Birth.

they are still arguably one of the best group of raw performers out there, but it's getting to the point where they need to do something. I'm not entirely sure I need to keep getting concert dvds full of songs about doing homework by people in their 20s.

I wish they could keep the same back-up band for every song. Gounn is a masterpiece instrumentally.

well, to bring this conversation full-circle from yesterday, the person being an absolute monster on bass in that song is Hama Okamoto

NARASAKI on guitar, Ling Toshite Sigure's drummer, etc. hell of a band.


New Brian the Sun is perfect <3

Not going to lie.
It's fucking dull.
I'm so severely disappointed in them. If you guys could have seen them live during their prime, I think you'd feel a similar pain. I don't remember the last time I was so disappointed in a band.

I get that you don't like what they do anymore but I'm not sure why seeing them live matters in that case tbh.
I loved what they've been doing since &#28198;&#12395;&#12394;&#12427; (it was one of my top 10 releases of 2012, I remember doing a blog post about it!) without seeing them live so... ???? I'm really confused as to why you keep bringing that up every time.
And honestly the next album can't be more dull than &#12525;&#12531;&#12464;&#12464;&#12483;&#12489;&#12496;&#12452; that only had one great song (&#28023;&#12392;&#33457;&#26463;) on it, but that's a different story.
And finally chill out dude, it's not the end of the world. No offense but you're overreacting.


Haha. I'm calm, but I am disappointed.
Seeing them live matters, because it was inherit to the kind of music they played before. The show was just dripping with atmosphere. There was a part where they turned the stage lights up super high from behind, left their amps blaring, and they all stood still by their amps with all the feedback mixing. It was pretty surreal, and a total sensory overload. Their whole presence and the atmosphere of their shows will not be redone with the current kind of music they're doing, and that's a damn shame. They were one of my favorite bands, and having them completely change sucks.

I am just expressing disappointment and elaborating on why I feel that way, so I'm not sure that it's an overreaction. It's not like a new song comes out, I cry, and then angrily type on my keyboard with tear-lubricated finger strokes for maximum speed. :p
The thing is, if they broke up and started a new band that sounded like this, I wouldn't complain. I'll stop being so negative about them from here on out in attempts to see them as a different band, though, because the band I was so fond of is honestly dead, and I don't think that's being overly dramatic to say.

well, to bring this conversation full-circle from yesterday, the person being an absolute monster on bass in that song is Hama Okamoto

NARASAKI on guitar, Ling Toshite Sigure's drummer, etc. hell of a band.
Yeah, I'm aware. To bring it full circle on my end, I brought him up because I was looking up his bass playing in Gounn, and then I was watching him play other songs. haha


The thing is, if they broke up and started a new band that sounded like this, I wouldn't complain. I'll stop being so negative about them from here on out in attempts to see them as a different band, though, because the band I was so fond of is honestly dead, and I don't think that's being overly dramatic to say.

That's exactly how I feel. The disappointment for me is doubly strong that I discovered shoegaze through them. I remember watching the &#12518;&#12522;&#12540;&#12459; MV and being mesmerized. It was because of it that I dove into the genre and discovered some damn good bands. But now, that band tht has shown me this is moving completely away from the genre. And their new sound doesn't appeal to me. If it was another band I would probably listen to a song or two, think it's interesting enough, but then listen to their discography and decide is not for me.

It was similar with tricot. I really liked them from their earlier sounds, but while I really like T H E, it was not what I was expecting from them. I feared they would go into a different path, one that I wouldn't like quite as much. But A N D delivered what I was hopping for, so I'm pretty happy about it.


I remember watching the &#12518;&#12522;&#12540;&#12459; MV and being mesmerized. It was because of it that I dove into the genre and discovered some damn good bands.
Exact same story for me. It's one of my favorite music videos of all time.
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