Ok, new Diru EP
Unraveling - Meandering and boring, like something from their last album, meh. It just feels all over the place.
Karma - I honestly don't even recognise this one :lol It sounds nothing like whatever it used to be, I know that much. It's basically Kyo's noises with a slight semblance of a song in there, really bad.
Kasumi - I was scared putting this track on, the original is stunning. It feels a bit over-produced, which sucks the life out of it, but it's not bad. Why do they insist on layering Kyo's vocals? It bloats the delivery. Original is much better.
Karasu - It's okay, but Kyo insists on singing in that pained/lethargic manner which brings it down, and then there's the wailing through a tube bits - the original was sexy and then punctuated with blasts of noise which really brought it to life.
Bottom of the Death Valley - Again, it's like they've taken the bite out of it, and put a melancholy twist on it. The original was fucking ANGRY, but when Kyo screams these days it just sounds empty. It used to be this slow build up and then explosion, but this version is
Unknown.Despair.Lost - This was originally a track off of their first ever single, this version sounds nothing like it. I didn't care for the original, and this is worse than that.
The Final - It's lost all of its kick, the chorus is sung in a lower key and that makes me sad

This song was amazing when I saw them play it live, it was
electric, this is just eh.
Yeah, Dir en grey have lost it. Everything they do is just like one big wall of lethargic noise that's hard to distinguish between each track. If you want to listen to them at their best, stick with anything between Gauze and The Marrow of a Bone - all of those albums have a tonne of variety and creativity.