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Japanese Music (Pop, rock and all 'dat) |OT|


You guys know this band? They're amazing!
Unfortunately they disbanded few years ago T_T


Yeah! Actually, I'm seeing the singer, Yumi, with her new band, la la larks, play with Kinoko Teikoku next week! I don't think you have to worry about SFP breaking up because la la larks seem to sound very similar.

I don't know which I'm more excited to see, Kinoko Teikoku or la la larks. They're also playing with Unchain, but I'm not too familiar with them.
I bet it's SFP.
*opens link*

I discovered them because of the anime [C]. Their music RPG was the opening song, and I loved it, so I decided to check them out.

Anyway, the singer is now on another ban (la la larks) and they sound really similar to SFP.
They only have two demos, but sounds amazing:

Yeah, it hurt when they disbanded. But yay at new band that pretty much is SFP Part 2. Not only that, but early SFP which was better.

I like that the sound producer from Riff-rain is part of the group, because that album was amazing.

EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E913efDxlSg&feature=share&list=RD027kEZYnqOIc8

Oh my Lord it's Yumi + Spangle call Lilli line. O.O


They really like their promo rolling in Japan don't they



The Mottai Night Land PV is out!


Thanks for sharing. It's as adorable and weird as ever! Kyary is the only pop artist I'd consider seeing live. This MV is excellent. The song is maybe not the best, but this music video is quite odd and fun.

Edit: The more I listen to it, the more I like it. The chorus is incredibly catchy, and the instrumentals have a sort of epic scale. Her unique sound is expressed perfectly in this song.


The Mottai Night Land PV is out!


It was alright I guess, though I'm bit tired of all that "weird" cuteness.
KPP is not really for me (aside from Fashion Monster).

Also... Must resist buying SPECIAL OTHERS's live DVD at Budokan.
Kind of amazing that an atypical instrumental band like this can fill huge venues like this.
But I pre-ordered KANA-BOON's album so it'll have to wait. Can't wait for the album!

And just 3 days until ONE OK ROCK's (second) show in Paris! The wait is killing me.
First show was yesterday, apparently it was crazy.


It was alright I guess, though I'm bit tired of all that "weird" cuteness.

That's her shtick, though. Personally, I love it. She's the only Pop star that I really like.
She's all about combining opposing concepts. It's a clash of the grotesque and cute. It's original, and she does it tastefully! If it makes you uncomfortable, then I think it's working.


That's her shtick, though. Personally, I love it. She's the only Pop star that I really like.
She's all about combining opposing concepts. It's a clash of the grotesque and cute. It's original, and she does it tastefully! If it makes you uncomfortable, then I think it's working.
Oh I don't mean that it makes me uncomfortable, it just got old pretty quickly imo
(Not a fan of pop anyway aside from Perfume and Arashi)

Oh by the way, new Perfume single next month! Sweet Refrain will be out on November 27th!


I just don't really like Pop.

Does Kyary lip synch?

"Don't like pop" is just not a phrase I can deal with. And if you like Kyary, who I dig as well, there's no reason why you shouldn't like other artists operating in the same field, and who are better performers live for that matter.

"Don't like pop" is as bad as "don't like music" - just nonsense.


"Don't like pop" is just not a phrase I can deal with. And if you like Kyary, who I dig as well, there's no reason why you shouldn't like other artists operating in the same field, and who are better performers live for that matter.

"Don't like pop" is as bad as "don't like music" - just nonsense.
Well, you don't have to deal with that phrase because I didn't say "I don't like Pop."
I think you're exaggerating. Hahaha. "I don't really..." is a figurative expression, so don't take it literally. I tend to like other genres more than Pop. How's that?

Is there no general genre that you don't really like?
Do you like Metal? Rap? Classical? Or do you tend to not listen to much of one of these genres? I prefer music that isn't created for the sole purpose of mainstream success.

(Not a fan of pop anyway aside from Perfume and Arashi)
I just like Perfume and Kyary (as far as Japanese music goes). Idol groups creep me out.


Well, you don't have to deal with that phrase because I didn't say "I don't like Pop."
I think you're exaggerating. Hahaha. "I don't really..." is a figurative expression, so don't take it literally. I tend to like other genres more than Pop. How's that?

Is there no general genre that you don't really like?
Do you like Metal? Rap? Classical? Or do you tend to not listen to much of one of these genres? I prefer music that isn't created for the sole purpose of mainstream success.

I just like Perfume and Kyary (as far as Japanese music goes). Idol groups creep me out.

Dat Nakata production. :3


Dat Nakata production. :3

Cough. I like Capsule, too. I like Capsule more than Perfume, I think. Don't kill me. I started listening to Capsule before I listened to Perfume.

I originally read your post as "Dat Nakama production :3"
We can be Nakata nakama.


Does anyone like Hip-Hop? It seems there's a lot of Jazz influence in Japanese Hip-Hop, which is awesome.
I really like the Western/Japanese collaboration Hip-Hop groups 'cause they get with guys like Substantial.
Acro Jazz Laboratories
Cradle Orchestra

There is a lot of good, original Hip-Hop, too.
Ken the 390
Tamaki Roy

Lots of awesome producers, too.
Here's a collab with a bunch of (Good and okay) Japanese rappers.
Ken the 390, SKY-HI, KLOOZ, Tamaki Roy
TOKiMONSTA is Korean, not Japanese.


I get the feeling that not many of you listen to heavy music. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Anyway, I haven't been really into Post-Hardcore stuff since I was a teenager, but this is pretty good!
It's obviously quite influenced by the American Post-Hardcore scene, but they do it better than a lot of bands I can think of.


YES at the bass going ham on MomoClo as the chorus soars.

Do you like Metal? Rap? Classical? Or do you tend to not listen to much of one of these genres? I prefer music that isn't created for the sole purpose of mainstream success.

Yes I like all the above. I like variation. There is no reason to say a pop single is created for the sole purpose of mainstream success. There's no CEO pushing a button and out comes a song. Musicians who care about music first and foremost create them. There are no fewer of them doing pop than doing rap.

The tension that exists in that environment has in fact time and time again proven to result in some of the most innovative, brilliant music , from the days of Spector and Motown to today.

I get the feeling that not many of you listen to heavy music. Correct me if I'm wrong.

You're wrong. I grew up in the heart of the black metal scene in Norway and still listen to some of the more interesting ones, in addition to noise and other genres. Hardcore more in my teenage years when I thought Orchid's pubertal lyrics were super impressive for mentioning Nietzsche, but some stuff still gets me going now and then. As for Japanese music I was into Merzbow before most of the artists I stan today. Haven't bothered to check out an album of his in some time though.


So yesterday I saw ONE OK ROCK in Paris.

Holy shit
Best concert of my life.
The crowd went wild as soon as the intro started, and the screams intensified when they appeared on the stage.
I couldn't believe it was real. Been waiting for this since 2007 and now they were in front of me, it was kind of surreal.
Then the first song started, Ending Story??, everybody started singing, it was amazing.
Lots of interaction between the crowd and the band, Taka (the vocalist) often made us sing.

They a did an entire MC in French, it was so nice and adorable (the drummer Tomoya said "I ATE SOME KEBAB", the crowd burst out laughing :lol).
We could see that they practiced really hard as their French was perfect! I had a big smile on my face :lol
During an other MC some fans threw bras at them :lol Taka put them on Ryota, the bassist, it was hilarious.
The latter then took off his pants, with the entire venue cheering and clapping :lol

The setlist was great, a lot of songs had parts where the crowd can participate.
Fists in the air during Nothing Helps, clapping during Deeper Deeper, jumping as high as we can during Let's Take it Someday, screaming "NE WA" during じぶんROCK, chants during Clock Strikes and Answer is Near, the "1, 2, 3, 4 *scream*" part during NO SCARED... Taka going in the crowd during 完全感覚Dreamer was so fucking good.

I thought I was going to lose my voice as I kept singing during the entire show. It was the most exhausting concert of my life (I already said that for Perfume, but ONE OK ROCK topped them). My GF saw the band twice this week, in England and Germany, her voice was completely destroyed :lol
I really wish it was a bit longer but I think I would've just collapsed if they played more songs :lol

So yeah, fantastic show, my entire body hurts, thank you ONE OK ROCK.
These guys are the number one Japanese rock band, no doubt about it.

The setlist
1. Ending Story??
2. Deeper Deeper
3. Nothing Helps
4. C.h.a.o.s.m.y.t.h...
5. Let's Take it Someday
6. じぶんROCK
7. Clock Strikes
8. Be The Light
10. Answer is Near
12. Re:make
13. 完全感覚Dreamer
14. The Beginning
15. Wherever You Are



I went to both date in Paris(it was their first date of the World Tour in Le Trianon,everyone went crazy when the announcer said that ah ah ah!),and for both the waiting lines were incredibly long even an hour and a half before the doors open,and seeing the OOR PVs displayed in the pubs/fast food was quite funny too,there was a moment where Taka asked us to sit down then jump at his signal(for Let's Take It Someday),which was refused by the organization in Le Bataclan,what a bummer.
IMO the sound in Le Bataclan was much louder(I was standing near the sound engineer at the first stage) than in Le Trianon,but anyway,amazing performances in both,the interlude(with Ryota/Toru/Tomoya) was crazy good too.
Hearing Taka saying that they'll be back in France twice was so heartwarming!I will be more vigilant to buy the tickets as soon as it'll be available,bought mine on an online ticket exchange for the double of its initial price,checked it some days before,it was around ~100€ if not more.

Here's some pictures:




and the only decent(yet quite crappy)from Le Trianon


there was a moment where Taka asked us to sit down then jump at his signal(for Let's Take It Someday),which was refused by the organization in Le Bataclan,what a bummer.

Oh so that's the reason why... I'm not really suprised though, it would have been a bit dangerous to do it.

Also, while we were waiting we waved at Rui Hashimoto, the photographer. He waved back and smiled, I think he was suprised that we knew him haha


You're wrong. I grew up in the heart of the black metal scene in Norway and still listen to some of the more interesting ones, in addition to noise and other genres. Hardcore more in my teenage years when I thought Orchid's pubertal lyrics were super impressive for mentioning Nietzsche, but some stuff still gets me going now and then. As for Japanese music I was into Merzbow before most of the artists I stan today. Haven't bothered to check out an album of his in some time though.

You're one person, though. I said not many of you.

I've never listened to Merzbow. I shall check 'em out!


Were you just waiting for an opportunity to use this gif? I've never seen it.
It's life changing.

I often use it when I'm happy! A new BUMP OF CHICKEN album is enough.

In other news, Czecho no Republic's major debut album is great.
I'm just a bit disappointed that the majority of the album is made of old songs, but they're all re-recorded so it was a pleasure to listen to them, they sound way better now. Guess it'll end up being one of my favorite albums of the year.
Same goes for SiM's major debut album, really solid from start to finish.
Waiting for my KANA-BOON album tomorrow! It's also they major debut album :lol Is October the month of major debuts or something?


I often use it when I'm happy! A new BUMP OF CHICKEN album is enough.

In other news, Czecho no Republic's major debut album is great.
I'm just a bit disappointed that the majority of the album is made of old songs, but they're all re-recorded so it was a pleasure to listen to them, they sound way better now. Guess it'll end up being one of my favorite albums of the year.
Same goes for SiM's major debut album, really solid from start to finish.
Waiting for my KANA-BOON album tomorrow! It's also they major debut album :lol Is October the month of major debuts or something?
Lain's house is made of manga. Is yours made of CDs?



Koshino Junko joins BiS

The fashion designer Koshino Junko (&#12467;&#12471;&#12494;&#12472;&#12517;&#12531;&#12467;) joined BiS (Brand-new Idol Society) as a new member.

She passed secretly the audition held by the idol group.

Koshino Junko is going to make her first appearance on November 5 at Hot Denpo Festival 2013 in Tokyo. JK will also participate in BiS upcoming single Koi Suru Denpou Japan (&#24651;&#12377;&#12427;&#38651;&#22577;Japan).

Koshino Junko, 74 years old, is a famous fashion designer who worked for many brands.

Not just any fashion designer either! Spit out my coffee as I saw this news, they never fail to deliver left field gimmicks.


I feel somewhat obligated to show my friend's band's first PV, but I also really liked it!
The song starts at 2:26 if you don't want to see the story setup.


Edit: I forgot to mention, he told me they're doing a theme song for Yugioh Zexal, too. I'm not sure if it's this song, though.
I feel somewhat obligated to show my friend's band's first PV, but I also really liked it!
The song starts at 2:26 if you don't want to see the story setup.


Edit: I forgot to mention, he told me they're doing a theme song for Yugioh Zexal, too. I'm not sure if it's this song, though.

not bad, been curious since it was announced last month when that Satoshi( from girugamesh ) was singing in a new band.
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