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Japanese Music (Pop, rock and all 'dat) |OT|

damn, was gonna post about them when my copy came in haha. I'm actually pretty surprised no one has posted about them before. They played Next Music from TOKYO recently so I figured someone would have mentioned them. Some of the youngest and brightest musicians in the scene, and they absolutely nail it when it comes to the Midwest emo sound which at the moment is ruling my life. Daijiro's chops are insane!
bleh, I wanted to take pictures of my pickups to accompany the recs but I can't find the time. Maybe this weekend. Here they are:

stereo type: https://stereotypejapan.bandcamp.com/track/adjoined-green

criminally underrated and I don't have a clue why. Tokyo Blue is one of the best albums of this style. Some cool electronic tidbits in there. The 2013 EP is great. Hoping for a new LP soon. The first LP is really gritty and garage-y but in a good way. Everything they did is worth getting.

LOW-PASS: https://kitr.bandcamp.com/track/fog

they have come a long way from their split w/ fago.sepia. Their new stuff is really dope. Dat clean tone.

MIRROR: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXZxrlvXWP4

fucking awesome, but the dude should never sing on one of their records again lol. Luckily it's just one song off the LP. The split w/ the former is tops.

Lop Abuse On Somebody: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMWGhh2J6pk

another great band of the style. They just put out an EP and have another single coming out in a couple days.

cetow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2iSBnrmP6I

extremely promising up-and-comers. Their demo is available through Zankyo.

MOMA: https://furtherplatonix.bandcamp.com/track/--27

enter pianos and a much more chill take on the aforementioned stuff. Crossing into jizue territory.

malegoat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igU69m90Jtg

excellent American math/emo worship.

folio - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Cm0dGKCHiM


OVUM: https://ovum.bandcamp.com/track/defection

powerful post-rock that can turn on the math switch effortlessly. Truly amazing and underrated band. Recommended for fans of MONO. The song I picked out is a math highlight, but check out your cruel virginity or stella for that epic shit.

Archaique Smile: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTuT9jJvnLk

again, see: MONO.

shuhari: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GiAsLw8owI

some more astral post-rock. New album just dropped!

naan: https://zankyorecord.bandcamp.com/track/musa

one of the least discussed bands on Zankyo? Minimal yet varied instrumentation, haunting vocals, rainy day post-rock. Beautiful.

BOaT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzCNWYoJsl8

have only heard RORO by them, but it's really great post-rock with lots of guitar experimentation. Introspective without being too "heavy".

sajjanu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xN3Lk-PEFqA

almost like a Japanese version of Hella (masters of aggressive and experimental math rock from Sacramento). Truly fucked up music.

Nuito: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5DhKzyDcUQ

one of the best entries in J-math, imo. More cohesive songs than the former but still wildly experimental.

Clean of Core: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10xmCcAZaHU

very nice prog/math/post-rock which plays around with keys here and there. Some of their songs sound like old school boss music lol. Some obvious shout-outs to LITE. I can't find my favorite song of theirs online (A Sad Look) which is I think their most pure post-rock song and one of my favorites in the genre.

I'm gonna stop lol. Did most of this off the top. Will try to organize it better for the indie thread.


Quick thoughts about some of my latest pickups.

I know these guys because the guitarist from KEYTALK is in this band. Their music is a mix between rock and hip-hop, it's also somewhat funky. Their songs will make you want to either chill out or dance with your buddies. A nice "Feels good man" feel to their songs. Love them.

Nothing's Carved In Stone - Strangers In Heaven
My second most anticipated album of the year, after the HIATUS's one. This definitely feels like a sequel to their previous album REVOLT. REVOLT was somewhat darker than their previous works, with electro elements. It was experimental I guess but it worked so well. This new album is another step in the right direction. Some of their songs have a really rock'n'roll feeling to them with a "dark" (quotations marks because that's not exactly the right word) twist. There are a couple of songs like Brotherhood that are reminiscent of SIlver Sun which was their best album imo.

高橋優 - 今、そこにある明滅と群生 (Takahashi Yu - Ima, Soko ni Aru Meimetsu to Gunjo)
Hard to top BREAK MY SILENCE, his 2013 album. I discovered him with this album so I'm really attached to it. But, this new one proves once again that Takahashi Yu is the best solo artist in Japan right now (Hoshino Gen is right behind him) in my eyes. His far from perfect voice that makes him stand out among the Japanese scene of singer-songwriters, the sudden changes of tone during his songs... Honestly I have yet to hear a bad song by this guy.

ゲスの極み乙女。 - 猟奇的なキスを私にして / アソビ (Gesu no Kiwami Otome - Ryokiteki na Kiss wo Watashi ni Shite / Asobi)
No need to introduce them I guess, this thread knows who they are. Their first major single is a success. It's the Gesu we know and love. Honestly I don't have much to say, you know what to expect with them. It's just fun to hear Asobi on the TV here during phones commercials. :lol

それでも世界が続くなら - もう君はいい人じゃなくていい (Soredemo Sekai ga Tsuzukunara - Mo Kimi wa Iihito Ja Nakuteii)
Discovered them last year with they major debut album, they're back with their second full album. Wanna feel depressed? Listen to them. They're like Syrup16g but even more depressing thanks to the singer's tendency to scream like he's been stabbed. It's cool though, that's why I love them.

Got to buy their new single.


Tower Records Shibuya! (plus Book Off for one CD)


go!go!vanillas - エマ (go!go!vanillas - Ema)
ゆれる - mutilations+ (Yureru - mutilations+)
ジラフポット - Hydro human (Giraffepot - Hydro human)
Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - PHASE 2
フレデリック - うちゅうにむちゅう (Frederic - Uchuu ni Muchuu)
ミラーマン - ニューシネマ (Mirror Man - New Cinema)
セプテンバーミー - LiFT OFF (September me - LiFT OFF) (bought at Book Off)
テスラは泣かない。 - TESLA doesn't know how to cry. (Tesla ha Nakanai. - TESLA doesn't know how to cry.)
Scars Borough - 音紋 (Scars Borough - Onmon)
Latest issues of Talking Rock and Rockin'on Japan.

I need androp's new live DVD/BR in my life unf unf


Damn, why has nobody told me about 水曜日のカンパネラ(Suiyoubi no Campanella). This shit is fucking sweet. I have been listening to their newest album pretty much on repeat the last week. Really cool mix of electropop with amazing vocals switching from beautiful singing and a mix of rapping and spoken word.

Marie Antoinette
Shinsei Kamattechan-tier public live singing about Rambo in the streets of Shibuya

Their newest album シネマジャック is probably my favorite album so far this year. Top 3 for sure.


^ They've been posted in the thread once or twice before but yeah they're amazing.

Capsule have announced they're releasing a new album this year.


More quick thoughts

フレデリック - うちゅうにむちゅう (Frederic - Uchuu ni Muchuu)
I didn't love these guys at first, when I watched their PV for the first time but they grew on me. This mini-album convinced me that they were amazing. They're like a wackier version of Owarikara. Definitely looking forward to their major debut mini-album next month.

Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - PHASE 2
I think these guys are on some heavy drugs every time they make music. Their mix of trance, electro, hardcore, screamo is clearly not for everybody but god damn, I just want to dance until I pass out whenever I listen to them. The human mind can't comprehend their music. It's amazing.

Scars Borough - 音紋 (Scars Borough - Onmon)
I haven't kept up with their latest releases because they're my least favorite "band formed by an ELLEGARDEN member" (the others being the HIATUS and Nothing's Carved In Stone). That was a mistake, and I need to buy their fourth album asap. They incorporated some really neat electro elements that give a new layer of catchiness to their songs. The guitarist even sings a little bit, it's not just the female vocalist anymore. His voice reminds me of Lilies and Remains (even if I don't like this band) and it definitely is a welcomed addition.

テスラは泣かない。 - TESLA doesn't know how to cry. (Tesla ha Nakanai - TESLA doesn't know how to cry.)
Their major debut album, it's great. That's pretty much it :lol My only complaint is that half of the album is re-recordings of their indie's killer tunes. I had the same problem with Czecho No Republic's debut album (thank god their second full album was only brand new songs, and it's jaw-dropping).
It's cool if you never listened to them before but since I've been following them for a few years it's kinda pointless. Still a damn good album if you're going in blind (or deaf).

Man, I'm looking at the upcoming releases for the August, September and October, it's getting out of hand.
August : Kidori Kidori, androp, KANA-BOON, OKAMOTO'S, NICO Touches the Walls, syrup16g, TK from 凛として時雨, UNISON SQUARE GARDEN.
September : FOLKS, 在日ファンク (Zainichi Funk), フジファブリック (Fujifabric), ircle, Suck a Stew Dry, BLUE ENCOUNT, シナリオアート (Scenarioart), the pillows, くるり (Quruli), ストレイテナー (Straightener), TAMTAM, フレデリック (Frederic), 80kidz, Lyu:Lyu
October : rega, SAKANAMON, Galileo Galilei, QOOLAND, 空想委員会 (Kuso Iinkai), SPECIAL OTHERS ACOUSTIC, The Mirraz, グッドモーニングアメリカ (Good Morning America)

This is crazy.
damn, was gonna post about them when my copy came in haha. I'm actually pretty surprised no one has posted about them before. They played Next Music from TOKYO recently so I figured someone would have mentioned them. Some of the youngest and brightest musicians in the scene, and they absolutely nail it when it comes to the Midwest emo sound which at the moment is ruling my life. Daijiro's chops are insane!

Saw them play at their Toronto stop, they were good enough to inspire my guitarist to play again.

tapping riffs so good aaaaaaaa

edit: i cant go 30 seconds without wanting to play when listening to uchu, jesus.
October : rega

fuck yeah.

Saw them play at their Toronto stop, they were good enough to inspire my guitarist to play again.

tapping riffs so good aaaaaaaa

edit: i cant go 30 seconds without wanting to play when listening to uchu, jesus.

sweet, a taker! Yeah definitely, I'm a guitar player as well but tapping has always gone far over my head. This whole scene is making me approach playing with a whole new perspective. Daijiro actually cites American Football and Owls as some of his influences, and that's immediately apparent when you listen to them. I'm glad they're blowing up right now as they totally deserve the recognition.

I'm not sure if you peeped any of my recs a few posts back, but if not please check out everything up to folio and I'm sure you'll find some more guitar-inspiring goodness. I don't know what it is about the J-math/post-rock sound but there is a distinct poppiness to it that makes for a very infectious listen.

some other ones for additional listening:

How to count one to ten: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfcZ2ZZ1DNg

extremely catchy song, and this video is tight. They have a new album coming out in October btw.

a picture of her: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ibeFyHYCqI

time for a re-rec. Minimal, emotional, very post-y, dope.

3nd: https://zankyorecord.bandcamp.com/album/view-from-here

another band who could probably use a re-rec. Great jams.

PENs+: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbckldG1y-0

I have to rec this one again because frankly these guys deserve more recognition. Their general sound and temperament can be compared to a lot of the standard J-rock bands today but in my opinion they come more from the school of Number Girl (commendable in itself) while also throwing in some of that melodic emo/math wizardry. They're barely out of high school! Support this fucking band.


Oh god THE ORAL CIGARETTES's first full album and Hitorie's full album just got announced. Can't wait.
Why is 2014 so full of great releases smh.


Damn, why has nobody told me about 水曜日のカンパネラ(Suiyoubi no Campanella). This shit is fucking sweet. I have been listening to their newest album pretty much on repeat the last week. Really cool mix of electropop with amazing vocals switching from beautiful singing and a mix of rapping and spoken word.

Marie Antoinette
Shinsei Kamattechan-tier public live singing about Rambo in the streets of Shibuya

Their newest album シネマジャック is probably my favorite album so far this year. Top 3 for sure.

Can't find their album anywhere.

Someone go see them in Shibuya with me. Lol
sweet, a taker! Yeah definitely, I'm a guitar player as well but tapping has always gone far over my head. This whole scene is making me approach playing with a whole new perspective. Daijiro actually cites American Football and Owls as some of his influences, and that's immediately apparent when you listen to them. I'm glad they're blowing up right now as they totally deserve the recognition.

I'm not sure if you peeped any of my recs a few posts back, but if not please check out everything up to folio and I'm sure you'll find some more guitar-inspiring goodness. I don't know what it is about the J-math/post-rock sound but there is a distinct poppiness to it that makes for a very infectious listen.

some other ones for additional listening:

How to count one to ten: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfcZ2ZZ1DNg

extremely catchy song, and this video is tight. They have a new album coming out in October btw.

a picture of her: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ibeFyHYCqI

time for a re-rec. Minimal, emotional, very post-y, dope.

3nd: https://zankyorecord.bandcamp.com/album/view-from-here

another band who could probably use a re-rec. Great jams.

PENs+: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbckldG1y-0

I couldnt agree more mezzo, as a pianist i would feel weird playing in weird timings with random jazz chords, but i see ゲスの極み乙女 and jizue already doing some dope shit, makes me not want to stop.
listening to tricot made me want to make some random 13/8 melodies the other day

I've been scanning through this thread lately, trying to catch up on everything japanese music related ive missed.

Some impressions:

PENs+ - holy fuck this video is hysterical, esp with that shit eating grin from the guitarist at the end. Sound reminds me of number girl, which is nice to hear, i'll have to take a listen to their entire discography.

3nd - math rock is delicious

a picture of her - friend obsessed with math-rock showed me this band before, its pretty dream like.

How to count one to ten - having a sudden change of pace like that in a song is so good.. i love this drummer

I would reccommend some bands, but im sure they've been mentioned countless times already.

here some funk though
the band apart - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGdpJ4QRka0


I thought that was a bit of an odd choice of words for a band that sounds like high school kids brought up on skrillex and linkin park.


lol I just realized Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas did the godawful OP for Sengoku Basara JUDGE End
Honestly it's one of their weakest songs. Their Hunter x Hunter song was great though.

Went to Akihabara yesterday, there was some random idols' live going on and despite the strong typhoon the wotas were pumped up. Half creepy/half amazing.
Hearing idol music everytime I go out is kinda melting my brain though :lol

Discovered told recently, they're quite neat! They released their first full album a few days ago.


I couldn't help but be drawn to the one on his cellphone.
Well it was during a MC :lol
But they were really great!

The Mirraz revealed their new artist picture and the cover for their upcoming album OPPORTUNITY. It'll be out on October 15. They look so good on their picture, damn.
Really excited for their album, I re-discovered them this year. Had them in my iPod for a while but I paid more attention to them recently and they're now of my favorite bands.
The album is looking good. Closer to their indie stuff.
not sure if any of you guys picked up on jizue yet, but they just released another album, with special appearances by tricot's Ikkyu and Shing02. Here's the Ikkyu song, which further demonstrates her versatility as a vocalist. I think if she wanted to she could cover Lauren Hill lol.


also just received my copies of the new tricot (both versions), new Uchu Conbini, and the first release by a new band named 44°+. They're kinda like toe-lite (heh). I think the drummer could loosen up a little but I do like their straight up, delicate post-rock angle.


interesting fact, everything discussed in this post was released on the same day (August 6th).


August 6th was one of the best days of 2014 for me : new Nothing's Carved In Stone, Gesu no Kiwami Otome, Takahashi Yu. Unf unf


not sure if any of you guys picked up on jizue yet, but they just released another album, with special appearances by tricot's Ikkyu and Shing02. Here's the Ikkyu song, which further demonstrates her versatility as a vocalist. I think if she wanted to she could cover Lauren Hill lol.


also just received my copies of the new tricot (both versions), new Uchu Conbini, and the first release by a new band named 44°+. They're kinda like toe-lite (heh). I think the drummer could loosen up a little but I do like their straight up, delicate post-rock angle.


interesting fact, everything discussed in this post was released on the same day (August 6th).
One of my favorite rappers and Ikkyu? It will be mine.
here's the official PV for a new How to count one to ten track entitled "Idyllic". I wasn't expecting a straight up post-rock tune, but I can dig a change of pace and it's actually done very well. By the way, their bassist is super pretty. October 8th is the release date for the new album, called Method of slow motion.


new negoto single dropping on September 24th. Two new tracks and a remix of one of my favorite songs off 5, Re:myend! Check their official site for the deets.


August 6th was one of the best days of 2014 for me : new Nothing's Carved In Stone, Gesu no Kiwami Otome, Takahashi Yu. Unf unf

pretty random Wednesday for so many releases but I'm not complaining!

One of my favorite rappers and Ikkyu? It will be mine.

I know right???
so, check it, these tricot live clips for the limited edition are godlike. High energy, clean playing, and it doesn't seem to have been edited that much if at all. Basically it's only cut between tracks. It gets so crazy at the end I think Komaki knocks out his own snare mic haha. Highly recommended to spend the extra dough for the DVD.

speaking of live clips, I recently dug around for some negoto ones that I hadn't seen before. Found a pair on nico from the ex Negoto era that are totally sweet. This is right before they got into college, I imagine. Just wanted to share, def check if you haven't heard them before. I think these were originally broadcast on TV so they're pretty raw but the performances are great. Best version of Merci Lou I've heard (first of the second link).


it's nico so you need an account or at least a Facebook.


Damn, why has nobody told me about 水曜日のカンパネラ(Suiyoubi no Campanella). This shit is fucking sweet. I have been listening to their newest album pretty much on repeat the last week. Really cool mix of electropop with amazing vocals switching from beautiful singing and a mix of rapping and spoken word.

Marie Antoinette
Shinsei Kamattechan-tier public live singing about Rambo in the streets of Shibuya

Their newest album シネマジャック is probably my favorite album so far this year. Top 3 for sure.
My friend has a picture with her from the other month. He said she's super nice, and he talked to her for about 15 minutes at one of the shows. She sounds very energetic, charismatic, and fun. She apparently had everyone in the venue sit down for her to do
ちゃぶ台返し (rage flipping a table). Sounds awesome.


Hello you beautiful first press edition of androp's new single.
Got some sweet pin badges with it, a sticker, and a fan!
I only have two CDs left to buy, then I'll spend the rest of my money on Japanese iTunes cards I think.

Also, ONE OK ROCK are coming back to Europe!!!! Hell yes!!!! Going to their Paris show with my gf for sure, it'll be amazing. Their show last year was the best concert of 2013, and honestly the best concert of my short life.


I really loved it. I see that a lot of fans disliked it, especially Decision. Mighty Long Fall is damn good, Decision and Pieces of Me are some great summer tunes imo. I get why people don't like them though.
I didn't like Mighty Long Fall. Cheap version of Juvenile and Deeper deeper. Same rythem slower and more electro. Except the chorus it wasn't good at all.


Actually it reminded me more of Seken Shirazu no Uchuu Hikoushi which is one of my top 3 songs by the band, so that's why I love Mighty Long Fall.

Listened to androp's new single a couple of times. Holy damn it's good. These guys keep on giving me eargasms. Alternative Summer has some Boohoo vibes, it's too good. Shout's crescendo is still beautiful and Run is also a perfect uplifting song. Amazing.

Bought this issue of Rockin'on Japan today.
It's hard to find this one nowadays, and it was more expensive than the other ones in the store. It features ELLEGARDEN's last interview. The one where they discuss the hiatus of the band announced in 2008. They're my favorite band ever and the one that really got me into Japanese rock and its scene. They were one of the most popular indie bands back then, they managed to sell out the Makuhari Messe, performing in front of 30,000 people. I guess one could say they stopped their activities at the peak of their popularity, their last album was the best selling CD the week of its release.
Nowadays the members all have new bands : the vocalist Hosomi Takeshi has the HIATUS, guitarist Ubukata Shinichi has Nothing's Carved In Stone, the drummer Takahashi Hirotaka has Scars Borough and bassist Takada Yuuichi joined MEANING.
I'm still hoping for them to come back /sigh


daoko - BOY
I've had this song stuck in my head all goddamn week, it's driving me crazy.
I checked out her two albums and they're really good! Crazy that she was just 15 years old when the first album was released.


New Arukara PV!

Discovered this band, uchuu, (the comma is part of their name), pretty cool. Space Shower always showcases some great acts. They have an avengers in sci-fi feel to them, mixed with pop-punk.

Zainichi Funk released their first major PV a few days ago. It's a funk band in case you didn't get that. It's catchy as hell. Their leader is the always fun and charismatic Hamaken, actor and also member of SAKEROCK, instrumental band which also features Hoshino Gen.


daoko - BOY
I've had this song stuck in my head all goddamn week, it's driving me crazy.
I checked out her two albums and they're really good! Crazy that she was just 15 years old when the first album was released.

Gravity is, in my opinion, the best "rap" album I've ever heard by a female.

Just about anyone on Daoko's label makes great music.

Have you heard of Izumi Makura? She's practically Daoko's twin, although her music is a bit less experimental than Daoko.


Gravity is, in my opinion, the best "rap" album I've ever heard by a female.

Just about anyone on Daoko's label makes great music.

Have you heard of Izumi Makura? She's practically Daoko's twin, although her music is a bit less experimental than Daoko.

Yep, Izumi Makura has been on heavy rotation the last few weeks. Really great stuff.


Just bought Kidori Kidori's new EP on iTunes, El Blanco 2. It's really really good. This band doesn't get enough love. Their music is kinda western sounding, especially the vocalist's voice. He sounds straight out of a UK band. Kidori Kidori is another band from that endless sources of talents that is Hipland Music (bands like THE ORAL CIGARETTES, Sakanaction, Frederic, KANA-BOON, The Flickers, BUMP OF CHICKEN, She Her Her Hers... are working with them in one way or another)
Give them a try!

Also digging 04 Limited Sazabys recently. I usually avoid pop-punk bands (aside from ELLEGARDEN obviously :lol), because it's usually cool for like 3 songs before sounding like the same thing but I like these guys. Must be because the vocalist has a sweet voice.


I saw Femme Fatale and Jupiter play together tonight. It was awesome. I actually may have enjoyed Femme Fatale more than Jupiter, surprisingly (since Jupiter was who we went to see). Perhaps it's because Jupiter played most of the same songs as I saw them play last year.

After both of their sets, they combined their bands to play an encore: the singers of both bands, both lead guitarists, the bassist of Femme Fatale, and the drummer of Jupiter. High energy, super fun show. If you don't know 'em already, and you like Metal, check 'em out. Hell, even if you don't normally like metal, check 'em out.

Femme Fatale - Freya
Jupiter - Blessing of the Future


Gravity is, in my opinion, the best "rap" album I've ever heard by a female.

Just about anyone on Daoko's label makes great music.

Have you heard of Izumi Makura? She's practically Daoko's twin, although her music is a bit less experimental than Daoko.

Izumi Makura's "My Room My Stage" is probably the best hip hop album I heard by a Japanese woman.
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