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Japanese Music (Pop, rock and all 'dat) |OT|

hihi LTTP and all that

  • What country you're from? Canada
  • What got you into Japanese music? If it was an anime opening/ending, a song in a video game, etc let us know Pizzicato Five and Puffy, back in the day, on random indie radio stations.
  • Do you also understand the lyrics or just listen for sound? I don't really bother with lyrics even in English music, so I definitely don't care about the Japanese lyrics.
  • Favorite artist? Probably Saint Etienne? Certainly my longest-running obsession, anyways.
  • What's your favorite Japanese band? Capsule
  • Favorite album? Japanese: one of Cutie Cinema Replay, Phony Phonic or LDK Lounge Designers Killer (all by Capsule). English: if I had to pick one I'd choose Finisterre by Saint Etienne. If I was allowed a second: Haha Sound by Broadcast.
  • Favorite genre(s)? Most things indiepop work for me. Jangly guitars and female vocals help.
  • Favorite Album art? No particular favourites. If we're sticking with Japanese releases, Passepied has some sweet covers, and of course Perfume's Level3.
  • Who's you favorite Japanese pop Diva/Veteran i.e. Ayumi Hamasaki, Utada Hikaru, Namie Amuro etc. Don't have one! So I guess Shiina Ringo by default.
  • What's your favorite idol group and member? Perfume is such a boring answer (and close to not even qualifying anyways), so let's go with ESPECIA. The one who always wears the Jordan jersey.
  • Are there any non-Japanese artists/bands you're interested in finding Japanese parallels to? Not really, the thing I like about the Japanese music I listen to is that it covers different ground than the other stuff I listen to.
  • What's in your current playlist? Heavy rotation: Especia, Charisma.com, Tricot, Negoto, Passepied, Gesu no Kiwami Otome, Capsule, Copter4016882. (Non-Japanese artists: Alvvays, Elephant, Mirah, Radiation City.)
  • Do you have a last.fm and mind sharing it? chrominance
  • Favorite New Artist of the past 2 yrs? They're all new to me! But probably either Passepied or Tricot. (I'd say Especia but I honestly don't know how much staying power they have.)
  • Recent up and comers you think we should be on the look out for? I'm not so well-read that I'd be able to tell you guys about new stuff!
  • Best perfume member? Nocchi, duh.
  • Rank Nakata's music projects from best to worse Capsule (pre-2007) > Perfume > Capsule (post-2007) = Coltemonhika > Kyary > MEG (who I think is better off now without him)


Lol didn't see that the questions were updated with a question about album art. It's one of my favorite things with music, and a good album art, makes the music sound a little better =P.

Would say I love Tokyo Shoegazer - Crystalize, Ling Toshite Shigure - i'mperfect, Sakanaction - sakanaction, all three from Kinoko Teikoku (Uzu ni naru, eureka and Long Goodbye), Perfume - Triangle, MEG - CONTINUE, LITE - Instalation, everyone from indigo la End, and Hello Sleepwalkers - Masked Monkey Awakening










naan - doxa
naan - 善悪無記の形相
OVUM - under the lost sky. ep
OVUM - microcosmos
OVUM - joy to the world. ep
OVUM - ascension
sajjanu - Pechiku!!
sajjanu - Californication II
stereo type - real that she knows
stereo type - Tokyo Blue
How to count one to ten - Blue Building Blocks
LOW-PASS - Trimurti
LOW-PASS/fago.sepia - split
a picture of her - a fanatic socialist looked up at the stars...
a picture of her - C
Lop Abuse On Somebody - Lop Abuse On Somebody
Lop Abuse On Somebody - Same Time
MIRROR - on, then, in


Favorite album art... That's hard.

Well, any Ajikan cover actually, Yusuke Nakamura is such a great artist.

the HIATUS - A World of Pandemonium

キュウソネコカミ - チェンジ ザ ワールド (Kyuso Nekokami - Change the World)

Nothing's Carved In Stone - REVOLT

ハンサムケンヤ - ゴールドマッシュ (Handsome Kenya - Gold Mash)
Cover art by the genius mangaka Inio Asano.

星野源 - STRANGER (Hoshino Gen - STRANGER)

空想委員会 - 空の罠 (下) (Kuso Iinkai - Sora no Wana (Shita))

SAKANAMON - 泡沫ノンフィクション (SAKANAMON - Utakata Nonfiction)

米津玄師 - YANKEE (Yonezu Kenshi - YANKEE)

I could post like 20 more covers but I'll stop here.


Bought karte's latest mini-album. It's their first disc to get a nationwide release ( it's also available on iTunes in other countries)
They're pretty damn good newcomers. Their music reminds me of Kuso Iinkai minus the subtle voice distorsion and echo. Some fine emotional tunes and lyrics (one of the selling points on Buddy Records's website is that the vocalist/lyricist is majoring in psychology :lol).
I wanted to buy it when I was in Japan since Tower Records put them under the spotlight along with other bands in their "New Rock, New Comers" corner but had money left... Glad it was available digitally.
Definitely keeping an eye on these guys.


Anyone dig enka from the 1970's? It's amazing stuff! Sadly, my collection is all from compilation albums and I can't read any of it to recommend any songs or artists.


Bought KANA-BOON's new single yesterday as soon as it appeared on iTunes.
Jesus, it's too damn good. The title track is great, of course, but man the b-sides are where it's at.

フレデリック (Frederic) released their new PV, it's awesome. I'm in love with these guys, can't wait for their new mini-album next month.
The short-haired girl looks so cool.


Bought UNISON SQUARE GARDEN's new album, Catcher In The Spy.

I have no idea what the title means but the album rocks! While I'm not USG's biggest fan I was quite hyped for this new release for some reason. I had their CDs in my library for the longest time but never listened that much to them. This definitely needs to change, this album made me realize that they're amazing. It's poppy, fresh, carefree... and they know how to rock when it's needed. Actually they remind of a "beta" version of KANA-BOON. Both bands' singers have cute voices, even their songs share some similarities...
So yeah, great stuff.

Also listened to TK (from Ling Tosite Sigure)'s new solo album.

Never really got into his solo stuff but man this album blew my mind. Went in with low expectations and I was amazed by it. I like that even though some songs can feel close to what he does with his band, he still incoporates new things, more instruments... I love this album.
It also made me realize that I'm not that familiar with Ling Tosite Sigure. Guess I'll be binge-listening to them and UNISON SQUARE GARDEN.

tofubeats released his new PV, it's damn good. For some reason I always find it hilarious when he's the one singing.
Looking forward to his first full album.


It also made me realize that I'm not that familiar with Ling Tosite Sigure. Guess I'll be binge-listening to them and UNISON SQUARE GARDEN

I did that recently and their music sound so much better all together then just listening to random songs on YouTube.


Finally stored all my Japanese music CDs/Lives/Magazines in one place. Better than having them everywhere in my room. Hope I'll be able to have an even bigger collection in the near future. I'd especially like to buy the most Rockin'on Japan issues I can...
Thank god I buy most of my music digitally.


Who's currently the hot fire in the Japanese hip-hop scene?

I'm not really well-versed on this subject but I'd say that 環ROY (Tamaki ROY) is getting quite popular.

Recently he collaborated with some popular and influential rock bands such as Sakanaction and ART-SCHOOL, appeared on Sakamoto Miu's latest album...

Also the band SANABAGUN are some great newcomers. They released their first album recently and it's amazing.

Oh god, KEYTALK just announced their new single for October 22. October is going to be one of the best months of 2014 release-wise.

10/01 : mini-albums of rega, SAKANAMON, Galileo Galilei, QOOLAND
10/02 : full album of tofubeats
10/08 : single of 空想委員会 (Kuso Iinkai), full album of SPECIAL OTHERS ACOUSTIC .
10/15 : single of SEKAI NO OWARI , full album of The Mirraz
10/22 : full albums of ストレイテナー (Straightener), グッドモーニングアメリカ (Good Morning America), LEGO BIG MORL, the pillows, mini-album of Hello Sleepwalkers, single of KEYTALK
10/29 : full album of amazarashi


THE NOVEMBERS announced their new album Rhapsody in beauty. It'll be released on October 15th.

indigo la End revealed their new artist picture as well as the cover for their upcoming single (which will be out on September 24th).


Hey guys sorry but I really need help here. Heard this song in a taxi and I just can't stop thinking about it. I NEEEEEEEEEEED IIIIIIIIIIIIT.

I'm not sure if I heard the lyrics 100% but that's kinda close?

Girl singing it. I tried searching but nothing.



Hey guys sorry but I really need help here. Heard this song in a taxi and I just can't stop thinking about it. I NEEEEEEEEEEED IIIIIIIIIIIIT.

I'm not sure if I heard the lyrics 100% but that's kinda close?

Girl singing it. I tried searching but nothing.


Nishino Kana - Darling
I'm going crazy trying to find Tsugutoshi Goto's Inner Suggestions LP.

I've found one track in good quality on a compilation album but that's it. Argh. Music this good doesn't deserve to be hidden away.
Whoa, are you me? I've listened to this and Chopper's Boogie, both great tracks from a prolific bassist. Tsugutoshi Goto's on my list of favorites now.

On another note, I'm getting into Quruli, not sure how I missed them the first time I heard World's End Supernova.


Whoa, are you me? I've listened to this and Chopper's Boogie, both great tracks from a prolific bassist. Tsugutoshi Goto's on my list of favorites now.

On another note, I'm getting into Quruli, not sure how I missed them the first time I heard World's End Supernova.
Prepare your ears for Quruli's new album in two weeks!
World's End Supernova is my favorite Quruli song, so good. Their later works are, well, a bit hit or miss but overall they have a really solid discography.


Favorite album art, huh? I don't know if the first is actually the cover to an album, but I like it a lot regardless -

Pizzicato Five:

"Player" by Capsule


Another great band on Space Shower's Youtube channel, they're called REVSONICS.
It's a mix of rock and electro kinda similar to bands like JAWEYE... I love it. Their first album will be released on October 8.

Listened to a couple of new releases this week.

One of my most anticipated releases of the month. FOLKS is one my favorite new bands, I just can't get enough of their sound. It sounds so peaceful and yet catchy enough to not get boring. Fantastic single.

Suck a Stew Dry - ジブンセンキ
I remember getting into this band in 2011 when they released their first mini-album. It was when I was getting into Japanese indie bands.
Even if I'm not their biggest fan I've always kept an eye on their new stuff and was quite excited for this album. It's a more poppy than their previous works, they use synths in a couple of songs. Some tunes manage to be both uplifting and melancholical at the same time. Definitely a great album.

ircle - i しかないとか
This band is still kinda new to me, I only listened like twice to their mini-album released last year. I guess you could say that I bought the album without really knowing if I'd love it or not. Turns out I did.
If you're into rock that likes to venture into emo/punk territory you won't be disappointed. It's a bit reminiscent of Lyu:Lyu, so if you dig them you might also enjoy ircle. Some of their songs also sound like ACIDMAN's songs, when ACIDMAN become more "aggresive", with that raw sound that I love.

Fujifabric - LIFE (not to be confused with their single also called LIFE)
Third full album by the "new" Fujifabric, i.e. as as trio since Shimura died in 2009.
I get that some of their older fans can't get into them now since Shimura isn't here anymore but I still think that the remaining members do their best to keep Fujifabric's style alive while doing new things.
This album is amazing, Fujifabric is still one of the coolest bands in Japan after all these years. They can do sweet slow songs as well as more upbeat ones.


Seiko Oomori covers Chocolate Disco with The Chaotic Vibes Orchestra (Pierre Nakano from Ling Tostite Sigure) Also the guitarist from 9mm parabellum bullet is on guitar and the arranger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4O6x7KAalQ4

Speaking of Perfume, they're going to debut in America on October 7th with the release of Level 3 (Bonus Edition) on Astralwerks, with new mixes of ‘Spending all my time’; ‘Spending all my time (Radio Mix)’ and ‘Spending all my time (DV&LM remix)’ itunes first, CD later in the month, which will be out in Europe too.
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