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Jason Schreier is writing a video game book about dev cycles & people who make them


Thank you all x10000000 for the kind words. The process has been brutal (never try to write a book while also working at a full-time writing job lol) so I hope a lot of people read it!


Thank you all x10000000 for the kind words. The process has been brutal (never try to write a book while also working at a full-time writing job lol) so I hope a lot of people read it!

I can't wait for this! I will 100% get a copy. I absolutely love development stories and love your work on Kotaku.

Mr. Tibbs

Hmm. Seven of the chapters are based on "official" access to the developers of those games. One is based on a relatively old game and I doubt the publisher will care about it. Two of them are very much unofficial and may lead to some backlash. We'll see! I tried to be as fair as possible to every person and company I covered.

Well, I hope they don't give you too much trouble. It's beyond cool that seven games granted offical access. Hats off to those pubs and devs.

The structure sounds very intriguing and playing it fair with both sides is the appropriate approach. I'll definitely pick up a copy as soon as the book's formally announced.


I mayyyyy do some sort of tour (TBD) but I'll definitely do something at PAX West later this year!

Shieeeeet I can't go to PAX West.

I guess I'll have to catch you at other events :(

If you do PAX South next year, definitely will be there.


Just heard about this since the thread got bumped. I loved the Destiny piece on Kotaku, so count me in when this is released! It's fascinating to hear about some of what goes on behind the scenes during development.


Yep, I'm another that just learned of this and was bummed when I read it will release next yer, then I noticed the date of the op. Super stoked to read this.


Awesome! I forgot about this.. People, make sure to bump this thread or create another one when an Amazon link is available!


Sold when you first announced. There's not enough of this, even Apple has more behind the scenes books than the modern video game industry.

If I was your publisher I'd try and get Best Buy/GameStop/indie shops interested. They're obviously not book heavy stores, but a good pitch could be made on audience crossover.


Thank you all x10000000 for the kind words. The process has been brutal (never try to write a book while also working at a full-time writing job lol) so I hope a lot of people read it!

Question: Where did you draw the line between what you did for the book and what you could have made a potential article or series of articles about? Did you discuss all of this with Totilo beforehand?

Like, I'm assuming you have a division of both assigned articles as well as are expected to pitch and produce articles on your own (as part of your labour agreement/job description), what warranted creating chapters for your book rather than presenting them to your employer as articles? Length? Depth? Interest/popularity?


Can't wait to read this book! Love Jason's writing and will pre-order this as soon as someone starts taking them.



Can't wait for you guys to read this thing.


Edit: In fact, just release it without the spaces, and sell the spaces as DLC?

(That's how it works, right? I'm sure that's how it works.)


Question: Where did you draw the line between what you did for the book and what you could have made a potential article or series of articles about? Did you discuss all of this with Totilo beforehand?

Like, I'm assuming you have a division of both assigned articles as well as are expected to pitch and produce articles on your own (as part of your labour agreement/job description), what warranted creating chapters for your book rather than presenting them to your employer as articles? Length? Depth? Interest/popularity?
This is a very good question, and yeah, it was a little tricky. Short version: Yes, I talked to Stephen beforehand and planned out exactly which games this book was going to cover, then worked from there. I also gathered a lot of reporting that didn't fit in the book and I'll be turning into Kotaku articles later this year.
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