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Jason Schreier : What I actually said on Kotaku Splitscreen about the PlayStation 5's specs


NaughtyDog Defense Force
hope it's clear, now

No, because that's not what was said. You're putting your own twist to what's being reported.

Neur4lN01s3 said:
so if cpu needs to work, it take the priority and gpu slow down, but if power consumption is too much, both will underclock to stay in power budget.

What was actually said.

So how does boost work in this case? Put simply, the PlayStation 5 is given a set power budget tied to the thermal limits of the cooling assembly. "It's a completely different paradigm," says Cerny. "Rather than running at constant frequency and letting the power vary based on the workload, we run at essentially constant power and let the frequency vary based on the workload."

Mark Cerny's words is different than what you're letting on. You're trying to explain how the PS5 will run that is different than what Mark Cerny has said.

SSD can load level faster, a bit faster. ok

And it doesn't say a bit faster. Their target was 5GB SSD. This means they needed a high target and it's not just a bit faster than the other console.

but when it have to feed GDDR6, on PS5 it uses a 256 bit 448 GB/s bus, already busy for raytracing ops and shaders ops and OS ops and CPU ops
on XSX the SSD uses an 320 bit 560 GB/s bus already busy for raytracing ops and shaders ops and OS ops and CPU ops

so the bottleneck here will be the inferior 256 448 GB/s bus on PS5
you have to accept and understand that: in the same bus, in the same time, billions of operations will occur, ssd is a slow, minimal part of the equation

But is this all the data that's being stored? Of course not. lol. You're talking about merely seconds of accessing data as you look throughout the environment. People have seen saying this feature would be possible on Sony's first party games because the XsX would not be capable of doing it.

There's also data in the memory that's not even being used, which is changed with the usage of SSD


Your the one who started this not me. The audio improvement will be huge for everyone, its a literal beast of a audio processor, something I thought xbox fans cared about because of SHAPE but I guess because xbox is on the back foot now it doesn't matter.
Oh it matters to me, but I am hardcore ... regular joe won’t care .
I've said it in multiple threads now before we got the info from Sony and after. The SSD in the PS5 is the most important update to next-gen hardware. I firmly believe that the PS5 using the SSD as additional RAM will be the key factor in what may potentially make PS5 games look, feel and be superior graphically to Xbox games. HOWEVER, this advantage is most likely going to be limited to the PS5 first party devs taking full effect of the PS5's advantages. The ability to stream the viewpoint because of the data speed on the PS5 may not be possible on the Xbox One X to the same degree. Maybe it will be able to do similar things with some limitations but third-party devs ALWAYS work to the lowest common denominator and I very firmly believe that the speed of the SSD is far FAR more important than ~2-3 TF of power when it comes to first-party devs maxing HW.

This is not a fanboy or Sony defence post, as things stand currently I'm most likely going to be getting an Xbox SX for Game Pass and Third-Party games because I believe it's likely that they will run better on the XSX. I will give the caveat that this will depend on there being one Xbox exclusive game that I feel I absolutely must play and the cost of the console be damned. I will definitely be getting the PS5 and more than likely I'll get it at launch if there are reviews and information about it speeding up the launch times of PS4 games. I'm hoping there will be a good big PS5 exclusive that I wanna play at launch as well but saving those load times means a lot to me personally.

I would also like to mention that the horsepower of the next-gen consoles is just really awesome all around. I feel like they're both incredible machines that are going to be competing closely with the top-spec PC's to the point I'm probably not seeing much benefit in upgrading my 9-year-old gaming PC. I really may just get the XSX instead of upgrading the PC and I'll be happy with that.

Sony has definitely handled the reveal poorly. As I consider myself educated well enough about the technical side of hardware and technology I felt like the presentation was an awesome kid in a candy shop video. I loved it. I feel like the PS5 has everything devs and gamers could want. Sure I would have loved them to take some more CU's and bump the TF to an equivalent of the XSX. More power is always better. But I think Sony has made a decision about the price point they're aiming for and have made a lot of smart decisions regarding this. I hold judgement on this until we see the announce price of both consoles. As I'm getting older I'm becoming more of an old miser and Sony being considerate about price point makes me happy. I'm not a developer and won't claim to know exactly how this is going to affect things but from what I do understand it will make a big difference.

I honestly believe the speed of the SSD and the system overall (including all the little custom tweaks they've made) makes THAT MUCH of a difference in real-world performance. But, when it comes down to it both consoles will be powerful and I expect the XSX to outpace the PS5 with third party games. If you really can't see the sense the explanation makes then you need to do some research and look at the sort of things that bottleneck developers, the things that certain developers have been doing to get around the bottlenecks in current-gen hardware to make beautiful games and then you might start to understand why the SSD being SO fast will be SO important.

Funnily enough, it kinda feels like the arguing at the moment reminds me of the Gamecube vs PS2 during the sixth generation. Sony has pulled a Gamecube this gen going for the efficiency over brute force approach. The way things come full circle. Ha!
Sorry mate but the SSD can’t be used as additional Ram cause ......proper Ram is like 50 times faster than the ps5 peak SSD speed. So yeah, whatever......
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
Sorry mate but the SSD can’t be used as additional Ram cause ......proper Ram is like 50 times faster than the ps5 peak SSD speed. So yeah, whatever......
I don't pretend to be a tech expert, but everything people are saying about the SSD is very reasonable.

If data can be pulled from the SSD within seconds, then that means it like virtual memory. That's what DF, Sony, MS are all talking about when it comes to better memory usage. The thing is, the PS5 is faster and they can do a lot more with this.

Phil Spencer
Thanks to their speed, developers can now use the SSD practically as virtual RAM.

Does this mean he is wrong too?
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Sorry mate but the SSD can’t be used as additional Ram cause ......proper Ram is like 50 times faster than the ps5 peak SSD speed. So yeah, whatever......

Eh what?. The peak uncompressed PS5 SSD speed is 5GB/s, thats about 1/5th a DDR4 stick of ram. Thats crazy fast for persistent storage, hell the peak decompressed rate (20GB/s) is is 99% a DDR4 stick of RAM but I don't think in practise it'll get close to that.

The bigger problem is the latency, a SSD has no where near the low latency of ram meaning you can only really use it as virtual memory and not actual memory.
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you are wrong, frequency/power needed is not a linear function, you are quoting cerny without understanding his words, you have to balance cpu and gpu in ps5, so if you need cpu, you will underclock the gpu, and if you exceeds in power consuption, than you have to underclock ANOTHER TIME to stay in you power budget. this is how balancing works in ps5. I believe that its GPU is more tied to 9.2 TFlop than 10, most of the time

memory in ps5 is a lot slower, it is connected with a slower bus, 256 bit vs 320 bit on XSX, period. Even PS5 need memory for CPU and FOR OS, so we'll see similar splitting, with gpu using 10-11, max 12 GB. do you understand this? the difference is that on XSX the split is fixed, in ps5 can be a little less, a little more on gpu
What you believe is Nonsense .sorry . You are creating things that don't exist . He explicitly said it rarely drops the clock by couple % to reduce the power draw by 10% and that happens very rarely.

Anyways , soon we will see how it is in games .things that matter .beside ps5 isn't hanker down by a 4tf console
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I quoted him. I don't know why you're trying to spin his words.

you quoted him but wrote your conclusion, he said that when CPU reach max speed (3.5 GHz), GPU will balance underclocking and viceversa. After that He said about power throttling, that is a different thing, even on our CPU and in our smartphones


So you are upset that some people have been telling us about this and pointing out that the TF difference may not be as big as some wants us to believe it is? ... it's not like most PC gamers had cards this fast, let alone with ray tracing that they actually use (even the series x struggle to run minecraft with path-tracing at 1080p).

Obviously this is no coincidence, that whole teraflop thing has been in the air for a while, we need to have context for it... there is always a chance that the difference is actually bigger than expected, so we shall see how it turns out, I wish you best of luck.

Do I seem upset to you or are you just projecting? :pie_thinking:

What I'm saying is, we need someone who's not invested on either side, and I can sense it clearly when he comes to the defense of anything Sony, case in point the video, what is the message? the entire thing is focused on defending the PS5's honor from the perspective that the PS5 won't be that bad for X or Y reasons, it's not a video highlighting the advantages and disadvantages, but just sounds like damage control.

Ok, here's another example of how one could highlight and or minimize the difference between the PS5 and XSX. In the video he's showing two rasterized games using todays visuals running on hardware at a 15% difference, but what about games that use Ray Tracing? 36 CU vs 52 CU is being talked about as being the biggest differentiator when it comes to Ray Tracing performance, and this is without even accounting what MS has put into the Series X which they claim has the equivalent of 13TF when Ray Tracing is involved. They showed FULL PATH ray tracing, the purest form of Ray Tracing with Minecraft running on Xbox Series X.

The bottom line is, I do agree that the TF number is not the full picture, surprised? maybe if you didn't understand my point, what I'm saying is that there's more to Xbox Series X as well, it's one of the things that I direclty replied to him, XSX will also be using RDNA 2, so its TF number also means a lot more than GCN TF's, but we all know that the future of graphics is.... RAY TRACING.

In the future when more and more games start to use Ray Tracing, where is the PS5 going to stand against XSX? for someone who wants to focus on TERAFLOPS don't matter to save the PS5, why was there so little talk about Ray Tracing? just at the very end and then say 'it's probably going to be better" on XSX, we'll find out lol. Is it really a 15% difference when we're talking about the equivalent of 13TF dedicated for Raytracing on XSX? what about Variable Rate Shading? is that feature available on PS5? we've seen a 20% boost in games using VRS, again.... is it really just a 15% difference? Do you see where bias can come into play and why we need a subjective analysis?
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Jason is the best journalist out there. He’s reminds me of a young Wolf Blitzer. If he says the ps5 is better, it’s better. End of story.

People are really underestimating the power of the ssd. Everyone that builds a pc from now on will always make sure to start with the ssd, then grab weaker ram, weaker cpu, and weaker gpu. I’m guessing in a few years this ssd tech will be so fast and powerful that it will make gpu’s obsolete.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
you quoted him but wrote your conclusion, he said that when CPU reach max speed (3.5 GHz), GPU will balance underclocking and viceversa. After that He said about power throttling, that is a different thing, even on our CPU and in our smartphones

I didn't

"so if cpu needs to work, it take the priority and gpu slow down, but if power consumption is too much, both will underclock to stay in power budget.
He only talks about dropping when the worst case scenario arrives.

On the face of it, PlayStation 5 delivers a ton of power, but there does seem to be an extra onus on developers to optimise to these new characteristics. The question is, what happens when the processor does hit its power limit and components down-clock? In his presentation, Mark Cerny freely admits that CPU and GPU won't always be running at 3.5GHz and 2.23GHz respectively.

"When that worst case game arrives, it will run at a lower clock speed. But not too much lower, to reduce power by 10 per cent it only takes a couple of percent reduction in frequency, so I'd expect any downclocking to be pretty minor," he explains. "All things considered, the change to a variable frequency approach will show significant gains for PlayStation gamers."

You can't say it will run at 9.2TF most of the time when you don't which frequency these games are running at.


Ok, here's another example of how one could highlight and or minimize the difference between the PS5 and XSX. In the video he's showing two rasterized games using todays visuals running on hardware at a 15% difference, but what about games that use Ray Tracing? 36 CU vs 52 CU is being talked about as being the biggest differentiator when it comes to Ray Tracing performance, and this is without even accounting what MS has put into the Series X which they claim has the equivalent of 13TF when Ray Tracing is involved. They showed FULL PATH ray tracing, the purest form of Ray Tracing with Minecraft running on Xbox Series X.

In the future when more and more games start to use Ray Tracing, where is the PS5 going to stand against XSX? for someone who wants to focus on TERAFLOPS don't matter to save the PS5, where was the talk about Ray Tracing? is it really a 15% difference when we're talking about the equivalent of 13TF dedicated for Raytracing on XSX? what about Variable Rate Shading? is that feature available on PS5? we've seen a 20% boost in games using VRS, again.... is it really just a 15% difference? Do you see where bias can come into play and why we need a subjective analysis?

Once again, I don't know where this rumour started and no one can show me any proof. But the RT performance of the consoles both scale with clock speed and CUs meaning the effective difference between the two is the same as the difference in TFLOPs.

Secondly, Microsoft was not all saying that they have any advantage over RDNA2 or any other card/console but just talking about the required general purpose compute to do the same raytracing without fixed function units.

In the future when more and more games use raytracing itll stand exactly where it does now with the XSX having a 10-15% advantage.
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Do I seem upset to you or are you just projecting? :pie_thinking:

What I'm saying is, we need someone who's not invested on either side, and I can sense it clearly when he comes to the defense of anything Sony, case in point the video, what is the message? the entire thing is focused on defending the PS5's honor from the perspective that the PS5 won't be that bad for X or Y reasons, it's not a video highlighting the advantages and disadvantages, but just sounds like damage control.

Ok, here's another example of how one could highlight and or minimize the difference between the PS5 and XSX. In the video he's showing two rasterized games using todays visuals running on hardware at a 15% difference, but what about games that use Ray Tracing? 36 CU vs 52 CU is being talked about as being the biggest differentiator when it comes to Ray Tracing performance, and this is without even accounting what MS has put into the Series X which they claim has the equivalent of 13TF when Ray Tracing is involved. They showed FULL PATH ray tracing, the purest form of Ray Tracing with Minecraft running on Xbox Series X.

The bottom line is, I do agree that the TF number is not the full picture, surprised? maybe if you didn't understand my point, what I'm saying is that there's more to Xbox Series X as well, it's one of the things that I direclty replied to him, XSX will also be using RDNA 2, so its TF number also means a lot more than GCN TF's, but we all know that the future of graphics is.... RAY TRACING.

In the future when more and more games start to use Ray Tracing, where is the PS5 going to stand against XSX? for someone who wants to focus on TERAFLOPS don't matter to save the PS5, why was there so little talk about Ray Tracing? just at the very end and then say "Maybe" XSX is better here, we'll find out lol. Is it really a 15% difference when we're talking about the equivalent of 13TF dedicated for Raytracing on XSX? what about Variable Rate Shading? is that feature available on PS5? we've seen a 20% boost in games using VRS, again.... is it really just a 15% difference? Do you see where bias can come into play and why we need a subjective analysis?
We just don't know what the PS5 has in therms of raytracing (seems to be the same rdna2 hardware, so I assume it's the same kind of difference as the rasterised games, less hardware, but faster frequency)... So this is likely to be the se 15-20% difference.

People act as if these GPUs are world a part, this is just not the case, why does it bother people when this is pointed out?

Let's wait until we have the full picture, I'm not saying that you are wrong, but I don't think that you are right about the raytracing thing.
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We just don't know what the PS5 has in therms of raytracing (seems to be the same rdna2 hardware, so I assume it's the same kind of difference as the rasterised games, less hardware, but faster frequency)... So this is likely to be the se 15-20% difference.

People act as if these GPUs are world a part, this is just not the case, why does it bother people when this is pointed out?

Let's wait until we have the full picture, I'm not saying that you are wrong, but I don't think that you are right about the raytracing thing.
The advantages of the XSX are not just in the GPU.


Gold Member
Why does a journalist care if a corporation is conveying its message correctly ? Why does he seem angry because he thinks that a corporation is doing a bad pr job and why is he trying to help that corporation ?

It’s a good question.

In short, video game journalism isn’t really a job. It’s no different to being a ‘toy journalist’. Games are a fun diversion; no more, no less.

To offset this realisation, a number of publications have attempted to elevate their station. Middle aged editors and writers have realised what they do is pointless, so video games have become a battleground for politics and corporate reckoning.

Hence all the garbage they turn out.

A pity. Just because something is pointless doesn’t mean it can’t be a great deal of fun. But they don’t actually enjoy games anymore, so they churn out d-rate corporate commentary.


Let's wait until we have the full picture, I'm not saying that you are wrong, but I don't think that you are right about the raytracing thing.

I'm not the author claiming XSX has better Ray Tracing, NXGamer said it himself at the end and others have said the same thing. So it's not a question of whether Xbox Series X has better Ray Tracing, because it does, the question is, how much better than the PS5 is XSX at Ray Tracing? we'll find out, but what's certain is, that where Ray Tracing is involved, that difference will grow past the 15% difference in TF.

you feel... but we know that XSX has co-processor too....

But I want to know how powerful the co-processors are in each system and what different types they have. Also does either system have additional RAM for video recording, etc. I would hate to see either of them waste precious GDDR6 on recording video. I just feel like their 'deep dive' wasn't deep enough for me, I want a full breakdown of both systems so I will just patiently wait until that happens. I am also curious if both are running a full Zen 2 CPU with full cache, etc. I am not in anyway saying the PS5 is faster, it just feels like it is more exotic because I think it is customized a little more than XSX.


I think the xbox fans wont be happy when DF comparisons come out. I'm expecting a 1800p vs 4k 60fps at best in xbox's favor. Thats pretty insignificant. And often times I see them running identically.

Very interesting:

Seems like ps5 could punch above that 10tf number

Pretty insignificant?
Remember when you used to compare how much grass was there in GTA V when the resolution was the same, not to mention the 900p vs 1080p threads.

It is significant, and you'll get what you fuckin deserve.
I’ve never seen so many people jump to the defence of one company.

exactly dude, and i LOVE sony. i grew up on the ps1/2. However, if the tables were turned the sony fanboys would be dogging the xbox just as bad if not worse. I personally plan to buy both because i love what both are doing. I do think on paper "because im short sighted xbox doofus" that the xbox does seem to offer the best solution. I 100% agree with one thing Jason said. We need to see games on both consoles. I do like how he even more so confirmed Assassins creed Vikings :) i'm ready for a DF comparison for that game between the two consoles. also if these 3rd party games are likely still going to be cross gen, it could be 2 years plus before we see true power of them (with the exception of sony 1st party of course).


I'm not the author claiming XSX has better Ray Tracing, NXGamer said it himself at the end and others have said the same thing. So it's not a question of whether Xbox Series X has better Ray Tracing, because it does, the question is, how much better than the PS5 is XSX at Ray Tracing? we'll find out, but what's certain is, that where Ray Tracing is involved, that difference will grow past the 15% difference in TF.

But the better raytracing they are talking is most likely the 15% difference, why does everyone assume that MS has some sort of magical never mentioned RT secret sauce?, they dont, the difference is most likely the same as the TF's.
Pretty insignificant?
Remember when you used to compare how much grass was there in GTA V when the resolution was the same, not to mention the 900p vs 1080p threads.

It is significant, and you'll get what you fuckin deserve.

So true! 900p vs 1080p had sony fans just dogging the xbox. and honestly it was deserved. the xbox one launched under powered (so did the ps4 for that matter). using crappy sata 2 and 5400 rpm drives and crappy cpu. this time around both companies (in part thanks to AMD stepping up their game) are both brining quality systems. But to me there is no way around it, Xbox has the clear power advantage. insignificant or not, the numbers are absolutely on Xbox side. great time to be a gamer imo.
But the better raytracing they are talking is most likely the 15% difference, why does everyone assume that MS has some sort of magical never mentioned RT secret sauce?, they dont, the difference is most likely the same as the TF's.

The problem is sony has done a poor job showing what the console can do. They have only really talked about global illumination. Msoft actually showed ray tracing Full path tracing in games. That's impressive even in minecraft. We just need more time for both companies to show us the true power of the dark side muhahahaha

Old Empire.

PS5 GPU can't overcome the compute difference. Cerny knows this., even though he says it dangerous to just look Terfalops and CUs? Sony downplaying!.. More CUs the more calculation the GPU can do. And better the performance.,

Clearly the Xbox one series, has more shader processors.
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He's the clown of this place that nobody takes seriously. Don't waste your time again and thank you for the very well written post
What well written post? That BS about Nvme on PC already proves he/she has no idea wtf they are talking about. And of course the 'console peasant' terminology was just the icing of the cake. Especially amusing was the heavy does of irony when they accused others of having no clue.
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I feel like the PS5 is more customized than the XSX with all coprocessors that it has in the background handling audio, compression, etc. so I know most if not all of the GPU's power will be used for game graphics, I'm curious about both systems customizations.

Serious question and do not mean it facetiously. Have you watched the digital foundry videos about the XSeX? I would love understand why you think the XSeX is any less customized?


Gold Member
The problem is sony has done a poor job showing what the console can do. They have only really talked about global illumination. Msoft actually showed ray tracing Full path tracing in games. That's impressive even in minecraft. We just need more time for both companies to show us the true power of the dark side muhahahaha
it's really not.
if you show the same video without the description that says "full rtx in use" to a milion of guys, nobody is gonna scream "wowo look at that realistic light\reflex\shadow" , like no one.
for my understading, rtx is a technique to improve overall photo-realism, showing rtx in a game that looks literally like vomit on screen with the worst art design ever, it's not impressive if not just to demonstrate that sex can actually do good rtx in games (but maybe this was you point to begin with, in that case ignore me)
but even with that in mind, is it really impressive having rtx on a game who run on potato pc and probably tablets and smartphone? isn't like putting the sexiest victoria's secret underwear on one of the "women" on reeee...


it's really not.
if you show the same video without the description that says "full rtx in use" to a milion of guys, nobody is gonna scream "wowo look at that realistic light\reflex\shadow" , like no one.
for my understading, rtx is a technique to improve overall photo-realism, showing rtx in a game that looks literally like vomit on screen with the worst art design ever, it's not impressive if not just to demonstrate that sex can actually do good rtx in games (but maybe this was you point to begin with, in that case ignore me)
but even with that in mind, is it really impressive having rtx on a game who run on potato pc and probably tablets and smartphone? isn't like putting the sexiest victoria's secret underwear on one of the "women" on reeee...
I recall reading somewhere showing RTX on minecraft was actually more impressive than any modern AAA game because of structural complexity or something. Essentially, if they can pull of RTX on minecraft, they can do an even better job with AAA games. I can't remember where etc though? I think it was the digital foundry video.


Gold Member
I recall reading somewhere showing RTX on minecraft was actually more impressive than any modern AAA game because of structural complexity or something. Essentially, if they can pull of RTX on minecraft, they can do an even better job with AAA games. I can't remember where etc though? I think it was the digital foundry video.
so it's more a matter of being impressed by the theory of this work than his actual aspect on a game like minecraft, am i rite?


Gold Member
I recall reading somewhere showing RTX on minecraft was actually more impressive than any modern AAA game because of structural complexity or something. Essentially, if they can pull of RTX on minecraft, they can do an even better job with AAA games. I can't remember where etc though? I think it was the digital foundry video.
I saw something about this on the DF twitter. Someone responded to a Minecraft RTX tweet with a bunch of Sony games like Spider-Man and that Dark01 guy said Minecraft RTX was way more sophisticated/demanding. Something along those lines.


so it's more a matter of being impressed by the theory of this work than his actual aspect on a game like minecraft, am i rite?
Yeah. It shows massive potential about what can be achieved with xbox's tech (which achieved full path tracing). And its also my main disappointment with Ps5's GPU Its gonna have a harder time going beyond global illumination to areas like shadows and full path tracing.


Gold Member
Yeah. It shows massive potential about what can be achieved with xbox's tech (which achieved full path tracing). And its also my main disappointment with Ps5's GPU Its gonna have a harder time going beyond global illumination to areas like shadows and full path tracing.
but it is my understanding that rtx minecraft demo was running at 1080p unstable 30 frame, is that really a convincing example for sex games that aims at 4k60 frame? can they use full path without enormous waste of performance?
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but it is my understanding that rtx minecraft demo was running at 1080p unstable 30 frame, is that really a convincing example for sex games that aims at 4k60 frame?
We'll probably be seeing ingame choices for 1080p with RTX on and 4k with RTX off. (I'd choose 1080p because fully ray traced environments are going to be far more impressive than mere 4k)


Gold Member
We'll probably be seeing ingame choices for 1080p with RTX on and 4k with RTX off. (I'd choose 1080p because fully ray traced environments are going to be far more impressive than mere 4k)
lol i'm the opposite, i don't give a damn about rtx so gimme all the resolution and frames 😆 (of course if those aspect are at least decent\good in rasterization mode (is this the right term?)
i'm just not a light\shadow\reflex guy, my eyes\brain have selective priority when i judge graphics in videogames. :lollipop_grinning_sweat:
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Serious question and do not mean it facetiously. Have you watched the digital foundry videos about the XSeX? I would love understand why you think the XSeX is any less customized?

I have watched the videos from DF, but I am still curious of the more details specs of the customizations of each system, I love to know the detailed hardware specs of stuff like this and the XSX might be just as customized as the PS5 or even more, but that is why I want to see all the super technical details of both. I would also love to see the die scan of each APU, just because I am curious if the co-processors are built into the APU or are they doing a separate chip for those additional co-processors. I know in time this stuff will surface, but I am just itching to know more about both!


Pretty insignificant?
Remember when you used to compare how much grass was there in GTA V when the resolution was the same, not to mention the 900p vs 1080p threads.

It is significant, and you'll get what you fuckin deserve.

I think those comparisons were a joke, now we have even less of a difference in power.
I think the xbox fans wont be happy when DF comparisons come out. I'm expecting a 1800p vs 4k 60fps at best in xbox's favor. Thats pretty insignificant. And often times I see them running identically.
You can also RIS 1800p to make it very similar to native 4K without sacrificing performance.
Jason is the best journalist out there. He’s reminds me of a young Wolf Blitzer. If he says the ps5 is better, it’s better. End of story.

People are really underestimating the power of the ssd. Everyone that builds a pc from now on will always make sure to start with the ssd, then grab weaker ram, weaker cpu, and weaker gpu. I’m guessing in a few years this ssd tech will be so fast and powerful that it will make gpu’s obsolete.

PC players have been using SSD's for almost a decade now why are you writing it like its some new innovation by Sony. Sony didn't invent SSD's lmfao. This is also just false, I assume you never had a gaming PC? GPU was always the most important and most sought after part, you could always get away with HDD


PC players have been using SSD's for almost a decade now why are you writing it like its some new innovation by Sony. Sony didn't invent SSD's lmfao. This is also just false, I assume you never had a gaming PC? GPU was always the most important and most sought after part, you could always get away with HDD
The thing that people are excited when it comes to SSD, is the fact that games will start being made with SSD as the main target, that could make a huge difference. We have SSD's in our pcs, and sure, they make the loadings much faster, but again, that's the SSD brute forcing, not the game being designed around you having one.
The thing that people are excited when it comes to SSD, is the fact that games will start being made with SSD as the main target, that could make a huge difference. We have SSD's in our pcs, and sure, they make the loadings much faster, but again, that's the SSD brute forcing, not the game being designed around you having one.

I'm with you on that one, really interesting to see games load times cut significantly, but if I had the choice between getting a better GPU or getting an SSD, I'd definitely pick the GPU and stick with a typical HDD on a gaming PC.


PC players have been using SSD's for almost a decade now why are you writing it like its some new innovation by Sony. Sony didn't invent SSD's lmfao. This is also just false, I assume you never had a gaming PC? GPU was always the most important and most sought after part, you could always get away with HDD
The gpu being obsolete in a few years didn’t give away the sarcasm? I only use a pc right now btw.


Gold Member
The thing that people are excited when it comes to SSD, is the fact that games will start being made with SSD as the main target, that could make a huge difference. We have SSD's in our pcs, and sure, they make the loadings much faster, but again, that's the SSD brute forcing, not the game being designed around you having one.
Your Todd Howard avatar actually reminded me of what he said. “The technology for what we’re trying to do isn’t there yet.” He was probably talking about SSDs. I’m guessing it will allow for main cities to be completely open and seamless.
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But the better raytracing they are talking is most likely the 15% difference, why does everyone assume that MS has some sort of magical never mentioned RT secret sauce?, they dont, the difference is most likely the same as the TF's.

Nope nope...

Has nothing to do with the theoretical teraflop performance at all, what people are talking about is the difference of having more dedicated compute units available to do the task.

A multi-core CPU will perform much better than a single core CPU of the same architecture clocked higher when it comes to multithreaded tasks like enocding video, so think about the same logic applied with compute units. Having more CU's leaves more room for specialized tasks like Ray tracing.

I'll make an analogy that might be oversimplified, but for instance, for specialized tasks, lets say you dedicated 24 compute units for the main graphics pipeline (Rasterization, poligons, AA, AF) that leaves you with 12 compute units to use for Ray Tracing and everything else.

On Xbox Series X, if you dedicated 32 compute units for rasterization, that leaves you with 20 compute units for Ray Tracing and everything else. Do you see the difference? having more compute units gives you this kind of flexibility, aside of the obvious that 20 RDNA 2 CU's would kill just 12 CUs regardless of the 15% frequency drop because we're looking at a difference of 67% in CUs (12 vs 20).
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