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Jesse Hughes (EoDM) says Bataclan massacre was a product of gun control

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I think the only thing that stopped it was some of the bravest men that I’ve ever seen in my life charging head-first into the face of death with their firearms.

Yes. Trained men. Trained to face this kind of violence. And maybe this little thing had something to do with it:


Maybe everyone attending a concert should be wearing a bulletproof shield.


user-friendly man-cashews
Wonder how many GAFfers are now thinking:

"Shame that he didn't get gunned down in the massacre."

It'd be all too human to think such a thing - but then it'd be just as unintelligent as the claim he's making.
The thought came to me yeah. Not proud of it, for sure.

For what it's worth a friend of mine made it out of the Bataclan that night and I had another group of friends in a bar not far from it. So yeah, it gets me quite pissy to see that fucker get a platform to say that shit.


Oh what a great idea, that way it would have probably been enough to just throw a firecracker into the place an watch everyone shoot themselves.


So he wants that all people on a concert are allowed to bring weapons?

Drunk, sometimes drugged people with Guns?
Man this would help so much.

Fuck off idiot.
Jesse is a very passionate man and loving man but his thoughts have always been all over the place and is known for being overly emotional and perhaps even unstable at times. Not in a way that is dangerous to anyone but just very jittery and high strung.


Jesse is a very passionate man and loving man but his thoughts have always been all over the place and is known for being overly emotional and perhaps even unstable at times. Not in a way that is dangerous to anyone but just very jittery and high strung.

Perhaps next time he's very jittery and highly strung he might want to be away from a live microphone..


Are you projecting here or what? No-one thinks this, the man went through absolute hell and is probably still haunted by PTSD.
His stance on gun ownership is just a common byproduct of being born in the United States. There's no problem in telling the guy he's wrong without wanting him dead. What's the matter with you.

Nah, it's more of a note of how polarizing these sorts of debates can get. Easy to lose track of someone's humanity, especially when they're espousing things we really disagree with.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I'm just going to chalk this up to the trauma because none of that made any sense whatsoever.
Yea I'm just gunna give him a single pass on this. Coming out of something like that is going to really do a number on you mentally and emotionally.


Nah man, every attendee is an expert marksman, so the terrorists are dropped before they realize what's going on, the bombs get defused by some kid with a high demolitions-skill perk in Call of Duty, everyone cheers, and the concert goes on as intended.
You always forget the witty one line.


''Yes, cause just look at how many murders have been prevented in a country where guns are legal!''


Don't agree with him, but it's his opinion and considering what he's been through I'm not gonna sit here and throw shit at him from the peanut gallery.

I hope he recovers from this terrible incident.


“Did your French gun control stop a single fucking person from dying at the Bataclan?“

It actually did.

If the whole of the audience were carrying guns that night and were presented with what they were presented with against a backdrop of unclear visibility, darkness, music, multiple hostiles, the pushing of the crowd and unknown quantities of alcohol then many more would have been killed.

Sorry for his experience but fuck this opinion.


I feel for Jesse. He's obviously shook and still dealing with the trauma of his experience.

He's kinda always felt like this. There's a documentary Vice did about him- he's about as right-wing conservative as you can get without being Ted Nugent. Really great guy, but he'll surprise the shit out of you in a conversation.


Yeah, no, going to have to disagree. By having everyone armed like others have said, would just cause more panic and confusion and people shooting wildly at god knows who. Not to mention the fact that when police showed up, they wouldn't know who is the attackers and who is the innocents.

I'm all for less guns in the world myself.


I suppose you can look at the stats for mass killings prevented by 'a good guy with a gun' in the US (not very many or nil) or you can compare violent deaths in societies with gun control vs societies without.

1-2 times per year out of the thousands of killings, so basically batting .001%?


Wil american gun nuts ever leave us alone ? Let us mourn our dead in peace please.

And no you stupid cunt the bataclan massacre was the product of radical Islamist terrorism and a lack of vigilance from our secret services.
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