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Jill Stein Launches Fundraising Effort To Ask For A Recount In 3 States

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Incredibly Naive
Those are good and fair points. But you never know. I mean ... if the Republicans can sit there and cheat in peoples faces, why can't we all pull together and potentially turn this election around?

I don't have the tweet with me, but one of the officials handling the counts in a county in WI said how Trump's votes was off by a good 1600 (so far) due to "incorrect math." Not much, but that at least shows that something might be at least a little bit off. What if that turned out to be the case in 10 other areas?

I can give you multiple people with very strong qualifications who brush this off as nothing more than what it is - a pipe dream, basically a conspiracy theory. I get what you're saying as in a why not scenario, but given how this is happening it's simply not the way to do it, again especially from the hypocritical nut that is Jill stein. What does she even stand for anyway? She likely knows full well this will lead to nothing and is loving her name getting attention.


I wish some billionaire would just pony up the 2.5 million. Can you imagine if Hillary really won those states?

Seriously, where are the liberal billionaires?

Bill Gates? Zuckerberg? Ted Turner? Can't someone just depart with 0.01% of their cash to save this election?


I'm hopeful, but I know this really has a very tiny, tiny chance of actually changing anything. At least it may help put to bed notions that the election was 'rigged'. Would be hilarious if it changed things and fucking wacky Jill Stein of all people is the one that overturns it.


What a shock that someone in bed with the Russians would weeks later want to try and throw the election into doubt. Its alsmost as if that was the Russian's entire goal to cast doubt on the US elections so they can parade around about corrupt America who can't judge other nations etc.


This is the best case scenario. Stein asks for the recount, nothing is found, everyone can slander Stein and the Dems get off scot-free. If something is found (by whatever miracle) and Hillary is in the whitehouse, Dems win. Win/win, basically.

Yay, or, they don't make enough funding and Jill Stein runs off with the remaining money and extra publicity from this. Meh :(


Incredibly Naive
Seriously, where are the liberal billionaires?

Bill Gates? Zuckerberg? Ted Turner? Can't someone just depart with 0.01% of their cash to save this election?

I agree with this as well. Makes no sense crowd funding this from people who can actually use that money. That being said i do believe if they thought there was even a sliver of a chance they would do it, but they know this is not happening.


are you saying people will be too busy eating and shopping to care?

and watching football

People are emotionally done with the election.

Stein is doing this off of information that's been debunked by multiple data analysts already (not to mention that MI uses paper ballots, not electronic ballots like the information thrown out suggested).


What the hell?? Recounts aren't automatically funded by the system??

I sure hope not. I don't want taxpayer funds spent to satisfy delusion conspiracy theorist's flights of fancy.

The election result sucks, and it's not what I wanted or expected, but there is no real evidence to support the idea that the voting was fraudulent, and spending time/hope/money on it is a waste.


This is a tacit admission that, yes, voting for Hillary Clinton was an entirely acceptable compromise in order to deny Trump the presidency. All the rhetoric about not being liberal or left-wing enough was completely hollow. The opportunity to take the Supreme Court is gone for another generation. The harsh reality that Hillary Clinton would have continued and expanded many actively bad policies is nothing compared to the harsh reality of a Trump (or any Republican) presidency under current political conditions.

But of course it's an actual "too little, too late" situation. Left-wing protest voters, non-voters, and "anti-establishment" voters blew it. I feel bad for them as much as anyone. They won't suffer any less than the rest of us will for their extremely poor decision.

Why feel bad for them? Whether they voted for Stein, Johnson, or nobody, anyone who didn't vote for Hillary made a conscious decision that a Trump presidency and Hillary presidency meant the same thing to them. They're as deserving of pity as actual Trump voters: exactly zero.


I am sure the recounts won't help even if they happen but this is going to be entertaining, just like the rest of the election.


41 > 38
This just seems exploitative. I feel like if there were an actual shot at a recount mattering, someone like Soros would have already dropped the relative pocket change to make the it happen.


if they want to get the 'real result' they should just do the election over again but let poor black people vote in less than six hours this time
Here's the problem with recounts. Even in the 2000 election in Florida, where there was all kinds of arguments over how to properly interpret the horribly designed ballots, the final tally was still only expected to shift by hundreds, not thousands, of votes. And as far as I know, there are no arguments that bad ballot design caused issues in this election, so we might expect any changes to the final tally to be even narrower. Hillary lost by tens of thousands of votes, a recount isn't going to make up that difference.

The real tragedy of this election is the same as it was in 2000; it's about the votes that were prevented from being cast in the first place. Voter ID laws, reduced polling stations and polling hours, voter intimidation and misinformation, etc. Recounts only change the results a few tenths of a percent; ensuring that everyone who wants to cast a ballot can cast a ballot changes the results by 10% or more.
and watching football

People are emotionally done with the election.

Stein is doing this off of information that's been debunked by multiple data analysts already (not to mention that MI uses paper ballots, not electronic ballots like the information thrown out suggested).

I get it, but I'm invested now so I'll watch this ride out
This is the best case scenario. Stein asks for the recount, nothing is found, everyone can slander Stein and the Dems get off scot-free. If something is found (by whatever miracle) and Hillary is in the whitehouse, Dems win. Win/win, basically.

That's why I find it somewhat funny

I doubt there's anything to be changed, but Stein doing this, and likely funding it at the rate she's going (3 pushes generally when it comes to kickstarter funding: beginning push, when media pick it up (tonight to tomorrow morning), and end push), where's she's already at 500k/2500k, means that she can have a decent amount of free good publicity, Dems can continue to not look stupid on the likelihood it's nothing, and if there is something it will be made into a much bigger deal

They said they'd go for as many recounts ss they could afford by Friday, so getting just Wisconsin done by Friday might be enough to see if there is anything to see

But guys, don't get your hopes up

At the same time though: HOLY SHIT HAS 2016 BEEN SOME RIDE!!
If Jill Stein calls for a recount and Hillary Clinton becomes president, she will have saved us, meaning THE WORLD.

How will money help asking for a recount? Do they literally just upfront charge a million dollars for a recount vote?
I mean, I guess this is fun, and I guess anything to protest Trump's presidency is worthwhile, but it's not like anything will change.

Seriously, where are the liberal billionaires?

Bill Gates? Zuckerberg? Ted Turner? Can't someone just depart with 0.01% of their cash to save this election?

Let's not forget Buffett, who actively supported Clinton and spoke at rallies, regularly called Trump out, and pushed hard to try an get Nebraska's 2nd congressional district to vote blue (including a big campaign to help people get to voting locations, with him personally driving some people).

If Jill Stein calls for a recount and Hillary Clinton becomes president, she will have saved us, meaning THE WORLD.

How will money help asking for a recount? Do they literally just upfront charge a million dollars for a recount vote?

Court costs or something? Think you have to sue to force a recount.


and watching football

People are emotionally done with the election.

Stein is doing this off of information that's been debunked by multiple data analysts already (not to mention that MI uses paper ballots, not electronic ballots like the information thrown out suggested).

Sweaty, this election is far from done. We have four years of emotion ahead.


People don't want another 2000 scenario where a concession is pulled and we're pulled into a quagmire of uncertainty for 3-4 weeks. Especially when you consider how far into the transition process is. To disrupt that now would be disastrous.
The state of things right now is already disastrous.
Seriously, where are the liberal billionaires?

Bill Gates? Zuckerberg? Ted Turner? Can't someone just depart with 0.01% of their cash to save this election?

I would feel better if this was a ton of $5 donation than someone who has Trump money throwing there weight around

not that I care how this get done if it gets done
CNN just reported on the recount findings and mentioned 'Jill Stein trying to raise some money' <- exact words not taking this seriously at all


People don't want another 2000 scenario where a concession is pulled and we're pulled into a quagmire of uncertainty for 3-4 weeks. Especially when you consider how far into the transition process is. To disrupt that now would be disastrous.

3-4 weeks? Dear god, the horror. You're pulling some hyperbole out of your ass right now.

What kind of disastrous disruption would be caused to the transition? Cancelled office supply orders?


People don't want another 2000 scenario where a concession is pulled and we're pulled into a quagmire of uncertainty for 3-4 weeks. Especially when you consider how far into the transition process is. To disrupt that now would be disastrous.

Trumps like 8 days into his transition. He didn't even start until last week.
I'm laughing at the realization that a bunch of my family members would actually donate to this

Smh, what the hell, I'll send them the link XD

They're already green party types, some of them probably donated to her campaign or something


There's ample evidence to point to voter suppression - throttled polling places, voter list purges - tilted the election, not outright fraud the polls. Seems quite misguided.

I think that's just as bad, and does constitute stealing the election, but it's not something this even seems to address.
Not blindly hoping for miracles? Not buying into conspiracy theories build on absolutely no evidence? Which one?

I don't see this changes anything the best most people can do is troll Trump for the next 4 years and cry

with so many people that did not vote it is not like we do not deserve what we end up with

for me this is just worth the price of the popcorn
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