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Jill Stein Launches Fundraising Effort To Ask For A Recount In 3 States

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Incredibly Naive
I don't see this changes anything the best most people can do is troll Trump for the next 4 years and cry

with so many people that did not vote it is not like we do not deserve what we end up with

for me this is just worth the price of the popcorn

How is this trolling Trump? It strengthens his rhetoric if anything.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
How is this trolling Trump? It strengthens his rhetoric if anything.

It doesn't, really.

Stein gets a recount of those states... if nothing comes of it, nothing changes. If something does then the correct result is the correct result.

There'd be a shitstorm if clinton did it. Stein doing it is different. She's a wacko, sure. But there is potential grounds for one. No harm in making sure the result is correct. if someone is willing to pay, recounts are quite legal.


I doubt there was any gaming of the election, but I'm all for helping reduce any concerns and conspiracy theories. Donating $50.


If this actually took the presidency away from Trump then Stein deserves the person of the year award. I'm waiting for Trump to mock this so that it gets more attention.


Despite having no qualifications, he won a first term on rhetoric. I wouldn't take anything for granted for the second.

For real, he is going to be an incumbent (and, let's face it, probably wartime) President. And the Democrats have no bench. He's going to have some big advantages in 2020.

On the other hand he'll probably fuck up a lot. So maybe that will hurt him.
How is this trolling Trump? It strengthens his rhetoric if anything.

When I say troll Trump I was thinking late night talk shows and SNL skits that gets him to tweet. At the end of the day realistically that is all I can see in the future Trump will get the support he needs because of the way the voting went.

I am sure Jill Stein takes this seriously enough and if she reached her goal maybe it serves a purpose it may end up helping Trump in the end too but at least people don't have to question this recount issue. To be taken seriously though this needs to reach the goal. On neoGAF we support KickStarters for video games all the time I don't see why anyone would poo poo on a recount. I think Trump would be smart to pay for the recount himself if he is confident enough to know the outcome favors him.

I donate because this is the right thing to do IMO anything to disrupt the let it go attitude and not just go with the flow and taking an active part is something worth supporting to me, this action may not amuse a Trump supporter but I did not vote for the guy if he has to be my President for the next 4 years let me be 100% sure he won the vote.

What I would like changed is getting rid of those pledged delegates
How would this recount be different than the first original count?

In the original tally did they just take the top line result with the electronic machines and not do an audit? If so, then maybe I could see the point of doing a recount, but if the recount process is going to be identical to the first, then there's really no point. The number of votes Hilary is losing by is too big to overcome just by doing a retread.

That said, doing a recount in at least one of the states might be good to quell the conspiracy theories from entering the mainstream.It's probably in the best interest of the Trump Admin to have a recount, so they can put the issue to bed at the very start. Considering Hilary now has over a 2 million popular vote lead, it probably would be good for the Trump admin to have those Rust belt state votes beyond any suspicion.

Trump is in the honeymoon phase of the transition, but once he actually becomes President and shit begins to hit the fan and people start turning on him, he'll prefer if this conspiracy theory already put out to pasture. Similar to how Obama had to deal with the birth certificate conspiracies....
Christ this thing is moving fast. I checked earlier and it was at around 400K and now it has jumped to 750K in literally the time it took for me to have a quick break from my computer. This'll be funded in a matter of hours. Clearly people want to see the election outcome changed and are seeing this as their mechanism in which to execute that.

I'll be keeping an eye on this. It's super interesting and I'm curious to see how this plays out.

EDIT: Just jumped 10K in the time it took for me to write this post. Damn this thing is so getting funded.


Incredibly Naive
When I say troll Trump I was thinking late night talk shows and SNL skits that gets him to tweet. At the end of the day realistically that is all I can see in the future Trump will get the support he needs because of the way the voting went.

I am sure Jill Stein takes this seriously enough and if she reached her goal maybe it serves a purpose it may end up helping Trump in the end too but at least people don't have to question this recount issue. To be taken seriously though this needs to reach the goal. On neoGAF we support KickStarters for video games all the time I don't see why anyone would poo poo on a recount. I think Trump would be smart to pay for the recount himself if he is confident enough to know the outcome favors him.

I donate because this is the right thing to do IMO anything to disrupt the let it go attitude and not just go with the flow and taking an active part is something worth supporting to me, this action may not amuse a Trump supporter but I did not vote for the guy if he has to be my President for the next 4 years let me be 100% sure he won the vote.

What I would like changed is getting rid of those pledged delegates

You're giving your money to something based on absolutely nothing though.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
At the rate it is going she may actually get the funds... I doubt anything changes though. The main issue was voter suppression if anything.
You're giving your money to something based on absolutely nothing though.

If the illusion of making a difference helps me feel better it was worth the $11 if the 3 states recounts happen I was part of that action to me it was better than buying my next PSN game for the month


Rodent Whores
I mean...when you only criticize Clinton it kind of does.
If you think Jill Stein ONLY criticized Clinton, you might have been in an information bubble.

Quite ironic since she helped siphon votes off.
Read this please: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1314375

Even if all of Stein's votes went to Clinton, Trump still wins.

There was an article from someone important in the green Parry or the Stein team that said they preferred Trump.

She said she would rather have Trump than Clinton. She's part of the green party and she helped put a climate change denier in charge of the country, it was fucking idiotic.

No as in she actually stated she'd rather Trump win over Clinton. I'd swear this got posted in OT a few weeks back.

Read the whole thing and try to find out what the thesis statement is a little more carefully.

Way to miss the point of what's being said.



Actually getting a recount and getting a firm answer is worth it at this point, if only to stop conspiracy theories in their tracks.


Heh, Stein changed her tune quick.
She was trolling Clinton during the election, fully expecting her to be elected, probably in a landslide.

Imagine her horrified reaction realizing she, leader of the US Green party, helped elect a far right Climate change denier, pro dirty energies and anti EPA candidate.

She, and the Green party, are the laughing stock of the ecologist movement worldwide.
Well, they'd be laughing if they weren't horrified at what Trump is preparing to do.


I agree people who believe that are morons. What does that have to do with the subject again? Are you assuming I'm a Trump supporter?
You seem incredibly vested in telling people it's useless and that they are goolong themselves

Prety amusing that you're prety much the top poster in this thread
I agree people who believe that are morons. What does that have to do with the subject again? Are you assuming I'm a Trump supporter?

I'm not assuming anything, you said I was fooling myself and I told you I am fine with being a fool and would not be the last what is your problem?

Let me be me you be you

the sad thing about this is I have a PayPal and I have a Patreon I would love to raise this kind of money for my art and dreams but people shit money on politics that changes little it is a huge game. Hillary spend a Billion with a B to lose an election and she was not the only one to lose. Why are you giving me a hard time for donating $11 when we all just shitted away Billions to get TRUMP?

The damage Trump will do will seriously affect my life, my healthcare, or even if I have a home here in the US so for $11 let me dream dude. You don't think I understand where you are coming from? I am saying let them recount I like that idea better than this nightmare fuel we are living right now. I feel better pretending we don't waste money on less.


Holy shit, this will hit 1 million before Thursday

at this rate it'll hit 1 million in less than an hour. However, it probably needs the 2.5 before friday, as i think friday is the last day to file for recounts in one of those states. PA is monday i think.

it's at 900k right now and was at 800k like 30 mins ago when i looked. who knows if the rate will continue though.


at this rate it'll hit 1 million in less than an hour. However, it probably needs the 2.5 before friday, as i think friday is the last day to file for recounts in one of those states. PA is monday i think.

Yeah. Friday, 4pm Central is when they have this set to end. That said, if they're well on their way to getting near their goal by Friday morning, I'm sure they'll make it official before the fundraiser is over.
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