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John McAfee on drug cartels, corruption, beards, authorities in Belize, etc.

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I'm only posting the highlights because the actual interview is much longer. Read it, it'll be worth your time. This guy is.... I don't know what he is but damn. This fucking guy.

Link: http://classic.slashdot.org/story/14/04/06/2344201

A while ago you had a chance to ask John McAfee about his past, politics, and what he has planned for the future. As usual, John answered with extreme frankness, with some interesting advice for anyone stuck at a checkpoint in the third world. Below you can read all his answers to your questions.

On drug dealing:

Prior to 1983 I was a synthesis of corporate manager and drug dealer. The drug dealer profession took priority, and for a period of time that was my only occupation. Well .. taking the drugs that I sold also became a principal occupation. I gave up taking drugs and dealing drugs in 1983.

During my drug dealing days I became adept at those talents required of a successful drug dealer: clandestine travel through the Third World countries that produce and transport the goods; dealing with corrupt officials; dealing with drug lords and drug traffickers; successfully passing checkpoints; bribery, and in emergencies, the methods of escape.

Press credentials:

The most powerful tool a traveler can possess is a Press card. It will allow you to completely bypass the “documentation” process if you have limited time or limited funds and don’t want to deal with it. I have dozens stashed in all my vehicles, in my wallet, in my pockets, in my boats.


The press card is powerful, but has risks and limitations. Do not attempt this magic, for example, at a Federale checkpoint in Mexico on a desolate road late at night. You will merely create additional, and unpleasant work for the person assigned to dig the hole where they intend to place you.


On documentation:

Documentation is the polite word for “cash”.

The real art of producing documentation is the subtle play of how much to produce. In some countries, a policeman makes less than a dollar an hour. At a checkpoint, a policeman will usually share his proceeds with the other officers lounging by the side of the road and with the police Chief. The Chief will get about 25% in countries like Colombia and Panama, so if there are three officers total, then a ten-dollar contribution will end up with about $2.50 in each person’s pocket – a good take for someone making about a dollar an hour in legitimate salary.


Do not get out of the car, even if ordered to do so. Your car is your only avenue of escape. It’s a ton or more of steel capable of doing serious harm to anyone foolish enough to stand in front of it, and once underway is difficult to stop. The checkpoint police in Central America never chase anyone down, in spite of years of watching U.S. Television and action movies. It’s too much work, plus they could have an accident. It’s not worth it for an unknown quantity. And they won’t shoot, unless you’ve run over one of them while driving off. It makes noise and wastes a round that they must account for when they return to the station – creating potential problems with the higher-ups. Not that I recommend running. It’s just that outside of the car you have lost the only advantage you have.


Remember: 50% of the police who stop you in most Third World countries can’t read. This is a powerful piece of information for the wise.

On being busted:

If you actually are carrying contraband, of any kind – drugs, guns, Taiwanese sex slaves – whatever, and are caught, then the actions that you take within the first few seconds of discovery will have a profound impact on the rest of your life. The reality is: You have been caught. The officers have options:

1. Arrest you and charge you, where you are likely to confess to other people about exactly what you were carrying and how much – thereby limiting the policemen’s ability to make off with much of the cache.
2. Come to some arrangement with you that is mutually beneficial and that does not include your demise, or create any undue risks to the officers’ jobs or safety.

Option 2 is obviously preferable. To anyone not fond of prisons, that is.

On name dropping:

Knowing the name of the country’s Police Commissioner and Armed Forces Chief, and the Chief of Police for each county or town you will be driving through can be very helpful. Knowing all the mayor’s names will not hurt any either. Name-dropping is a powerful tool in the Third World, especially for gringos, if used appropriately. Telling a cop in America that you are friends with the mayor or the police chief will seldom help you avoid a traffic ticket, and may even increase the charges. In Central America, offending a Police Commissioner will immediately get a policeman fired, with no repercussions to the Commissioner, and, depending on the offense, may even get the officer “erased”. So it gives an officer serious pause when you say: “The drugs belong to Commissioner (insert name). I am delivering them to a friend for him”.

On a movie about his life:

Warner Brothers has already announced a movie. The screenplay is based on the E-book by Josh Davis


Impact Future Media is also doing a movie. I am co-operating fully with them


As to who should play me, I think we would all agree that Morgan Freeman is the obvious choice.

On trust:

I don’t trust anything or anyone. I’m not remotely cynical, I’m just old and I’ve seen a lot. I trust people to be human, meaning all the weaknesses known to humanity exist in all of us. And everyone has a price. For some people it may not be money. It may be a daughter or a wife, which is why Cartel operatives are so fond of kidnapping family members. If someone sends you your daughter’s ear, then to get the other ear back with daughter attached you might happily betray all of your friends. If not that, then maybe it is your reputation, or your job, or torture, or even your life. Everyone has a price. It’s always something. If the previous two axioms are taken as given, then clearly, you can trust no-one.

Companies are even worse. They have all of the weaknesses that humans possess (they are made up of humans after all) and absolutely none of the virtues. They are a derivative of profit, and profit is amoral.

On beards:

what advice would you give to Pete(r Norton) to get his name off the second worst software on the planet?

McAfee: Yes. Grow a beard.

On Belizian police:

The fire was never investigated. Investigation as a method of solving crimes is a novel idea that has not yet caught on in Belize, or much of Central America for that matter. Police investigators are engaged primarily in uncovering indiscretions within the general population for which they can demand money for keeping their mouths shut - an intricate and beautiful art that reached its zenith with incarnation of J. Edgar Hoover here in in America.


Of course the government was involved. And of course I would never go back.


On drug cartels:

I saw yesterday in USA Today that you were on the run because a drug cartel had a $600,000+ hit on you. If you got out of the business of doing and dealing drugs in the '80s, why are the drug cartels still interested in you?

McAfee: While I chose to get out of the drug business, the Government of Belize has not so chosen. My problem with the government is not drugs, but the fact that I uncovered rampant corruption of all kinds throughout the Government. The government is closely associated with cartels and has limited pull outside of Belize. So asking the Cartel to help them is a reasonable solution for them.

On privacy


Our first privacy application is out on Google Play as of 3 days ago. It is called DCentral1. With DCentral1, you can see what information installed applications have been granted access to. One touch starts a scan that scores apps based off of their requested uses. It will tell you which apps listen to you by accessing the phone’s microphone, which apps watch you using the built in camera and video capabilities, which apps are reading your e-mails and text messages, which apps are sending messages or emails without alerting you, etc. You will be shocked at the results of a scan, I can guarantee you.

On politics:

The attorney for the House Ways and Means Committee contacted me and asked if I would help. I said “no”. I would never run for office, neither would I want to be in office, of any kind. I would rather drive a nail through my foot.


not tag worthy
Wasn't part of the reason he is on the run is to do with supposed drug labs in Belize ?

And he was denying it last time

Ok ?
Wasn't part of the reason he is on the run is to do with supposed drug labs in Belize ?

And he was denying it last time

Ok ?

I haven't read this new article because I'm at work. I believe he was trying to manufacture some kind of wonder sex drug in his labs, and he was accused (falsly?) of murdering his neighbour which he was in hiding for. I have no idea how this is not a Scorcese movie yet.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I can't tell if he's innocent and eccentric, or corrupt and devious, but this guy is nothing if not entertaining.

I await the biopic starring a greying Robert Downey Jr.


not tag worthy
I haven't read this new article because I'm at work. I believe he was trying to manufacture some kind of wonder sex drug in his labs, and he was accused (falsly?) of murdering his neighbour which he was in hiding for. I have no idea how this is not a Scorcese movie yet.

Yes that was it ,and something to do with his GF at the time as well, this would make an amazing movie .

I can't tell where his "do what I have to do to survive" and innocence meet and end, he is eccentric but I bet he has an unhinged/dangerous side too, those videos about how to uninstall the software were charlie sheen levels of crazy.

Actually he reminds me of sheen and Hunter S Thompson mixed with Ray Liotta

But Daffoe would have to play him, couldn't see anyone else


not tag worthy
Dude is almost like a real life lex Luther

Read the interview , holy shit amazing going from dodgy drug related activities and how to deal with corrupt police , then onto electronic surveillance , I really wanna try his new software on IOS when it is done.
I want to try his DCentral1 app somehow but I'm not sure if I should actually trust McAfee after all he's done. That said, it has good reviews on the Google Play Store.

Will the app kill my phone and steal my bank account?


Has this guy ever lived a normal life at any point? Why would anyone do these things to themselves? Has to be mental illness.

Regardless, reading this makes me not want to travel. Ever. For any reason.


not tag worthy
I want to try his DCentral1 app somehow but I'm not sure if I should actually trust McAfee after all he's done. That said, it has good reviews on the Google Play Store.

Will the app kill my phone and steal my bank account?
That would be ironic an app about stopping snoopers and people stealing your data, doing just that.

Hell he could steal like a tenth of a penny from every transaction you make , imagine that with millions of users
Didn't superman three and office space have this premise ?
Real life lex luthor


Has this guy ever lived a normal life at any point? Why would anyone do these things to themselves? Has to be mental illness.

Video Games weren't advaced enough yet in his time for him to live out his dreams... so he actually went and did them instead xD
That would be ironic an app about stopping snoopers and people stealing your data, doing just that.

Hell he could steal like a tenth of a penny from every transaction you make , imagine that with millions of users
Didn't superman three and office space have this premise ?
Real life lex luthor

Also, the app's logo looks surprisingly like Oracle's.


I kinda want to try this in Tdot.

"Yeah this is Rob Ford's crack. Do you know who I am motherfucker?"


I thought I'd make some witty quip suggesting that this is the guy behind the McAfee family of antivirus software - hohoho, imagine it's a geeky l'il software dev saying these things.

Then I looked him up.

If drugs or other contraband are planted in your vehicle by one of the police while another has your attention (a very common occurrence), understand, above all, that there is a zero probability that you will be arrested, unless you add to the “offense” by pissing someone off or otherwise acting unwisely. The intent is to scare. Under no circumstances deny that it is yours. Say something like “Damn, I thought I left that at home”, or “That’s the second time I’ve been caught this week.” This will show them that you are a good natured player and will probably negotiate.

This part made me speechless.


not tag worthy
I thought I'd make some witty quip suggesting that this is the guy behind the McAfee family of antivirus software - hohoho, imagine it's a geeky l'il software dev saying these things.

Then I looked him up.

that's what make him so fucking scary, Imagine Bill Gates Pulling shit like this.


not tag worthy

another Video to

shit dude worked at NASA.

Wiki Link
McAfee was employed as a programmer by NASA's Institute for Space Studies in New York City from 1968 to 1970. From there he went to Univac as a software designer and later to Xerox as an operating system architect. In 1978 he joined Computer Sciences Corporation as a software consultant. Later, while employed by Lockheed in the 1980s, McAfee received a copy of the Pakistani Brain computer virus and began developing software to combat viruses.


Anybody got a link to that long interview with him when he was on the run about his island, the village and all the people who tried to kill him including his gf etc? That was an awesome piece that everyone should read.


I haven't read this new article because I'm at work. I believe he was trying to manufacture some kind of wonder sex drug in his labs, and he was accused (falsly?) of murdering his neighbour which he was in hiding for. I have no idea how this is not a Scorcese movie yet.
Leo doesn't feel like the script is there yet.

I love this guy's insanity.
He is maybe 1 of like 4 people on this planet that i would drop everything i was doing if he called me and said "lets hang out". He's so fucking crazy i would have to accept the offer.


I think Putin would win.

McAfee has a really deep voice, then I heard he had testosterone injections all the time, could that be why?

Daffoe or bust
Leo would play the "younger" him, like the first 20-30 minutes of the movie setting up this batshit journey and Dafoe plays the rest.


not tag worthy
Leo would play the "younger" him, like the first 20-30 minutes of the movie setting up this batshit journey and Dafoe plays the rest.

That would work

shit we can make this ourselves, let's get a kickstarter going to get this on the big screen.

fear and loathing mixed with blow and wolf of wall street add in a pinch of goodfellas.

Leo? Dafoe? Come on, this is a Norton ticket all the way and you all know it.

I dunno, I can't picture it , but for your bold choice you can be casting director. let's make this happen..

I think Christain Bale would be over played in a role like this, it would basically be American Psycho: Belize, Boogaloo.
wait... Bryan Cranston!!.. ohhhhhhhhh yeah

Ploid 3.0

Then speak up and use the one you want to use.

Yeah I'm interested too, why call him crazy for not wanting to be at risk of this type of stuff when he doesn't have to be? For example I, as a black man, try not to put myself in situations that could possibly screw me over when I'm not doing anything wrong (the US is thirsty for prisoners). Tourists are usually juicy targets when they travel, so it's not uncommon for people to think they shouldn't take their yacht near Somali waters.
I haven't read this new article because I'm at work. I believe he was trying to manufacture some kind of wonder sex drug in his labs, and he was accused (falsly?) of murdering his neighbour which he was in hiding for. I have no idea how this is not a Scorcese movie yet.

Drop Scorsese and I'm in, this movie has WERNER HERZOG written all over it.
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