Managed to watch most of her testimony, as well as a lot of the earlier stuff I missed, trying to stay open-minded and giving her the benefit of the doubt.
If we establish she's got a serious Cluster B disorder mix from hell... let's just assume she was lying for 2 days and there was no physical violence directed at her from Depp, and the truth is in line with Depp's testimony and his witnesses.
If so, we might just as well assume (which was clear to me already watching Depp on the stand) that he's a total coke head and an alcoholic with a stint/binge-and-break style of getting shitfaced on various configurations of uppers and downers. This is something he never explicitly denied during his testimony, and neither did anyone from his team. Except admitting to opiate meds addiction - sure, that one is physical and it's immediately life-threatening, basically the absolute rock bottom... but then downplaying everything else just as an addict with a bunch of enablers would, at times turning it all into a joke.
I cringed so hard at the "Isn't happy hour anytime?" ...bro if you flush down coke lines with whiskey for breakfast on a workday, I'm not sure what other clues about having an issue you need.
This is neither sophisticated nor original, turning the chaos into comedy, a very common strat for high functioning addicts which he most definitely had been most of his career.
Then comes the spiciest bit, which can also be all made up by Heard, but again - correct me if I'm wrong - it was never unpacked and denied by Depp earlier tho I remember this subject being brought up by the defense:
According to her testimony, he's got a clear-cut case of
Othello Syndrome, or another similar form of hardcore obsessive / delusional jealousy.
As bad as it can be as a disorder alone, guess what amplifies such disorders tenfold, triggering people to act out on them, often violently?
Being constantly paranoid or/and semi-psychotic high as fuck on coke. Let alone coke and alcohol in huge doses going on for days.
I'll be shocked to see the defense not connecting those dots at some point calling in their own addiction expert. If they succeed in playing the memory lapsus (aka blackout) card and somehow show evidence he was capable of beating her without even a shred of memory of it due to chronic alcohol and drug abuse (totally possible for people with deep hidden violent tendencies, even tho, for now, it would seem he has none of) this might work well in her favor.
If they prove she faked a single beating - she's screwed.
My theory, for now, is there was a lot of abuse on both ends, both very different flavors and way worse directed at Depp. That is if we assume all the beatings and rapes she described during the last to hearings were all made up.
Depp carving space to get messed up, while throwing indirectly violent fits about her "cheating", in return getting the whole catalog of what an untreated BPD is capable of.
What a mess. Can't wait for cross-examination, trying to make her show she was lying on the stand. I have a feeling they might.