JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable OT What a Beautiful Duwang

oh shit yo, we're finally here

But big spoilers in the preview this week!
Are they really spoilers if I have no idea what the fuck is even going on or being said in the preview? Some dude looks like one of the German bad guys from die hard 2, some dude had Yu-Gi-Oh Hair and some other guy looked to have a cape or something...that's all I got.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable 31




I didn't expect stuffing multiple fights together would work so well.
Are they really spoilers if I have no idea what the fuck is even going on or being said in the preview? Some dude looks like one of the German bad guys from die hard 2, some dude had Yu-Gi-Oh Hair and some other guy looked to have a cape or something...that's all I got.
Out of context, they really aren't.
At most, it just reveals the return of a character.

Not gonna lie, really rough looking episode in the first half by DiU standards. Wasn't too far off from Season 1 at times. If this show had taken that 1 cour The second half was better, but I really hope that the next episode with the Enigm- er sorry, Misterioso - fight is improved. Cheap Trick I honestly don't remember a lot of. Still a rather interesting way to handle these three fights.


Unconfirmed Member
Aww, they cut out one of my favorite parts of the Superfly encounter...

Most of the fight's final chapter was cut.

For people who haven't read the manga: after being hit by the ricocheting energy, Superfly's Stand user passes out. His blood starts dripping onto the railing Josuke is holding, causing him to lose his grip. Josuke essentially punches himself with Crazy Diamond's reflected energy to get back on the pylon.
One of the other little bits they cut is that Rohan asks the architect about the back thing and realizes he's not talking about his bare back, but being seen from behind at all. Then he compares it to Golgo 13 and nobody being allowed to stand behind Duke Togo.


Are they really spoilers if I have no idea what the fuck is even going on or being said in the preview? Some dude looks like one of the German bad guys from die hard 2, some dude had Yu-Gi-Oh Hair and some other guy looked to have a cape or something...that's all I got.
We made it bois


Not as deep as he thinks
I love how they animated Enigma. It was beautiful.

Sucks about the cut content though. Especially during Superfly.
Aside from the sakuga animations, not a big fan of how they handled superfly's ending. It's sooooooooo abrupt and I'm not gonna be surprised if people ask wtf happened. Even a single panel of him being passed out would've given enough context as to how Josuke even "finished" the fight.

Eni-ahem- Misterioso's scenes and the architect's scenes were good, and I like how they transitioned from the superfly fight to the current arc.

Overall: Sloppy at times, but the pose game is back with a vengeance, so I can't complain.
Yuya's posing with Highway Star....That is one fabulous fucking tie god damn. "I DON'T WANT ANYBODY TO SEE MY BACK SO I'M GOING TO WALK UP THE STAIRS LIKE A MOTHERFUCKING CRAB!!" LOL!!!!!
Kinoto is great because the ridiculous things he does to hide his back, but he still goes out and does his job. Like, "I have to appraise this house, oh shit these are expensive doors, also I think I'm gonna crabwalk up these stairs"

This dude really does look like a Yugioh villain.

YGO's creator is a big JoJo fan, I wouldn't be surprised if conceptually he was influenced by the D'arby brothers, but visually inspired by Enigma (err Misterioso?) dude.
Kinoto is great because the ridiculous things he does to hide his back, but he still goes out and does his job. Like, "I have to appraise this house, oh shit these are expensive doors, also I think I'm gonna crabwalk up these stairs"
How is a dude that weird not a fucking stand user? Is Yami Marik's stand a piece of fucking paper? Rero rero rero....
Most of the fight's final chapter was cut.

For people who haven't read the manga: after being hit by the ricocheting energy, Superfly's Stand user passes out. His blood starts dripping onto the railing Josuke is holding, causing him to lose his grip. Josuke essentially punches himself with Crazy Diamond's reflected energy to get back on the pylon.

I don't know why they would cut this.

It's important
The Enigma effect is fucking awesome. That's like some Code Geass tier epic dramatic folding. So Yami Marik needs you to experience fear, then he needs to figure out the tell and then that allows him to turn you into fucking Origami?
These last two eps have been so good. Loving this way more than SDC, I knew DiU was legit from the very beginning, that's why I hated all of that "where's the plot" talk from earlier in the season.
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