JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable OT What a Beautiful Duwang


I want people to start making bets on what's inside the paper, because whatever your guess is, youre wrong.

I read the mango and for the mother of mine I can't remember anything of the enigma fight.

I want to re-read it, but also I want to be surprised by the show. A feeling so complicated.

PK Gaming

I read the mango and for the mother of mine I can't remember anything of the enigma fight.

I want to re-read it, but also I want to be surprised by the show. A feeling so complicated.

Hahaha, this is exactly how I feel

Enigma was so damn forgettable in the manga


Junior Member
Kira creeping in the workplace had me rolling. Same with the architect.

That shot of the Yugioh character rolling up Josuke's mom in the paper was awesome. I liked the direction of the episode overall. Damn cliffhanger though :x
Rohan is officially my favorite character in this part. That 'Why is he hiding it so hard? I MUST SEE.' sealed the deal. It was already a near thing after his response to being healed was to yell at Josuke.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I wonder why they changed Enigma since it's so benign. But yeah he was pretty lame in the manga.

This episode had 12 animation directors and 3 main directors

Holy shit
Must've been a clusterfuck of a production cuz it didn't look all that great.

Yikes, I guess they really want to push this out and something was delaying it. But the ep had wonky moments too.


Episode 32

I liked this a lot. The second half, as well as the opening to the Cheap Trick encounter, were great and well animated. Even the first half had some great scenes in it, even though some of the animation wasn't the best. All and all, despite looking a little rough, the storyboarding in this ep was back to greatness that was early DiU. My personal favourite was Okuyasu spinning around, and his hand turning into Josuke's for the scene with Yuya.

I'm really liking how DP is combining these arcs, even though I hope that from now on, they stick to 2-cour runs.

Iirc, Part5 is reslly popular in japan so it might get the 4 cour treatment thst Part3 got
I only noticed one derpy moment but it was negligible, the important scenes were animated well and that what matters.

The Killer Queen reveal was unforgivable tho
Most of the fight's final chapter was cut.

For people who haven't read the manga: after being hit by the ricocheting energy, Superfly's Stand user passes out. His blood starts dripping onto the railing Josuke is holding, causing him to lose his grip. Josuke essentially punches himself with Crazy Diamond's reflected energy to get back on the pylon.

For as way more interesting they managed to portray the Superfly fight, I was pretty disappointed this got cut.

Mysterioso is probably my favorite substitute dub name in this part.
One thing I appreciated this episode and the previous one was David Pro adding scenes of Kira having to suffer in the office because of his murder boner.

also iirc Yu-Gi-Oh! with Yugi continued after the cards

? Not really unless you're counting Battle City as the end of "the cards" and are refering to the ancient egypt arc which ended with cards anyways.
I read the mango and for the mother of mine I can't remember anything of the enigma fight.

I want to re-read it, but also I want to be surprised by the show. A feeling so complicated.
I was telling my brother the same thing last night, i remember all the fights except this one, hes a forgettable dude
It looked pretty damn good. Do some of you purposely analyze every frame just to point out derpy moments?

I pause a lot since I sometimes don't read subtitles quick enough, or have to read two things of subtitles at one (such as when Rohan was reading about Kinato), so I end up catching some issues that way. Also, sometimes the derpy moments are really, REALLY obvious, such as what was wrong with Shinobu's face at the start of I am an Alien.

Mista Koo

I really like the architect dude. I almost want them to not reveal his back ever, or reveal that there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.
Yeah, I can't understand all the complaints about the animation in this thread.

I mean...did you watch the first half? It was like Part 1/2 tier. DP should've taken a break between 26 and 27, no studio can handle 39 episodes in a row without suffering. They're doing a lot of outsourcing and have 5 or 6 animation directors per episode, which may sound good but is actually a surefire sign of production issues


I have to say, I really miss the High Def 3D openings from the first 3 Parts, the traditional anime opening fit DiU, but I loved how the previous openings spoiled everything in a subtle way (I was never spoiled, to be honest, as a non-manga reader until that point). But it was cool to go back and pick all the story beats.

I also really really liked how the characters looked on that style.
Watching it again and actually read what was translated on Kinoto's face when he got Heaven's Doored and Kinoto wants to over charge him lol.


I loved how the previous openings spoiled everything in a subtle way (I was never spoiled, to be honest, as a non-manga reader until that point). But it was cool to go back and pick all the story beats.
The DiU openings still do that, they're just even more subtle. Like for example, chase had Sheer Heart Attack's tank treads covering the photos at the beginning.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
One thing I appreciated this episode and the previous one was David Pro adding scenes of Kira having to suffer in the office because of his murder boner.

? Not really unless you're counting Battle City as the end of "the cards" and are refering to the ancient egypt arc which ended with cards anyways.

huh weird, I thought after promoting the cards in the manga they went off again with yugi shenanigans


I have to say, I really miss the High Def 3D openings from the first 3 Parts, the traditional anime opening fit DiU, but I loved how the previous openings spoiled everything in a subtle way (I was never spoiled, to be honest, as a non-manga reader until that point). But it was cool to go back and pick all the story beats.

I also really really liked how the characters looked on that style.

I feel like the current Openings do a pretty good job by not spoiling literally everything, but rather hinting at a lot of stuff (although there have been a few spoilers in those)
I was at Youmacon in Detroit yesterday. Had a lot of fun, saw a few Part 6 and Part 7 cosplays, and a few DIOs, Josephs, and Lisa Lisas.

Bought a Statue Legend Crazy Diamond and a Do You Even Pose tshirt with 1-4 JoJos on it.


I was at Youmacon in Detroit yesterday. Had a lot of fun, saw a few Part 6 and Part 7 cosplays, and a few DIOs, Josephs, and Lisa Lisas.

Bought a Statue Legend Crazy Diamond and a Do You Even Pose tshirt with 1-4 JoJos on it.

Can you post a pic of the shirt? The one I saw had jojo's from future parts on it.


I was at Youmacon in Detroit yesterday. Had a lot of fun, saw a few Part 6 and Part 7 cosplays, and a few DIOs, Josephs, and Lisa Lisas.

Bought a Statue Legend Crazy Diamond and a Do You Even Pose tshirt with 1-4 JoJos on it.

I'm going down there today for JoJo stuff. :p
I'm going down there today for JoJo stuff. :p

The dealer hall had numerous dealers with a ton of JoJo stuff. You want a 240 buck ceramic Jonathan figure? Someone had one. I only had 80ish bucks so I couldn't get it.

You live in MI? I'm only like 50 minutes north of Detroit so it was an easy drive.

Can you post a pic of the shirt? The one I saw had jojo's from future parts on it.

whoops, yeah I didn't even get a good look at who is on it, yeah it's probably the same you saw, since it has JoJo 5 and 6 on it
I mean...did you watch the first half? It was like Part 1/2 tier. DP should've taken a break between 26 and 27, no studio can handle 39 episodes in a row without suffering. They're doing a lot of outsourcing and have 5 or 6 animation directors per episode, which may sound good but is actually a surefire sign of production issues

I'm willing to admit I'm probably less critical of lapses in animation than most. I guess I'm just so happy to finally see part 4 in motion that I'm blinded by enthusiasm. I agree that Killer Queen's introduction was pretty well shit, though.


The dealer hall had numerous dealers with a ton of JoJo stuff. You want a 240 buck ceramic Jonathan figure? Someone had one. I only had 80ish bucks so I couldn't get it.

You live in MI? I'm only like 50 minutes north of Detroit so it was an easy drive.

whoops, yeah I didn't even get a good look at who is on it, yeah it's probably the same you saw, since it has JoJo 5 and 6 on it
Im 30 minutes outside of Detroit in Westland. I also ended up grabbing these guys:
Im 30 minutes outside of Detroit in Westland. I also ended up grabbing these guys:

I grew up in Redford, we used to go to Westland a lot for shopping, lol

Also nice gets, I probably looked at those and passed them over, haha

I got this one


Not my pic obviously, I haven't taken any pics of mine, haha
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