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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure |OT| Get back, Stand up

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Man u know what?
They should release jojolion manga in english i would so fucking buy that
I would hype and shill that shit in comics ot even
Granted stand names would need to be changed but i am sure they can usr some decent alternatives
We have nut king call for one thing

Gnna go read part 8 for now to wash out all the switch stuff @o@
Wait for part 5's ending to be retranslated so your perception of it isn't tainted beyond repair like a lot of people.

You will thank me the moment you reach Requiem.

Also one of my favorite things I tell to friends to get them to read part 8 after Steel Ball Run is "Johnny Joestar's descendant is Yoshikage Kira"


Just took a look at the launch lineup .... yikes.

I was actually on board with the design, but I guess those 400 bucks now go into my gaming laptop budget.
Hold out for a model that has the gtx 1050(ti) if u want a cheap affordable rig that gives repsectable performance
And runs wii u games newr flawlessly

I am merelymdisappointed by the switch having cooled down but aeriously no mario until xmas? Frikkin hell ninty


Was the person in jojo's fladhback eary in part 8 manga kira or someone else?
Edit- also kira being an asshole toward sthe guy was some fucked up stuff
Curious if araki had planned how the characters and plot would arvance that early in the series or if he changed things up going forward
Curious if araki had planned how the characters and plot would arvance that early in the series or if he changed things up going forward

Araki Forgot. That's a meme in the fandom for a reason; he forgets pretty major plot details all the time. If you thought him forgetting about the origin of Josuke's defining trait was bad (it was obviously Future!Josuke caught in a time loop who saved him as a child), half the details established in the first few chapters of JoJolion have been completely forgotten, ranging from things like Joshu's entire design, the bite marks around Gappy's birthmark, and even Yasuho.

That's not hyperbole; Yasuho is just gone. She literally hasn't been in the manga in nearly a year and a half. If they're not major characters, Araki flat-out forgets they existed at all. Kyo hadn't been seen since Born This Way (back in 2012) until she cropped up during the fight with Damo last year because Araki remembered the main characters' fucking sister lived in the same home as him.


Half the time, it's not really "Araki forgot" as much as "Araki thought it'd be boring to do it that way".

It's major hyperbole to say Araki forgot about Yasuho, lol. And slightly less hyperbole to say that Araki forgot about Kyo. The bite marks feel like a thing that's meant to come up later, too.
And methinks that Tizoc has been around long enough to know about Araki forgetting shit.


Half the time, it's not really "Araki forgot" as much as "Araki thought it'd be boring to do it that way".

It's major hyperbole to say Araki forgot about Yasuho, lol. And slightly less hyperbole to say that Araki forgot about Kyo. The bite marks feel like a thing that's meant to come up later, too.
And methinks that Tizoc has been around long enough to know about Araki forgetting shit.
Yup yup~
I am curious about the bite marks but wouldnt be surprised if araki up and forgets them completely
Then again if the wall has eyes...couldn't it also have a mouth ;p
Half the time, it's not really "Araki forgot" as much as "Araki thought it'd be boring to do it that way".

I think that's giving him a bit too much credit. He's a good writer, and a clever one, but he's prone to forgetting a lot of details (he used "Earth, Wind and Fire" twice) and flat-out forgetting aspects of his characters (like how all the sons of DIO go to Florida and directly encounter the Joestars, except Giorno).

A good example of Araki taking a step back would be with The World, which would originally have had all Stand abilities. Upon revisiting the idea, only one other Stand had been shown being used by DIO: Hermit Purple. So Araki went back to the drawing board and said "that's the Stand Jonathan would have developed".

It's major hyperbole to say Araki forgot about Yasuho, lol. And slightly less hyperbole to say that Araki forgot about Kyo. The bite marks feel like a thing that's meant to come up later, too.
And methinks that Tizoc has been around long enough to know about Araki forgetting shit.

Not really. It's not exaggerating to say Yasuho hasn't been in the manga for a year and a half, and Araki definitely forgot Kyo existed at all for nearly four years. He had dozens of opportunities to just show her in the Higashikata household, but it's not until Damo shows up that she's miraculously there again.

As for the bite marks, that's a plot point that's been untouched for OVER FIVE YEARS. I highly doubt that's going to come up again if he hasn't made a single mention of them since. But if we really want to toy with that idea:

What if the bite marks symbolize the point where the equivalent exchange began, where Josefumi and Yoshikage fused into a single person? The "bite marks" could be the result of Yoshikage having bitten into the rokakaka.
Just spitballing. Honestly feel like I'm giving Araki too much credit for the "bite mark" thing by theorizing the purpose of it. Honestly, if he were going to explain the bite marks, he should've when Josefumi and Yoshikage fused; at this point there's not much he could say on the subject to give significance to the bite marks. They're better off forgotten.

Yup yup~
I am curious about the bite marks but wouldnt be surprised if araki up and forgets them completely
Then again if the wall has eyes...couldn't it also have a mouth ;p

The Wall Eyes are a really weird thing that I'm surprised he doesn't mention more often, considering he has to clarify that plot detail. You can't just say "and weird shit came out of the ocean and we never explained it again". There were Stand users long before the Wall Eyes appeared, too, so they can't be the sole source of Stand abilities in Morioh. For all we know, the arrow doesn't exist in this timeline. Stands develop through entirely different means, like the body parts of Jesus.


Early part 8 continues to have odd stuff like Norisuke banning Yasuho from coming to their household or interscting with his family even going so fsr as to threaten to harm yasuho's family
Early part 8 continues to have odd stuff like Norisuke banning Yasuho from coming to their household or interscting with his family even going so fsr as to threaten to harm yasuho's family

As far as weird nonsense stuff, JoJo has that in spades. Part 5 had Mista, an Italian guy who very closely held a Japanese superstition (four is death). Logically, he'd likely have never heard of the superstition, or maybe just in passing. Assuming he was versed enough in the culture to understand the implications of the superstition, he'd probably just laugh it off.

But no, here we've got a guy whose native tongue is Italian, and yet he somehow understands Japanese not just enough to speak it normally, but worry about the superstition of "four" that he actually flips tables over people doing normal things like cutting a small cake into four slices.

There's really no way you can break that down to have it make sense. Araki probably realized this and tried to justify it in-story, but it didn't really make much sense even then. It's just a stupid character trait and one of the things that really kills the immersion in the story. "Italian guy holds very culturally-ingrained superstition over a language he doesn't speak from a country he's never heard of" is not good character building, IMO.


Italians actually have a very similar superstition, just about the number 17, which is hard to make work in a story.

I don't think that's a big deal at all.


Italians actually have a very similar superstition, just about the number 17, which is hard to make work in a story.

I don't think that's a big deal at all.

Yeah, Mista's fixation on the #4 is the least odd thing in the series to me.
This is the series where a Muscular Young British Man learned to channel the power of the sun into his fists by controlling how he breathes.


Yeah that's not really weird at all. Numberphobia is a thing all over the world, and the only "implausible" bit is that Mista has it over the number four...but that's only implausible if you insist that Mista had to have gotten it from speaking Japanese. Nobody else in Vento Aureo has it, and spend time going ??? at Mista, so it's treated as a bizarre quirk only Mista has, and he could've gotten it from anywhere. He doesn't have to be speaking Japanese to believe it.

A good example of Araki taking a step back would be with The World, which would originally have had all Stand abilities.
And there's no evidence that Araki ever said that, afaik. It'a always been a fan-theory.
Italians actually have a very similar superstition, just about the number 17, which is hard to make work in a story.

I don't think that's a big deal at all.

The fact is that Mista is an Italian guy holding a superstition almost exclusively pertaining to a language he doesn't speak is what makes it odd. You can say "oh, it's not odd because of numerophobia", but that doesn't change the fact that a superstition about the number four and how it pertains to the omen of death is very specifically a superstition found in East Asia. He's not just afraid of the idea of number four--he actively considers it to be a number that foretells and decides death; something that is a lot more specific than simple numerophobia. That's a fear that is specifically derived from the Japanese form of the superstition, where Japanese speakers go so far as to say "yon" instead of "shi", due to "shi" meaning "death".

It's not the fact that it's numerophobia. It's the specificity of it.

And there's no evidence that Araki ever said that, afaik. It'a always been a fan-theory.

IIRC, he discussed Jonathan's Stand in one of the extraneous books. It was either JoJo A-Go! Go! or JoJomenon. I have them on my shelf here; I'll browse them later and figure out which.

(JoJomenon also has a pic of Clint Eastwood doing Jotaro's "ore ga sabaku" pose, which is an awesome little tangent)


Sure, man, but think about it like this:

Mafia movies have a symbolism thing. If you were writing a Japanese mafioso comic book, wanted to copy that, and decided to use numbers -- what numbers could you use?

13 and 17 are the Western and Italian options, but you can't regularly keep that many objects into scenes. On the other hand, four is a number familiar to your readers, and is conveniently small enough to throw into scenes. What else are you going to use?

And like, man, people have bizarre quirks in Jojo all the time. The only reason you're questioning it is because it corresponds to a real-life thing, but by Jojo standards, it's not that implausible that Mista would just have this belief. Did Pucci get his prime number thing from a culture that worships prime numbers? No, it's just a thing that he does. Same for Mista.

(And if that's questionable, I'm surprised you aren't talking about how Morioh looks like an American suburb and nothing like a Japanese town.)
13 and 17 are the Western and Italian options, but you can't regularly keep that many objects into scenes. On the other hand, four is a number familiar to your readers, and is conveniently small enough to throw into scenes. What else are you going to use?

I just think it's really strange, because in the past, Araki has had characters being aware of other cultures and customs, and had them explain (as a sort of author tract) the details behind those customs, ranging from things like Joseph ordering pasta made from squid ink in Italy (instead of say, fettuccine alfredo or spaghetti in marinara) to how to ask for more tea in Hong Kong.

(And if that's questionable, I'm surprised you aren't talking about how Morioh looks like an American suburb and nothing like a Japanese town.)

Araki's actually commented on that one. He said in an interview a while back that he was inspired by Western filmmaking when he designed Morioh. I forget the exact examples he gave, but I believe stuff like Hitchcock and American Psycho were films he brought up. It was a very deliberate stylistic choice, and one I think actually worked in favor of the series.


Araki's actually commented on that one. He said in an interview a while back that he was inspired by Western filmmaking when he designed Morioh. I forget the exact examples he gave, but I believe stuff like Hitchcock and American Psycho were films he brought up.
Yeah, so what's wrong with Araki using a thing from East Asian culture with Mista? Surely it's more plausible that Mista's just a weirdo than an entire normal Japanese town being constructed to look like an American one? It's a weird double standard.
Yeah, so what's wrong with Araki using a thing from East Asian culture with Mista? Surely it's more plausible that Mista's just a weirdo than an entire normal Japanese town being constructed to look like an American one? It's a weird double standard.

Like I said in my (edited) post, Araki spoke about how his design of Morioh was a deliberate choice for the town's design to affect the aesthetic of the story, while Mista's was simply a superstition he shouldn't have understood the context of.

In terms of appealing to his readers, yeah, it makes perfect sense for him to be tetraphobic. But when Araki's had stuff in the past like Kakyoin being familiar with Hong Kong culture to the point that he knew how to order tea, it's strange that Araki didn't give a better justification for Mista. The reason he eventually gave felt more like backpedaling than anything, and came off as really forced. That's why I don't like it.


So wait if the bubbles came from part 8 kq, og soft and wet couldnt use bubbles to use its removal powers?
Also njimiura's hat had UG on it
Araki pls


So wait if the bubbles came from part 8 kq, og soft and wet couldnt use bubbles to use its removal powers?
The OG Soft and Wet had bubbles too, but it had reversal and combination powers like Crazy Diamond.

Gappy's Soft and Wet is the ability to steal ("plunder") anything, since Killer Queen's "destruction" powers got mixed into it. On top of that, it has plain exploding bubbles too.


The OG Soft and Wet had bubbles too, but it had reversal and combination powers like Crazy Diamond.

Gappy's Soft and Wet is the ability to steal ("plunder") anything, since Killer Queen's "destruction" powers got mixed into it. On top of that, it has plain exploding bubbles too.
I am geting some 'araki forgot' vbes here
As if og soft and wet would only remove stuff if he comes in contact with them bt then up and gave him the bubble powers for simplicity's sake >_>


Not...really? Josefumi's Soft and Wet used bubbles right from the beginning, you might've missed it.

And like jeez guys, "Araki forgot" isn't always the explanation. It's starting to get ridiculous.


Not...really? Josefumi's Soft and Wet used bubbles right from the beginning, you might've missed it.

And like jeez guys, "Araki forgot" isn't always the explanation. It's starting to get ridiculous.
I am a little ways off from josefumi's reveal on my re read but i find it odd that teo sands share the bubble usage
Then again this is the series where we gt 2 stands that could stop time and 2 stands that can shrink someone
Using "Araki forgot" a lot makes it seem like Araki is incapable of simply deciding to rewrite certain parts of the story in the middle of it. It's certainly not the first time he's done it either. He's known for changing his mind on stuff a lot, given the inconsistent nature of stands.
So wait if the bubbles came from part 8 kq, og soft and wet couldnt use bubbles to use its removal powers?
Also njimiura's hat had UG on it
Araki pls

Its original ability was to use bubbles to absorb molecules, kind of like how The Hand destroys space. Just like how space destroyed by The Hand would result in things merging together, Josefumi was able to use the bubbles to fuse objects together by absorbing their molecules into a single unit.

Or something. It's been a while since I read those chapters.


Both Soft 'n Wet and Killer Queen using bubbles was set up at the beginning, because you can see a seam on Gappy's bubble.

So this isn't Araki forgot, this is literally Araki remembering.
Both Soft 'n Wet and Killer Queen using bubbles was set up at the beginning, because you can see a seam on Gappy's bubble.

So this isn't Araki forgot, this is literally Araki remembering.

I didn't say he forgot about that, though; I was just explaining that the original S&W also used bubbles. I thought it was kinda cool when Soft & Wet showed up and it also used bubbles, long before the fusion. He clearly planned that.


Are we actually impressed that it turned out Josefumi and Kira both coincidentally used bubbles?
Well, then.

Gappy bubbles always had a seam dude. you think he would've come up with Kira X Josufumi and their 2x2 balls without thinking about how their stands merged?


it's probably more likely that araki forgot killer queen was also supposed to use bubbles considering i don't think we saw it do that at all in the kira flashback

edit: well, killer queen makes bubbles but it's really just localized explosions, still needs to touch whatever he wants to explode while josefumi's post-fusion soft & wet functions like stray cat killer queen... not that much different from normal killer queen

and rereading these at first i thought josefumi's antenna thingies were on his body, but i think it is just hair, but what i think is the case is that he's not rocking a shaved pompadour and everything that isn't the pompadour is bleached?

"Winning against a brat is the best feeling there is." Probably my least favorite ep, but sums up Rohan well enough. Why does Boy II Man look like Alphonse Elric?
Man...when Kira hears Shinobu taking off her stockings dude is woke as fuck. With all the stand bullshit Josuke and Okuyasu have seen I'm surprised they're alarmed by somebody eating a pack of tissues.
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