What's the death count up to?
What's the death count up to?
Movie was damn good in every conceivable way. Sure as shit is beautiful to look at too. Not anywhere near as gruesome as that other thread about the leaked clips lead me to believe. Phoenix was damn brilliant too. And I love the soundtrack.
Speaking of which, does anyone have links to those leaked clips? I'm curious to see what they are now that I've seen the fil1m.
Movie was damn good in every conceivable way. Sure as shit is beautiful to look at too. Not anywhere near as gruesome as that other thread about the leaked clips lead me to believe. Phoenix was damn brilliant too. And I love the soundtrack.
Speaking of which, does anyone have links to those leaked clips? I'm curious to see what they are now that I've seen the fil1m.
Okay, a lot of fun.... Slow to burn but that final act packs a punch. (And with sol_bad I do wish the trailers didn't give away so much end-game beats.)
Worth the money.
Bad : A lot of dramatic background music. It gets old personally.
Weird :Why are we setting up anything in the Bat's universe? It's a fun nod but Joker is it's own thing, we're not gonna get .... ANYONE from that universe in a sequel, would we? I can't see it happening so I personally found it silly and pointless., more of a wink that anything valuable to Joker's arch or the story at hand.
I think WB is just waiting to see how things go at this point are too afraid to announce anything long term after the Batman v Superman and Justice League mishap. The cut to the Wayne family being murdered and then again to young Bruce feels way too deliberate for it to not have any shared universe implications.
It was very weird and felt very forced. I mean, why the hell would the Waynes be walking around in a back alley when all these riots are happening because of Thomas.
It was an amazing movie! What the hell were critics scared of? Joaquin Phoenix is the best Joker now
Probably because of the riots on the streets and sidewalks, the Waynes thought it was safer to take the back alley which was empty when they first saw it. Made much more sense then the Waynes simply taking the back alley as shown in previous Batman movies.
Good movie. Not sure if they are actually going to run with this story or if it's a one off. Either way good movie and an original spin on the Joker. A bit hard to tell what's really happening and what is just in his head but multiple viewing should help that.
Why would you amputate your hand just for a movie?Going to go see this tomorrow, and not going with my girlfriend. Going to sit in the theater alone, with a penis. Terrorism basically.
Ending spoiler.
I was confused by the end scene in the asylum. Is it saying that the whole film was in his head? Was mostly everything real leading up to him being taken away by the police and he only imagined the ambulance hitting the police car and everyone cheering him on? Was the police car bonnet scene with the cheering crowd real and then it was a time jump to the asylum?
The critics fears the movie reflects more on them than the so called "incels", which is pretty much the vibe I get from the movie.
Going to go see this tomorrow, and not going with my girlfriend. Going to sit in the theater alone, with a penis. Terrorism basically.
Reminder that critics are worthless.
They are when they're a bunch of dumb cunts that shit on a movie just because it doesn't agree with their political views or act like it's amazing because of their political views (star wars and avengers).Film critics are not worthless at all. Just because they don't always align with audience members doesn't make them worthless.
Film critics are not worthless at all. Just because they don't always align with audience members doesn't make them worthless. I am someone that loves Rambo: First Blood and Joker.
I don't generally read actual reviews because I don't want my view or thoughts of a film tainted but I will look at aggregates on Rotten Tomaties, Metacritic and Letterboxd. As an example for myself, the trailers for Hustlers looked like absolute trash and hot garbage but due to the movvie having high critic ratings I was interested in seeing it and I was happy that I saw it. Sure the trailers made it seem much darker and more dramatic than the film actually is but it's still very entertaining with great actors and a good story.
Incel approved? Based.Reminder that critics are worthless.
I went to see the movie last night. A friend today asked me if the Joker was an incel, because that's what he heard from early reviews. I didn't know what he was talking about. He asked me if the Joker was a sexist and I was like...what?
You feel for him in the beginning because he's obviously mentally ill and suffers from a disability but this movie does not make the Joker a hero. You begin to see that he is a bad person and does some horrible things. You aren't rooting for him in the end.
It's by far DC's darkest movie and almost makes The Dark Knight seem tame in comparison. Jaoquin Phoenix should be a lock for an Oscar nom. The score deserves one too. It's an amazing film.
They are when they're a bunch of dumb cunts that shit on a movie just because it doesn't agree with their political views or act like it's amazing because of their political views (star wars and avengers).
With user review aggregation, critics have become obsolete. Why do I care what some yuppie glorified blogger thinks about a movie’s politics when I can get actual reviews from actual people?
There are plenty of good movies out there that are rated well by critics and rated badly by audiences. Hereditary is just one example, great film but a large portion of the audience hates it. The Venom film is the opposite where it's a trash film and critics rated it trash, yet somehow audiences loved it. At the end of the day, if you are a film lover, you can't fully trust the critics or the audience.
you can't fully trust the critics
Yes, I'm sure people are mad at generic children's superhero film #3428976 because feminism or whatever. Breeeeee is an unlikable cunt and people were mad about the too many white males comment. If you think people are championing Rambo and Joker because of politics you're a brainlet and I'm sorry. Joker is a beloved character that tons of people love. People love Stallone and Rambo too. The audience score on RT isn't inflated because of right wing politics either. Your average person doesn't give a fuck about politics which is why most people can enjoy a marvel movie and a rambo movie.There are a lot of dumb cunts on this forum that whinge about Brie Larson and Captain Marvel because they don't match their views and people championing Rambo and Joker just because it makes the opposite political side upset. I wouldn't say those people are worthless though,
The same shit happens on both sides of the political barrier.