Mighty Chin
Cap is awesome! I'm not sure why Thor has to redeem himself. I'm still confused how he became unworthy.
Cap is awesome! I'm not sure why Thor has to redeem himself. I'm still confused how he became unworthy.
No one agrees with my theory?You know who I think might have a say in Secret Wars? The Magician, Elliot Boggs, from Ultimate X-Men. I mean, his power levels must be on at least Beyonder levels. And, uh, where has he been all this time?
Magician is Rabum Alal.
No one agrees with my theory?
Is the next issue of Avengers the one with the Ultimates #1 cover?
Yes, I was only kidding about Magician because of how dumb that arc was.Yes, that'll be out next week.
As for your theory, whoever Alal is he has to powerful enough to fight off all the Ivory Kings which as Manmademan said is utterly bonkers.
I also agree with Loke, it can't be a Franklin because even at his most powerful depiction he'd be outclassed by the totality of the Ivory Kings.
Fight off the Beyonders AND kill a Living Tribunal M-Body. Whoever Rabum Alal is, he's beyond anything we've seen before outside of Thanos with the Heart of the Universe.
. At least that's what I was told in the comics thread.Beyonder from Secret Wars is one of these guys, they all have his power set and each universe has only ever seen one Beyonder before
Oh ok but why doesSecret Wars Beyonder look like a human 80s dude and these guys look like generic aliens? Also, it was already established that their is a race of beyonders or is that something Hickman created?
Any theories yourself?
I wouldn't mind them at all if I liked all the rotating artists but I really didn't like this week's guy.
. At least that's what I was told in the comics thread.Beyonder from Secret Wars is one of these guys, they all have his power set and each universe has only ever seen one Beyonder before
he's not actually. at least last time I checked.
Post-retcon beyonder (let's not talk about Pre-retcon), was actually only a fraction of the power that usually goes into a cosmic cube. That power was drawn in from an extradimensional source, but wasn't properly contained as cubes usually are- part of it went into molecule man, the other part became self aware and eventually called itself "the beyonder." The BeyonderS are extradimensional beings that ALLOW the creation of cosmic cubes in the first place. Beyonder (singular) is only a fraction of a fraction as strong as the true BeyonderS, who have never actually been shown on panel before.
Well shit, that's even worse.
Rabum Alal will be The One Above All
can't be. rabum alal's "birth" was the event that caused the destruction of the "wrong" earth and started the incursions.
TOAA has been established to have been around for much, much longer than that. Whatever it is, is new.
can't be. rabum alal's "birth" was the event that caused the destruction of the "wrong" earth and started the incursions.
TOAA has been established to have been around for much, much longer than that. Whatever it is, is new.
Maybe it has something to do with that universe Doom created in FF? Or Valeria taking over the Council of Reed's multiversal work space. Considering where she is it's odd we haven't seen her at all yet.
What, Valeria? we've seen her plenty of times. She's hanging out in Latveria with Doom, and had a couple amusing issues of Avengers World (mostly) to herself.
Future Valeria took over the space the Council of Reeds was working out of at the end of Hickman FF run. Future Franklin's shown up a few times now, it's odd she hasn't considering her new base would probably give her a pretty good view of the collapse.
Considering Rabum Alal and Molecule Man apparently originated on the same world, and considering Molecule Man's origin story led to the appearance of the Beyonder, it's still possible Rabum Alal is this particular Beyonder, a Beyonder gone rogue and possibly more powerful than the others.
Anyway, it's very likely MM's backstory is getting retconned/expanded one way or the other.
Edit: it's mentionned a bit off-handedly and the art doesn't help but the catalyst could be these domes appearing at incursion sites. These domes gave me a Hickman Ultimates vibe.
Maybe Rabum Alal is Ultimate Universe Beyonder
obviously pre-retcon Beyonder has returned
Well, well, well. Coriolanus just posted this in the SW hype thread.
The Cabal is dead you say?
Wait, ultimate reed is captain universe too?
When I re-read FF recently that whole scene with Valeria implied to me she was involved with the creation of the Black Swans in some way. The Council of Reeds' base is somewhat similar to the Black Swans'.Future Valeria took over the space the Council of Reeds was working out of at the end of Hickman FF run. Future Franklin's shown up a few times now, it's odd she hasn't considering her new base would probably give her a pretty good view of the collapse.
That is theory that is going around on the internet. I also think Black Swan herself is some kind of ValeriaWhen I re-read FF recently that whole scene with Valeria implied to me she was involved with the creation of the Black Swans in some way. The Council of Reeds' base is somewhat similar to the Black Swans'.
Technically this one dead Galactus is not from an alternate universe but from the/a future, while we know Rabum Alal originated in a particular parallel universe.So I just had a thought, maybe this has been covered, but what if Rabum Alal is Abraxas?
For those who don't know, Abraxas is the multiversal embodiment of destruction, he is the destruction of the multiverse made manifest, and he is kept contained by Galactus. When Galactus is killed Abraxas emerges.
Well from Hickman's own Fantastic Four run...
... Galactus from another universe is killed and his body's energy is harvested. So in theory in the universe that Galactus was pulled from, Abraxas should have emerged.
Eh? Plausible no?
So I just had a thought, maybe this has been covered, but what if Rabum Alal is Abraxas?
For those who don't know, Abraxas is the multiversal embodiment of destruction, he is the destruction of the multiverse made manifest, and he is kept contained by Galactus. When Galactus is killed Abraxas emerges.
Well from Hickman's own Fantastic Four run...
... Galactus from another universe is killed and his body's energy is harvested. So in theory in the universe that Galactus was pulled from, Abraxas should have emerged.
Eh? Plausible no?
... Galactus from another universe is killed and his body's energy is harvested. So in theory in the universe that Galactus was pulled from, Abraxas should have emerged.
Eh? Plausible no?
Hey guys I followd the reading order guide someone posted on here and have currently finished up to issue 7 of new avengers and currently on issue 8 of avengers.
Did I miss something? These feel like two completely different events going on in different times. I don't see the connection so far.
In new avengers cap has his old outfit and ironman is busy doing stuff in wakanda but in avengers, cap is in his new outfit and tony stark is there.
Hey guys I followd the reading order guide someone posted on here and have currently finished up to issue 7 of new avengers and currently on issue 8 of avengers.
Did I miss something? These feel like two completely different events going on in different times. I don't see the connection so far.
In new avengers cap has his old outfit and ironman is busy doing stuff in wakanda but in avengers, cap is in his new outfit and tony stark is there.
It'll come together soon enough. I don't think you're following the reading order though because you're supposed to start Avengers after Cap gets the boot from New Avengers.
Hey guys I followd the reading order guide someone posted on here and have currently finished up to issue 7 of new avengers and currently on issue 8 of avengers.
Did I miss something? These feel like two completely different events going on in different times. I don't see the connection so far.
I followed this reading order to the T.
Quite confusing so far as they don't seem to happening at the same time.
But anyways as long as I'm in the right path it's fine.
Thanks for the help!
You're following the chart wrong, you should have read Avengers up to issue 13 before reading NA 7.
True the first few volumes leading up to Infinity are confusing but once that happens Avengers it become apparent that these are two connected stories.He's right though. Avengers starts off with Ex Nihilo while New Avengers starts with Black Swan and the incursions. It's confusing.