He's right though. Avengers starts off with Ex Nihilo while New Avengers starts with Black Swan and the incursions. It's confusing.
Well they are 2 separate stories up until Infinity, after that they come together.
He's right though. Avengers starts off with Ex Nihilo while New Avengers starts with Black Swan and the incursions. It's confusing.
You're following the chart wrong, you should have read Avengers up to issue 13 before reading NA 7.
Yea it's left to right, then down to the next tier.
Well they are 2 separate stories up until Infinity, after that they come together.
Don't forget Ultimates #1 comes out tomorrow:
I was just about to ask if it was due tomorrow. Thanks for the update.
And let me ask this again since it wasn't answered in my previous post:
What is the spoiler policy here? In TV threads, once the episode has aired in the host country, spoilers are fair game. The only thing that should be considered spoilers are previews or titles for upcoming episodes that have not aired.
In here, it seems some spoilers like titles and covers fly pretty freely, yet we keep speculation and talk of events in the most current issues that are readily available under spoiler bars.
So, what is safe then? I would think that come tomorrow afternoon, once the new issue is out and on stands, we should be able to talk freely about it without spoiler tagging the hell out of our posts.
Unless Ultimate has been dealing with it on their own and we haven't been seeing it.
Welp,The Cabal sure is lucky as hell. Have we seen a double incursion yet? I can't remember. It was obvious that they weren't going to really kill off The Cabal, but I think them just flying to a different universe that was conveniently there at the right time is a bit convenient. This issue kind of makes Avengers #40 rose retroactively. It's cool they're with Evil Reed now though.
Ding ding ding. Damn Reed + Cabal is gonna be good.
It was there right in the issue though. Namor's rage panels clearly show a red background. I think someone here picked up on it. Might be cheap, but they've established the Incursions are starting to change, so I don't mind it that much.
Avengers 41:
Yeah its no surprise the Cabal still live, there were enough hints in the last issue, not to mention all those Secret Wars covers. You just know the Namor vs. BP rematch will be amazing too.
It was way too convenient that a double incursion happened with 1610, but since it's all to set up the amazing possibilities Ultimate Reed and the Cabal present, I can forgive it. Mostly.
Oh and gotta love Hickman just waving off Reed's redemption in a couple of panels. "Yeah it was an act, and I've blowing planets all this time. Anyway, moving on now..."
Ding ding ding. Damn Reed + Cabal is gonna be good.
I don't think it's really that convenient. We know something is speeding up incursions and when you're down to a handful of worlds, it's not hard to justify the incursion of the UU.
Speaking of, just about up to where I stopped reading the Ultimate Universe. Slogged through Ultimatum (The Spider-Man issues are actually great but holy crap the rest of it.) On the Ultimate Comics Spider-Man era. Once I'm finished with that I'll finally be up to Miles and Hickman's Ultimates. Can't wait to see what hints he planted, lol.
Just finished his FF Omnis. Liked the little hints throughout and it was interesting seeing him sort of setting things up for his Avengers run in the last few issues.
I don't think it was that hard of a call to make.
But I am very interested in the set up now for the final incursion.
Evil Ultimate Reed that has wiped out tons of planets, along with a pissed off Cabal and Namor vs. 616. I thought I saw a synopsis somewhere say that 616 loses the final incursion battle, thus setting up Secret Wars. I can see that happening, and maybe Doom swooping in with Molecule Man to save what is left of 616 and deposit it on Battleworld.
And how the hell are the Beyonders going to even factor into this. And who the hell is the great destroyer?
This is a very detailed reading order.Speaking of, what is the reading order for the ultimate comics anyway. I read the first 2 ultimates and some random FF ones, but then I'm not sure where the crossover events fit in, other than before hickman's stuff
Ultimate Reed is best Reed.
Looking forward to Namor breaking every bone in BP & BB's body. But given the upcoming movie, that'll never happen. At the least a few disgusted glances made it past BP's plot armor.
Everyone in 616 is sort of an asshole at this point. I'm all for a reboot.
Only thing not revealed at this point is Rabum Alal, right?
Yeah, that's the only big one right now.Only thing not revealed at this point is Rabum Alal, right?
Ultimate Reed is best Reed.
Looking forward to Namor breaking every bone in BP & BB's body. But given the upcoming movie, that'll never happen. At the least a few disgusted glances made it past BP's plot armor.
Everyone in 616 is sort of an asshole at this point. I'm all for a reboot.
Only thing not revealed at this point is Rabum Alal, right? Not entirely sure it can't be disappointing after two years of hype.
As for Rabum Alal, it's definitely going to be a new character but you're right I don't know how it can live up to the massive build-up we've had and be something as impressive as finally revealing The Beyonders which were barely defined in continuity before this story.
Nah. Another version of Doom that is trying to bring piece to the multiverse.Rabum Alal will be another version of Reed.
I can't tell if this would have any bearing on RA but when we define Galactus, we tend to define him as that giant purple dude who eats your world.We all know who Galactus is so Hickman won't need to waste time explaining it.
Avengers #41-If you come at the king, Panther, you best not miss. I eagerly await Namor's reaction.
At this extremely late stage with him not making any kind of appearance, I don't think Rabum Alal is going to be a new character whose motivations and nature need to be explained. He'll be a new version of an old character like an alternate universe version of a new Galactus as hinted in Fantastic Four #600. Instead of a devourer of worlds he devours universes. We all know who Galactus is so Hickman won't need to waste time explaining it.
Rabum Alal will be Geldoff.
Bob Geldoff?
I can see it.
Like, he literally is The World? It works on a lot of levels. And because of that song, it would make a great foil for Evil Reed, who would reply that "HE are the World".
I really love this theory!!
At this point, there's only one name that won't be a disappointment for RA, DARTH VADER.
I'm still really unclear on Doom's involvement. I think he will be the first to discover what ultimately leads to Secret Wars.It just occurred to me about where this is going. I am still waiting for Doom to come in and save everyone, but also call them all idiots for not thinking of the solution themselves.
But, since it seems we are heading for a Richards vs. Richards showdown, what if Doom is the one to kill Ultimate Reed, and with him erased from existence, Doom will finally achieve permanently killing Reed Richards? Doom finally getting some closure to that. And of course, he will still have 616 Richards to drive his hatred after, but he still killed Reed Richards.
Yeah, I'm dying to find out what is going on with Pym and the Beyonders. I was hoping hoping, judging by the cover, to have a full blown issue about what Pym was up to rather than the last page cliffhanger. Any speculation on how the Beyonders fit into things?Spidey + Doom + Pym team up to save us all! Richards stuck on the sidelines to watch real genius at work.
Spidey + Doom + Pym team up to save us all! Richards stuck on the sidelines to watch real genius at work.
I think your love of Doom is blinding you to the fact that Hickman loves Reed Richards, and he's the one writing this story. Doom is going to try and power-grab at some point like he did in the original Secret Wars, but I really doubt he will be the one to solve the ultimate problem. Maybe he will fight Thanos. Comic geeks would like that.
Maybe I'm misremembering his FF run, but wasn't doom (and Valeria) the one who actually solved the problem that a whole multiverse of reeds couldn't?
I think your love of Doom is blinding you to the fact that Hickman loves Reed Richards, and he's the one writing this story. Doom is going to try and power-grab at some point like he did in the original Secret Wars, but I really doubt he will be the one to solve the ultimate problem. Maybe he will fight Thanos. Comic geeks would like that.
I think you're both right and wrong in the sense that the point of the whole run was that the FF are a family and pretty much everyone was critical to saving the world. In the grand scheme of things, Franklin is their biggest gun, Valeria is their master architect, Reed is a problem solver with a heart and Doom does what is necessary but on their own, they're useless.Maybe I'm misremembering his FF run, but wasn't doom (and Valeria) the one who actually solved the problem that a whole multiverse of reeds couldn't?
I can't decide what my favorite part of it is. Doom sending out invites to other villains to have a symposium on defeating Richards, the fact that it is being hosted in Richards' home with him there, or the promised Q & A afterwards.
And don't forget Spidey giving one to Mad Thinker.I think my favorite part is that it's Sue handing out the invitations.