Can't fucking wait! I hope for his/her debut she/he kills Strange. That would be amazing.Finally getting the Rabum Alal reveal in March.
Can't fucking wait! I hope for his/her debut she/he kills Strange. That would be amazing.Finally getting the Rabum Alal reveal in March.
Can't fucking wait! I hope for his/her debut she/he kills Strange. That would be amazing.
Yeah they're has been some speculation regarding that panel recently about whether she's talking about Secret War or not. If all this ends with the death of Franklin and Val I can't imagine a more devastating blow to the Richards family.I am almost done with Hickman's Fantastic Four stuff. I am past the point where they fight off the Celestials and the awesome issue of Spidey and Johnny Storm as roommates, but in addition to the Galactus seed part, I think this might come into play:Annihilus sitting on a toilet was not an image I was ready for.
While her comments rang true somewhat for how Franklin and them saved everyone from the Celestials, the comment about all reality collapsing into a single time stream makes me think Valeria and Franklin could still come into play near the end. But what happened to Franklin in all of the stuff going on? I remember Reed talking about sacrifices in the last issue of New Avengers and we saw Franklin strapped to a machine. I dunno.
But that panel stuck out to me when thinking of where things are headed.
Um so what hell happened?Preventing the early heat death of everything was what Ultimate Reed and Kang tried to do with the Infinity Gems. They were foiled by the Ultimates and this happened:
Then Hunger showed up in 1610.
Lol god I love Hickman so much with his foreshadowing I am so glad the man got the chance to tell his story the fact that the seeds of it were planted in his previous works only makes it that more epic.So, I finally finished Hickman's Fantastic Four and FF runs. Wonderful stuff. And I particularly enjoyed this moment later on:
And I might still be reaching, but these two moments did seem to be foreshadowing a bit with what has been going down in Time Runs Out.
The Wizard seeing a man of half light and half dark. Alluding to the showdown of the two Reeds, and that 616 Reed will fail in the end?
Future Franklin saying goodbye to his parents. The comment about things that are coming, and untimely things. He could still be in play as part of what Rabum Alal is.
How long until that issue hits and we finally know?
Um so what hell happened?
Can't see the variant.Stark and Reed tried using the infinity gauntlet for reasons and they screwed it up. Lots of Hickman references and alternate versions of heroes which sounds familar.
Also this Phil Noto variant cover for NA 30 is killer:
Can't see the variant.
I love the running gag of people just staring at Spider-man:
Bendis.Um so what hell happened?
No one likes his jokes. Whatever story it was where Doom corrected Spidey on his Star Trek reference, and then Spidey went around telling everyone Doom was a big nerd.
I love it.
That sounds amazing. Is there a scan of it by any chance?
The artwork in both of these series is really good. And the writing is insane. Almost all caught up.
You're right on time. It only gets better and we're finally about to get some real answers in a couple of weeks.
AXIS is about to derail me though. I'm probably still gonna be behind when Secret Wars starts. I'm trying.
Why in the fuck are you going to read Axis? Nothing of relevance occurs and it's god awful start to finish.
How much Axis are you going to read? Other than the main series and maybe one or two tie-ins, the rest is pretty forgettable.Because I want to. I'm reading a lot of things not related to this.
Age of Ultron was mentioned on this very page and makes Fear Itself and Axis look like goddamn masterpieces.
I was going to suggest the vol.2 trade of this particular run and then I checked its availability. They should print an Ultron Unlimited trade ASAP.The worst thing about Age of Ultron is that I have to convince customers at work daily not to read it. So many people pick up the trade wanting to read it because of the upcoming movie by the same name.
Sadly, I cannot convince them to order the upcoming Kurt Busiek/George Perez omnibus because of the price, but they won't experience Ultron Unlimited then. They need to experience that if they want an awesome Ultron story.
Wolverine broke the timestream trying to prevent Age of Ultron ever happening. It was a shit story.
That bit of mystery hasn't been explained yet and yes it most likely has to do with the Incursions.Is there something I should read to find out why the Living Tribunal is dead? Does it have anything to do with this Rabum dude?
Oh, OK. The way it was presented I thought maybe something happened in a Guardians issue or something.
According to Hickman it's a completely new character so...yeah can't wait to see how the New Avengers #31 plays.Nah, Hickman's being pretty self-contained with this story. I have no idea who Rabum Alal could be, it's not gonna be an evil Reed because we already have one of those. No need to double up. The Beyonders are accounted for too. If he nails this reveal man...
This story would have been confusing as shit for me if I weren't able to binge read it. In dunno how you guys followed along month to month.
Spider-Britain no!!!!Well I've definitely reread a good bit of the story, which is satisfying in its own way when you go back and see exactly what was foreshadowed years ago.
Plus its exciting to be here for reactions and discussions to the story as it unfolds issue to issue, speaking of...
New Avengers 30 is out tomorrow.
Spider-Britain no!!!!
Spider-Britain no!!!!
Christ, do I have to read Avengers World, too?
He's still alive.
Wait what? So Brian isn't the last Captain Britain left?