He's still alive.
This is 8 months after Spider-Verse, he's been killed in that time.
He's still alive.
I think it works if it's supplementary reading for what happens between the 8 month gap.Christ, do I have to read Avengers World, too?
Lol you guys make it seem like it's such a terrible book.Man don't make me read Avengers world.
I'm gonna read Avengers world.
All this talk in the Age of Ultron thread about inverted Tony or whatnot made me look up the wiki on it. WTF? I have just been keeping up with the Hickman stuff in all this, and didn't know about all that really crazy shit. So, Tony's personality or whatever was inverted in Axis, so is he like evil Tony now? My brain hurts just reading the few paragraphs describing it.
Anyone have a short version to describe it?
AXIS turned all the nice guys into dicks and the dicks into nice guys, when everyone got changed back they forgot about Tony. So now Tony's a dick.
Imagine the brilliant, creative mind of Tony Stark but with none of the heroism or philanthropy-motivated by pure Id and greed.So he is more of an asshole than before? Is such a thing possible?
Sorry, I am one of those people that still has a hard time letting my hatred of Stark go after Civil War.
Imagine the brilliant, creative mind of Tony Stark but with none of the heroism or philanthropy-motivated by pure Id and greed.
Imagine the brilliant, creative mind of Tony Stark but with none of the heroism or philanthropy-motivated by pure Id and greed.
There was a random Jeff Lebowski cameo in the middle of Infinity that caught me off guard.
Kind of confused about today's New Avengers.
Pym was sent out to explore the multiverse during the 8 month gap, right? If so, did he go back in time? The Living Tribunal was found dead on the moon around the beginning of Infinity. However, we know the Celestials were still alive at some point during the 8 month gap, so this couldn't have happened beforehand. Did the corpse just ripple through spacetime because the Tribunal is the manifestation of all that is? If so, why hasn't the corpse been there forever?
Yeah, I found myself wondering about the same things, no idea if this an error or if there's an explanation.
Anyway, holy shit at the scale of it all. This trumps anything.
Heh.I think once you reach that level, time just doesn't matter anymore.Before it died it looks like they killed the manifestations of the building blocks of everything: space, time, and so on.
Holy fuck, I do not blame him for going crazy. Thor and Hyperion's team is fucked, Stranger's team is fucked. Everything is fucked.
"I'm totally outsmarting these guys who have taken down every cosmic entity in every universe across the multiverse. Them or the cosmic dude who's apparently giving them a run for their money.
That frequency I've been following is totally not a trap."
The best part is that for the next 4 weeks, we're getting an issue every week.
Superior Iron Man is a weird book though. It's almost fascinating how Marvel wants to portray Tony as the biggest jerk on planet earth. And I so enjoyed his redemption tour during Dark Reign/Heroic Age written by Fraction.Hmm. It does sound interesting when put that way.
Superior Iron Man is a weird book though. It's almost fascinating how Marvel wants to portray Tony as the biggest jerk on planet earth. And I so enjoyed his redemption tour during Dark Reign/Heroic Age written by Fraction.
As for New Avengers 30... my brain melted
In other words, they're fucked.
Rabum Alal has to be The One Above All at this point. There's no one else who could hang with The Beyonders.
Rabum Alal has to be The One Above All at this point. There's no one else who could hang with The Beyonders.
New Avengers 30:
Valeria was right and Hank agrees. You can't win. Time to figure out how not to lose.
NA 30 is the explanation to that Guardians scene and the reason why the higher powers haven't helped and it feels satisfying through sheer scope alone. Two questions come to mind. First, is Doom falling prey to the same trap or does having the Molecule Man give him a real chance? Second, seriously wtf is Rabum Alal? What fights alone against beings that slaughter the Living Tribunal?
Also, the Beyonders are not the cause of the Incursions, The Great Destroyer is. So can we safely assume that the Incursions are an action to stop the Beyonders from accomplishing whatever goal it is that requires murdering the abstracts?
But its supposed to be a brand new character right?
Is it? I don't know, I feel like we're meant to expect Rabum Alal's reveal to mean something. That wouldn't be the case if he was a new character.
double edit: while we're on the subject, did New Avengers 30 just
de-retcon Secret Wars II? the official explanation was that all of Beyonder's exploits were a "deception" or "illusion" by the higher abstracts to test him, but seeing as how three beyonders just wiped out everyone without breaking a sweat, i'm thinking that may no longer be accurate- Beyonder was legitimately strong enough to have done all of that, and Pym's dialogue implies that he actually did.
I think once you reach that level, time just doesn't matter anymore.Before it died it looks like they killed the manifestations of the building blocks of everything: space, time, and so on.
Holy fuck, I do not blame him for going crazy. Thor and Hyperion's team is fucked, Stranger's team is fucked. Everything is fucked.
What's sort of crazy about this issue is that it's just the buildup to the actual line-wide event.
I'm on board with that. time isn't necessarily linear when you're dealing with those things.
Kind of confused about today's New Avengers.
Pym was sent out to explore the multiverse during the 8 month gap, right? If so, did he go back in time? The Living Tribunal was found dead on the moon around the beginning of Infinity. However, we know the Celestials were still alive at some point during the 8 month gap, so this couldn't have happened beforehand. Did the corpse just ripple through spacetime because the Tribunal is the manifestation of all that is? If so, why hasn't the corpse been there forever?
There is only 1 Tribunal in the entire multiverse, he exists in all realities simultaneously.
Holy shit, that issue was bananas. Beyonders now retconned to beyond Secret Wars levels. Crazy shit.
nope, just "back to" secret wars (II) levels. only there's three (?) of them now.
Rabum Alal can only be one thing at this point, come on now.
Who's left at this point?
Ugh I hope not he was already described as a "Child unit" by Hank wouldn't make much since how he's able to hold his own against 3 others of his kind.I hypothesized about it a couple of posts ago.
Edit: since we know "battleworld" is coming, which is a callback to secret wars 1,pretty much has to show up.OG Beyonder
Ugh I hope not he was already described as a "Child unit" by Hank wouldn't make much since how he's able to hold his own against 3 others of his kind.
That...really sounds needlessly convoluted.That was back in secret wars 2. Over 30 years ago in real time and more than a decade in marvel time. It's been a while.
Since then he/it merged with molecule man and evolved into "kosmos" and later into "the maker".
The maker took mortal form for some reason during annihilation, and Thanos lobotomized it because killing it would just mean it would be reborn elsewhere in a more powerful, non mortal form.
The maker got killed anyway when the kiln was attacked to free tenebrous and aegis. We never saw where the "rebirth" of the mature being took place and It hasn't been seen since. unless you count that strange encounter by the illuminati where they tried to imply it was an inhuman, which is clearly being ignored at this point.
I hypothesized about it a couple of posts ago.
Edit: since we know "battleworld" is coming, which is a callback to secret wars 1,pretty much has to show up.OG Beyonder
This story would have been confusing as shit for me if I weren't able to binge read it. In dunno how you guys followed along month to month.
Yeah Hickmans works all work better as a re-read so much stuff gets lost waiting month by month.I've actually gone back and reread a lot of it. It's worth doing also because I catch new things each time I go back. Lots of foreshadowing I didn't notice before.
I won't be able to read #30 until I get home tonight, but I'm absolutely dying to. Sounds like it's absolutely crazy.
I'm actually pretty surprised it's getting slammed in reviews.