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Jordan Peele's Nope


His next title should be called Everything Is Racist

Joe Biden Democrat GIF by GIPHY News


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
*comes into thread about horror film*
*sees argument about what to call black people*

Never change, Er-GAF.

Pretty much this.

Black? Woman? Muslim? You know exactly which posters will be here before you, being all openly hateful. It's fucking depressing. Can't even discuss movies or TV shows that feature black or Muslim people without the same handful of bigots swarming in immediately.


Reseterror Resettler
Pretty much this.

Black? Woman? Muslim? You know exactly which posters will be here before you, being all openly hateful. It's fucking depressing. Can't even discuss movies or TV shows that feature black or Muslim people without the same handful of bigots swarming in immediately.

I'm about as anti-woke as fuck, but the lines get blurred with some people to the point that anything that involves a minority or a female lead immediately gets lambasted. I dunno, I just don't like non-genuine representation for representations sake, but some people go a touch far with it.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I'm about as anti-woke as fuck, but the lines get blurred with some people to the point that anything that involves a minority or a female lead immediately gets lambasted. I dunno, I just don't like non-genuine representation for representations sake, but some people go a touch far with it.

Same. It's tired and predictable now.


Peele is racist towards white folks and he doesn't even hide it because it's ok in modern Hollywood. His movies are ALWAYS going to portray black protagonists as good, troubled or innocent. It's only a matter of how subtle (or not) it's going to be.


Perpetually Offended
Peele is racist towards white folks and he doesn't even hide it because it's ok in modern Hollywood. His movies are ALWAYS going to portray black protagonists as good, troubled or innocent. It's only a matter of how subtle (or not) it's going to be.

The man is biracial. He said he wants to only cast black leads (or otherwise poc) because, save for the likes of Denzel and Will Smith, there aren't a lot of them. "Us" was about the class divide. We all know what "Get Out" was about. "Nope"'s premise is as yet unknown. So how about you dial back the bigotry until we know more about the plot.


Biggest Trails Stan
The man is biracial. He said he wants to only cast black leads (or otherwise poc) because, save for the likes of Denzel and Will Smith, there aren't a lot of them. "Us" was about the class divide. We all know what "Get Out" was about. "Nope"'s premise is as yet unknown. So how about you dial back the bigotry until we know more about the plot.
What he's saying ain't wrong though :p


Yes racists ruin everything, so my resetera is showing. If I'm not down with the racists my resetera is showing. If I'm not racist my resetera is showing.
Nah it's just that when people discuss "The Message" (that's so prevalent in media today) others, such as yourself, instantly cry wolf and start labeling that discourse as "racist".

I might not agree with what some posters are saying here but you are literally one step away from demanding people to be banned for what is arguably very benign speech.


Perpetually Offended
Nah it's just that when people discuss "The Message" (that's so prevalent in media today) others, such as yourself, instantly cry wolf and start labeling that discourse as "racist".

I might not agree with what some posters are saying here but you are literally one step away from demanding people to be banned for what is arguably very benign speech.

The poster has already outed himself because he's saying the same thing EVERY banned poster has said initially before they get banned for racism... Because posts saying it's "mild" or "clearly not racism" just give them more balls to go further. I am not surprised you don't see it. I don't report because I don't have to. They eventually hang themselves.
Peele is racist towards white folks and he doesn't even hide it because it's ok in modern Hollywood. His movies are ALWAYS going to portray black protagonists as good, troubled or innocent. It's only a matter of how subtle (or not) it's going to be.

If he's THIS ^^ triggered over Jordan Peele, then I can't begin to explain to you how his implicit/explicit bias is showing.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Bird Box 2?


I was loving the trailer until it started to show too much, and that frame at the end with the ship?? I mean, there is more movie than that or the trailer spoiled all the movie?
Racists are exhausting, good god. If you ban politics you gotta ban race talks too.

While I understand the advantages of limiting political conversation, and I wouldn't argue that it was a mistake to do so, I do feel an increasing frustration about the idea that we should treat all serious topics as if they were inextricably linked to one of two ideologies, and as if there are only two. In a strange sense, it feels like that is making things even more political, because you're buying into the idea that to even discuss serious matters you have to put yourself into one of two boxes. I say that's a false choice. There are plenty of us who want nothing to do with either one of those two "choices." Your association above seems to be suggesting this false dichotomy.

The idea that race should be another sacrifice on the alter of "some people have said things I don't like about this serious topic, so no one should be allowed to talk about this here" is something I do not support.
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Peele is so hit and miss. Get out was great, us was shit and so was candyman. Hopefully he can get back to form with this.
Unlike M. Night Shyamalan, I think Peele might be a one hit wonder, but I'm hoping he isn't. Get Out was masterclass, and it might have been his greatest, most fleshed out idea in his idea book, because it felt like something he wrote down and wanted to do for years. Half of 'Us' kind of feels similar but the overall execution was lacking, and Candyman didn't feel that way at all.


Is this first and foremost a alien movie or another message being pushed using a cool concept? I love aliens so I'm hoping it's the former.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Going on the latest/final trailer the movie looks wild, but I agree that they gave too much away in the trailer. And I second that Akira homage. I'm afraid Stephen Yeun is going to show up only to get eaten, just glad he's still finding parts. He's still the best thing about The Walking Dead and his character has been dead for years.
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I was loving the trailer until it started to show too much, and that frame at the end with the ship?? I mean, there is more movie than that or the trailer spoiled all the movie?
Went to see it today.
The trailer did indeed spoil the movie. That frame comes at the climax and is the "money shot". Really surprised they showed it in the trailer. There were other shots that would've let audiences know aliens are involved without blowing the whole wad like that. Would've thought that Peele had enough pull to keep that out of the trailer.

Is this first and foremost a alien movie or another message being pushed using a cool concept? I love aliens so I'm hoping it's the former.
On a scale of Chick-Fil-A to a Pride Parade in California how "woke" is this?
It was a straight-up alien flick with some very welcome weirdness and at least one genuinely disturbing scene. I read afterwards that there might be a "message" related to Hollywood perverting people in the pursuit of profit, but I didn't catch that at all while in the theater watching it.

I'd give it a 7 out of 10. Could've been about a half hour shorter and a stronger movie for it, but Peele's clout (deserved or no) meant that it had weirdness and a budget. Memorable at the very least. I'd recommend it if the subject matter interests you.


Biggest Trails Stan
Went to see it today.
The trailer did indeed spoil the movie. That frame comes at the climax and is the "money shot". Really surprised they showed it in the trailer. There were other shots that would've let audiences know aliens are involved without blowing the whole wad like that. Would've thought that Peele had enough pull to keep that out of the trailer.

It was a straight-up alien flick with some very welcome weirdness and at least one genuinely disturbing scene. I read afterwards that there might be a "message" related to Hollywood perverting people in the pursuit of profit, but I didn't catch that at all while in the theater watching it.

I'd give it a 7 out of 10. Could've been about a half hour shorter and a stronger movie for it, but Peele's clout (deserved or no) meant that it had weirdness and a budget. Memorable at the very least. I'd recommend it if the subject matter interests you.

Yeah it's his best movie and the reason why is because he doesn't go overboard with the social commentary. I rate it a B, good flick but could have used some trimming. The guy has a good eye for beautiful shots but I still haven't seen a movie of his that I loved.
I just watched this movie. Liked it quite a bit. It used all the old tricks in the book to surprise me and keep me entertained, but they all worked. 8/10.


Saw the movie, was fun. Good cast. Sadly some of the cast was kinda underused and the ending was kinda meh. Still had fun. 7/10.


I didn't get that chimp plot.
Jupe had a traumatic experience with a wild animal as a child which he never got over. He even says an SNL sketch explains it better than he ever could, which shows both how he's not really been able to process it on his own terms but also how he can't really view it outside of the lens of something to be exploited for entertainment and money, not only by others like SNL but his own memorial which he would charge people money to view. He views Jean Jacket as a wild creature to be tamed and exploited for money.

There's an article here that goes over it. Of course it's all open to your own interpretation too.


2.5/5 for me. Poor pacing, generally uninteresting, and either weakly written/directed characters or bad acting. OJ was the only redeemable one for me, but his sister, tech guy, and the director were bordering on insufferable. We already got the gist of the chimp background without needing the scene dropped in the middle of the movie.
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