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Jordan Peele's Nope

Airbus Jr

The Gordy plot was all about Yeun's motivations and psychology. Basically that whatever bad things happen, people like him will still seek fame and attention, even if it means trading on past or current trauma. Peele's making a comment about the current culture.
im still confuse why the alien let angel go when hes right infront of him

any explanation for that
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Just saw this. What an absolute mess of a movie. I liked some of the ideas but it never came together and never committed to a coherent vision or tone. Also the main 'subtext' was so blatant and in your face that no one can miss it. And if you somehow do there is a condescendingly stupid scene later on with a "TMZ" journalist that straight up tells you.

I could go on and on about how bad this was so I'll give you the few good points = it was fairly well shot, there were a few cool scenes - blood house/rain barrier, slowed down sunglasses at night scene and glen from the walking dead's horse show scene and the cast did the best they could with the material provided to them.

A somewhat intriguing bad film until it overstays its welcome. Recommended if you want to see movies in the vein of M Night Shyamalan during his "The Happening" era.
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A 90 minute movie tops extended into 2 hours and 10 minutes. Other than some beautiful shots and a few tense moments that unfortunately none of them were in the third act the movie was pretty damn boring, it was 5 in the afternoon and I almost fell asleep. Keke Palmer's character was annoying as fuck during the first act of the movie then she gets kind of likeable, the brother is a serviceable character and the rest are just there I guess. One of the reasons the duration on the movie is a problem is because they show the main threat so much during the second act that by the time you get to the final act you start not giving a shit at all. It's not as if the main threat had a lot to do anyway so making the movie that long was nonsensical and took away from the tension.

The Gordy plot was all about Yeun's motivations and psychology. Basically that whatever bad things happen, people like him will still seek fame and attention, even if it means trading on past or current trauma. Peele's making a comment about the current culture.

OK but why was it shown three fucking times in the movie as if it was crucial to the main plot when both it and the character in it were barely significant? It was so confusing. Once again Peele is so focused on his fucking allegories that he ignores the main plot. We got it with the TMZ reporter, their ultimate priority is to record, entertain and get famous/rich. Same with the main characters. We didn't need him too.

Ironically this is my favorite movie of Peele's, not because it's good but because he's not that much in you face with his goddamn allegories, which isn't saying much...
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Gold Member

Watched this yesterday. The beginning and setup is really long and rather boring. It started well giving bizarre vibes but then just got so mundane. The last third is actually pretty enjoyable. The ending is silly, but that can be forgiven in films like this. The cast are all so low energy, you just want to kick them and hand them a can of red bull.

2.5/5. I don’t regret renting it to see what the buzz is about, but yeah, didn’t think it was great.


I finally watched this, and it was just okay. It's a bit pretentious for the story it's trying to tell and could have shaved about 30 minutes off.
It had some great moments and shots, but this story, to me, would be best served as a Twighlight Zone-type episode or a story within an anthology.
There's just not enough there there.
Oh, and the big spoiler/reveal is not that interesting. At least not nearly enough to justify the build-up and excess.


Gold Member

3 points for the Evangelion-esque alien design, 4 points for the cinematography.

Too long, too pretentious, too boring. Everything with Gordy and Yuen was just... I don't even know what the point was.


Parody of actual AJUMP23

Watched this yesterday. The beginning and setup is really long and rather boring. It started well giving bizarre vibes but then just got so mundane. The last third is actually pretty enjoyable. The ending is silly, but that can be forgiven in films like this. The cast are all so low energy, you just want to kick them and hand them a can of red bull.

2.5/5. I don’t regret renting it to see what the buzz is about, but yeah, didn’t think it was great.
Wine glass is huge.


Never seen a Peele movie but like alien movies so watched this last weekend. I enjoyed it, wasn't anything special, but still enjoyable. The sister was annoying as hell at the beginning as already mentioned but got much better as the movie went on. I agree that the Yeun/Gordy stuff could have been completely left out and wouldn't have affected the plot at all. With the movie opening with the Gordy scene and the way they were broken up made it seem like a major plot point but ended up being a big nothing burger. The name of the movie doesn't make a lot of sense either, the main character says it once so that's what they decided to call it?


Never seen a Peele movie but like alien movies so watched this last weekend. I enjoyed it, wasn't anything special, but still enjoyable. The sister was annoying as hell at the beginning as already mentioned but got much better as the movie went on. I agree that the Yeun/Gordy stuff could have been completely left out and wouldn't have affected the plot at all. With the movie opening with the Gordy scene and the way they were broken up made it seem like a major plot point but ended up being a big nothing burger. The name of the movie doesn't make a lot of sense either, the main character says it once so that's what they decided to call it?
I disagree. Jupe was traumatised by the Gordy experience and was unable to work through it outside of attempts to monetise it, both his own attempts like his shrine he charges an entry fee for or others like SNL's sketch.That experience drives the urge to tame and exploit Jean Jacket. OJ, on the other hand, is able to recognise that not all wild creatures can be tamed.
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I disagree. Jupe was traumatised by the Gordy experience was unable to work through it outside of attempts to monetise it, both his own attempts like his shrine he charges an entry fee for or others like SNL's sketch.That experience drives the urge to tame and exploit Jean Jacket. OJ, on the other hand, is able to recognise that not all wild creatures can be tamed.

Yeah, animal handling is a major theme of the film. I’m really surprised more people missed this. I mean, the cameraman flat out references the tiger incident that happened to Siegfried and Roy, although perhaps they’re only well known to Americans and a few other countries?


I finally watched this, and it was just okay. It's a bit pretentious for the story it's trying to tell and could have shaved about 30 minutes off.
It had some great moments and shots, but this story, to me, would be best served as a Twighlight Zone-type episode or a story within an anthology.
There's just not enough there there.
Oh, and the big spoiler/reveal is not that interesting. At least not nearly enough to justify the build-up and excess.
I love Twilight zone(old and newer, never seen the latest one) and Outer Limits, and I can't say I agree with that opinion.

The 'pretentious' line is also hilariously overused, especially for someone like me coming from an art and animation background, having watched a lot of art films and 'arty films'. Ya'll haven't even begun to know what pretentious really is if you think this is pretentious.

As for the movie? I enjoyed it. I think it could have been trimmed down a bit, but the overall themes and story are tight enough. It's not nearly as messy and scattershot as Us with what it was trying to say. This was far more straightforward and it was nice seeing an interesting take on an alien(visually and thematically).


Just saw this. It's nowhere near as tightly written and captivating as Get Out, but it's got that weird other-worldly vibe that sci-fi fans will like. I was entertained.

The cons: About 20 mins too long. Most of the characters don't seem to react like how a normal person would in such a situation. (but then again, who knows how one would really react when faced with the unbelievable?) The main character is kind of....too chill? I know he's supposed to be the hero but come on he's just a bit too unflappable.

The good: The story is a weird mix of Tremors, Jaws, and Close Encounters. So in a way it's kind of original by mixing all these ideas. Also a lot of stuff is never explained(what is the UFO? where did it come from?), in a cosmic-horror kind of way, which I like. Also I kinda liked the Jupe backstory with the chimp. Some people say his character was pointless but he is like a contrast to the hero, ie someone who makes wrong choices and ends up not surviving. It's a common trope in a horror movie.
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Perpetually Offended
Just saw this. It's nowhere near as tightly written and captivating as Get Out, but it's got that weird other-worldly vibe that sci-fi fans will like. I was entertained.

The cons: About 20 mins too long. Most of the characters don't seem to react like how a normal person would in such a situation. (but then again, who knows how one would really react when faced with the unbelievable?) The main character is kind of....too chill? I know he's supposed to be the hero but come on he's just a bit too unflappable.

The good: The story is a weird mix of Tremors, Jaws, and Close Encounters. So in a way it's kind of original by mixing all these ideas. Also a lot of stuff is never explained(what is the UFO? where did it come from?), in a cosmic-horror kind of way, which I like. Also I kinda liked the Jupe backstory with the chimp. Some people say his character was pointless but he is like a contrast to the hero, ie someone who makes wrong choices and ends up not surviving. It's a common trope in a horror movie.

I remember reading, years ago, about flying serpent type creatures that live in the sky. I think that's what the "UFO" is referencing.


I'm surprised at all the negative reactions here. I went into it blind and loved it. I had seen some trailers but not enough that I knew what would happen.

I thought it was shot really well and I liked the characters and thought it made sense the way they acted. Really liked get out but thought Us was too unwieldy and wasn't really into the metaphor.

Nope was better than I thought it was gonna be. It was WAY better than green knight, which was the other film whose trailer had intrigued me was much as nope


So I've been thinking about this movie all day (a sign of a good movie), and realized there's a huge plothole. It kinda hurts the movie a bit but not too much.

So Jupe has been doing these "UFO feeding" events for a long time?
How can it be possible that no one took photos?
Why didn't he himself take photographic evidence and sell it and make millions? (just like what OJ wanted to do)?
It will certainly make a lot more money than doing these shows that seem to have an audience of a dozen people?
How can news about a "UFO eating horses" not go viral and become an instant worldwide sensation?
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So I've been thinking about this movie all day (a sign of a good movie), and realized there's a huge plothole. It kinda hurts the movie a bit but not too much.

So Jupe has been doing these "UFO feeding" events for a long time?
How can it be possible that no one took photos?
Why didn't he himself take photographic evidence and sell it and make millions? (just like what OJ wanted to do)?
It will certainly make a lot more money than doing these shows that seem to have an audience of a dozen people?
How can news about a "UFO eating horses" not go viral and become an instant worldwide sensation?

From my understanding and memory, the show we see Jupe perform was the first one. He was feeding the alien at the exact same time of day anytime he brought out a horse as he explains to the audience. Earlier in the film, when OJ heard Jupes’ speech from a distance, it was at night, so clearly not the same time as the show later in the film was more around dusk which means this was Jupe simply rehearsing his speech and not the actual event (plus, why would have the event at night, the alien would be far harder to see). It’s also why the alien devours them all, all the prior feedings only had Jupe present so presumably a (shaky) bond was formed, but the moment a bunch of other eyes were looking at it, it was all over.

As for profit, you have to look at it psychologically from Jupe’s perspective. The Gordy event would be clearly traumatizing for a child, and we see moments of him struggling with the memory of it. The Gordy museum he made is basically his way of forcing himself to confront those horrific thoughts head on, like a person with arachnophobia filling their home with posters of spiders, little plastic spiders, etc. He sees this alien as a way to conquer this mental issue fully. The people who ran the Gordy show failed to safely utilize a potentially dangerous animal in their show, but in Jupe’s mind he will succeed. He WILL perform a show with a live audience (just like Gordy’s show had a live audience) and it will be a success. He is so determined that this has to work he was even willing to have his wife and children involved despite knowing the risk.

And of course, we know how it all ends. It‘s why as much as I love OJ, Em, and Angel, it was Jupe’s story I loved the most, a person who survived a traumatic event but took the wrong steps in addressing that trauma.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Same, watched it recently. Definitely my favourite of his although I bet I'm in a minority on that one.

The sound of people screaming as they're slowly digested by the alien is creepier than the entirety of Us.


Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
The sound of people screaming as they're slowly digested by the alien is creepier than the entirety of Us.
I recently saw a video which explained that they got that unsettling sound by asking the actors to do two takes, one where they screamed in horror, and one where they screamed like they were on a rollercoaster.


I finally got around to watching this. I fucking loved it. The "UFO" was done brilliantly. Reminded me of like an angel from Neon Genesis or some kind of direct interpretation of an angel from the old testament plus some HP Lovecraft vibes. Very cool.

Hell yeah. Nice interpretation man.


I finally got around to watching this. I fucking loved it. The "UFO" was done brilliantly. Reminded me of like an angel from Neon Genesis or some kind of direct interpretation of an angel from the old testament plus some HP Lovecraft vibes. Very cool.

Apparently Peele confirmed they did take inspiration from some of the Angels from Evangelion. There was also the homage moment to the anime film Akira.



not tag worthy
Apparently Peele confirmed they did take inspiration from some of the Angels from Evangelion. There was also the homage moment to the anime film Akira.

Saw it on netflix. I caught that homage. I really liked the film.I liked the whole part about the “ufo” it was a great horror film. Also I feel like it was well researched with the ufo lore.
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Not here in Canada it seems.
Prime Video in the US. Check there if you have Prime.

On a side note there is an app called ‘JustWatch’ that will tell you specifically where you can stream movies or shows and it updates the minute they’re leaving soon or when they’ve been added to a new streaming service. It’s the reason why I found out it’s on prime video in this post.


I thought it was decent. Just didn’t like the very end. But I’m not sure what I would suggest to do. Just didn’t like the resolution of it. Like really, this thing never comes up on anybody’s radar or knows about it….
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