where do i share my experience of Journey? here? no? i'm still ganna share it
btw, i loved flow and flower, and i gotta add Journey to the list now:
i played journey twice today, once in the morning after i bought it, and then at night, at first i did solo or was ignored by other people ;(, and i found my own way to the mountain.
i could really feel the harsh winds and the snow level really got me sad. after i reached the ending, i felt emotional, but i didn't feel the thing that makes this game tick.
-second time i played, i met a companion early on and we finished everything together- he, i think, knew most of the areas as he showed me most of the secrets and - at the end, drew a heart for me
i think Journey really shines when you meet a companion (who you cant communicate by normal means) that is willing to stick out with you till the end. i think journey is meant to be played together (this is my interpretation anyways) , and i played through the entire level with relish. i was scared and scattered in the first playthrough, and everything was much, MUCH enjoyable and meaningful with a mate.
hell, that alone made it worth 15 dollars, and man, to have a connection with a total stranger - throughout the entire game...