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Judge allegedly napped, made bailiff rub her feet

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LAS VEGAS, Nevada (AP) -- Elizabeth Halverson is a judge. But the way courthouse staffers see it, she expects to be treated like a queen.

Her former bailiff, for example, says Halverson made him feel like a "houseboy." He says the judge -- who is obese and uses a motorized scooter to get around -- made him put her shoes on her feet, massage her back, cover her with a blanket for naps and make sure her oxygen tank was filled. He says she asked him, "Do you want to worship me from near or afar?"

Halverson also surrounded herself with her own hired guards, saying she did not trust the courthouse security force to protect her. Another time, she allegedly had her husband sworn in so that she could ask him under oath if he had completed chores at home.

Since then, the 50-year-old Nevada district judge has been locked out of her Las Vegas courtroom, suspended from the bench and brought up on judicial-misconduct charges that include not only misusing her position and treating her staff like personal valets, but also tainting juries and falling asleep on the bench.

Nevada's judicial discipline commission is preparing for a week of open hearings next month that could put an end to Halverson's career.

Many lawyers are unwilling to talk publicly about the case because of the powerful figures involved, but expect the proceedings to be entertaining, to say the least.

Halverson denies the allegations.

"We believe the Judicial Discipline Commission has overreached," said her attorney, John Arrascada. "It's apparent that some people believe her physical appearance somehow makes her unable to perform her duties as a judge." He added: "Last time I checked, being a judge doesn't require a beauty contest."

Halverson holds a law degree from the University of Southern California and worked as a law clerk in the state court for nine years before she was elected to the bench in the fall of 2006. She handled civil and criminal cases alike.

When the bailiff who complained about her, Johnnie Jordan Jr., was reassigned, Halverson hired her own guards and let them bypass security checks at the courthouse. She then called 911 when court administrators tried to enter her office.

Last May, the chief Clark County District Court judge, Kathy Hardcastle, locked her out of her courtroom. The following July, six months after Halverson was sworn in, the commission suspended her, accusing her among other things of creating a hostile work environment, hiring a technician to try to hack into the courthouse computer system, and causing mistrials in two sexual assault cases by improperly meeting with jurors.

The commission declared that she posed "a substantial threat to the public or to the administration of justice."

The case is laden with subplots. Hardcastle dismissed Halverson as a law clerk in 2004, saying that such a position is typically a short-time job and that it was time Halverson moved on. Halverson then mounted an unsuccessful bid for Family Court judge against Hardcastle's husband.

Hardcastle has insisted her actions against Halverson weren't personal.

Jeffrey Stempel, a law professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, said he is troubled by what appears to be an attempt to "micromanage" a judge.

"Judicial removal should generally be reserved for corruption and complete incompetence or inability to do the job," Stempel said. "One question you have to ask is, `Is this judge so bad we have to remove her before the voters have a chance to do so?"'

Dayvid Figler, a defense lawyer, said he had no complaints after trying cases in Halverson's courtroom.

"In fairness, she believes she's fighting the fight of a maverick," Figler said. "I think her position is, `Why should I be another cog in the machine? Isn't it what the voters elected me to do, bring change?"'

Amid the hullabaloo, Halverson has filed for re-election in August to a six-year term and is soliciting contributions on her Web site. But she has also filed a request to stop the election, claiming that the Legislature unconstitutionally changed the procedures. She continues to draw her $130,000-a-year salary.

Halverson did not respond to an interview request. A shirtless man who answered the door at her home pointed to a "no trespassing" sign and ordered a reporter off the property. The yard is clean these days, after the city cited Halverson for leaving it strewn with junk and letting the water in her pool grow murky and stagnant.

In documents denying the allegations, Halverson has blamed disgruntled employees and vindictive colleagues.

She has submitted a report from a therapist who diagnosed her with an adjustment disorder, anxiety and depression. And she produced a letter from her physician, Dr. Michael Jacobs, who said she is diabetic, uses a wheelchair because of arthritis in her feet and knees, and needs oxygen to counteract the effects of sleep apnea.

Jacobs said a drop in blood sugar may have caused a brief episode in which she fell asleep in court. But he said there is no physical reason Halverson cannot be an effective judge.

Story Here


Seeing the title I though of a hot judge, handing down justice and having kinky sex with the bailiff. But I knew I'd be disappointed...


there is joy in sucking dick
"She has submitted a report from a therapist who diagnosed her with an adjustment disorder, anxiety and depression. And she produced a letter from her physician, Dr. Michael Jacobs, who said she is diabetic, uses a wheelchair because of arthritis in her feet and knees, and needs oxygen to counteract the effects of sleep apnea."

I love how all the ailments are listed as standalone problems and yet they all stem from on singular problem

Oh and turn that obese frown upside down...


Laguna X

Nintendogs Member
BlueTsunami said:
I love how all the ailments are listed as standalone problems and yet they all stem from on singular problem

Oh and turn that obese frown upside down...

You sonuvabitch! I was enjoying a cup of coffee,
before it ended up on my laptop screen
. :lol
First thing that comes to mind when I see that pic is how hairy her box must be and the horrible smell/taste it must have...


ForzaItalia said:
First thing that comes to mind when I see that pic is how hairy her box must be and the horrible smell/taste it must have...


But would you hit it?

*high five*


Knowledge is power, guard it well
ForzaItalia said:
First thing that comes to mind when I see that pic is how hairy her box must be and the horrible smell/taste it must have...

I can't unthink it!


Oh man! I was already through the early machinations of making a hot fantasy out of this with a smokin' female judge, her pantyhosed tooties which needed frequent TLC, and the male and female bailiffs she employed to these sexy tasks. And then the picture of Shamu with an oxygen tube pops up. Fucking internet.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
GhostSeed said:
Concerning her bailiff being required to prepare her lunch for her in a micro wave oven in her chambers restroom, which staffers say has foul odors, she said the bailiff worries about her and says she needs to eat.

That sounds... sanitary.


Greatness Gone said:
I'd like to see the size of some of you people. I bet you're just as fat as her! PEOPLE HAVE FEELINGS YA KNOW!

aww look the ugh's feelings are hurt !

Actually as far as I'm concerned I'm always trying to gain weight because, which I never do.


Greatness Gone said:
I'd like to see the size of some of you people. I bet you're just as fat as her! PEOPLE HAVE FEELINGS YA KNOW!

Shut your fat ass up.

That judge needs to be put in jail for posing as a police


plovie said:
Order, order in the court

I'd like a cheeseburger and a milkshake bailiff

"Odor, odor in the court..."

"Don't mind that, it's the judges fat hairy hot box of delicious smells and tastes."


Greatness Gone said:
I'd like to see the size of some of you people. I bet you're just as fat as her! PEOPLE HAVE FEELINGS YA KNOW!

Unfortunately for her, she is as ugly on the inside as the outside.


How could someone who lacks the common sense not to kill herself with food be a judge? I mean usually when the diabetes sets in, people should at least try to lose some weight (arthritis of the feet and knees due to weight and sleep apnea alone should be enough to turn most peoples life around).
I don't mean to make this a thread about fat people / fatness, but a lot of this judges problems stem from that, so I just have one question:

How do you get to that weight without thinking that perhaps it would be a good idea to hit the gym every once in a while. Especially after these diseases. I mean, I'm not fat by any stretch of the imagination, but I've recently been developing a gut because of too much desk work, and I can't stand it. I bought a gym membership and have been going to the gym 4 days a week (with 3 for rest / muscle regeneration) for the past 3 weeks. So, how do you not decide to do something about it? It's not like its an overnight process: you do have time to change it.

That said, I don't think she should practice law. Regardless of her weight and/or needs, she has no right to ask what she does of the employees at the courtroom. She may request nicely, but ordering them around should not be permitted. As for hiring her own security guards who can bypass the security checks at the courthouse, well, that should just be illegal. They're not responsible for the security of the courthouse (only her), so why should they be able to bypass those checks?
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