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Julian Assange is going to leave the Ecuador embassy

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Source : the BBC

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has announced he will leave the embassy of Ecuador in London "soon" after two years of refuge.

The Wikileaks founder has been living inside the building since then, having been granted diplomatic asylum by Ecuador in August 2012.

Reports in the UK press said Mr Assange had developed a heart defect and a chronic lung condition during his confinement.

Speaking at the press conference, held inside the embassy, Mr Assange said his health had suffered during his time inside the embassy.

The Australian said the reasons for leaving were not those "reported by the Murdoch press" - but did not elaborate further.

I wonder if Sweden really is gonna extradite him to the US after all.


Knows the Score
Hopefully he had the realisation that he is a shitty person and that he is going to Sweden to stand trial.


what? i've always thought he's in russia
You're thinking of this guy:
Why would he announce he is leaving?

More attention.

It will be pretty funny if after all this he goes to Sweden, answers a few question and is not charged, locked up, murdered or kidnapped to Guantanamo Bay. Which is by far the likeliest outcome and he'll have inflicted a worse punishment on himself then the one he was avoiding.


More attention.

It will be pretty funny if after all this he goes to Sweden, answers a few question and is not charged, locked up, murdered or kidnapped to Guantanamo Bay. Which is by far the likeliest outcome and he'll have inflicted a worse punishment on himself then the one he was avoiding.

He won't get deported to the USA - the USA would literally be giving themselves a gunshot wound.

They don't really need to keep poking at the media - arresting him might push people over the edge and especially with how the media is being treated in Ferguson atm.

Also his health must have deteriorated after spending two years indoors - lack of Vitamin D due to lack of sunlight will do that.

Hopefully he had the realisation that he is a shitty person and that he is going to Sweden to stand trial.

NSA plz.
He is not wanted for rape.

Yes he is. He is wanted for rape in Sweden, but everybody believes that is just an excuse so he can be shipped off to the US.

I read an article a couple of years ago about how Sweden have hundreds of cases of people who have been charged with rape and fled the country, and in literally none of them have they tried to get the person sent back. That pretty much tells you all you need to know about their motivation here.


Plus he has not even been charged with rape, Sweden just required extradition so as to be able to question him.

And extraditing him back to the good old US of A as soon as he enters Swedish territory of course.


Yes he is. He is wanted for rape in Sweden, but everybody believes that is just an excuse so he can be shipped off to the US.

I read an article a couple of years ago about how Sweden have hundreds of cases of people who have been charged with rape and fled the country, and in literally none of them have they tried to get the person sent back. That pretty much tells you all you need to know about their motivation here.

I haven't followed the case in a while, so this is news to me. I still suspect foul play by Sweden though.


If he is as poorly as he claims the UK won't be able to extradite him anywhere until he is fit to travel. I suppose they might just claim that he's fit enough but he could just challenge that in court.


Yes he is. He is wanted for rape in Sweden, but everybody believes that is just an excuse so he can be shipped off to the US.

I read an article a couple of years ago about how Sweden have hundreds of cases of people who have been charged with rape and fled the country, and in literally none of them have they tried to get the person sent back. That pretty much tells you all you need to know about their motivation here.

Well that obviously depends on where they decide to flee to. Getting someone back from the UK is rather simple thanks to the European Extradition Treaty, all you have to do is issue a European Arrest Warrant and things pretty much take care of themselves. As this farce has proven for two years now extraditing someone from a country like Ecuador is another matter entirely.

He's wanted on serious charges. Are you seriously suggesting that he should get a get out of of jail free card just because he's a paranoid celebrity who has happened to have done some good in the past and because "everyone" has apparently fallen for a conspiracy theory?


Plus he has not even been charged with rape, Sweden just required extradition so as to be able to question him.

And extraditing him back to the good old US of A as soon as he enters Swedish territory of course.

Which still makes no sense, as it's much easier to extradite him from the UK than Sweden.

Also of note is that there isn't any argument that Assange committed a criminal offence by skipping his bail in the UK, which will almost certainly carry a jail sentence in and of itself.


Plus he has not even been charged with rape, Sweden just required extradition so as to be able to question him.

And extraditing him back to the good old US of A as soon as he enters Swedish territory of course.

He can't be charged with rape at this stage of the proceedings according to Swedish law. The police need to finish their investigation before charges can be made and they can't do that without interrogating Assange first. As far as the UK court that signed off on the extradition request is concerned he's as good as charged according to UK law. It's just a matter of semantics.

Any request to extradite him to the US will have to go through both Swedish and UK courts first and Sweden blocks any extradition requests to countries where the crime can result in the death penalty.


Unconfirmed Member
Not even a little. There was a lot more pressure to convict 4 years ago and nothing coming of the indictment today doesn't mean nothing coming from the indictment then.


Jeez, why do these Assange threads always contain so much misinformation...

I wonder if Sweden really is gonna extradite him to the US after all.

I think Assange has not even been indicted in Sweden, they just want him for interrogation.

Plus he has not even been charged with rape, Sweden just required extradition so as to be able to question him.

And extraditing him back to the good old US of A as soon as he enters Swedish territory of course.

I'm so glad that you've taken the time to learn how the Swedish judiciary system works, I mean its not like the standard procedure is questioning -> arrest. Nope, not at all.

Also, it would be way harder to extradite him from Sweden since 1) The UK would have to agree with the extradition 2) If the crime he is accused of can result in the death penalty (e.g. treason) it would be illegal to extradite him.

He is not wanted for rape.

No, of course not. The accusation of forcing himself on a sleeping woman is not considered rape and has not been considered that by two Swedish courts (and also deemed as rape by a UK one).

Yes he is. He is wanted for rape in Sweden, but everybody believes that is just an excuse so he can be shipped off to the US.

I read an article a couple of years ago about how Sweden have hundreds of cases of people who have been charged with rape and fled the country, and in literally none of them have they tried to get the person sent back. That pretty much tells you all you need to know about their motivation here.

If by everybody you mean conspiritards, there is no evidence at all that an extradition would take place. None.

As for the second part, either you produce a source for that or I'm just going to assume that you wear a tinfoil hat. 'Cause that is some ridiculous bullshit.


The rape case is also a bit dodgy. It was never a forceful "rape"; heb didn't use a condom when the girl expected he did.

And that wasn't even a big issue to her at first. But then she found out he slept with another woman, so they contacted the police. Charges were made and were later dropped. And then the prosecution reopened the case.

It's all highly unusual.


My guess is they are going to pin "Crimes Against Humanity" on him. He's done for sure regardless.

Sweden will extradite him to the US to spend the rest of his days in a cooler. Regardless of whatever he did he will never get a fair trial.


As for the second part, either you produce a source for that or I'm just going to assume that you wear a tinfoil hat. 'Cause that is some ridiculous bullshit.

It is true that Sweden's track record of following up low profile cases is not good.

But that is also utterly unsurprising, no conspiracy required.

The authorities care more about seeming proactive in cases where their every move is reported in the worldwide press? No shit Sherlock. Twas ever thus.


The rape case is also a bit dodgy. It was never a forceful "rape"; heb didn't use a condom when the girl expected he did.

And that wasn't even a big issue to her at first. But then she found out he slept with another woman, so they contacted the police. Charges were made and were later dropped. And then the prosecution reopened the case.

It's all highly unusual.

... Why do people keep insisting that he didn't force himself on anyone? It is not just the condom, he also forced himself on a girl in her sleep. That is rape plain and simple.

Also the charges were picked up on the request of the attorney of one of the girls, not just magically reopened for no reason.

Yup, soon. I'm sure. Oh by soon they're going to start talking to the government about it? So, sometime, but not soon.


It is true that Sweden's track record of following up low profile cases is not good.

But that is also utterly unsurprising, no conspiracy required.

The authorities care more about seeming proactive in cases where their every move is reported in the worldwide press? No shit Sherlock. Twas ever thus.

Well, duh. It's the hundreds of rapists part of his post that is so ridiculous.
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