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July Wrasslin’ |OT-15| Hybrids are Best for Business


It's like being mad that the people don't feel bad for the guy working at Blockbuster during the last week of Blockbuster. If you didn't plan for the closing down of TNA months ago, it's your own fault for having such short-term vision. Not our fault people plugged their fingers in their ears and said, 'lalala not happening.' It's probably why this happened to TNA in the first place. No one can read the writing on the walls.

'Acting like an asshole' is telling a young kid you've got a job for life when he breaks his neck on your show and then footing him with the bill and firing his ass. That's 'acting like an asshole.'

No one's saying TNA wasn't always subpar and always lent itself to running jokes about how bad it could be and that it's surprising that it's managed to last this long. Nothing I saw on there was ever enough to make me want to actively follow it, even through just reading reports. My favorite TNA moment is New Jack sitting in a kiddie pool with Shark Boy, which has zero to do with actual in-ring anything.

If it were someone in this community who lost their job, everyone's tone would be all respectful and kind, not "welp, your fault for not seeing the writing on the wall" and laughing at their expense. Maybe it's different because you don't know the people, I don't know.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
If it were someone in this community who lost their job, everyone's tone would be all respectful and kind, not "welp, your fault for not seeing the writing on the wall" and laughing at their expense. Maybe it's different because you don't know the people, I don't know.

If someone in this community told us that the business they're working for was floundering badly, and that was 6 months ago, we would have been telling them 6 months ago to start looking around for a more secure job. Not to stick around in a sinking ship that is some moron heiress's vanity project. Not to 'ride it out' which is exactly what they were doing.
I'm sure everyone has sympathy for the wrestlers and crew who are out of a job, but I don't think any of the glee taken in TNA's demise is directed towards them - it's directed at the idiots who ran the company into the ground and burned even the most ardent of fans on multiple occasions.


I'm going to enjoy the rest of the ride if this news is actually official. We only have about two months left of TNA, friends. The remaining episodes are sure to go balls to the wall.

I heard on LAW that they probably wouldn't even get to air their go-home show for Bound For Glory in Tokyo?

Interesting times. Not celebrating, as it was nice having an alternative on television. I hope they get picked up by another station. Either that, or GFW becomes great.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Pillman makes me 'meh' pop. Every time I see him have a match, every time he cuts a promo, every time he does anything, I unintentionally yawn.

He's not bad. He's just nothing. Cool look in WWF though.


Who knows? From here, TNA could:

1. Fold and close
2. Find a new television station
3. Go to a PPV-only model
4. Do the ROH thing where they go small-scale with a hardcore following of fans...but not sure they'd have the money to keep their talent that way

It's going to be fascinating reading TNA news from now until October.


If someone in this community told us that the business they're working for was floundering badly, and that was 6 months ago, we would have been telling them 6 months ago to start looking around for a more secure job. Not to stick around in a sinking ship that is some moron heiress's vanity project. Not to 'ride it out' which is exactly what they were doing.

So when the company did die, would you be all "ahahahaha" and tell them to go work fast food and shit? Of course not, because regardless of the person's situation or motivations, that's a shitty way to be. That's all I was trying to say. Now I'm done.


No one's saying TNA wasn't always subpar and always lent itself to running jokes about how bad it could be and that it's surprising that it's managed to last this long. Nothing I saw on there was ever enough to make me want to actively follow it, even through just reading reports. My favorite TNA moment is New Jack sitting in a kiddie pool with Shark Boy, which has zero to do with actual in-ring anything.

If it were someone in this community who lost their job, everyone's tone would be all respectful and kind, not "welp, your fault for not seeing the writing on the wall" and laughing at their expense. Maybe it's different because you don't know the people, I don't know.

I am, anyone who says TNA was always bad or mediocre didn't watch TNA, they were hot shit for a long time

Daniels was (and Mike Modest) were a part of WCW near the end too, I think Daniels even got a contract or was offered but then WCW died and Modest might've gotten one too because the match's gimmick before Scott Steiner showed up is that one of them would one. I still remember Daniels botching his running springboard moonsault and landing right on the top of his head which fucked up his neck for awhile if I remember correctly, I e-mailed him the day after it happened don't remember how the back and forth went though, it's been like 13 and a half years.


I'm going to enjoy the rest of the ride if this news is actually official. We only have about two months left of TNA, friends. The remaining episodes are sure to go balls to the wall.

I heard on LAW that they probably wouldn't even get to air their go-home show for Bound For Glory in Tokyo?

Interesting times. Not celebrating, as it was nice having an alternative on television. I hope they get picked up by another station. Either that, or GFW becomes great.

Probably not because they record so far in advance.


I wonder how many will venture into Jarrett's company. Lots of talented guys. Wouldn't be surprised if Angle and Meth Hardy went back into WWE in some fashion. RVD did it. Angle might not wrestle, though.

Joe, Roode, and Aries are fun to watch, but I doubt they reach out of them due to their ages (even though WWE's current midcard/undercard is as mediocre as it gets).

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Daniels was (and Mike Modest) were a part of WCW near the end too, I think Daniels even got a contract or was offered but then WCW died and Modest might've gotten one too because the match's gimmick before Scott Steiner showed up is that one of them would one. I still remember Daniels botching his running springboard moonsault and landing right on the top of his head which fucked up his neck for awhile if I remember correctly, I e-mailed him the day after it happened don't remember how the back and forth went though, it's been like 13 and a half years.

Chris Harris was in WCW towards the end too
I am, anyone who says TNA was always bad or mediocre didn't watch TNA, they were hot shit for a long time

Yup, they did a great job back in the day of pulling me back into wrestling when I got bored of the WWE ~2003. They were different, fresh and had a great energy about them. If it wasn't for TNA, CHIKARA and dipping in and out of ROH I probably wouldn't have returned to watching wrestling (and eventually WWE).

I think TWC helped at this time too tbh, as that was free to watch. Just did a quick search of the TWC's website:

TWC regrets to inform it’s viewers, that after almost 3 years of being the home to TNA Wrestling in the UK, TNA have now signed an exclusive deal with another UK network commencing on the 1st of January 2007. As disappointed as we are, we understand that this is a natural progression for a company that is growing as fast as TNA; we are happy to have been a part of their growth in the UK, and wish them all the best in the future!

Fun times! 2003-2006 a ton of free wrestling to watch.

I'm really starting to wonder if ChallengeTV are wondering about picking TNA up or not, as I'm sure it's one of it's top shows.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
What will be the lasting remnants of TNA? What will be the echo? What was their profound effect on the wrestling product? Will anyone remember TNA in 10 years?

The remnants of WCW. Booker T and Sting are the biggest examples of this to me. And Flair. And NWO t-shirts. And even Goldberg is remembered in modern WWE. Guaranteed contracts. Luchadores on mainstream tv and a more open international relationship in general. Live weekly wrestling shows. The company that beat Vince McMahon.

The remnants of ECW. Paul Heyman, Rob Van Dam, hardcore wrestling becoming more popular in general, the 'smart indie crowd'(didn't say it was all good stuff) , showing that the 'little guy' could make it without daddy warbucks.

The remnants of TNA...... AJ? Even if you were to say AJ Styles, remember that he spent the last several years of his career in TNA involved in some of the worst angles TNA has ever had. Samoa Joe? Again, made into a joke after months of TNA dropping the ball on him. No one cares if Samoa Joe showed up at WWE. Maybe 5 people. King of the Mountain matches? lolnope Ultimate X matches? lolnope. Sorry X-division, sorry Knockouts division, I am so sorry. All your hard work was for nothing because of how TNA completely floundered it.

That leaves only one...

What will be the lasting remnants of TNA? What will be the echo? What was their profound effect on the wrestling product? Will anyone remember TNA in 10 years?

Scott Steiner Promos, Kevin Nash Promos, Alex Shelly Promos, Jay Lethal as Macho Man, Shark Boy, Shark Boy as Stone Cold..! How could you not remember this!!!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Two things I like about that GIF; the one girl marking the hell out, and what looks like the depressed Sting fan from Wrestlemania30 being depressed.

I'm a fan of Christy reacting before she sees the logo. Bless Jeff Hardy girl for attempting to give a shit about Taz join Aces and Eights.


Listening to the LAW it sound like Russo might be the reason they didn't renew. It would be so fitting if he delivered another death blow to a wrestling promotion.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'm watching WCW Saturday Night, and they're talking about Flair being retired.

They're talking about Flair being retired in 95. Is Ric Flair's retirement the longest running angle in all of wrestling history?
Terry Funk's got him beat by about 11 years.

I always liked how Terry retired about a dozen times, but Dory just kept going. Hell, he wrestled in Japan this past weekend for Akiyama's AJPW.
I'm happy that some of the workers on the roster will now end up performing in places that I can actually stomach watching them, and I hope none of them end up losing too much money.

But it's not like they always got paid by TNA.

Really, I won't miss it.


The Undertaker's streak was the longest angle in wrestling history. Flair's retirement might be the second.

I'll always love my Best of the X Division DVDS. Oh man, I can't wait for the DVDS to hit ridiculous clearance prices if TNA does in fact decide to fold. 2 bucks per DVD, please!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'm pretty hyped about this tag match at Clash of the Champions. Big Bossman & Quake vs Sting & Savage.

Quake vs Sting could be awesome.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Angle needs to go to WWE as a manager or GM. His mic work was hilarious.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
This WCW Saturday Night has a bumper for Movies For Guys Who Like Movies. This Sunday, it'll be Clint Eastwood in The Enforcer.

Man, I miss the Superstation.


I recall someone here pointing out that if TNA ended it October, it would have lasted nearly the same exact length of time that WCW lasted.


I never watched TNA at it's peak but, even when I watched in the last couple of years, I always thought they had tons of potential. They simply couldn't capitalize on that.

Aries winning the title at Destination X was great, he was over as fuck as a face but then they turned him heel just to put the title on Hardy at BFG. Just wasted the goodwill they had built with Aries and Roode's six month reign. Just a big waste.

Bully Ray's heel turn was also very well executed. Great segment and enough build up that everything felt right. It also came at a moment when they went on the road and it seemed like things were moving at a nice pace. But, again, they couldn't capitalize on that. They tried to keep the momentum going with the Main Event Mafia and it kind of worked but then they put the title on Sabin (even if he still looked weak as shit in the process) and then put the title back on Bully again accomplishing nothing in the process. AJ Styles was being built as the guy that was going to take the title of Bully but now it meant less. At this time they involved Dixie in all of this and just watered it down. Just bad.

I stopped watching after that but it sums up the biggest problem they have in my eyes. They have the tools but just can't capitalize on them. It's a shame.

EDIT: Totally forgot they also brought in the MMA guys at the end of the Aces and Eights angle. What a clusterfuck the ending to that whole angle was.

Fox Mulder

Who knows? From here, TNA could:

1. Fold and close
2. Find a new television station
3. Go to a PPV-only model
4. Do the ROH thing where they go small-scale with a hardcore following of fans...but not sure they'd have the money to keep their talent that way

It's going to be fascinating reading TNA news from now until October.

there's like 1 million channels, how can they not find one. WWE had a hard time, but TNA is probably peanuts compared to their price.


there's like 1 million channels, how can they not find one. WWE had a hard time, but TNA is probably peanuts compared to their price.

Apparently the Spike deal is pretty good and were losing money on that still. Getting a deal with less money would still accelerate their dash to the coffin.
I've heard rumblings of Spike Tv looking at AJPW to fill the void. Semi related, I've heard rumblings of Chikara being in negotiations for a tv deal with another network. Company intrigued by their seasonal format.
I've heard rumblings of Chikara being in negotiations for a tv deal with another network. Company intrigued by their seasonal format.

I was thinking about this last night! They're got the 'perfect' receipe for TV. They Comic-Book Wrestling, with Seasons centered around a central plot with many sub-plots. They wrap most things up within that Season and they have a break.

I was even thinking they could do an Infinite Crisis style 'reboot' story before starting on TV, to rehash old storylines!


I've heard rumblings of Spike Tv looking at AJPW to fill the void. Semi related, I've heard rumblings of Chikara being in negotiations for a tv deal with another network. Company intrigued by their seasonal format.

Isn't AJPW in similar shambles like TNA, albeit for totally different reasons? I thought the promotion crumbled heavily with the Wrestle-1 exodus.
Isn't AJPW in similar shambles like TNA, albeit for totally different reasons? I thought the promotion crumbled heavily with the Wrestle-1 exodus.

All Japan's having to rebuild under Akiyama's leadership after the previous owner (Shiraishi) was ousted - they're in no position to challenge for any sort of international market.
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