If Vince could get away from wrestling he would.
I would love to actually know if he actually enjoys raw or wrestling.
I would assume not since he more or less said "Why do you nerds watch this shit" with Bayley, This Is Your Life
If Vince could get away from wrestling he would.
I would love to actually know if he actually enjoys raw or wrestling.
I'm probably in the minority in WrassleGAF, but I see the promos and stories way more important than the ring workThen why even have the wrestling? WWE may as well be a soap opera with more dudes without shirts if this is how you view it.
Great Balls of Fire, it's hot today!
If Vince could get away from wrestling he would.
I would love to actually know if he actually enjoys raw or wrestling.
Think in terms of a TV show: New Japan is a procedural and WWE is serialised - in NJPW the execution itself is the story, whereas in WWE it's just a means to further the story.
I'm probably in the minority in WrassleGAF, but I see the promos and stories way more important than the ring work
AJ and Nakamura are great on the ring, but why should I care if they're fighting against each other at some big pay per view?
I need a story, I need a reason to why these guys want to punch each other in the face, even if it's a extremely dumb reason (like almost always is a dumb reason)
Animu shirt or Wrestling shirt?
Animu shirt or Wrestling shirt?
I miss when WWF/WWE at least pretended like it was still a sport. One of my favorite things about the New Generation era was that they still attempted to maintain some level of suspension of disbelief.
what animu
Or... or... the
Animu shirt or Wrestling shirt?
Or... or... the
I finally bought Resident Evil 7. Maybe I'll play it by Halloweentime. Probz not, though.
If you think about it, all lives matter. - Randy Orton
I was thinking the same thing!
DBZ shirt vs WCW Shirt?
It's very rare to see a good wrestling shirt.
It's damn near impossible to find an anime shirt that doesn't scream "basement-dweller".
You should have exactly eight ounces of Buff Bagwell injected into your bloodstream each day.Zach. How much Buff Bagwell is too much?
GoatI've owned a DBZ shirt, never had a wrestling shirt.
It was middle school so anything goes, but I'll say DBZ.
I ain't mad at that.
You should have exactly eight ounces of Buff Bagwell injected into your bloodstream each day.
Probably the most #safe shirt of all time.Yeah, if you're wearing an anime shirt and you're older than 16 years old you're going to get that look no matter what. I saw an average adult walking around on 4th of July with the classic purple Macho Man shirt and nobody even cared
Yeah, if you're wearing an anime shirt and you're older than 16 years old you're going to get that look no matter what. I saw an average adult walking around on 4th of July with the classic purple Macho Man shirt and nobody even cared
Am playing through Blood and Wine
Good wrestling shirt. Bonus points for not being black. I can't count the number of black t-shirts I have thanks to wrestling and music shirts.
It's a good time.
I'd just tell people it's a Dwight Yoakam shirt. >_>
But seriously, that shirt shouldn't be worn by a grown man. It looks childish. You've really rubbed me the wrong way, Motley Cruz.
Probably the most #safe shirt of all time.
Good wrestling shirt. Bonus points for not being black. I can't count the number of black t-shirts I have thanks to wrestling and music shirts.