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Marty has this pro wrestling shit figured out

Does he have complex motives?


Strowman is 100% all look and that's fine because with that look he really doesn't need to do anything. I want to see him throw around guys and I want to see a guy like Brock throw him around. That's it.

The weird thing is that I think I would be fully behind that mindset if he just had a little something more. I dunno, he's missing "it". I think "it" in this case is lacking a personality.


Supposedly Strowman is more athletic than he appears. Vince won't let him lose.
In a PG era with no jobbers there are diminshing returns with size without Brock like mobility.

All Stroman does is stand still. He's finished is supposed to make him look tall and they already fed him to Reigns plus Bork exposed him.

They should be booking Stroman like a God but that would overshadow reigns and HHHs pet project in Bray.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Its not like Strowman sucks in the ring. He has potential and is coachable.

Unless you're like OwensIsNow and basing it off of his win/loss % which is just


Supposedly Strowman is more athletic than he appears. Vince won't let him lose.
Dude is a strong powerlifter that weighs in over 370 lbs.

He would probably beat everyone there aside from Mark Henry in a deadlift competition but he needed more time in NXT like a Bobby Lashley.

Vince sees a guy and wants to push him fast.
The only advantage CM Punk has over another straight wrestler going into MMA is that he trained in MMA while he was wrestling and used some of that in his style.

Daniel Bryan did the same thing.

I don't think either of them would make a great MMA fighter.
Just because Punk taped his hands and has a bunch of tattoos and took beginner MMA courses doesn't make him a tough guy.
I've been unable to take Strowman seriously since finding out the guy when in developmental (also alongside Simon Gotch and Becky Lynch) first appeared as one of the original Rosebuds for Adam Rose.



Like I said...Strowman is buried too deep to keep this character or any of its history.
Walk away, cover your recognizable face, and get creative to package together a monster to take over kane and taker's wrestling spots in the ring. Long term investment to keep a proven successful gimmick on the card, with a guy who has proven he can bump and put folks over already. He'd do well under such a gimmick, but his face is sunk. He's gonna have to go full Kane and wear a mask for quite awhile. No recovering his face just yet to the public. This gimmick damaged his face's value because its only memorable as the face of someone who gets toppled by cooler dudes and that takes orders from weirdos that lose every feud.


Here is the top 5 views from Raw from last week on youtube:

1. 3.5 million the 16 man tag
2. 2.2 million Wyatts invite New Day to their compound
3. 1.8 million Enzo and Cass help Cena
4. 1.4 million Dean and Rollins
5. 968,000 Rusev vs Titus

I guess people wanted to see that tag match after missing it due to holiday.
This seems to be the only Becky botch known of outside of last week which was on both her and Summer and the Natalya trip (two of which were at least acknowledged), Becky being able to get herself over after that disaster of a first gimmick proves she's got talent and the Emma thing was either someone forgetting to break the pin or Becky being legit knocked out for a few seconds judging by how limp she goes after the move connects.
The neat thing about Rosebud Strowman is that it gives us a sneak peak at his inevitable dancing gimmick when this Wyatt thing falls to pieces.


does anyone know why cedric alexander's kneepad has "816" on it when he is from north carolina? Would like to know because I am from kansas city.
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