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Who's really getting the last laugh though? Vince has to explain to USA why he pretty much tanked Smackdown.

If the ratings continue to go down, USA or NBC Universal may not even want it at all.

I didn't say it made sense. Vince is a crazy old man who thinks he is right all the time.

Even if they lost their tv deals they'd still be the biggest because no other network wants wrestling.


Cena, Kane and Orton could be used to put young talent over....


... Who am I kidding
Look how long they kept Balor down there. It seems to have worked because everyone at Smackdown knew who Balor was (and are ready for Bayley whenever they decide to pull the trigger.)

So move up the guys who are ready to go and build new stars before the next draft. That's NXT's job in the first place.



Cesaro shooting. Kalisto lucha thing, D. Bry trying to come up with an intelligent answer for the picks, Booker burying Roman.

It truly was a treasure trove.

I missed the part where Booker buried Reigns. I don't wanna watch the whole show again. I've looked on youtube and found nothing.


I like Striker in LU, but completely agree on those last two. Still on the fence with the intergender stuff.

I don't really mind them fighting with the men but they don't emphasize their speed advantage (which I don't even know if Sexy Star would have been capable of anyway.) I think of Ivelisse as basically a cruiserweight which puts her at a disadvantage but not incapable of having an upset. Think of someone like Asuka who can hit you with lightning fast kicks or counter into a rolling armbar before you can even know what happened. That's believable vs a normal sized guy.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
From Raw, this is what I am interested in seeing:
- Owens and Cesaro with something to prove. Obviously it's not all up to them on how far they go and the writers could write them into the corner, as usual, but if they are given the chance to reach for the main event, that would be excellent.

- What the hell are they going to do with Braun Strowman? Will they have Wyatt storylines on two different shows or will he be going his own way and start receiving singles matches? Regardless of the outcome, curious to see how this plays out.

- Cruiserweight division in general.

- New Day breaking up. Now that the main Wyatts are tied to Smackdown, New Day has to move to a new storyline. I'm guessing they are on their way down, which means Enzo/Cass and The Club will have time to start receiving a bigger push towards title contention.

- Interested in seeing how they utilize Balor. I'd like to see him recruited by The Club, ala NWO/Sting, but in his situation, he accepts.

- Zayn now has an easier route to the top as a face with Ambrose, Styles, Cena, and Orton on Smackdown. He primarily will be competing with Reigns, Cesaro, part-time Lesnar, and Finn unless there are individuals that change from heels to faces such as Rollins or Jericho.

From Smackdown, what I am curious to see would be:
- Does Styles stay "heel" and who exactly will be the top heels on this side. Wyatt, Miz, Corbin, Del Rio, and potentially Orton are the choices right now. Kane isn't going to cut it in the long run.

- Becky getting more time to wrestle, but she will need more talent to compete against besides Natalya and Alexa. I hope Carmella and Alexa continue to develop since both have improved in NXT. With Eva being called back up, I am guessing she will get the spotlight for a bit against Becky after the Natalya feud concludes.

- Zack Ryder in general -- will he continue to stay solo and try to recapture momentum what he had 4-5 years ago or will he be relegated to giving Mojo the rub.

- Second chances for Breeze/Fandango and The Vaudevillains. Even the Ascension have a second chance to get some air time and do something. Outside of the tag side, wondering if Apollo Crews will be able to do something more than 3-5 minute matches and have actual storylines.

- Excited to see Gable and Jordan move up. If the Usos stay "tweeners" then they should be able to put together fun matches since Usos are athletic enough to help get them over.

Lastly, I wonder which brands Emma, Slater, Harper, Nikki Bella, Tamina, and The Undertaker will be associated with. Best guess is that Nikki and Slater will go to Raw, Emma, Harper and Tamina going to Smackdown. Triple H and Undertaker being on both shows, along with The Rock.

The rosters are still paper thing and a few more injuries will cripple each side, so I hope WWE has more in store in terms of signing more talent (which they have indicated for the Cruiserweight division) and bringing up more NXT talent (Bayley, Dillinger, Samoa Joe, and Asuka should be brought up within the next 4-8 months). NXT still needs more talent, especially now that their women's division is not as developed as it was before the majority of the "four horsewomen" were called up.
So move up the guys who are ready to go and build new stars before the next draft. That's NXT's job in the first place.
I definitely agree in Bayley's case. Since Takeover Dallas she's been in the exact same position as Balor

Give her one last big match and move her up.

If they bring in Nia on sunday instead of Bayley I wouldn't be surprised if the fans give her a Roman reaction and chant for Bayley all match


I haven't seen a lot of intergender matches, but I think Sara Del Rey vs Eddie Kingston from Chikara is a good standard for intergender matches.

If you've ever wanted to see a woman piledrive a man roughly the size of Kevin Owens, that match is for you.

I have no idea where you'd find it other than on a Chikara DVD.


I posted about it in the ot thread but fuck it

Cass killed it on the network exclusive draft show. His improv outshined Enzo's improv, and proved that the guy has the chops to make the character work super well when talking. The scripts he must be getting completely shut out the great personality he can bring to the character


So move up the guys who are ready to go and build new stars before the next draft. That's NXT's job in the first place.

They've definitely faltered there at least with the women. The one they were pushing the most just got moved to the roster (which might indicate it was a true surprise.)

The tag division in NXT is fine with Gargano/Ciampa, Revival, and TM61 on the rise.

The men's singles has a lot of ex-TNA talent who I really can't speak much on but the company seems happy to let them carry the weight for awhile.

Sure it'd be fun to see Samoa Joe vs Brock but he's doing great where he is and if this is going to be where he ends his career at least we got him at his best again.


They really should have just done nothing but the draft on that show and let the first 30 have ring entrances rather than try to cram in some shitty 2 minute (or less) matches.


Someone posted it here, or the draft thread.

Basically he said.

All the fans hate Roman.

That wasn't even the first time he said it. He also pointed out that Reigns came out to a chorus of boos at WM and when he comes back he is going to get booed as well. Booker going into business for the boys it looks like


The draft show was one of the sloppiest WWE productions I have ever seen. People constantly stumbling over lines, forgetting lines, stepping on each other's lines, blowing cues, sniping each other while half on the mic.

The whole production felt constantly rushed and the performers and production people couldn't keep in time.

The wrestling was meaningless and a terrible lead in to Battleground.


Did anyone other than Roman even get booed during the draft picks?

When they were hyping up an NXT woman draft, the crowd (sorry, universe) got super hot and started cheering until it was revealed as Nia Jax, then they instantly became silent and the cut away to the commentators showed almost everyone out there looking MEGA pissed off. Like they realized they had intentionally been duped. A sea of angry faces. Not much for boos as I don't think they dislike Nia , they just felt mega burned

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Isn't Mojo considered valuable because he's personal friends with Rob Gronkowski?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Ah, I see.

Nobody outside of the US cares about your sports.

It makes me laugh how Europe-GAFfers will climb over each just to be the first to point out that non-Americans don't care about the NFL as though this is a relevant point to any discussion ever other than "why did NFL Europe fail?"

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm still gonna need to see the video to believe that Jericho beat Goldberg in a fight.


Hey, if Bayley doesn't show up at the PPV, at least my fantasy timeline could still come true...

2017: WWE makes contact (with Bayley)
2018: Bayley climbs to the mountaintop
2019: Bayley is solidified as the face of the women's division
2020: Bayley defeats a Monster of the Week, a la Hogan in the '80s
2021: Bayley is over 30, a little mom-ish
2022: Bayley's biggest fans are becoming adults
2023: The Bayley Demographic, now fully grown and six years into Trump's presidency, becomes cold and cynical
2024: WWE continues to milk the increasingly waning Bayleymania
2025: Bayley turns on the WWE Universe and Hollywood Bayley emerges; Stephanie McMahon is elected President of the United States
2026: After a year of watching Hollywood Bayley's reign of terror from the rafters, Aurora Rose defeats the now disgustingly elderly Hollywood Bayley at Starrcade



So not worth it
It makes me laugh how Europe-GAFfers will climb over each just to be the first to point out that non-Americans don't care about the NFL as though this is a relevant point to any discussion ever other than "why did NFL Europe fail?"

It is relevant when a "global brand" is said to hire a guy because of his ties to a celebrity that nobody outside of the US will know.
I'm still gonna need to see the video to believe that Jericho beat Goldberg in a fight.
Ah man, I spent so many hours doing research on that back in the day. I was proud of Jericho. Then someone tried to start the fire again in maybe 2006
by saying they got in an argument at an autograph signing or something. Chris debunked it saying he was with his son the entire day.
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