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The Rock never used a Jackhammer, so there is no reason the Rock's cousin should be expected to be an expert in executing the Jackhammer.

Is Rocky Johnson never using the sharpshooter the excuse for Rock's shitty variation of that? This relative notion could send shockwaves throughout the wrasslin world


The RNC IS wrestling.Ted Cruz with the last minute chairshot to the back.

It would be the best wrestling but it actually has concrete consequences on society itself so that makes it the worst wrestling.

Ted went into business for himself last night.
Until Sunday, my man Rusev as the US champ is now the top dog of Raw.



Opening minutes of this weeks lapsed fan:

"It was impressive how they pivoted from the Austin injury and continued to grow"


"They were so hot even acts of dubious quality like 2 Cool were outrageously over"


"Felt like there was a real direction to the product"


"The tits and sexism is also what made it good and pussy ass investors are one of the big reasons wrestling is bad nowadays"


Dunno if I can force myself through this one for another 6 hours of Attitude Era masterbation.


Johnny Gargano says he'll have an important announcement tomorrow regarding his future

Aren't he and Ciampa set to become full time NXT guys?

No surprises there. They're gonna be recruiting like mad, and Gargomel/Chomper already had their part time deals, makes sense to bring them in full time.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Opening minutes of this weeks lapsed fan:

"It was impressive how they pivoted from the Austin injury and continued to grow"

"They were so hot even acts of dubious quality like 2 Cool were outrageously over"

"Felt like there was a real direction to the product"

"The tits and sexism is also what made it good and pussy ass investors are one of the big reasons wrestling is bad nowadays"

Dunno if I can force myself through this one for another 6 hours of Attitude Era masterbation.

lmao this is a real show? Seven hours of this? Is that how low the bar is? (yes)

none of you are actually falling for this heath thing are you?


Have you seen this thread? Of course

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
for sure. i went back to watch a few episodes and several promos. I dont know, I think the Rock was front and center of that culture. some of his promos are cringeworthy.

Oh they're terrible.

Sad thing is, you had to do what was popular, so it was magnified a thousandfold.

Attitude Era remains worst era.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I don't know how you can like The Attitude Era and forget the sexism

It's like me trying to ignore run-ins when talking about liking WCW

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I don't know how you can like The Attitude Era and forget the sexism

It's like me trying to ignore run-ins when talking about liking WCW

You can't, really. It's all there, all the time. It's an oppressive blanket of shit. And goddamn the wrestling was poor for 95% of it, if not more.
No way Attitude Era is worse than Authority Era. Been listening to a lot of old Bryan and Vinny shows for some reason and those RAWs were straight up painful.

MC Safety

The only good thing to emerge from the attitude era was Stone Cold hitting Vince McMahon with the bedpan.

So much awfulness emerged from the attitude era: choppee choppee, Mae Young, Katie Vick, etc.. But maybe the worst was when Vince McMahon started believing Vince McMahon was the greatest thing to ever happen to wrestling.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The only good thing to emerge from the attitude era was Stone Cold hitting Vince McMahon with the bedpan.

So much awfulness emerged from the attitude era: choppee choppee, Mae Young, Katie Vick, etc.. But maybe the worst was when Vince McMahon started believing Vince McMahon was the greatest thing to ever happen to wrestling.

I can't agree with that last part. He delivered. And don't forget, the whole Austin/McMahon feud that everyone loved so much, well, half of that was Vince.

Ric Flair

You can't, really. It's all there, all the time. It's an oppressive blanket of shit. And goddamn the wrestling was poor for 95% of it, if not more.

The wrestling was poor? I mean, Austin wasn't the most amazing wrestler technically speaking (after his neck injuries) but he always told an interesting story in the ring, which imo is the most important part of a wrestling match. Rock was amazing on the mic and could sell like a motherfucker in the ring. There was a ton of unique talent, guys that had unique personalities. The wrestling itself is only a small part of what makes the show entertaining. I'd watch the rock and mankind interact on the mic any day over two dudes doing backflips and overly choreographed flips and what-have-you. The sexism is funny imo, makes the show totally campy. Is it wrong? Absolutely, and it should never have been on TV in the first place. But its pretty funny to watch something that is completely tasteless and classless on such a grand stage taking place. If I want to watch a technically sound wrestling match I'll put on an NWA tape or a Mutoh match.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The wrestling was poor? I mean, Austin wasn't the most amazing wrestler technically speaking (after his neck injuries) but he always told an interesting story in the ring, which imo is the most important part of a wrestling match. Rock was amazing on the mic and could sell like a motherfucker in the ring. There was a ton of unique talent, guys that had unique personalities. The wrestling itself is only a small part of what makes the show entertaining. I'd watch the rock and mankind interact on the mic any day over two dudes doing backflips and overly choreographed flips and what-have-you. The sexism is funny imo, makes the show totally campy. Is it wrong? Absolutely, and it should never have been on TV in the first place. But its pretty funny to watch something that is completely tasteless and classless on such a grand stage taking place. If I want to watch a technically sound wrestling match I'll put on an NWA tape or a Mutoh match.

The main event scene was mostly okay. There were some good standouts. However, outside of the Attitude era, the wrestling improved a significant amount.

Raw is 3 hours long.

This is worse than what the Attitude era was peddling?


What's so bad about our current era?

  • Roman Reigns getting a Lex Luger push
  • Create/booking decisions that make no sense at all [WrestleMania 32, the Draft]
  • Completely stale presentation
  • 3 hour long Raws
  • Way too many PPVs
  • Awful camera work
  • Stephanie McMahon
  • Gimmick matches like Hell in a Cell and Ladder matches have lost any mystique to them due to overexposure
I'm sure I could think of more stuff to list off, but this era sucks. At the very least, the Attitude Era brought some interesting shit to the table like Heel Bret Hart & Austin/McMahon

Ric Flair

The main event scene was mostly okay. There were some good standouts. However, outside of the Attitude era, the wrestling improved a significant amount.

This is worse than what the Attitude era was peddling?

Oh I'd definitely agree with that. The hardcore bullshit dragged that whole era down big time as well. There's nothing exciting about watching two guys needlessly bash eachother over the head with stop signs and trash cans for twenty minutes before bleeding out in the ring. The wrestling today is consistently more solid.


  • Roman Reigns getting a Lex Luger push
  • Create/booking decisions that make no sense at all [WrestleMania 32, the Draft]
  • Completely stale presentation
  • 3 hour long Raws
  • Way too many PPVs
  • Awful camera work
  • Stephanie McMahon
  • Gimmick matches like Hell in a Cell and Ladder matches have lost any mystique to them due to overexposure
I'm sure I could think of more stuff to list off, but this era sucks.

100% agree.

I won't defend certain elements of the previous eras, but the above points are enough to turn people away by the droves.

Also, you forgot JBL.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
  • Roman Reigns getting a Lex Luger push
  • Create/booking decisions that make no sense at all [WrestleMania 32, the Draft]
  • Completely stale presentation
  • 3 hour long Raws
  • Way too many PPVs
  • Awful camera work
  • Stephanie McMahon
  • Gimmick matches like Hell in a Cell and Ladder matches have lost any mystique to them due to overexposure
I'm sure I could think of more stuff to list off, but this era sucks. At the very least, the Attitude Era brought some interesting shit to the table like Heel Bret Hart & Austin/McMahon
this is worse than what Attitude era was doing with hate? I think it's hands down a better time and place than the Attitude era. Those things you listed are tiny, tiny things - and some would argue aren't even problems. Attitude era has a shitload of problems, a metric shitload - the impact it had to people, to wrestlers, to culture, it was all negative and terrible.

We are in a GREAT place right now.

MC Safety

I can't agree with that last part. He delivered. And don't forget, the whole Austin/McMahon feud that everyone loved so much, well, half of that was Vince.

The best part was the bedpan shot, not the feud. I probably could have made that more clear.

Also, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. And every week you suck down a 20-25 minute promotional by a McMahon about how great it is to be a McMahon. That's been going on since the attitude era, when Vince told himself he should be the star of his programming.

Ric Flair

I don't think I'd say wrestling is in a great place at the moment. The ratings are pretty bad, even for cable subscriptions being down. They need to scale back how much they're doing and focus on quality over quantity. Vince needs to go, he isn't helping the product at this point from all that we've heard. HHH needs to take over, he's shown he's got the chops from NXT.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The best part was the bedpan shot, not the feud. I probably could have made that more clear.

Also, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. And every week you suck down a 20-25 minute promotional by a McMahon about how great it is to be a McMahon. That's been going on since the attitude era, when Vince told himself he should be the star of his programming.

but but but

god-tier promo

I don't think I'd say wrestling is in a great place at the moment. The ratings are pretty bad, even for cable subscriptions being down. They need to scale back how much they're doing and focus on quality over quantity. Vince needs to go, he isn't helping the product at this point from all that we've heard. HHH needs to take over, he's shown he's got the chops from NXT.

I think this is where we differ - I don't even consider ratings. They affect me at an absolute zero.

Board of Directors doesn't want Triple H taking over considering he never had schoolin'. Experience helps, and he needs more.


The Vince McMahon angle in the attitude era was great however it doomed us to 20 more years of bad heel authority figure angles. I don't think Vince actually understood what made that angle work, which is why he's had that set on repeat ever since with constantly diminishing results.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The Vince McMahon angle in the attitude era was great however it doomed us to 20 more years of bad heel authority figure angles. I don't think Vince actually understood what made that angle work, which is why he's had that set on repeat ever since with constantly diminishing results.

Nah we had em before McMahon, it's been a mainstay for a long time. We have em in LU and nobody complains. I think you just hate the McMahons.

This will hurt Cena when he runs for president.

Nah he'll be fine. Address it for what it is - this is acting in a movie.


Nah we had em before McMahon, it's been a mainstay for a long time. We have em in LU and nobody complains. I think you just hate the McMahons.

Nah he'll be fine. Address it for what it is - this is acting in a movie.

Hmmmf. Guess so.

Nothing has stopped Trump.

Cena will just have to run as GOP. If the party even exists at that point.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
FallingEdge is wearing the most godawful shoes right now



Nah we had em before McMahon, it's been a mainstay for a long time. We have em in LU and nobody complains. I think you just hate the McMahons.

In the context of WWE, heel authority figures were never really a thing until the Attitude Era. In fact authority figures in WWE before that were mostly invisible characters who only showed up to help push forward an angle between two wrestlers.

Pre-Attitude era authority figures and post-Attitude era authority figures are basically night and day from each other. And now we're stuck with Stephanie, who's the worst aspects of Vince without some of the common sense Vince had.

Nah he'll be fine. Address it for what it is - this is acting in a movie.

That sure helped Linda McMahon
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