Good camouflage for the double chinRoman looks pretty badass with a beard not gonna lie.
Booing Roman = Trying to be smart and not having fun?House show crowds aren't concerned with identifying themselves as Smart and are more concerned with having fun.
Booing Roman = Trying to be smart and not having fun?
When he does a dope spot ala AJ/Reigns and the crowd explodes in excitement, composes themselves, and then 30-45 seconds later does a "you still suck" chant-yup, that's trying to be smart. That's the exact opposite of an organic response, it's manchildren with agendas ignoring the story being told in the ring for the sake of their preconeived narratives.
Sonic has always been and will always be Garbo.
Sonic looks so fucking awful. They just released episode 4 a few years back and think the same ideas I'll work again?! I have no idea why gaming side is losing their shit over this. Sonic has always been and will always be Garbo.
Fuck Netflix and its geoblocking
WORLDWIDE web you idiots
Stupid idiots!
OMG Tama's gear :lol :lol
I think Dementia actually came from idiots having the nerve to headbutt samoans. You just don't do it son!Barry ‏@TheBarrylad 2m2 minutes ago
Have any wrestling vets gotten annoyed at gifs of wrestlers headbutting each other into early onset dementia or is it just flips?
delivering a shit product for years and thinking people will forgive it if you cash in on nostalgia for the 50th time?
sounds familiar
I had all these fucking Kane figs for some reason. And some I couldn't find pictures of. And I've never been a Kanenite. Never have, never will.
I'd watch it.
Then chairshot you, put them all in the MITB briefcase and escape.
I have a box of random wrestling figures in my closet. I should do an unboxing video... even though they're all open and just happen to be in a box.
Dude looks like he put on some weight in the past month.
He's not on speed anymore.
Dude looks like he put on some weight in the past month.
After years of being booed and hated by the audience, despite the company's best efforts to make it work... He has finally returned after an all-time low in a way that will connect with the fans
Believe that
Dude looks like he put on some weight in the past month.
I thought heroin was supposed to make you skinnier. Roman will even botch hard drug use.
bjork, pay off that debt and I'll be all like
I also have never understood Sonic in a world with Mario.
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