Lince dorado just announced he signed with wwe today at the ignite indie show
Lince dorado just announced he signed with wwe today at the ignite indie show
what does WrassleGAF think of Scott "Flash" Norton? I really liked him back in WCW, loved his powerbomb.
I didn't know at the time that he was such a huge superstar in Japan. Seeing his matches there years later made me appreciate him even more.
We only awwwn the pre-show, Uce?Breezango v Usos on the pre show? I like it!
Did matt morph from a drone to a human?
Uce please.Breezango v Usos on the pre show? I like it!
Comic Con must be one of the few public places Becky Lynch can wear her steampunk goggles everywhere and not look out of place.
Uce we got this uce!We only awwwn the pre-show, Uce?
Does anyone remeber this guy? It was the first and only time in my life where I was uncorfotable seeing a human being. I remember seeing him for the first time and just thinking "that's not even intimidating... It's just too much".
I loved TNA back then.
Why is she doing the Dolph Ziggler entrance ramp pose?
Lince dorado just announced he signed with wwe today at the ignite indie show
This is our year!The Kaneanites delivered in the VP thread
is this what's hot in the streets rn?
This is what I imagine Data West looks like.
Nah, that's from last year.First footage of 2K17?
I'm crying right now because I know it's a possibility.
Still lame as ever.
Still lame as ever.
is that a heel turn beard, Uce?
Roman Reigns comes out to thunderous applause at the house show. Crowd didn't remember to boo until after his spots.
And even then it was not everyone booing.
House show crowds aren't concerned with identifying themselves as Smart and are more concerned with having fun.
I love how they're not even masking that Rollins and Reigns will be feuding over the belt in the Summerslam main event and that trumps everything else.
Elias Samoan.Roman looks pretty badass with a beard not gonna lie.
Heel turnRoman looks pretty badass with a beard not gonna lie.